AN INTRODUCTION TO R FOR DATA MANIPULATION AND PROCESSING, AND PLOTTING ======================================================================= IN THE FOLLOWING, WE WILL LOOK AT - TYPING IN VALUES, DOING SOME SIMPLE OPERATIONS, AND PLOTTING - SAVING PLOT OUTPUT AS PDF (FOR YOUR PAPERS) OR AS JPEG (FOR PRESENTATIONS) - READING A DATA MATRIX IN TO R - SAVING DATA IN R TO A TEXT FILE - LOADING A PACKAGE - MATRIX OPERATIONS - PLOTTING OPERATIONS, INCLUDING AXIS LABELING - PRINCIPAL COMPONENTS ANALYSIS - HIERARCHICAL CLUSTERING - IN THE LATTER CASE, USE OF A C PROGRAM IN THE R ENVIRONMENT - LINEAR AND QUADRATIC DISCRIMINANT ANALYSIS - READING IN TIME SERIES, AND PLOTTING COMMENTED LINES IN THIS SCRIPT ARE INDICATED BY "#" AT THE START R IS A PUBLICLY AVAILABLE SYSTEM (WITH A LOT OF ONGOING SUPPORT), AVAILABLE AT: (ORIGIN OF THE NAME: THE S SYSTEM CAME OUT OF BELL LABS. S-PLUS IS A SUPPORTED, COMMERCIAL, EXPANDED VERSION OF S. R IS A PUBLIC VERSION OF S-PLUS) CODE IN R, AND IN C (AND FORTRAN) FOR USE IN THE R ENVIRONMENT, IN PARTICULAR FOR MULTIVARIATE DATA ANALYSIS, IS AVAILABLE AT: On Sun Sparc system, I use command Splus5 to run S-Plus. To create a window for plots, I use command: motif() On Windows or Mac, I use command R in a command window. For plot functionality on a Mac, I click on the R icon. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Get R running x <- c(2.3, 3.1, 5, 7, 8) x sqrt(x) y <- c(3.1, 1.4, 6.1, 3.4) y length(x); length(y) y <- c(y, 1.1) y plot(x,y) plot(x,y,type="l") plot(x,y,type="l",xlab="Daily highs",ylab="gm/cm^2") x <- runif(40) x plot(x, type="l") # Same as: plot(1:40, x, type="l") plot(x, type="b") title("First plot") # File / Save as... for PDF # Copy / Then in Preview: New from Clipboard / Export ... for JPEG # Reading in data. Look at sodata.dat. We'll read in in two ways. # Firstly, explicitly saying that each column is numeric, and # then putting columns together into array. # Secondly, reading directly into array. # Then we will proceed to look at establishing labels (for rows, cols.) # which are needed later in plots. <- scan("/Users/fionnmurtagh/Saothar-G4/r-work-sxb/sodata.dat", list(a=0,b=0,c=0,d=0,e=0,f=0,g=0,h=0)) # List of elements of type numeric read. sodata <- cbind(log($a),$b,$c,$d,$e,$f,$g,$h) # cbind = "column bind" # Look at contents of sodata in R by typing variable name: sodata # Alternative input: sodata2 <- read.table("/Users/fionnmurtagh/Saothar-G4/r-work-sxb/sodata.dat") # Note: the file name can be a URL. # Look at contents: sodata2 # Note difference in handling (row, column) labels. # Let's be explicit about the labels. With command read.table we # could have had them in the input file. The attribute of the # variable containing the labels is called dimnames, and this is # of type list. dimnames(sodata) <- list(NULL,c("log(t_rel)","R_gc","Z_g", "log(mass)","c","[Fe/H]","x","x_0")) dimnames(sodata)[[1]] <- list("M15","M68","M13","M3","M5","M4", "47 Tuc","M30","NGC 6397","M92","M12","NGC 6752","M10","M71") # Now look at sodata again --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Principal components analysis using R command princomp. help(princomp) sopr <- princomp(sodata, cor=TRUE) names(sopr) # sopr is an object with various components. sopr$loadings sopr$scores clbls <- c("log(t_rel)","R_gc","Z_g", "log(mass)","c","[Fe/H]","x","x_0") rlbls <- c("M15","M68","M13","M3","M5","M4", "47 Tuc","M30","NGC 6397","M92","M12","NGC 6752", "M10","M71") plot(sopr$scores[,1],sopr$scores[,2],type="n") # Empty plot to begin with. plot(sopr$scores[,1],sopr$scores[,2],type="n",xlab="PC1",ylab="PC2") text(sopr$scores[,1],sopr$scores[,2],rlbls) title("Principal plane") # Draw axes using an external script source("/Users/fionnmurtagh/Saothar-G4/r-work-sxb/plaxes.q") plaxes(sopr$scores[,1], sopr$scores[,2]) # Save plot as PDF file. Later can convert to other formats. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Next hierarchical clustering # Compile to produce object file: # gcc3 -no-cpp-precomp -c hierclustx.c # R CMD SHLIB hierclustx.o # produces shared object file: dyn.load("/Users/fionnmurtagh/Saothar-G4/r-work-sxb/") source("/Users/fionnmurtagh/Saothar-G4/r-work-sxb/hcluswtd_c.r") data(iris) x <- iris[,1:4] xh <- HierClust(as.matrix(x), rep(1/150, 150)) plclust(xh) cutree(xh, k=3) # PCA of iris data ipc <- princomp(x,cor=TRUE) # Plot with "+" for each point (iris) in principal plane plot(ipc$scores[,1], ipc$scores[,2], pch="+") # How about a different symbol of 1-50, 51-100, 101-150? plot(ipc$scores[1:50,1], ipc$scores[1:50,2], pch="+") # Nope, better establish axes in their entirety to start with plot(ipc$scores[,1], ipc$scores[,2], type="n") points(ipc$scores[1:50,1], ipc$scores[1:50,2], pch="+") points(ipc$scores[51:100,1], ipc$scores[51:100,2], pch="-") points(ipc$scores[101:150,1], ipc$scores[101:150,2], pch="|") soh <- HierClust(as.matrix(sodata), rep(1/14, 14)) plclust(soh) sohc <- HierClust(as.matrix(t(sodata)), rep(1/8, 8)) plclust(sohc,labels=clbls) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Discriminant analysis # We will look at LDA and QDA here. First, we look at the # creation of random samples. Then we apply them to the # Fisher iris data. # LDA and QDA (resp., linear/quadratic discriminant analysis) # are in package MASS, loaded as follows library(MASS) # Create a sample: 25 values uniformly chosen in 1:50 tr <- sample(1:50, 25) tr # Example: # [1] 50 7 41 3 15 25 33 19 36 43 34 28 30 46 40 35 48 45 47 17 # 44 11 13 21 9 slct <- c(tr, tr+50, tr+100) slct # [1] 50 7 41 3 15 25 33 19 36 43 34 28 30 46 40 # 35 48 45 47 # [20] 17 44 11 13 21 9 100 57 91 53 65 75 83 69 86 # 93 84 78 80 # [39] 96 90 85 98 95 97 67 94 61 63 71 59 150 107 141 # 103 115 125 133 # [58] 119 136 143 134 128 130 146 140 135 148 145 147 117 144 111 # 113 121 109 ts <- sample(1:50,25) ts # [1] 2 26 11 24 23 14 25 45 44 16 47 19 17 7 21 39 32 22 9 13 33 # 38 37 35 3 selectts <- c(ts, ts+50, ts+100) iris[1,] # Sepal.Length Sepal.Width Petal.Length Petal.Width Species # 1 5.1 3.5 1.4 0.2 setosa train <- rbind(iris[tr, -5], iris[tr + 50, -5], iris[tr + 100, -5]) xxx <- rbind(iris[slct, -5]) # Identical yyy <- rbind(iris[slct, 1:4]) # Identical test <- rbind(iris[selectts, -5]) nrow(train); ncol(train); nrow(test); ncol(test) # [1] 75 # [1] 4 # [1] 75 # [1] 4 cl <- factor(c(rep("s",25), rep("c",25), rep("v",25))) cl # [1] s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s c c c c c c # c c c c c c c c # [40] c c c c c c c c c c c v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v # v v v v v # Levels: c s v # Carry out LDA on the training set... z <- lda(train, cl) names(z) # [1] "prior" "counts" "means" "scaling" "ldet" "lev" # "N" "call" # ... and test using the test set. # Class memberships are given by one of c, s, v. predict(z, test)$class # [1] s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s c c c c c c c # c c c c c c c # [40] v c c c c c c c c c c v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v # v v v v # Levels: c s v # Carry out QDA on the training set... # ... and then test on the test set. z <- qda(train, cl) predict(z, test)$class # [1] s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s c c c c c c c # c c c c c c c # [40] v c c c c c c c c c c v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v # v v v v v # Levels: c s v --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Read in a 1-dimensional time series. fin <- scan("~/Saothar-G4/r-work-sxb/ftse1326.dat") plot(1:length(fin), fin, type="l", xlab="Time (days)", ylab="FTSE") ---------------------------------------------------------------------------