; ------------------------------------------------------------ ; ; _EntertainmentHotkeys.ahkv2, by Cavalol - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mcavallo-git/Coding/main/ahk/_EntertainmentHotkeys.ahkv2 ; ; ------------------------------------------------------------ #Requires AutoHotkey v2.0.2 ; https://www.autohotkey.com/download/2.0/AutoHotkey_2.0.2.zip ; ------------------------------------------------------------ ; ; Global Variables - User-Defined ; DebugMode := 0 ; DebugMode := 1 ; ------------------------------------------------------------ ; ; AHK - #Commands (Runtime-Configs) ; https://lexikos.github.io/v2/docs/commands/#hash ; Persistent ; https://lexikos.github.io/v2/docs/commands/Persistent.htm A_HotkeyInterval := 2000 ; https://lexikos.github.io/v2/docs/misc/A_MaxHotkeysPerInterval.htm A_MaxHotkeysPerInterval := 2000 ; https://lexikos.github.io/v2/docs/misc/A_MaxHotkeysPerInterval.htm #SingleInstance Force ; https://lexikos.github.io/v2/docs/commands/_SingleInstance.htm ; DetectHiddenText 1 ; https://lexikos.github.io/v2/docs/commands/DetectHiddenText.htm DetectHiddenWindows 1 ; https://lexikos.github.io/v2/docs/commands/DetectHiddenWindows.htm InstallKeybdHook ; Keyboard hook is required to use variables `A_PriorHotkey` & `A_TimeSincePriorHotkey` ; https://lexikos.github.io/v2/docs/commands/InstallKeybdHook.htm SetCapsLockState "Off" ; https://lexikos.github.io/v2/docs/commands/SetNumScrollCapsLockState.htm SetNumLockState "On" ; https://lexikos.github.io/v2/docs/commands/SetNumScrollCapsLockState.htm SetTitleMatchMode 2 ; Title must [ CONTAIN ] the given WinTitle - https://lexikos.github.io/v2/docs/commands/SetTitleMatchMode.htm SetWorkingDir A_ScriptDir ; https://lexikos.github.io/v2/docs/commands/SetWorkingDir.htm ; ------------------------------------------------------------ ; ; Show the Version of AHK currently being used to compile this code ; If (DebugMode == 1) { TrayTip "AHK", ("Version: v" A_AhkVersion) ; Toast Notification } ; ------------------------------------------------------------ ; ------------------------------------------------------------ ; --- HOTKEY LISTENERS --- ; ------------------------------------------------------------ ; ------------------------------------------------------------ ; ------------------------------ ; ; HOTKEY: WinKey + Esc ; ACTION: Refresh This Script ::: Closes then re-opens this script (Allows saved changes to THIS script (file) to be tested/applied on the fly) ; ~#Escape:: { BlockInput("Off") ; Stop blocking input (e.g. restore full interaction) Reload ; Replaces the currently running instance of the script with a new one - https://lexikos.github.io/v2/docs/commands/Reload.htm Sleep 1000 ; If successful, the reload will close this instance during the sleep, so this line and everything below it will never be reached ; global DebugMode ; If (DebugMode == 1) { ; A_MsgBoxResult := MsgBox("The script could not be reloaded. Would you like to open it for editing?", A_ScriptName " - " A_ThisFunc,4) ; If (A_MsgBoxResult = "Yes") { ; Edit ; } ; } Return } ; ------------------------------ ; ; HOTKEY: Ctrl + WinKey + F1 ; ACTION: Edit this Script (the one you're reading right now) ; ^#F1:: { ; Edit Run("notepad.exe " A_ScriptFullPath) ; Avoids the error [ Another instance of Code is already running as administrator. Please close the other instance and try again. ] Return } ; ------------------------------------------------------------ ; ------------------------------------------------------------ ; --- APP-SPECIFIC HOTKEY LISTENERS --- ; ------------------------------------------------------------ ; ------------------------------------------------------------ ; ------------------------------ ; ; HOTKEY: XButton1 (Mouse Button 4 - Back Side Button) (while [ Cyberpunk ] is active) ; ACTION: Send [ Escape ] key, instead ; #HotIf WinActive("ahk_exe Cyberpunk2077.exe") XButton1:: Escape #HotIf ; ------------------------------ ; ; HOTKEY: XButton2 (Mouse Button 5 - Forward Side Button) (while [ Cyberpunk ] is active) ; ACTION: Send [ Left Mouse Click ] key, instead ; #HotIf WinActive("ahk_exe Cyberpunk2077.exe") XButton2:: Tab #HotIf ; ------------------------------ ; ; HOTKEY: Numpad Enter (while [ Destiny 2 ] is active) ; ACTION: Do nothing (avoids accidental presses during mouse sweeps) ; #HotIf WinActive("ahk_exe destiny2.exe") NumpadEnter:: Return #HotIf ; ------------------------------ ; ; HOTKEY: Left Mouse-Click (while [ Halo Infinite ] is active) ; ACTION: Halo Infinite - Send "Mark" Hotkey ; #HotIf WinActive("ahk_exe HaloInfinite.exe") LButton:: { Send "{XButton1}" ; (Mouse Button 4 - Back Side Button) ; If you click 15 times too quickly, it gives you a 30 second timeout for marking too frequently, so set a timeout after each click Sleep 2000 Return } #HotIf ; ------------------------------ ; ; HOTKEY: Numpad Enter (while [ Overwatch ] is active) ; ACTION: Do nothing (avoids accidental presses during mouse sweeps) ; #HotIf WinActive("ahk_exe Overwatch.exe") NumpadEnter:: Return #HotIf ; ------------------------------ ; ; HOTKEY: XButton2 (Mouse Button 5 - Forward Side Button) (while [ RuneScape ] is active) ; ACTION: Send [ T ] key, instead ; #HotIf WinActive("ahk_exe rs2client.exe") XButton2:: T #HotIf ; ------------------------------ ; ; HOTKEY: XButton1 (Mouse Button 4 - Back Side Button) (while [ RuneScape ] is active) ; ACTION: Send [ U ] key, instead ; #HotIf WinActive("ahk_exe rs2client.exe") XButton1:: U #HotIf ; ------------------------------ ; ; HOTKEY: Shift + Space ; ACTION: Send [ Shift + ] ] key, instead ; #HotIf WinActive("ahk_exe rs2client.exe") +Space:: +] #HotIf ; ------------------------------ ; ; HOTKEY: WinKey + F5 (while [ RuneScape ] is active) ; WinKey + F6 (while [ RuneScape ] is active) ; WinKey + F7 (while [ RuneScape ] is active) ; Ctrl + WinKey + F5 (while [ RuneScape ] is active) ; Alt + WinKey + F5 (while [ RuneScape ] is active) ; ACTION: Farm XP ; #HotIf WinExist("ahk_exe rs2client.exe") #F5:: ; Combat-SafeSpot (5s on each target) #F6:: ; Combat-CastCancel #F7:: ; Crafting-Woodcutting-Firemaking #F8:: ; Crafting-Fishing ^#F5:: ; Combat-SafeSpot (10s on each target) !#F5:: ; Combat-SafeSpot (15s on each target) { ; ------------------------------ Global DebugMode CoordMode "Mouse", "Client" SetControlDelay -1 SetDefaultMouseSpeed 0 SetTitleMatchMode 3 ; Title must [ EXACTLY MATCH ] the given WinTitle Win_ahk_exe := "rs2client.exe" Ctrl_classnn := "JagOpenGLView1" ; ------------------------------ WinTitle := ("ahk_exe " Win_ahk_exe) Win_ahk_id := WinGetID(WinTitle) Win_hwnd := ("ahk_id " Win_ahk_id) Ctrl_hwnd := ControlGetHwnd(Ctrl_classnn, WinTitle) ; ------------------------------ ; ; Replace this variable with a dynamic instantiation based on user response via popup menu selection ; If (A_ThisHotkey == "#F5") { RuneScape_Combat_SafeSpot(Ctrl_hwnd, Win_hwnd, 5) } Else If (A_ThisHotkey == "^#F5") { RuneScape_Combat_SafeSpot(Ctrl_hwnd, Win_hwnd, 10) } Else If (A_ThisHotkey == "!#F5") { RuneScape_Combat_SafeSpot(Ctrl_hwnd, Win_hwnd, 15) } Else If (A_ThisHotkey == "#F6") { RuneScape_Combat_CastCancel(Ctrl_hwnd, Win_hwnd) } Else If (A_ThisHotkey == "#F7") { RuneScape_Crafting_Woodcutting_Firemaking(Ctrl_hwnd, Win_hwnd) } Else If (A_ThisHotkey == "#F8") { RuneScape_Crafting_Fishing(Ctrl_hwnd, Win_hwnd) } ; ------------------------------ Return } #HotIf ; ------------------------------ ; ; HOTKEY: WinKey + F5 (while [ Cyberpunk ] is active) ; ACTION: Farm Cyberpunk Athletics EXP ; #HotIf WinActive("ahk_exe Cyberpunk2077.exe") #F5:: { Loop { WinActivate "Cyberpunk" Send "{Space}" ; Spam Jump ; MouseClick "Left" ; Spam Attack Sleep 10 } Return } #HotIf ; ------------------------------ ; ; HOTKEY: WinKey + F5 (while [ Minecraft ] is active) ; ACTION: Minecraft - do various actions ; #HotIf WinActive("Minecraft") #F5:: { SetTitleMatchMode 1 ; Title must [ START WITH ] the given WinTitle AwaitModifierKeyup() ; Wait until all modifier keys are released WinTitle := "Minecraft" Max_LoopDuration_Seconds := 7200 Milliseconds_BetweenClicks := 750 Do_SwordAttackSpam := 1 ; Do_SwordAttackSpam := 0 If (Do_SwordAttackSpam == 0) { ; Minecraft - Spam right click (for placing piston to blow through bedrock) Loop 500 { Sleep 10 MouseClick "Right" } } Else { ; Minecraft - Sword attack spam TickCount_BeforeLoop := A_TickCount Loop { Loop_HasBeenRunningFor_Seconds := Round(((A_TickCount-TickCount_BeforeLoop)/1000), 2) If ( Loop_HasBeenRunningFor_Seconds > Max_LoopDuration_Seconds) { ; Wait a minimum short-duration per download ToolTip "Loop exceeded maximum runtime of [ " Max_LoopDuration_Seconds " ] seconds (current value: [ " Loop_HasBeenRunningFor_Seconds " ] seconds)" Break } Else { If (WinActive(WinTitle)) { ToolTip "Loop has been running for [ " Loop_HasBeenRunningFor_Seconds " ] seconds" MouseClick "Left" Sleep Milliseconds_BetweenClicks } Else { ToolTip "Stopped Minecraft auto-clicker (MC window lost focus" Break } } } ClearTooltip(5000) } Return } #HotIf ; ------------------------------------------------------------ ; ------------------------------------------------------------ ; --- FUNCTION(S) --- ; ------------------------------------------------------------ ; ------------------------------------------------------------ ; ------------------------------ ; ; AwaitModifierKeyup ; |--> Wait until all modifier keys are released ; AwaitModifierKeyup() { KeyWait "LAlt" ; Wait for [ Left-Alt ] to be released KeyWait "LCtrl" ; Wait for [ Left-Control ] to be released KeyWait "LShift" ; Wait for [ Left-Shift ] to be released KeyWait "LWin" ; Wait for [ Left-WinKey ] to be released KeyWait "RAlt" ; Wait for [ Right-Alt ] to be released KeyWait "RCtrl" ; Wait for [ Right-Control ] to be released KeyWait "RShift" ; Wait for [ Right-Shift ] to be released KeyWait "RWin" ; Wait for [ Right-WinKey ] to be released Sleep 10 } ; ------------------------------ ; ; ClearTooltip ; |--> If called with a positive [ Period ], wait [ Period ] milliseconds before clearing the given ToolTip, otherwise clear it immediately ; |--> https://lexikos.github.io/v2/docs/commands/ToolTip.htm#ExAutoHide ; ClearTooltip(Period:=0, WhichToolTip:=1) { If (Period > 0) { SetTimer () => ToolTip(,,,WhichToolTip), (Period * -1) } Else { ToolTip(,,,WhichToolTip) } Return } ; ------------------------------ ; ; RuneScape_Combat_CastCancel ; |--> Casting/Cancelling Combat EXP Farm ; RuneScape_Combat_CastCancel(Ctrl_hwnd:="", Win_hwnd:="") { Global DebugMode CoordMode "Mouse", "Client" SetControlDelay -1 SetDefaultMouseSpeed 0 SetTitleMatchMode 3 ; Title must [ EXACTLY MATCH ] the given WinTitle ; ------------------------------ ; ; Get the [Attack] x/y mouse coordinates ; Tooltip_LocateButton := " Right click a non-damaging ability on action bar" "`n" "`n" " An example ability is Curse (Magic spell) which can be spammed on level 5 rabbits without killing them" xpos_attack := "" ypos_attack := "" While ((xpos_attack == "") || (ypos_attack == "")) { Tooltip("`n" Tooltip_LocateButton "`n `n") Sleep 10 If (GetKeyState("RButton","P") == 1) { ; Button is being pressed MouseGetPos &xpos_attack, &ypos_attack ClearTooltip(0) Break } } Sleep 500 ; ------------------------------ ; ; Get the [Stop-Attacking] x/y mouse coordinates ; Tooltip_LocateButton := " Right click Cease (stop combat) ability on action bar" "`n" "`n" " If none exists, drag it from Powers > Defensive > Defence > Cease onto your action bar" xpos_cease := "" ypos_cease := "" While ((xpos_cease == "") || (ypos_cease == "")) { Tooltip("`n" Tooltip_LocateButton "`n `n") Sleep 10 If (GetKeyState("RButton","P") == 1) { ; Button is being pressed MouseGetPos &xpos_cease, &ypos_cease ClearTooltip(0) Break } } Sleep 500 ; ------------------------------ Loop { ControlSend("{Tab Down}", Ctrl_hwnd, Win_hwnd) ControlSend("{Tab Up}", Ctrl_hwnd, Win_hwnd) Sleep 250 ControlClick(Ctrl_hwnd, Win_hwnd,, "Left",, ("NA x" xpos_attack " y" ypos_attack)) Sleep 250 ControlClick(Ctrl_hwnd, Win_hwnd,, "Left",, ("NA x" xpos_cease " y" ypos_cease)) Sleep Random(3050,3250) } ; ------------------------------ Return } ; ------------------------------ ; ; RuneScape_Combat_SafeSpot ; |--> Safe Spot Combat EXP Farm ; RuneScape_Combat_SafeSpot(Ctrl_hwnd:="", Win_hwnd:="", Retarget_Delay_Seconds:=10) { Global DebugMode CoordMode "Mouse", "Client" SetControlDelay -1 SetDefaultMouseSpeed 0 SetTitleMatchMode 3 ; Title must [ EXACTLY MATCH ] the given WinTitle ; ------------------------------ ; ; Get the [Attack] x/y mouse coordinates ; Tooltip_LocateButton := " Right click a low-cooldown (3s) attack ability on action bar" "`n" "`n" " If none exists, drag a 3s cooldown from 'Powers' onto your action bar" xpos_attack := "" ypos_attack := "" While ((xpos_attack == "") || (ypos_attack == "")) { Tooltip("`n" Tooltip_LocateButton "`n `n") Sleep 10 If (GetKeyState("RButton","P") == 1) { ; Button is being pressed MouseGetPos &xpos_attack, &ypos_attack ClearTooltip(0) Break } } Sleep 500 ; ------------------------------ ; ; Get the [Retreat Direction] x/y mouse coordinates ; Tooltip_LocateButton := " Right click the direction (relative to your character) to pull back to continuously" "`n" "`n" " Namely, right click the direction which is safest, such as towards the V in a wall" "`n" "`n" " After each attack, a move command is issued at this location to avoid wandering" xpos_safe_area := "" ypos_safe_area := "" While ((xpos_safe_area == "") || (ypos_safe_area == "")) { Tooltip("`n" Tooltip_LocateButton "`n `n") Sleep 10 If (GetKeyState("RButton","P") == 1) { ; Button is being pressed MouseGetPos &xpos_safe_area, &ypos_safe_area ClearTooltip(0) Break } } Sleep 500 ; ------------------------------ Loop { ControlSend("{Tab Down}", Ctrl_hwnd, Win_hwnd) ControlSend("{Tab Up}", Ctrl_hwnd, Win_hwnd) Sleep Random(250,325) ControlClick(Ctrl_hwnd, Win_hwnd,, "Left",, ("NA x" xpos_attack " y" ypos_attack)) Sleep Random(250,325) Loop Floor(Retarget_Delay_Seconds*2) { ControlClick(Ctrl_hwnd, Win_hwnd,, "Left",, ("NA x" xpos_safe_area " y" ypos_safe_area)) Sleep Random(475,525) } } ; ------------------------------ Return } ; ------------------------------ ; ; RuneScape_Crafting_Woodcutting_Firemaking ; |--> Woodcutting/Firemaking XP Farm ; RuneScape_Crafting_Woodcutting_Firemaking(Ctrl_hwnd:="", Win_hwnd:="") { Global DebugMode CoordMode "Mouse", "Client" SetControlDelay -1 SetDefaultMouseSpeed 0 SetTitleMatchMode 3 ; Title must [ EXACTLY MATCH ] the given WinTitle ; ------------------------------ ; ; Woodcutting/Firemaking XP Farm ; - Find a tree in-game & position character directly North from it ; - Pivot camera left/right to face directly South, e.g. so that N points down on minimap ; - (DONE BY SCRIPT) Zoom the camera in all the way ; - (DONE BY SCRIPT) Pivot camera up/down so it's as high as possible looking down at the top of the character's head ; - NOTE: Fires last 60~180s (randomly selected at time of lighting fire). Must avoid trying to place fires on existing fires ; ; ------------------------------ ; ; Walk the user through initial setup ; ; ------------------------------ ; ; Locate a tree ; Tooltip_LocateButton := " Positioning (1/3)" "`n" "`n" " Locate a tree to farm in-game" "`n" "`n" " Right click anywhere to proceed" xpos_trash := "" ypos_trash := "" While ((xpos_trash == "") || (ypos_trash == "")) { Tooltip("`n" Tooltip_LocateButton "`n `n") Sleep 10 If (GetKeyState("RButton","P") == 1) { ; Button is being pressed MouseGetPos &xpos_trash, &ypos_trash ClearTooltip(0) Break } } Sleep 500 ; ------------------------------ ; ; Turn camera North ; Tooltip_LocateButton := " Positioning (2/3)" "`n" "`n" " Turn the camera to face directly South" "`n" "`n" " (Gray compass needle up, red down)" "`n" "`n" " Right click anywhere to proceed" xpos_trash := "" ypos_trash := "" While ((xpos_trash == "") || (ypos_trash == "")) { Tooltip("`n" Tooltip_LocateButton "`n `n") Sleep 10 If (GetKeyState("RButton","P") == 1) { ; Button is being pressed MouseGetPos &xpos_trash, &ypos_trash ClearTooltip(0) Break } } Sleep 500 ; ------------------------------ ; ; Select chop ; Tooltip_LocateButton := " Positioning (3/3)" "`n" "`n" " Position your character next to the tree on its North side" "`n" "`n" " The tree should be taking up the tile which is 1 tile South of your character" "`n" "`n" " Right click anywhere to proceed" xpos_trash := "" ypos_trash := "" While ((xpos_trash == "") || (ypos_trash == "")) { Tooltip("`n" Tooltip_LocateButton "`n `n") Sleep 10 If (GetKeyState("RButton","P") == 1) { ; Button is being pressed MouseGetPos &xpos_trash, &ypos_trash ClearTooltip(0) Break } } Sleep 500 ; ------------------------------ If (1 == 1) { ; Zoom in & pan up all the way ControlSend("{PgUp Down}{Up Down}", Ctrl_hwnd, Win_hwnd) Sleep 2500 ControlSend("{PgUp Up}{Up Up}", Ctrl_hwnd, Win_hwnd) Sleep 100 } ; ------------------------------ ; ; Select chop ; Tooltip_LocateButton := " Right click Chop action" "`n" "`n" " Right click the center of the base of the tree where the Chop hover cursor is displayed" xpos_2tilesnorth := "" ypos_2tilesnorth := "" While ((xpos_2tilesnorth == "") || (ypos_2tilesnorth == "")) { Tooltip("`n" Tooltip_LocateButton "`n `n") Sleep 10 If (GetKeyState("RButton","P") == 1) { ; Button is being pressed MouseGetPos &xpos_2tilesnorth, &ypos_2tilesnorth ClearTooltip(0) Break } } Sleep 500 ; ------------------------------ ; ; Get the [ 1 Tile East ] x/y mouse coordinates ; Tooltip_LocateButton := " Right click 1 Tile East" "`n" "`n" " Right click 1 tile to the East (left) of the player" "`n" "`n" " Note: This position is used to avoid stacking fires" xpos_1tileeast := "" ypos_1tileeast := "" While ((xpos_1tileeast == "") || (ypos_1tileeast == "")) { Tooltip("`n" Tooltip_LocateButton "`n `n") Sleep 10 If (GetKeyState("RButton","P") == 1) { ; Button is being pressed MouseGetPos &xpos_1tileeast, &ypos_1tileeast ClearTooltip(0) Break } } Sleep 500 ; ------------------------------ ; ; Get the [ Backpack slot 1 ] x/y mouse coordinates ; Tooltip_LocateButton := " Right click backpack slot #1" "`n" "`n" " Open backpack (keep it open)" "`n" "`n" " Right click the center of the backpack slot which gets filled with loot first, by default (top-leftmost)" "`n" "`n" " Make sure said backpack slot is empty" xpos_backpackslot1 := "" ypos_backpackslot1 := "" While ((xpos_backpackslot1 == "") || (ypos_backpackslot1 == "")) { Tooltip("`n" Tooltip_LocateButton "`n `n") Sleep 10 If (GetKeyState("RButton","P") == 1) { ; Button is being pressed MouseGetPos &xpos_backpackslot1, &ypos_backpackslot1 ClearTooltip(0) Break } } Sleep 500 ; ------------------------------ ; ; Get the [ Backpack slot 2 ] x/y mouse coordinates ; Tooltip_LocateButton := " Right click backpack slot #2" "`n" "`n" " Open backpack (keep it open)" "`n" "`n" " Right click the center of the backpack slot which gets filled with loot second, by default" "`n" "`n" " Make sure said backpack slot is empty" xpos_backpackslot2 := "" ypos_backpackslot2 := "" While ((xpos_backpackslot2 == "") || (ypos_backpackslot2 == "")) { Tooltip("`n" Tooltip_LocateButton "`n `n") Sleep 10 If (GetKeyState("RButton","P") == 1) { ; Button is being pressed MouseGetPos &xpos_backpackslot2, &ypos_backpackslot2 ClearTooltip(0) Break } } Sleep 500 ; ------------------------------ If (1 == 1) { ; Zoom in & pan up all the way (again) ControlSend("{PgUp Down}{Up Down}", Ctrl_hwnd, Win_hwnd) Sleep 2500 ControlSend("{PgUp Up}{Up Up}", Ctrl_hwnd, Win_hwnd) Sleep 100 } ; ------------------------------ xpos_tooltip := xpos_2tilesnorth ypos_tooltip := (ypos_2tilesnorth-100) ; ------------------------------ Loop { Loop 2 { ; ------------------------------ If (DebugMode == 1) { ToolTip("Chop tree" "`n" "Start/Restart chopping tree", xpos_tooltip, ypos_tooltip) } Loop 40 { ControlClick(Ctrl_hwnd, Win_hwnd,, "Left",, ("NA x" xpos_2tilesnorth " y" ypos_2tilesnorth)) Sleep Random(2050,2275) } ; ------------------------------ If (A_Index != 1) { If (DebugMode == 1) { ToolTip("Move to tile w/o fire" "`n" "Move 1 tile East", xpos_tooltip, ypos_tooltip) } ControlClick(Ctrl_hwnd, Win_hwnd,, "Left",, ("NA x" xpos_1tileeast " y" ypos_1tileeast)) Sleep Random(1050,1250) If (DebugMode == 1) { ToolTip("Move to tile w/o fire" "`n" "Wait for character to move", xpos_tooltip, ypos_tooltip) } Sleep Random(3050,3250) } ; ------------------------------ If (DebugMode == 1) { ToolTip("Light fire" "`n" "Click backpack item #1 (log from tree)", xpos_tooltip, ypos_tooltip) } ControlClick(Ctrl_hwnd, Win_hwnd,, "Left",, ("NA x" xpos_backpackslot1 " y" ypos_backpackslot1)) Sleep Random(1050,1250) If (DebugMode == 1) { ToolTip("Light fire" "`n" "Select option 1 (Tinderbox)", xpos_tooltip, ypos_tooltip) } ControlSend("1", Ctrl_hwnd, Win_hwnd) Sleep Random(1050,1250) If (DebugMode == 1) { ToolTip("Light fire" "`n" "Wait for log to catch fire", xpos_tooltip, ypos_tooltip) } Sleep Random(15250,15500) If (DebugMode == 1) { ToolTip("Light fire" "`n" "Wait for character to move", xpos_tooltip, ypos_tooltip) } Sleep Random(3050,3250) ; ------------------------------ If (DebugMode == 1) { ToolTip("Add log(s) to fire" "`n" "Click backpack item #2 (log from tree)", xpos_tooltip, ypos_tooltip) } ControlClick(Ctrl_hwnd, Win_hwnd,, "Left",, ("NA x" xpos_backpackslot2 " y" ypos_backpackslot2)) Sleep Random(1050,1250) If (DebugMode == 1) { ToolTip("Add log(s) to fire" "`n" "Select option 3 (Add to bonfire)", xpos_tooltip, ypos_tooltip) } ControlSend("3", Ctrl_hwnd, Win_hwnd) Sleep Random(1050,1250) If (DebugMode == 1) { ToolTip("Add log(s) to fire" "`n" "Wait for log(s) to be thrown on fire", xpos_tooltip, ypos_tooltip) } Sleep Random(30500,32500) ; ------------------------------ If (A_Index == 1) { If (DebugMode == 1) { ToolTip("Move North of tree" "`n" "Move 1 tile East", xpos_tooltip, ypos_tooltip) } ControlClick(Ctrl_hwnd, Win_hwnd,, "Left",, ("NA x" xpos_1tileeast " y" ypos_1tileeast)) Sleep Random(1050,1250) If (DebugMode == 1) { ToolTip("Move North of tree" "`n" "Wait for character to move", xpos_tooltip, ypos_tooltip) } Sleep Random(3050,3250) } ; ------------------------------ } } ; ------------------------------ Return } ; ------------------------------ ; ; RuneScape_Crafting_Fishing ; |--> Fisning XP Farm ; RuneScape_Crafting_Fishing(Ctrl_hwnd:="", Win_hwnd:="") { Global DebugMode CoordMode "Mouse", "Client" SetControlDelay -1 SetDefaultMouseSpeed 0 SetTitleMatchMode 3 ; Title must [ EXACTLY MATCH ] the given WinTitle ; ------------------------------ ; ; Walk the user through initial setup ; ; ------------------------------ ; ; Select fishing spot 1 ; Tooltip_LocateButton := " Right click fishing location #1" xpos_fishing_spot_1 := "" ypos_fishing_spot_1 := "" While ((xpos_fishing_spot_1 == "") || (ypos_fishing_spot_1 == "")) { Tooltip("`n" Tooltip_LocateButton "`n `n") Sleep 10 If (GetKeyState("RButton","P") == 1) { ; Button is being pressed MouseGetPos &xpos_fishing_spot_1, &ypos_fishing_spot_1 ClearTooltip(0) Break } } Sleep 500 ; ------------------------------ ; ; Select fishing spot 2 ; Tooltip_LocateButton := " Right click fishing location #2" xpos_fishing_spot_2 := "" ypos_fishing_spot_2 := "" While ((xpos_fishing_spot_2 == "") || (ypos_fishing_spot_2 == "")) { Tooltip("`n" Tooltip_LocateButton "`n `n") Sleep 10 If (GetKeyState("RButton","P") == 1) { ; Button is being pressed MouseGetPos &xpos_fishing_spot_2, &ypos_fishing_spot_2 ClearTooltip(0) Break } } Sleep 500 ; ------------------------------ ; ; Select drop-fish ability ; Tooltip_LocateButton := " Set the fish on an action bar & set the hotkey as: ] (right square bracket)" "`n" "`n" " Right click anywhere to proceed" xpos_trash := "" ypos_trash := "" While ((xpos_trash == "") || (ypos_trash == "")) { Tooltip("`n" Tooltip_LocateButton "`n `n") Sleep 10 If (GetKeyState("RButton","P") == 1) { ; Button is being pressed MouseGetPos &xpos_trash, &ypos_trash ClearTooltip(0) Break } } Sleep 500 ; ------------------------------ Loop { Loop 2 { ; ------------------------------ If (A_Index == 1) { ControlClick(Ctrl_hwnd, Win_hwnd,, "Left",, ("NA x" xpos_fishing_spot_1 " y" ypos_fishing_spot_1)) } Else { ControlClick(Ctrl_hwnd, Win_hwnd,, "Left",, ("NA x" xpos_fishing_spot_2 " y" ypos_fishing_spot_2)) } Sleep Random(2050,2250) ; ------------------------------ Loop 30 { ControlSend("]", Ctrl_hwnd, Win_hwnd) Sleep Random(1050,1250) } ; ------------------------------ } } ; ------------------------------ Return } ; ------------------------------------------------------------ ; ; Citation(s) ; ; answers.microsoft.com | "Shortcut to sound control panel?" | https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/windows_10-start/shortcut-to-sound-control-panel/32d5a6e7-fa92-4ca7-9033-cd38ba525542 ; ; docs.microsoft.com | "wscript | Microsoft Docs" | https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-server/administration/windows-commands/wscript ; ; docs.microsoft.com | "WM_SYSCOMMAND message" | https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/menurc/wm-syscommand ; ; gist.github.com | "Advanced Window Snap is a script for AutoHotKey that expands upon Windows built-in window-snapping hotkeys. · GitHub" | https://gist.github.com/AWMooreCO/1ef708055a11862ca9dc ; ; gist.github.com | "Media keys shortcuts for AutoHotkey · GitHub" | https://gist.github.com/mistic100/d3c0c1eb63fb7e4ee545 ; ; github.com | "AutoHotkeyScripts/LaptopBrightnessSetter at master · qwerty12/AutoHotkeyScripts · GitHub" | https://github.com/qwerty12/AutoHotkeyScripts/tree/master/LaptopBrightnessSetter ; 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