# Videcoin NFT Marketplace installation with Polygon-Matic Mainnet, Rinkeby Testnet This document gives instructions for using VideoCoin NFT Marketplace with Polygon_Matic blockchain and Rinkeby testnet. The instructions should work with any Ethereum VM compliant networks. We used Matic and Rinkeby for initial testing. Topics covered in this document: * HW Configuration used for testing * Install Docker Engine and Docker Compose * Matic Accounts and Blockchain Access * QuickNode For Blockchain Access * Configure Metamask * Setup Contract Owner, Operator and Test accounts * Installation of Contracts * Setup eth-Brownie: contract deployment tool * Install VideoCoin NFT Contract * Install Wyvern Exchange Contracts * Prepare Configuration Files for Marketplace/UI * Run the Marketplace . ## HW Configuration used for testing The installation is tested on a GCP Instance, N2-Standard 16vCPU and 64GB, 100GB SSD Persistent Disc. Enable security setting "Allow HTTP Traffic". OS: Ubuntu 20.04 ## Install Docker Engine and Docker Compose Refer https://docs.docker.com/engine/install/ for instructions on installing Docker Engine. ``` sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install apt-transport-https ca-certificates curl gnupg lsb-release curl -fsSL https://download.docker.com/linux/ubuntu/gpg | sudo gpg --dearmor -o /usr/share/keyrings/docker-archive-keyring.gpg echo "deb [arch=$(dpkg --print-architecture) signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/docker-archive-keyring.gpg] https://download.docker.com/linux/ubuntu $(lsb_release -cs) stable" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/docker.list > /dev/null sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install docker-ce docker-ce-cli containerd.io sudo groupadd docker sudo usermod -aG docker $USER newgrp docker docker run hello-world ``` Refer https://docs.docker.com/compose/install/ for instruction on installing docker-compose. ``` sudo curl -L "https://github.com/docker/compose/releases/download/1.29.2/docker-compose-$(uname -s)-$(uname -m)" -o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose docker-compose --version ``` ## Accounts and Blockchain Access ### QuickNode For Blockchain Access You need an RPC endpoint to access Polygon_matic blockchain or Rinkeby blockchain. There are several free and public rpc endpoints available. For better response times you may setup a paid setup endpoint such as from QuickNode https://www.quicknode.com/ or https://infura.io/. We used quicknode for matic and infura for Rinkeby. ### Configure Metamask: You can use the metamask wallet directly to transfer funds between Matic accounts. You can also use Polygon Wallet/Bridge on top of Metamask to transfer funds natively or using bridge. Refer the following link configuring Polygon for Metamask https://docs.polygon.technology/docs/develop/metamask/config-polygon-on-metamask/ Metamask has built-in support for Rinkeby. ### Stup Contract Owner, Operator and Test accounts Obtain a prefunded account with Matic: Matic is required to install contracts and mint NFT on Polygon-Matic blockchain. There are several methods to obtain the Matic : Obtain the matic using Crypto exchanges. Move or convert funds from other networks such as Ethereum. https://wallet.polygon.technology/ Create the following accounts and fund with Matic: - Create an owner account that can be used for installing contracts. - Create an Operator account that can be used by the Marketplace backend to transfer NFTs between accounts and pay the transaction fees. - Create two test accounts that can be used to test your newly installed Marketplace. ## Installation of Contracts on Polygon-Matic Setup eth-Brownie: contract deployment tool Refer https://eth-brownie.readthedocs.io/en/stable/install.html for installation instructions. ### Install eth_brownie ``` python3 -m pip install --user pipx python3 -m pipx ensurepath pipx install eth-brownie ``` Prepare a configuration file for matic matic-config.yaml ``` live: - name: Polygon networks: - name: Mainnet chainid: 137 id: polygon-main host: explorer: https://api.polygonscan.com/api ``` Import Matic network into Brownie ``` brownie networks import matic-config.yaml ``` eth_Brownie has built-in support for Rinkeby network. Install VideoCoin NFT Contract on Polygon-Matic Create a brownie-config.yaml to set the dependencies and solidity version. videocoin-nft-installer/videocoin-nft/brownie-config.yaml ``` dependencies: - OpenZeppelin/openzeppelin-contracts@3.4.0 compiler: minify_source: false solc: version: 0.7.6 optimizer: enabled: true runs: 1 remappings: - "@openzeppelin/contracts=OpenZeppelin/openzeppelin-contracts@3.4.0/contracts" ``` Compile and installNFT contracts ``` brownie console --network polygon-main accounts.load("owner-account-key-file-path") #Enter password for owner-account: accounts.load("operator-account-keyfile-path") #Enter password foroperator-account: nft=NFT721.deploy("VNFT", "VNFT", owner-account, {'from': accounts[0], 'gas_price': '50 gwei'}) nft.addOperator(operator-account, {'from':accounts[0], 'gas_price': '50 gwei'}) ``` *Note: Use "brownie console --network rinkeby" for Rinkeby network. Install Wyvern Exchange Contracts on Polygon-Matic Create a brownie-config.yaml to set the dependencies and solidity version. videocoin-nft-installer/wyvern-ethereum/brownie-config.yaml ``` dependencies: - OpenZeppelin/openzeppelin-contracts@1.10.0 compiler: minify_source: false solc: version: 0.4.23 optimizer: enabled: true runs: 1 remappings: - "openzeppelin-solidity/contracts=OpenZeppelin/openzeppelin-contracts@1.10.0/contracts" ``` Compile and install Wyvern Exchange contracts ``` brownie console --network polygon-main accounts.load("key file") # Supply password for the account WyvernAtomicizer.deploy({'from': accounts[0], 'gas_price': '50 gwei'}) # outputs WyvernAtomicizerAddress WyvernProxyRegistry.deploy({'from': accounts[0], 'gas_price': '50 gwei'}) # outputs ProxyRegistryAddress WyvernTokenTransferProxy.deploy(ProxyRegistryAddress, {'from': accounts[0], 'gas_price': '50 gwei'}) # outputs TokenTransferProxyAddress WyvernExchange.deploy(ProxyRegistryAddress, TokenTransferProxyAddress, ', , {'from': accounts[0], 'gas_price': '50 gwei'}) ``` Prepare Configuration Files for Marketplace/UI marketplace_env.list ``` ### Filecoin Storage NFTSTORAGE_API_KEY= STORAGE_BACKEND=nftstorage ### videonft oracle parameters ERC721_CONTRACT_ADDRESS= ERC721_AUCTION_CONTRACT_ADDRESS= ERC721_CONTRACT_KEY= ERC721_CONTRACT_KEY_PASS= ### blockchain BLOCKCHAIN_SCAN_FROM=21290483 BLOCKCHAIN_URL= DBURI="host=postgres port=5432 dbname=marketplace sslmode=disable" ``` nft-app_env.list ``` # marketplace api endpoint REACT_APP_BASE_URL='' #Allowed network for nft-app # Video NFT token contract address REACT_APP_TOKEN_ADDRESS=0x123456b74afcf96d54df3e584802e1cfa88350c8 REACT_APP_NETWORKS=137 REACT_APP_CUSTOM_PROVIDER_URL= REACT_APP_API_BASE_CUSTOM='' REACT_APP_SITE_HOST_CUSTOM= # Wyvern contract addresses REACT_APP_WYVERN_EXCHANGE= REACT_APP_WYVERN_PROXY_REGISTRY= REACT_APP_WYVERN_ATOMICIZER= REACT_APP_WYVERN_TOKEN_TRANSFER_PROXY= ``` ## Run the Marketplace Run the docker-compose script to launch the marketplace and marketplace-UI hosting. ``` cd videocoin-nft-installer docker-compose up marketplace nft-app ``` Run the marketplace UI from a browser (with Metamask extension installed). Example URL: