import requests import json import os, fnmatch; os.system('clear') from multiprocessing import Process, cpu_count, Manager from collections import defaultdict from os.path import abspath, dirname from requests.exceptions import ReadTimeout, Timeout, ConnectionError, ChunkedEncodingError, TooManyRedirects, InvalidURL switch = { 'dir': '0', 'func': '0' } playfabapi = '' playfab = '' token = 'NHxFWHdDWUxnZlBld2FhL3VGNElrZlZMMkVVTHdSeUFCNExLbWswMkVPL1ZBPXx7ImkiOiIyMDIyLTA3LTIyVDA0OjI2OjU5LjkyNzkyMzdaIiwiaWRwIjoiQ3VzdG9tIiwiZSI6IjIwMjItMDctMjNUMDQ6MjY6NTkuOTI3OTIzN1oiLCJ0aWQiOiJjYzczODk0YmJmMzc0Nzc0YmIwMDBiY2Q5YTY3ZmNkOCIsImlkaSI6Ik1DUEY2MTUzMEMzREQyMzg0NzA2Qjk4NTlCODVDREI4NzZCOCIsImgiOiIyNEI5ODFFRjA2RDczMjk5IiwiZWMiOiJtYXN0ZXJfcGxheWVyX2FjY291bnQhQjYzQTA4MDNEMzY1MzY0My82NzhFM0Y1QzZFREZCNDhBLyIsImVpIjoiNjc4RTNGNUM2RURGQjQ4QSIsImV0IjoibWFzdGVyX3BsYXllcl9hY2NvdW50In0=' headers = { 'Host': playfab, 'Accept': '*/*', 'Accept-Encoding': 'gzip, deflate, br', 'Connection': 'Keep-Alive', 'Accept-Language': 'en-US', 'Cache-Control': 'public', 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'User-Agent': 'cpprestsdk/2.9.0', 'x-entitytoken': token } gettor = {'User-Agent': 'cpprestsdk/2.9.0'} body = {'ItemId':UUID} Resultee=[] Faily=[] columns = defaultdict(list) txtfiles= [] class colors: RED_BG = '\033[41m\033[1m' GREEN_BG = '\033[42m' ENDC = '\033[m' def ICustom(): global UUID print('') print(colors.RED_BG + ' First Use! ' + colors.ENDC ) print('1. Custom Token') print('2. Default Token') print('') ansi=input(' Choose Option : ').lower() print('') if str(ansi)=='1': tokenize=input(' Input your Token : ') headers['x-entitytoken']=f'{tokenize}' elif str(ansi)=='2': headers['x-entitytoken']=f'{token}' return def uinput(): print('') print('Scanning Finished!') print('1. Go Back to Menu') print('2. Scanning Again') print('3. Quit Instead') print('') ans=input('Choose Option: ') if ans=='2': return elif ans=='3': exit() else: Mainlist() def filet(): global IDlist, fileselector num_file = 1 print('1. Check Files in Input Folder') print('2. Check Files in Current Folder') print('q to Quit') print('m to Menu') print('') ans=input(' Choose : ').lower() if ans=='1': files = os.listdir('input') switch['dir']='0' elif ans=='2': files = [f for f in os.listdir('.') if os.path.isfile(f)] switch['dir']='1' elif ans=='q': exit() elif ans=='m': Mainlist() else: filet() print(' [' + colors.RED_BG + ' Files Found ' + colors.ENDC + '] ') for f in files: if fnmatch.fnmatch(f, '*.txt'): print( str(num_file),str(f)) num_file=num_file+1 txtfiles.append(str(f)) print('') print(' M back to Menu ') fileselector = input(' Choose Target Files : ') if fileselector.isdigit(): print('') print(' Target Chosen : ' + colors.RED_BG + ' '+txtfiles[int(fileselector)-1]+' '+colors.ENDC) direct = str(switch['dir']) if direct == '0': file_hosts = str('input') +'/'+ str(txtfiles[int(fileselector)-1]) else: file_hosts = str(txtfiles[int(fileselector)-1]) else: Mainlist() with open(file_hosts) as f: parseddom = IDlist = list(set(parseddom)) IDlist = list(filter(None, parseddom)) print(' Total of Domains Loaded: ' + colors.RED_BG + ' ' +str(len(IDlist)) + ' '+colors.ENDC ) print('') return def executor(switch): with Manager() as manager: global Resultee, Faily num_cpus = cpu_count() processes = [] Resultee = manager.list() Faily = manager.list() for process_num in range(num_cpus): section = IDlist[process_num::num_cpus] if switch['func'] == '0': p = Process(target=Meta, args=(section,)) p.start() processes.append(p) elif switch['func'] == '1': p = Process(target=Gettor, args=(section,)) p.start() processes.append(p) for p in processes: p.join() Resultee = list(Resultee) Faily = list(Faily) print('') print(' Failed Result : ' + colors.RED_BG + ' '+str(len(Faily)) +' '+ colors.ENDC ) print(' Successfull Result : ' + colors.GREEN_BG + ' '+str(len(Resultee))+ ' '+colors.ENDC) def Engine(IDlist): for UUID in IDlist: try: r =, headers=headers, json=body, allow_redirects=False) if switch['func']=='0': datas = r.json()["data"]["Item"]["Contents"] with open(f'output/metadata/{UUID}.txt', 'a') as f: json.dump(r.json(), f, indent = 4) for i in datas: print("\n\n" + i["Url"], file=f) else: with open(f'output/assets/{UUID}.txt', 'a') as f: f.write(r.content) print(i["Url"], file=open(f"output/{nametag}-[Hit].txt")) print(' ['+colors.GREEN_BG+' HIT '+colors.ENDC+'] ' + UUID) Resultee.append(str(UUID)) except (Timeout, ReadTimeout, ConnectionError): print(' ['+colors.RED_BG+' FAIL '+colors.ENDC+'] ' + UUID + ' [' + colors.RED_BG +' TIMEOUT '+colors.ENDC+']') print(UUID, file=open(f'output/{nametag}-[Fail].txt', 'a')) Faily.append(str(UUID)) pass except(ChunkedEncodingError): print(' ['+colors.RED_BG+' FAIL '+colors.ENDC+'] ' + UUID + ' [' + colors.RED_BG+' Invalid Length '+colors.ENDC + ']') print(UUID, file=open(f'output/{nametag}-[Fail].txt', 'a')) Faily.append(str(UUID)) pass except(TooManyRedirects): print(' ['+colors.RED_BG+' FAIL '+colors.ENDC+'] ' + UUID + ' [' +colors.RED_BG+' Redirects Loop '+colors.ENDC+']') print(UUID, file=open(f'output/{nametag}-[Fail].txt', 'a')) Faily.append(str(UUID)) pass except(InvalidURL): print(' ['+colors.RED_BG+' FAIL '+colors.ENDC+'] ' + UUID + ' [' +colors.RED_BG+' Invalid URL '+colors.ENDC+']') print(UUID, file=open(f'output/{nametag}-[Fail].txt', 'a')) Faily.append(str(UUID)) pass def Mainlist(): print(''' ___ / /\ / /:/ / /:/ / /:/ ___ /__/:/ / /\ \ \:\ / /:/ \ \:\ /:/ \ \:\/:/ \ \::/ \__\/ ''') print(' [' + colors.RED_BG + ' MarketPlace : Extractor ' + colors.ENDC + ']') print(' ['+colors.RED_BG+' Author ' + colors.ENDC + ':' + colors.GREEN_BG + ' Kiynox ' + colors.ENDC + ']') print('') print('1. Marketplace Metadata') print('2. Marketplace Assets') print('3. Marketplace Decryptor') print('Q to Quit') print('') ans=input(' Choose Option: ').lower() print('') if str(ans)=='1': def Meta(): global headers, body, nametag headers=headers body=body nametag='[Meta]' switch['func']='0' ICustom() filet() executor() uinput() Meta() elif str(ans)=='2': def Gettor(): global headers, datas, nametag headers=gettor body={} nametag='[Assets]' switch['func']='1' filet() downloader() executor() uinput() Gettor() elif str(ans)=='3': def Unlock(): filet() executor() uinput() Unlock() else: exit() def Checks(): if not os.path.exists('input'): os.makedirs('input') if not os.path.exists('output'): os.makedirs('output') if not os.path.exists('output/metadata'): os.makedirs('output/metadata') if not os.path.exists('output/assets'): os.makedirs('output/assets') Mainlist() if __name__ == '__main__': os.chdir(dirname(abspath(__file__))) Checks()