model <- plm(log(violent) ~ law, data = Guns, index = c("state", "year"), model = "pooling")
# estimate a model with state fixed effects using plm()
model_se <-
# print a summary using robust standard errors
# test whether the state fixed effects are jointly significant from zero
# estimate a model with state fixed effects using plm()
model_se <- plm(log(violent) ~ law, data = Guns, index = c("state", "year"), model = "within")
# print a summary using robust standard errors
coeftest(model_se, vcov. = vcovHC, type = "HC1")
# test whether the state fixed effects are jointly significant from zero
pFtest(model_se, model)
ex() %>% check_function("plm") %>% {
check_arg(., "formula") %>% check_equal()
check_arg(., "data") %>% check_equal()
check_arg(., "index") %>% check_equal()
check_arg(., "model") %>% check_equal()
test_function("coeftest", args="x")
test_student_typed("vcov. = vcovHC")
ex() %>% check_function("pFtest") %>% {
check_arg(., "x") %>% check_equal()
check_arg(., "z") %>% check_equal()
success_msg("Correct! Incorporating state fixed effects control for state specific unobservable omitted variables which do not vary over time (e.g. the residents attitude towards guns). Note that Including fixed effects changes both the sign and the magnitude of the estimated coefficient. The F-test reveals that the state fixed effects are jointly significantly different from zero. There is the possibility of an omitted variable bias, e.g., due to omitted variables that change over time.")