#ifndef _POSIX_C_SOURCE #define _POSIX_C_SOURCE 200809L #endif #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif #include "maxminddb.h" #include #include #ifndef _WIN32 #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef _WIN32 #ifndef UNICODE #define UNICODE #endif #include #else #include #include #endif static void usage(char *program, int exit_code, const char *error); static const char **get_options(int argc, char **argv, char **mmdb_file, char **ip_address, int *verbose, int *iterations, int *lookup_path_length, int *const thread_count, char **const ip_file); static MMDB_s open_or_die(const char *fname); static void dump_meta(MMDB_s *mmdb); static bool lookup_from_file(MMDB_s *const mmdb, char const *const ip_file, bool const dump); static int lookup_and_print(MMDB_s *mmdb, const char *ip_address, const char **lookup_path, int lookup_path_length, bool verbose); static int benchmark(MMDB_s *mmdb, int iterations); static MMDB_lookup_result_s lookup_or_die(MMDB_s *mmdb, const char *ipstr); static void random_ipv4(char *ip); #ifndef _WIN32 // These aren't with the automatically generated prototypes as we'd lose the // enclosing macros. static bool start_threaded_benchmark(MMDB_s *const mmdb, int const thread_count, int const iterations); static long double get_time(void); static void *thread(void *arg); #endif #ifdef _WIN32 int wmain(int argc, wchar_t **wargv) { // Convert our argument list from UTF-16 to UTF-8. char **argv = (char **)calloc(argc, sizeof(char *)); if (!argv) { fprintf(stderr, "calloc(): %s\n", strerror(errno)); exit(1); } for (int i = 0; i < argc; i++) { int utf8_width; char *utf8_string; utf8_width = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, wargv[i], -1, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL); if (utf8_width < 1) { fprintf( stderr, "WideCharToMultiByte() failed: %d\n", GetLastError()); exit(1); } utf8_string = calloc(utf8_width, sizeof(char)); if (!utf8_string) { fprintf(stderr, "calloc(): %s\n", strerror(errno)); exit(1); } if (WideCharToMultiByte( CP_UTF8, 0, wargv[i], -1, utf8_string, utf8_width, NULL, NULL) < 1) { fprintf( stderr, "WideCharToMultiByte() failed: %d\n", GetLastError()); exit(1); } argv[i] = utf8_string; } #else // _WIN32 int main(int argc, char **argv) { #endif // _WIN32 char *mmdb_file = NULL; char *ip_address = NULL; int verbose = 0; int iterations = 0; int lookup_path_length = 0; int thread_count = 0; char *ip_file = NULL; const char **lookup_path = get_options(argc, argv, &mmdb_file, &ip_address, &verbose, &iterations, &lookup_path_length, &thread_count, &ip_file); MMDB_s mmdb = open_or_die(mmdb_file); if (verbose) { dump_meta(&mmdb); } // The benchmarking and lookup from file modes are hidden features mainly // intended for development right now. This means there are several flags // that exist but are intentionally not mentioned in the usage or man page. // The lookup from file mode may be useful to expose publicly in the usage, // but we should have it respect the lookup_path functionality if we do so. if (ip_file) { free((void *)lookup_path); if (!lookup_from_file(&mmdb, ip_file, verbose == 1)) { MMDB_close(&mmdb); return 1; } MMDB_close(&mmdb); return 0; } if (0 == iterations) { exit(lookup_and_print( &mmdb, ip_address, lookup_path, lookup_path_length, verbose)); } free((void *)lookup_path); srand((unsigned int)time(NULL)); #ifndef _WIN32 if (thread_count > 0) { if (!start_threaded_benchmark(&mmdb, thread_count, iterations)) { MMDB_close(&mmdb); exit(1); } MMDB_close(&mmdb); exit(0); } #endif exit(benchmark(&mmdb, iterations)); } static void usage(char *program, int exit_code, const char *error) { if (NULL != error) { fprintf(stderr, "\n *ERROR: %s\n", error); } char *usage = "\n" " %s --file /path/to/file.mmdb --ip [path to lookup]\n" "\n" " This application accepts the following options:\n" "\n" " --file (-f) The path to the MMDB file. Required.\n" "\n" " --ip (-i) The IP address to look up. Required.\n" "\n" " --verbose (-v) Turns on verbose output. Specifically, this " "causes this\n" " application to output the database metadata.\n" "\n" " --version Print the program's version number and exit.\n" "\n" " --help (-h -?) Show usage information.\n" "\n" " If an IP's data entry resolves to a map or array, you can provide\n" " a lookup path to only show part of that data.\n" "\n" " For example, given a JSON structure like this:\n" "\n" " {\n" " \"names\": {\n" " \"en\": \"Germany\",\n" " \"de\": \"Deutschland\"\n" " },\n" " \"cities\": [ \"Berlin\", \"Frankfurt\" ]\n" " }\n" "\n" " You could look up just the English name by calling mmdblookup with " "a lookup path of:\n" "\n" " mmdblookup --file ... --ip ... names en\n" "\n" " Or you could look up the second city in the list with:\n" "\n" " mmdblookup --file ... --ip ... cities 1\n" "\n" " Array numbering begins with zero (0).\n" "\n" " If you do not provide a path to lookup, all of the information for " "a given IP\n" " will be shown.\n" "\n"; fprintf(stdout, usage, program); exit(exit_code); } static const char **get_options(int argc, char **argv, char **mmdb_file, char **ip_address, int *verbose, int *iterations, int *lookup_path_length, int *const thread_count, char **const ip_file) { static int help = 0; static int version = 0; #ifdef _WIN32 char *program = alloca(strlen(argv[0])); _splitpath(argv[0], NULL, NULL, program, NULL); _splitpath(argv[0], NULL, NULL, NULL, program + strlen(program)); #else char *program = basename(argv[0]); #endif while (1) { static struct option options[] = { {"file", required_argument, 0, 'f'}, {"ip", required_argument, 0, 'i'}, {"verbose", no_argument, 0, 'v'}, {"version", no_argument, 0, 'n'}, {"benchmark", required_argument, 0, 'b'}, #ifndef _WIN32 {"threads", required_argument, 0, 't'}, #endif {"ip-file", required_argument, 0, 'I'}, {"help", no_argument, 0, 'h'}, {"?", no_argument, 0, 1}, {0, 0, 0, 0}}; int opt_index; #ifdef _WIN32 char const *const optstring = "f:i:b:I:vnh?"; #else char const *const optstring = "f:i:b:t:I:vnh?"; #endif int opt_char = getopt_long(argc, argv, optstring, options, &opt_index); if (-1 == opt_char) { break; } if ('f' == opt_char) { *mmdb_file = optarg; } else if ('i' == opt_char) { *ip_address = optarg; } else if ('v' == opt_char) { *verbose = 1; } else if ('n' == opt_char) { version = 1; } else if ('b' == opt_char) { long const i = strtol(optarg, NULL, 10); if (i > INT_MAX) { usage(program, 1, "iterations exceeds maximum value"); } *iterations = (int)i; } else if ('h' == opt_char || '?' == opt_char) { help = 1; } else if (opt_char == 't') { long const i = strtol(optarg, NULL, 10); if (i > INT_MAX) { usage(program, 1, "thread count exceeds maximum value"); } *thread_count = (int)i; } else if (opt_char == 'I') { *ip_file = optarg; } } if (help) { usage(program, 0, NULL); } if (version) { fprintf(stdout, "\n %s version %s\n\n", program, PACKAGE_VERSION); exit(0); } if (NULL == *mmdb_file) { usage(program, 1, "You must provide a filename with --file"); } if (*ip_address == NULL && *iterations == 0 && !*ip_file) { usage(program, 1, "You must provide an IP address with --ip"); } const char **lookup_path = calloc((size_t)(argc - optind) + 1, sizeof(const char *)); if (!lookup_path) { fprintf(stderr, "calloc(): %s\n", strerror(errno)); exit(1); } int i; for (i = 0; i < argc - optind; i++) { lookup_path[i] = argv[i + optind]; (*lookup_path_length)++; } lookup_path[i] = NULL; return lookup_path; } static MMDB_s open_or_die(const char *fname) { MMDB_s mmdb; int status = MMDB_open(fname, MMDB_MODE_MMAP, &mmdb); if (MMDB_SUCCESS != status) { fprintf( stderr, "\n Can't open %s - %s\n", fname, MMDB_strerror(status)); if (MMDB_IO_ERROR == status) { fprintf(stderr, " IO error: %s\n", strerror(errno)); } fprintf(stderr, "\n"); exit(2); } return mmdb; } static void dump_meta(MMDB_s *mmdb) { const char *meta_dump = "\n" " Database metadata\n" " Node count: %i\n" " Record size: %i bits\n" " IP version: IPv%i\n" " Binary format: %i.%i\n" " Build epoch: %llu (%s)\n" " Type: %s\n" " Languages: "; char date[40]; const time_t epoch = (const time_t)mmdb->metadata.build_epoch; strftime(date, 40, "%F %T UTC", gmtime(&epoch)); fprintf(stdout, meta_dump, mmdb->metadata.node_count, mmdb->metadata.record_size, mmdb->metadata.ip_version, mmdb->metadata.binary_format_major_version, mmdb->metadata.binary_format_minor_version, mmdb->metadata.build_epoch, date, mmdb->metadata.database_type); for (size_t i = 0; i < mmdb->metadata.languages.count; i++) { fprintf(stdout, "%s", mmdb->metadata.languages.names[i]); if (i < mmdb->metadata.languages.count - 1) { fprintf(stdout, " "); } } fprintf(stdout, "\n"); fprintf(stdout, " Description:\n"); for (size_t i = 0; i < mmdb->metadata.description.count; i++) { fprintf(stdout, " %s: %s\n", mmdb->metadata.description.descriptions[i]->language, mmdb->metadata.description.descriptions[i]->description); } fprintf(stdout, "\n"); } // The input file should have one IP per line. // // We look up each IP. // // If dump is true, we dump the data for each IP to stderr. This is useful for // comparison in that you can dump out the data for the IPs before and after // making changes. It goes to stderr rather than stdout so that the report does // not get included in what you will compare (since it will almost always be // different). // // In addition to being useful for comparisons, this function provides a way to // have a more deterministic set of lookups for benchmarking. static bool lookup_from_file(MMDB_s *const mmdb, char const *const ip_file, bool const dump) { FILE *const fh = fopen(ip_file, "r"); if (!fh) { fprintf(stderr, "fopen(): %s: %s\n", ip_file, strerror(errno)); return false; } clock_t const clock_start = clock(); char buf[1024] = {0}; // I'd normally use uint64_t, but support for it is optional in C99. unsigned long long i = 0; while (1) { if (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), fh) == NULL) { if (!feof(fh)) { fprintf(stderr, "fgets(): %s\n", strerror(errno)); fclose(fh); return false; } if (fclose(fh) != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "fclose(): %s\n", strerror(errno)); return false; } break; } char *ptr = buf; while (*ptr != '\0') { if (*ptr == '\n') { *ptr = '\0'; break; } ptr++; } if (strlen(buf) == 0) { continue; } i++; MMDB_lookup_result_s result = lookup_or_die(mmdb, buf); if (!result.found_entry) { continue; } MMDB_entry_data_list_s *entry_data_list = NULL; int const status = MMDB_get_entry_data_list(&result.entry, &entry_data_list); if (status != MMDB_SUCCESS) { fprintf(stderr, "MMDB_get_entry_data_list(): %s\n", MMDB_strerror(status)); fclose(fh); MMDB_free_entry_data_list(entry_data_list); return false; } if (!entry_data_list) { fprintf(stderr, "entry_data_list is NULL\n"); fclose(fh); return false; } if (dump) { fprintf(stdout, "%s:\n", buf); int const status2 = MMDB_dump_entry_data_list(stderr, entry_data_list, 0); if (status2 != MMDB_SUCCESS) { fprintf(stderr, "MMDB_dump_entry_data_list(): %s\n", MMDB_strerror(status2)); fclose(fh); MMDB_free_entry_data_list(entry_data_list); return false; } } MMDB_free_entry_data_list(entry_data_list); } clock_t const clock_diff = clock() - clock_start; double const seconds = (double)clock_diff / CLOCKS_PER_SEC; fprintf( stdout, "Looked up %llu addresses in %.2f seconds. %.2Lf lookups per second.\n", i, seconds, (long double)i / seconds); return true; } static int lookup_and_print(MMDB_s *mmdb, const char *ip_address, const char **lookup_path, int lookup_path_length, bool verbose) { MMDB_lookup_result_s result = lookup_or_die(mmdb, ip_address); MMDB_entry_data_list_s *entry_data_list = NULL; int exit_code = 0; if (verbose) { fprintf(stdout, "\n Record prefix length: %d\n", result.netmask); } if (result.found_entry) { int status; if (lookup_path_length) { MMDB_entry_data_s entry_data; status = MMDB_aget_value(&result.entry, &entry_data, lookup_path); if (MMDB_SUCCESS == status) { if (entry_data.offset) { MMDB_entry_s entry = {.mmdb = mmdb, .offset = entry_data.offset}; status = MMDB_get_entry_data_list(&entry, &entry_data_list); } else { fprintf(stdout, "\n No data was found at the lookup path you " "provided\n\n"); } } } else { status = MMDB_get_entry_data_list(&result.entry, &entry_data_list); } if (MMDB_SUCCESS != status) { fprintf(stderr, "Got an error looking up the entry data - %s\n", MMDB_strerror(status)); exit_code = 5; goto end; } if (NULL != entry_data_list) { fprintf(stdout, "\n"); MMDB_dump_entry_data_list(stdout, entry_data_list, 2); fprintf(stdout, "\n"); } } else { fprintf(stderr, "\n Could not find an entry for this IP address (%s)\n\n", ip_address); exit_code = 6; } end: MMDB_free_entry_data_list(entry_data_list); MMDB_close(mmdb); free((void *)lookup_path); return exit_code; } static int benchmark(MMDB_s *mmdb, int iterations) { char ip_address[16]; int exit_code = 0; clock_t time = clock(); for (int i = 0; i < iterations; i++) { random_ipv4(ip_address); MMDB_lookup_result_s result = lookup_or_die(mmdb, ip_address); MMDB_entry_data_list_s *entry_data_list = NULL; if (result.found_entry) { int status = MMDB_get_entry_data_list(&result.entry, &entry_data_list); if (MMDB_SUCCESS != status) { fprintf(stderr, "Got an error looking up the entry data - %s\n", MMDB_strerror(status)); exit_code = 5; MMDB_free_entry_data_list(entry_data_list); goto end; } } MMDB_free_entry_data_list(entry_data_list); } time = clock() - time; double seconds = ((double)time / CLOCKS_PER_SEC); fprintf(stdout, "\n Looked up %i addresses in %.2f seconds. %.2f lookups per " "second.\n\n", iterations, seconds, iterations / seconds); end: MMDB_close(mmdb); return exit_code; } static MMDB_lookup_result_s lookup_or_die(MMDB_s *mmdb, const char *ipstr) { int gai_error, mmdb_error; MMDB_lookup_result_s result = MMDB_lookup_string(mmdb, ipstr, &gai_error, &mmdb_error); if (0 != gai_error) { #ifdef _WIN32 char const *const strerr = gai_strerrorA(gai_error); #else char const *const strerr = gai_strerror(gai_error); #endif fprintf(stderr, "\n Error from call to getaddrinfo for %s - %s\n\n", ipstr, strerr); exit(3); } if (MMDB_SUCCESS != mmdb_error) { fprintf(stderr, "\n Got an error from the maxminddb library: %s\n\n", MMDB_strerror(mmdb_error)); exit(4); } return result; } static void random_ipv4(char *ip) { // rand() is perfectly fine for this use case // coverity[dont_call] int ip_int = rand(); uint8_t *bytes = (uint8_t *)&ip_int; snprintf(ip, 16, "%u.%u.%u.%u", *bytes, *(bytes + 1), *(bytes + 2), *(bytes + 3)); } #ifndef _WIN32 struct thread_info { pthread_t id; int num; MMDB_s *mmdb; int iterations; }; static bool start_threaded_benchmark(MMDB_s *const mmdb, int const thread_count, int const iterations) { struct thread_info *const tinfo = calloc((size_t)thread_count, sizeof(struct thread_info)); if (!tinfo) { fprintf(stderr, "calloc(): %s\n", strerror(errno)); return false; } // Using clock() isn't appropriate for multiple threads. It's CPU time, not // wall time. long double const start_time = get_time(); if (start_time == -1) { free(tinfo); return false; } for (int i = 0; i < thread_count; i++) { tinfo[i].num = i; tinfo[i].mmdb = mmdb; tinfo[i].iterations = iterations; if (pthread_create(&tinfo[i].id, NULL, &thread, &tinfo[i]) != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "pthread_create() failed\n"); free(tinfo); return false; } } for (int i = 0; i < thread_count; i++) { if (pthread_join(tinfo[i].id, NULL) != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "pthread_join() failed\n"); free(tinfo); return false; } } free(tinfo); long double const end_time = get_time(); if (end_time == -1) { return false; } long double const elapsed = end_time - start_time; unsigned long long const total_ips = (unsigned long long)(iterations * thread_count); long double rate = total_ips; if (elapsed != 0) { rate = total_ips / elapsed; } fprintf(stdout, "Looked up %llu addresses using %d threads in %.2Lf seconds. %.2Lf " "lookups per second.\n", total_ips, thread_count, elapsed, rate); return true; } static long double get_time(void) { // clock_gettime() is not present on OSX until 10.12. #ifdef HAVE_CLOCK_GETTIME struct timespec tp = { .tv_sec = 0, .tv_nsec = 0, }; clockid_t clk_id = CLOCK_REALTIME; #ifdef _POSIX_MONOTONIC_CLOCK clk_id = CLOCK_MONOTONIC; #endif if (clock_gettime(clk_id, &tp) != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "clock_gettime(): %s\n", strerror(errno)); return -1; } return (long double)tp.tv_sec + ((float)tp.tv_nsec / 1e9); #else time_t t = time(NULL); if (t == (time_t)-1) { fprintf(stderr, "time(): %s\n", strerror(errno)); return -1; } return (long double)t; #endif } static void *thread(void *arg) { const struct thread_info *const tinfo = arg; if (!tinfo) { fprintf(stderr, "thread(): %s\n", strerror(EINVAL)); return NULL; } char ip_address[16] = {0}; for (int i = 0; i < tinfo->iterations; i++) { memset(ip_address, 0, 16); random_ipv4(ip_address); MMDB_lookup_result_s result = lookup_or_die(tinfo->mmdb, ip_address); if (!result.found_entry) { continue; } MMDB_entry_data_list_s *entry_data_list = NULL; int const status = MMDB_get_entry_data_list(&result.entry, &entry_data_list); if (status != MMDB_SUCCESS) { fprintf(stderr, "MMDB_get_entry_data_list(): %s\n", MMDB_strerror(status)); MMDB_free_entry_data_list(entry_data_list); return NULL; } if (!entry_data_list) { fprintf(stderr, "entry_data_list is NULL\n"); return NULL; } MMDB_free_entry_data_list(entry_data_list); } return NULL; } #endif