# ngPost configuration file # # ## Lang for the app. Currently supported: EN, FR, ES, DE, NL, PT, ZH lang = EN ## use Proxy (only Socks5 type!) #PROXY_SOCKS5 = user:pass@ ## destination folder for all your nzb ## if you don't put anything, the nzb will be generated in the folder of ngPost on Windows and in /tmp on Linux ## this will be overwritten if you use the option -o with the full path of the nzb nzbPath = /tmp #nzbPath = C:\ngPost\tmp ## Shutdown command to switch off the computer when ngPost is done with all its queued posting ## this should mainly used with the auto posting ## you could use whatever script instead (like to send a mail...) #SHUTDOWN_CMD = shutdown /s /f /t 0 (Windows) #SHUTDOWN_CMD = sudo -n /sbin/poweroff (Linux, make sure poweroff has sudo rights without any password or change the command) #SHUTDOWN_CMD = sudo -n shutdown -h now (MacOS, same make sure you've sudo rights) ## upload the nzb to a specific URL ## only http, https or ftp (neither ftps or sftp are supported) #NZB_UPLOAD_URL = ftp://user:pass@url_or_ip:21 ## execute a command or script at the end of each post (see examples) ## you can use several post commands by defining several NZB_POST_CMD ## here is the list of the available placehoders ## __nzbPath__ : full path of the written nzb file ## __nzbName__ : name of the nzb without the extension (original source name) ## __rarName__ : name of the archive files (in case of obfuscation) ## __rarPass__ : archive password ## __sizeInByte__ : size of the post (before yEnc encoding) ## __groups__ : list of groups (coma separated) ## __nbFiles__ : number of files in the post ## __nbArticles__ : number of Articles ## __nbArticlesFailed__ : number of Articles that failed to be posted # #NZB_POST_CMD = scp "__nzbPath__" myBox.com:~/nzbs/ #NZB_POST_CMD = zip "__nzbPath__.zip" "__nzbPath__" #NZB_POST_CMD = ~/scripts/postNZB.sh "__nzbPath__" "__groups__" __rarName__ __rarPass__ __sizeInByte__ __nbFiles__ __nbArticles__ __nbArticlesFailed__ #NZB_POST_CMD = mysql -h localhost -D myDB -u myUser -pmyPass-e "INSERT INTO POST (release, rarName, rarPass, size) VALUES('__nzbName__', '__rarName__', '__rarPass__', '__sizeInByte__')" #NZB_POST_CMD = cmd.exe /C move "__nzbPath__" "C:\ngPost\nzb\__nzbName__{{__rarPass__}}.nzb" #NZB_POST_CMD = curl -X POST -F "file=@__nzbPath__" -F "api=12345" -F "cat=45" -F "private=no" https://usenet.com/post-api ## nzb files are normally all created in nzbPath ## but using this option, the nzb of each monitoring folder will be stored in their own folder (created in nzbPath) #MONITOR_NZB_FOLDERS = true ## for monitoring, extension file filter for new incoming files (coma separated, no dot) #MONITOR_EXTENSIONS = mkv,mp4,avi,zip,tar,gz,iso ## for monitoring, ignore new incoming folders #MONITOR_IGNORE_DIR = true ## for monitoring, delay to check the size of an incoming file/folder to make sure it is fully arrived before posting it ## must be between 1sec and 120sec (otherwise default: 1sec) MONITOR_SEC_DELAY_SCAN = 1 ## Default folder to open to select files from the HMI inputDir = /tmp ## History posting file ## each succesful post will append a line with the date, the file name, the archive name, the password... POST_HISTORY = /nzb/ngPost_history.csv ## Character used to separate fields in the history posting file #FIELD_SEPARATOR = ; GROUPS = alt.binaries.test,alt.binaries.misc ## If you give several Groups (comma separated) you've 3 policy when posting: ## ALL : everything is posted on ALL the Groups ## EACH_POST : each Post will be posted on a random Group from the list ## EACH_FILE : each File will be posted on a random Group from the list (only with Article's obfuscation) GROUP_POLICY = EACH_POST ## uncomment the next line if you want a fixed uploader email (in the nzb and in the header of each articles) ## if you let it commented, we'll generate ONE random email for all the posts of the session #FROM = someone@ngPost.com ## Generate new random poster for each post (--auto or --monitor) ## if this option is set the FROM email just above will be ignored GEN_FROM = true ## uncomment the next line to limit the number of threads, (by default it'll use the number of cores) ## all the connections are spread equally on those posting threads #thread = 1 ## How to display progress in command line: NONE, BAR, FILES DISP_PROGRESS = BAR #DISP_PROGRESS = FILES ## suffix of the msg_id for all the articles (cf nzb file) #msg_id = ngPost ## article size (default 700k) article_size = 716800 ## number of retry to post an Article in case of failure (probably due to an already existing msg-id) retry = 5 ## uncomment the following line to obfuscate the subjects of each Article ## /!\ CAREFUL you won't find your post if you lose the nzb file /!\ #obfuscate = article ## remove accents and special characters from the nzb file names NZB_RM_ACCENTS = true ## close Quick Post Tabs when posted successfully (for the GUI) #AUTO_CLOSE_TABS = true ## Time to wait (seconds) before trying to resume a Post automatically in case of loss of Network (min: 30) RESUME_WAIT = 30 ## By default, ngPost tries to resume a Post if the network is down. ## it won't stop trying until the network is back and the post is finished properly ## you can disable this feature and thus stop a post when you loose the network #NO_RESUME_AUTO = true ## if there is no activity on a connection it will be closed and restarted ## The duration is in second, default: 30, min: 5 SOCK_TIMEOUT = 30 ## when several posts are queued, prepare the packing of the next post while uploading the current one PREPARE_PACKING = true ## For GUI ONLY, save the logs in a file (to debug potential crashes) ## ~/ngPost.log on Linux and MacOS, in the executable folder for Windows ## The log is overwritten each time ngPost is launched ## => after a crash, please SAVE the log before relaunching ngPost LOG_IN_FILE = true ############################################################## ## Compression and par2 section ## ############################################################## ## Shortcut for automatic packing for both GUI and CMD using --pack ## coma separated list using the keywords COMPRESS, GEN_NAME, GEN_PASS and GEN_PAR2 ## For Auto posting and Monitoring if you don't use COMPRESS you need GEN_PA2 #PACK = COMPRESS, GEN_NAME, GEN_PASS, GEN_PAR2 #PACK = GEN_PAR2 ## use the same Password for all your Posts using compression #RAR_PASS = myPassword ## temporary folder where the compressed files and par2 will be stored ## so we can post directly a compressed (obfuscated or not) archive of the selected files ## /!\ The directory MUST HAVE WRITE PERMISSION /!\ ## this is set for Linux environment, Windows users MUST change it TMP_DIR = /tmp #TMP_DIR = C:\ngPost\tmp ## temporary folder with size constraint, typically a tmpfs partition ## the size of a post multiply by TMP_RAM_RATIO must available on the disk ## otherwise ngPost will use TMP_DIR (with no check) ## (uncomment and define TMP_RAM to activate the feature, make sure the path is writable) #TMP_RAM = /mnt/ngPost_tmpfs ## Ratio used on the source files size to compensate the par2 generation ## min is 10% to be sure (so 1.1), max 2.0 TMP_RAM_RATIO = 1.1 ## RAR absolute file path (external application) ## /!\ The file MUST EXIST and BE EXECUTABLE /!\ ## this is set for Linux environment, Windows users MUST change it RAR_PATH = /usr/bin/rar #RAR_PATH = C:\Program Files\WinRAR\Rar.exe #RAR_PATH = /usr/bin/7z #RAR_PATH = C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe ## RAR EXTRA options (the first 'a' and '-idp' will be added automatically) ## -hp will be added if you use a password with --gen_pass, --rar_pass or using the HMI ## -v42m will be added with --rar_size or using the HMI ## you could change the compression level, lock the archive, add redundancy... #RAR_EXTRA = -ep1 -m0 -k -rr5p #RAR_EXTRA = -mx0 -mhe=on (for 7-zip) ## size in MB of the RAR volumes (0 by default meaning NO split) ## feel free to change the value or to comment the next line if you don't want to split the archive RAR_SIZE = 42 ## maximum number of archive volumes ## we'll use RAR_SIZE except if it genereates too many volumes ## in that case we'll update rar_size to be / rar_max RAR_MAX = 99 ## keep rar folder after posting (otherwise it is automatically deleted uppon successful post) #KEEP_RAR = true ## Remove root (parent) folder when compressing Folders using RAR #RAR_NO_ROOT_FOLDER = true ## par2 redundancy percentage (0 by default meaning NO par2 generation) PAR2_PCT = 8 ## par2 (or alternative) absolute file path ## this is only useful if you compile from source (as par2 is included on Windows and the AppImage) ## or if you wish to use an alternative to par2 (for exemple Multipar on Windows) ## (in that case, you may need to set also PAR2_ARGS) #PAR2_PATH = /usr/local/bin/parpar #PAR2_PATH = /usr/bin/par2 #PAR2_PATH = C:\Program Files\MultiPar\par2j64.exe ## fixed parameters for the par2 (or alternative) command ## you could for exemple use Multipar on Windows #PAR2_ARGS = -s5M -r1n*0.6 -m2048M -p1l --progress stdout -q (for parpar) #PAR2_ARGS = c -l -m1024 -r8 -s768000 (for par2cmdline) #PAR2_ARGS = create /rr8 /lc40 /lr /rd2 /ss768000 (for Multipar) ## length of the random generated archive's file name LENGTH_NAME = 22 ## length of the random archive's passsword LENGTH_PASS = 15 ############################################################## ## servers section ## ############################################################## [server] host = news.newshosting.com port = 443 ssl = true user = myUser pass = myPass connection = 30 enabled = true nzbCheck = false ## You can add as many server if you have several providers by adding other "server" sections #[server] #host = news.otherprovider.com #port = 563 #ssl = true #user = myOtherUser #pass = myOtherPass #connection = 15 #enabled = false #nzbCheck = false