## In development - create a chat command - Manage other language - Manage trappings pack - Migrate with handlebar - Add otpion to creature generation to dont random carac and keep origin tamplate carac - Migrate to 8.x ## 2.0.0 - Foundry 0.8+ compatibility - WHFRP system 4+ compatibility ## 1.6.3 - Correct Random Career with subSpecies - Correct Halfling Native Tongue FR ## 1.6.2 ### Bugfix - World First for trappings - Bug init existing profiles dont includes new species - Bug with Creature Order - Bug with Species Order ## 1.6.1 ### New features - Deutsch support for 1.6.0 ## 1.6.0 ### New features - Add optional Step to edit NPC abilities after generation - Select a subspecies on species choosing step (wfrp-core 3.6.0 +) - Use cache skills and Talents when find for npc generator - Add optional Step to edit specialisations after generation - Add city born to first step ## 1.5.1 ### Bugfix - Remove empty group on grouped select - bug with Career skills when more than one career ## 1.5.0 ### New features - Generate Creature from an existing compendium/world creature - Can add/remove traits, skills, talents, swarm - Can change Size - Can add/remove trappings, spells, prayers, mutations - Settings for creature generator - Settings profiles for creatures - Adding optional steps to NPC generator - Can add/remove trappings, spells, prayers, mutations - Allow to resize Dialogs - Add wait message during generation ## 1.4.0 ### New features - Allow to select many careers to create a career path instead of de automatic career path - Adding Gnomes native tongue ### Bugfix - Search by tag trapping result other items that are not trappings, add filter on type items ## 1.3.1 ### Bugfix - On profiles settings, the path image and token were not persisted when selected from the foundry filepicker ## 1.3.0 ### New features - Settings to configure generation species profiles contain directory path, image path and token image path - Default setting to configure directory path - Setting to enable suffix directory path by current career name - Setting to enable linked npc generation - Setting to enable money at generation - Setting to enable weapons at generation - Add selection off species profile on option chooser step - Optimize the trappings search - Manage trapping to be equiped/wearing by default - add deutsch compatibility - Limit generation button fore those who can create actor ### Bugfix - ignore world career with same career group from compendium - add item type filter for items career reading by tag from compendium - infinite delete ecumbrance effect loop ## 1.2.1 ### Bugfix - Init compendium on first usage of generate function ## 1.2.0 ### New features - Create a function to Prompt options to generate trappings or not - Generate actor with trapping - Generate trappings on token placement - Add World settings to set options chooser default selected options ## 1.1.0 ### New features - Add a button "Random {Species}" on career chooser to limit random career allowed for selected species ## 1.0.0 ### New features - Create a generation tools with function to be used inside macro - Create a button on ActorDirectory to generate NPC - Create a function to Prompt select a species - Create a function to Prompt select a career - Create a function to Prompt select species skills - Create a function to Prompt select talent species - Create a function to Prompt select name - Generate actor with : - Name - Species, Move and Status - Characteristics with advances - Basic skill, native tongue skill, species skill, career skill, with advances - Species and career talents with effects - Complete career path with completed and current - Basic money trappings