#!/bin/bash ####################################################################### # # # Script to install lggr.io on a FRESH and CLEAN Debian 11 Server. # # Adjust the Variables section to your needs, or leave the defaults. # # # # rev 1.1 - 16.01.2022 ~ lggr.io@bachmann-lan.de # # rev 1.0 - 02.01.2021 ~ lggr.io@bachmann-lan.de # # # ####################################################################### # bash colors blue='\e[94m' red='\e[91m' white='\e[97m' green='\e[92m' bluebackground='\e[44m' redbackground='\e[101m' reset='\033[0m' # check if we are root if [[ $EUID -ne 0 ]]; then echo -e $red"This script must be run as root!" 2>&1 $reset echo exit 1 fi # header warning clear echo -e $redbackground"######################################################################" echo -e "# #" echo -e "# !THIS SCRIPT SHOULD ONLY BE EXECUTED ON A CLEAN INSTALLED SERVER! #" echo -e "# #" echo -e "######################################################################"$reset echo read -p "$(echo -e $green**$white Are you sure to start the installation of the lggr.io Server? "(Y/N)"$reset) " -n 1 -r if [[ ! $REPLY =~ ^[Yy]$ ]]; then echo exit 1 else # header info function header { clear echo -e $bluebackground"######################################################################" echo -e "# _ _ _ _ _ _ #" echo -e "# | | __ _ __ _ _ __(_) ___ (_)_ __ ___| |_ __ _| | | #" echo -e "# | |/ _\` |/ _\` | '__| |/ _ \ | | '_ \/ __| __/ _\` | | | #" echo -e "# | | (_| | (_| | |_ | | (_) | | | | | \__ \ || (_| | | | #" echo -e "# |_|\__, |\__, |_(_)|_|\___/ |_|_| |_|___/\__\__,_|_|_| #" echo -e "# |___/ |___/ #" echo -e "# #" echo -e "######################################################################"$reset } ####################################################################### # Variables - ADJUST, OR GO WITH THE DEFAULTS # ####################################################################### locale="en_US" # set language (en_US, de_DE) lggrwebdir="lggr" # directory to install lggr.io in /var/www/html lggrwebuser="lggr" # lggr webinterface user lggrwebpass="lggradmin" # lggr webinterface password lggrdbname="lggr" # lggr database name lggrdbuser="lggr" # lggr user (used by syslog-ng for inserting new data) lggrdbpass="34fGtir3" # lggr database password (used by syslog-ng for inserting new data) lggrdbviewer="lggrviewer" # lggr logviewer user (used by the web gui for normal viewing) lggrdbviewerpass="efH34q30" # lggr logviewer password (used by the web gui for normal viewing) lggrdbadmin="lggradmin" # lggr admin user (used by clean up cron job and for archiving) lggrdbadminpass="92gHu338" # lggr admin password (used by clean up cron job and for archiving) # update system header echo -e $white*$green update system$reset apt-get update && apt-get upgrade -y # install all required packages header echo -e $white*$green install all required packages$reset apt install -y apache2 mariadb-server mariadb-client php7.4 php7.4-cli php7.4-mysql php-redis redis-server syslog-ng libdbd-mysql wget git ####################################################################### # add de_DE and update locales # ####################################################################### header echo -e $white*$green add and update locales$reset # enable locales de_DE.UTF-8 sed -i 's/# de_DE.UTF-8 UTF-8/de_DE.UTF-8 UTF-8/' /etc/locale.gen /usr/sbin/locale-gen ####################################################################### # Apache & PHP # ####################################################################### header echo -e $white*$green Apache and PHP$reset # set date and timezone sed -i -e "s/^;date.timezone =/date.timezone = Europe\/Berlin/" /etc/php/7.4/apache2/php.ini sed -i -e "s/^;date.timezone =/date.timezone = Europe\/Berlin/" /etc/php/7.4/cli/php.ini # create Apache configuration mv /etc/apache2/sites-available/000-default.conf /etc/apache2/sites-available/000-default.conf_ORG cat << EOF > /etc/apache2/sites-available/000-default.conf ServerAdmin webmaster@localhost DocumentRoot /var/www/html ErrorLog \${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/error.log CustomLog \${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/access.log combined # basic authentification for the lggr.io directory AllowOverride All EOF # create index.html to redirect to lggr.io webinterface cat << EOF > /var/www/html/index.html lggr.io EOF # create basic authentification user and password htpasswd -cb /var/www/webuser $lggrwebuser $lggrwebpass # activate Apache modules headers and expires a2enmod headers expires # restart apache2 systemctl restart apache2.service ####################################################################### # lggr.io # ####################################################################### header echo -e $white*$green lggr.io$reset # clone github repository cd /var/www/html git clone https://github.com/kkretsch/lggr.git $lggrwebdir # download and extract 3rd parties libraries wget https://lggr.io/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/lggr_contrib.tar.gz tar xfz lggr_contrib.tar.gz -C /var/www/html/$lggrwebdir # the webuser needs write access to the lggr cache directory chown www-data:www-data /var/www/html/$lggrwebdir/cache # create config_class.php mv /var/www/html/$lggrwebdir/inc/config_class.php /var/www/html/$lggrwebdir/inc/config_class.php_ORG cat << EOF > /var/www/html/$lggrwebdir/inc/config_class.php setDbUser('$lggrdbviewer'); \$this->setDbPwd('$lggrdbviewerpass'); \$this->setDbName('$lggrdbname'); // Set your preferred language en_US, de_DE, or pt_BR \$this->setLocale('$locale'); /* local storage */ \$this->setUrlBootstrap('/$lggrwebdir/contrib/bootstrap/'); \$this->setUrlJquery('/$lggrwebdir/contrib/jquery/'); \$this->setUrlJqueryui('/$lggrwebdir/contrib/jqueryui/'); \$this->setUrlJAtimepicker('/$lggrwebdir/contrib/timepicker/'); \$this->setUrlChartjs('/$lggrwebdir/contrib/chartjs/'); \$this->setUrlJQCloud('/$lggrwebdir/contrib/jqcloud/'); } // constructor } // class EOF # create cronjobs for maintenance cat << EOF > /etc/cron.d/lggr # disable sending emails MAILTO="" # on default it keeps the last 4 weeks of entries, to purge old messages run admin/cron.php daily 30 1 * * * www-data /usr/bin/php /var/www/html/$lggrwebdir/admin/cron.php # to prepare server id/name relations run admin/cron_often.php every 5 minutes */5 * * * * www-data /usr/bin/php /var/www/html/$lggrwebdir/admin/cron_often.php EOF ####################################################################### # MariaDB # ####################################################################### header echo -e $white*$green MariaDB$reset # create database mysql -e "CREATE DATABASE $lggrdbname;" # create user.sql mv /var/www/html/$lggrwebdir/doc/user.sql /var/www/html/$lggrwebdir/doc/user.sql_ORG cat << EOF > /var/www/html/$lggrwebdir/doc/user.sql # create the following three mysql users: # used by syslog-ng for inserting new data, referenced in /etc/syslog-ng/conf.d/08lggr.conf GRANT INSERT,SELECT,UPDATE ON $lggrdbname.* TO $lggrdbuser@localhost IDENTIFIED BY '$lggrdbpass'; # used by the web gui for normal viewing, referenced in inc/config_class.php GRANT SELECT ON $lggrdbname.* TO $lggrdbviewer@localhost IDENTIFIED BY '$lggrdbviewerpass'; # used by clean up cron job and for archiving, referenced in inc/adminconfig_class.php GRANT SELECT,UPDATE,DELETE ON $lggrdbname.* TO $lggrdbadmin@localhost IDENTIFIED BY '$lggrdbadminpass'; GRANT SELECT,INSERT ON TABLE $lggrdbname.servers TO $lggrdbadmin@localhost; # activate changes FLUSH PRIVILEGES; EOF # adjust database name in db.sql sed -i -e "s/\`lggr\`/\`$lggrdbname\`/" /var/www/html/$lggrwebdir/doc/db.sql # import db.sql mysql -u root $lggrdbname < /var/www/html/$lggrwebdir/doc/db.sql # import user.sql mysql -u root < /var/www/html/$lggrwebdir/doc/user.sql # create new adminconfig_class.php cat << EOF > /var/www/html/$lggrwebdir/inc/adminconfig_class.php setDbUser('$lggrdbadmin'); \$this->setDbPwd('$lggrdbadminpass'); \$this->setDbName('$lggrdbname'); } // constructor } // class EOF # change SQL_MODE (errors with the current default settings of mariadb) sed -i '/\[mysqld\]/a sql_mode=ERROR_FOR_DIVISION_BY_ZERO,NO_AUTO_CREATE_USER' /etc/mysql/mariadb.conf.d/50-server.cnf # ***BUG*** mixed upper- and lowercase tablenames, adjust them to lowercase sed -i '/\[mysqld\]/a lower_case_table_names = 1' /etc/mysql/mariadb.conf.d/50-server.cnf # restart mariadb systemctl restart mariadb.service ####################################################################### # syslog-ng # ####################################################################### header echo -e $white*$green syslog-ng$reset # create 08lggr.conf cat << EOF > /etc/syslog-ng/conf.d/08lggr.conf filter f_no_debug { not level(debug); }; options { keep_hostname(yes); }; source s_net { udp( ip("") port(514) log-iw-size(2000) ); }; # source s_net { tcp( ip("") port(514) max-connections(20) log-iw-size(2000) ); }; destination d_newmysql { sql( flags(dont-create-tables,explicit-commits) session-statements("SET NAMES 'utf8'") batch-lines(10) batch-timeout(5000) local_time_zone("Europe/Berlin") type(mysql) username("$lggrdbuser") password("$lggrdbpass") database("$lggrdbname") host("localhost") table("newlogs") columns("date", "facility", "level", "host", "program", "pid", "message") values("\${R_YEAR}-\${R_MONTH}-\${R_DAY} \${R_HOUR}:\${R_MIN}:\${R_SEC}", "\$FACILITY", "\$LEVEL", "\$HOST", "\$PROGRAM", "\$PID", "\$MSGONLY") indexes() ); }; log { source(s_net); source(s_src); filter(f_no_debug); destination(d_newmysql); }; EOF # enable --no-caps option in syslog-ng sed -i -e "s/^#SYSLOGNG/SYSLOGNG/" /etc/default/syslog-ng # enable client logging to syslog-ng cat << EOF > /etc/syslog-ng/conf.d/10lggr-client.conf destination d_net { udp("" port(514) log_fifo_size(1000)); }; log { source(s_src); destination(d_net); }; EOF # restart syslog-ng service systemctl restart syslog-ng.service ####################################################################### # BUGS - yes, they still exist # ####################################################################### header echo -e $white*$green fixing some bugs$reset # ***BUG*** remove all ^M characters in *.php files find $lggrwebdir -name "*.php" -exec sed -i -e "s/\r//g" {} \; # ***BUG*** archiving logs not possible, wrong path to do.php in lggr.js sed -i -e "s/'\/do.php/'.\/do.php/g" /var/www/html/$lggrwebdir/js/lggr.js # ***BUG*** Statistic Page -> Message levels relative distribution, err chart is green instead of red, missing # sed -i -e "s/d9534f/#d9534f/" /var/www/html/$lggrwebdir/js/lggr_stat_data.php ####################################################################### # some theme modifications # ####################################################################### header echo -e $white*$green some theme modifications$reset # remove Program Cloud on Statistic page sed -i -e "s/

Program Cloud<\/h2>/<\!--

Program Cloud<\/h2> -->/" /var/www/html/$lggrwebdir/stats.php sed -i -e "s/
<\/div> -->/" /var/www/html/$lggrwebdir/stats.php ####################################################################### # create and insert new info page # ####################################################################### header echo -e $white*$green create and insert new info page$reset # add link in header menu to this new page sed -i '/Project/a \
  • \' $lggrwebdir/tpl/nav.inc.php sed -i s"/(Info)/('Info')/" $lggrwebdir/tpl/nav.inc.php # create info page cat << EOF > $lggrwebdir/info.php
    '; require INC_FOOTER; exit(); } if (version_compare(phpversion(), '5.4', '<')) { echo '
    '; } require 'tpl/nav.inc.php'; ?>

    https//lggr.io - The web based syslog gui

    lggr.io (old version)

    This lggr.io installation was build from the old and archived GitHub Repository.

    lggr.io (new version)

    The new maintained version can be found on GitLab.

    EOF ####################################################################### # FINISHED # ####################################################################### header echo -e $white*$green finished$reset echo echo "---------------------------------------------------------------------" echo -e "*$green lggr.io Webinterface $white " echo "---------------------------------------------------------------------" echo "url : http://`hostname -f` " echo "url : http://`hostname -I` " echo "login : user: $lggrwebuser with password: $lggrwebpass " echo "---------------------------------------------------------------------" echo -e $reset fi # END OF SCRIPT