print.vacor <- function(vacorres) { centc <- vacorres$vals labsc <- vacorres$labsc labsr <- vacorres$labsr n <- nrow(centc) m <- ncol(centc) cat("Projections of clusters of obs. vs. clusters of vbes. \n") cat("Projections on scale of 0 to 9.\n") #asimple <- round( 9.499*(centc-min(centc))/(max(centc)-min(centc)) ) #asimple <- round ( 10*centc ) asimple <- centc cat("Var. labs.: ") for (j in 1:m) cat(labsc[[j]], " ") cat("\n") for (i in 1:n) { # cat(as.matrix(asimple[i,]), " Cluster ", i, ": ", labsr[[i]], "\n") # cat(i, "&", labsr[[i]], " & ", asimple[i,1], " & ", asimple[i,2], # " \\\\ \n") cat(i, " & ") for (j in 1:m) { cat(asimple[i,j], " & ") } cat("\\\\ \n") } }