memTask ======= memTask will remember all time which you spent in Sublime Text 2 and Sublime Text 3. See all features in "Usage" and "Changelog" sections Easy commit time to JIRA ![interface]( "interface") ![commit]( "commit") Tested on: - Windows 7 - Windows 8 - Mac OS X 10.7.5 - Mac OS X 10.8.3 - Max OS X 10.9.3 - Ubuntu - Debian WARNING! Reinstall plugin from package repository. If you have some problems on other OS please add issues. ## Plans - grouping by month (week?) - daily sending email with statistic - ignore folder list - clean statistic button - additional hotkeys for jira smart commits ## Usage - **mac, windows and linux users** - install plugin from package repository - restart ST - work few minutes in some file - ctrl+alt+t (ctrl+super+t on mac) will show all time. You can save this file with specific date in some folder, add comments - ctrl+shift+p "memTask: Show spent time" ## Changelog - **Version 0.2** - A new feature allows you to record the time between the two points. The countdown begins during the launch of the plugin. Click in any document ctrl + shift + i to see how much time has passed and start a new countdown - **Version 0.1.3** - Sublime text 3 support - **Version 0.1.2** - add date sorting - fixed incorect time in projects views - fixed using plugin on mac and windows in the same time - **Version 0.1.1** - folding by date or folder - **Version 0.1** - you can change idle time in settings - current date as root of tree