# Example ## Enabling catpcha response from crowdsec Crowdsec support 3 remediations solutions `ban`, `captcha`, and `throttle`. This plugins support the `ban` and `captcha` remediation. ### Traefik configuration The minimal configuration is defined below. For now 3 captcha providers are supported: - [hcaptcha](https://www.hcaptcha.com/) - [recaptcha](https://www.google.com/recaptcha/about/) - [turnstile](https://www.cloudflare.com/fr-fr/products/turnstile/) ```yaml labels: # Choose captcha provider - "traefik.http.middlewares.crowdsec.plugin.bouncer.captchaProvider=hcaptcha" # Define captcha site key - "traefik.http.middlewares.crowdsec.plugin.bouncer.captchaSiteKey=FIXME" # Define captcha secret key - "traefik.http.middlewares.crowdsec.plugin.bouncer.captchaSecretKey=FIXME" # Define captcha grade period seconds - "traefik.http.middlewares.crowdsec.plugin.bouncer.captchaGracePeriodSeconds=1800" # Define captcha HTML file path - "traefik.http.middlewares.crowdsec.plugin.bouncer.captchaHTMLFilePath=/captcha.html" ``` The captcha HTML file must be present in the Traefik container (bind mounted or added during a custom build). It is not directly accessible from Traefik even when importing the plugin, so [download](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/maxlerebourg/crowdsec-bouncer-traefik-plugin/master/captcha.html) it locally to expose it to Traefik. ```yaml ... traefik: image: "traefik:v3.0.0" volumes: - './captcha.html:/captcha.html' ... ``` ### Crowdsec configuration Crowdsec by default will take the ban action on suspicious activity detected in logs. To instruct Crowdsec to use captcha remediation, change the `/etc/crowdsec/profiles.yaml`. 2 modes are supported: - Always return a captcha decision - Return a captcha decision the first X times and then a ban decision. The second mode could be used to prevent repeated malicious activity. More information is available on configuring Crowdsec in the [official documentation](https://docs.crowdsec.net/docs/next/profiles/captcha_profile/). ```yaml ... crowdsec: image: crowdsecurity/crowdsec:v1.6.1-2 volumes: # For captcha and ban mixed decision - './profiles.yaml:/etc/crowdsec/profiles.yaml:ro' # For captcha only remediation # - './profiles_captcha_only.yaml:/etc/crowdsec/profiles.yaml:ro' ... ``` ## Exemple navigation We can try to query normally the whoami server: ```bash curl http://localhost:8000/foo ``` We can try to ban ourself ```bash docker exec crowdsec cscli decisions add --ip -d 4h --type captcha ``` ![image decision captcha](image_decision_captcha.png) We will see in the browser the captcha validation page: ![image captcha validation](image_captcha_validation.png) To play the demo environment run: ```bash make run_captcha ``` > Note, if we are banned with a "ban" decision from crowdsec a captcha will not be asked and you will have to wait for the decision to expire or remove it manually. ```bash docker exec crowdsec cscli decisions add --ip -d 10m --type ban ``` ## Captcha Workflow > Context: The user has no decision attached to his IP ```mermaid sequenceDiagram participant User participant TraefikPlugin User->>TraefikPlugin: Can I access that webpage create participant PluginCache TraefikPlugin-->>PluginCache: Does the user IP has a crowdsec decision ? Destroy PluginCache PluginCache-->>TraefikPlugin: Nothing, all good! Destroy TraefikPlugin TraefikPlugin->>Webserver: Forwarding this HTTP Request from User Webserver->>User: HTTP Response ``` > Context: The user has a captcha decision attached to his IP ```mermaid sequenceDiagram participant User participant TraefikPlugin User->>TraefikPlugin: Can I access that webpage create participant PluginCache TraefikPlugin-->>PluginCache: Does the User IP has a Crowdsec Decision ? PluginCache-->>TraefikPlugin: Yes a Catpcha Decision TraefikPlugin->>User: Please complete this captcha User->>TraefikPlugin: Fine, done! create participant ProviderCaptcha TraefikPlugin-->>ProviderCaptcha: Is the validation OK ? Destroy ProviderCaptcha ProviderCaptcha-->>TraefikPlugin: Yes TraefikPlugin-->>PluginCache: Set the User IP Clean for captchaGracePeriodSeconds Destroy PluginCache PluginCache-->>TraefikPlugin: Done Destroy TraefikPlugin TraefikPlugin->>Webserver: Forwarding this HTTP Request from User Webserver->>User: HTTP Response ``` > Context: The user has a ban decision attached to his IP ```mermaid sequenceDiagram participant User participant TraefikPlugin User->>TraefikPlugin: Can I access that webpage create participant PluginCache TraefikPlugin-->>PluginCache: Does the User IP has a Crowdsec Decision ? Destroy PluginCache PluginCache-->>TraefikPlugin: Yes a ban Decision TraefikPlugin->>User: No, HTTP 403 ``` ## Captcha Configuration: - Recaptcha Choose v2 (challenge) and configure the domain to protect: ![Recaptcha image](image_recaptcha.png) - Turnstile TODO - Hcatpcha TODO