Feature: Fill In Appointment Form Scenario: Massage at 6:00 Given I set the alias mappings | First Name | firstname | | Last Name | lastname | | Email Address | email | | Phone Number | phone | | Service Selection List | servicelist | | Appointment Date | calendar-day-2015-09-01 | | Appointment Time List | timeList | | Subscribe To Mailing List | subscribe | | Comments | comments | | Submit Button | submit | And I open the application When I set the default wait time between steps to "0.2" seconds And I set the default wait for elements to be available to "60" seconds And I populate the element found by alias "First Name" with "John" with a keystroke delay of "25" milliseconds And I populate the element found by alias "Last Name" with "Smith" with a keystroke delay of "25" milliseconds And I populate the element found by alias "Email Address" with "john@example.org" with a keystroke delay of "25" milliseconds And I populate the element found by alias "Phone Number" with "0411111111" with a keystroke delay of "25" milliseconds And I select "Massage" from the drop down list found by alias "Service Selection List" And I click the element found by alias "Appointment Date" And I select "6:00 PM" from the drop down list found by alias "Appointment Time List" And I click the element found by alias "Subscribe To Mailing List" And I populate the element found by alias "Comments" with "Can I please get Alice again if she is available?" with a keystroke delay of "25" milliseconds And I click the element found by alias "Submit Button" Then I verify that the page contains the text "Your booking was successfully submitted"