.BG .FN flou .TL Fuzzy Coding (3-Way) .DN Simple fuzzy, or piecewise linear, coding of a vector: each value in the vector is replaced by a 1 (if it is above or equal to the 67th quantile), by a 0 (if it is below or equal to the 33rd quantile), and by a linearly interpolated value between 0 and 1 (if it lies between the 33rd and 67th quantiles). .CS flou(a) .RA .AG a real-valued vector, with no missing values. .RT matrix of `length(a)' rows, and two columns. The first column contains the fuzzily coded values of `a', and the second column contains their complements. Hence each row of this returned matrix necessarily sums to 1. .SH BACKGROUND This form of coding is suitable for a subsequent correspondence analysis. When all variable have been fuzzily (or logically) coded, the row masses (proportional to the row sums) are identical. .SH REFERENCES J.-P. Benzecri .ul Correspondence Analysis Handbook Marcel Dekker, Basel, 1992. .sp F.J. Gallego, Codage flou en analyse des correspondances, .ul Les Cahiers de l'Analyse des Donnees vol. VII, 413-430, 1982 .SA `logique', `ca', `supplr', `supplc'. .EX # Fuzzy coding of input variables, `a', `b', `c': a.fuzz <- flou(a) b.fuzz <- flou(b) c.fuzz <- flou(c) newdata <- cbind(a.fuzz, b.fuzz, c.fuzz) ca.newdata <- ca(newdata) .KW multivariate .KW algebra .WR