hierclust <- function(a, method=1, bign=F, diagnostics=F, sim=" ", movie=F, option="thru",alpha=1.0,repres="chull", show="change") { # Function to manage the calls to 'hc' and 'hclus', and to establish # appropriate attributes assoc. with resulting hierarchical clusterings. # 'hclus': already-present S-Plus function; performs hier. clust. of # distance or similarity input. Note that certain attributes are # now assumed: these are set up properly if function 'distance' is # used previously. # 'hc: new function, performs hier. clust. of raw input matrix. Eucl. # dist. is used. One criterion (Ward's) is supported with storage- # efficient algorithm, i.e. just orig. matrix stored, and not dist. # matrix. # Author: F. Murtagh, May 1992 if (!is.null(attr(a, "class"))) dat <- attr(a, "class") if (is.null(attr(a, "class"))) dat <- "coordat" if (!movie && dat == "dissdat") { # Distances as input; use function 'hclust' # 'hclust' assumes 'method' = 'connected', 'compact', or 'average'; # establish appropriate default: if (method==1) method <- "compact" # Now we have a silly little problem: 'hclust' is happy with 'Size' attr. # (in fact it gives a misleading message about non-squarenenss of i/p # otherwise), but is not at all happy about other attrs. So, remove # them temporarily... attda <- attr(a, "class") attor <- attr(a, "origdata") attme <- attr(a, "metric") attr(a, "class") <- NULL attr(a, "origdata") <- NULL attr(a, "metric") <- NULL if (attme == "simil") { hier <- hclust(sim=a, method) # Correct bug in S+ vis-a-vis later plotting of sim.-based result: hier$height <- max(hier$height) - hier$height } else { hier <- hclust(a, method) } attr(a, "class") <- attda attr(a, "origdata") <- attor attr(a, "metric") <- attme # Now fix up additional attributes describing hierarchy if (method=="connected") meth <- "Single linkage or nearest neighbor method." if (method=="compact") meth <- "Complete linkage or diameter method." if (method=="average") meth <- "Average linkage (group average or UPGMA) method." dmetric <- attr(a, "metric") attr(hier,"class") <- "hierarchy" # attr(hier,"call") <- match.call() attr(hier,"call") <- deparse(sys.call()) attr(hier,"criterion") <- meth #Note: we assume arg. 'a' (i/p data/dist.) is at particular posn. in par. list. attr(hier,"origdata") <- parse(text=match.call())[2] if (dmetric == "euclidean") attr(hier, "origdist") <- "Euclidean distance" if (dmetric != "euclidean") attr(hier, "origdist") <- "Non-Euclidean distance" } else if (!movie) { # Non-distances as input, - i.e. raw data # In the help file, warn the user to normalize (etc.) data first! if (method==1) meth <- "Ward's min. variance or error sum of squares method." if (method==2) meth <- "Single linkage or nearest neighbor method." if (method=="connected") { meth <- "Single linkage or nearest neighbor method." method <- 2 } if (method==3) meth <- "Complete linkage or diameter method." if (method=="compact") { meth <- "Complete linkage or diameter method." method <- 3 } if (method==4) meth <- "Average linkage (group average or UPGMA) method." if (method=="average") { meth <- "Average linkage (group average or UPGMA) method." method <- 4 } if (method==5) meth <- "McQuitty's or WPGMA method." if (method==6) meth <- "Median (Gower's or WPGMC) method." if (method==7) meth <- "Centroid or UPGMC method." if (diagnostics == TRUE && method >= 1 && method <= 7) cat(meth,"\n") if (method >7 || method <1) stop("method must be an integer between 1 and 7.") hier <- hc(a, method, bign) # Fix up additional attributes describing hierarchy attr(hier,"class") <- "hierarchy" # attr(hier,"call") <- match.call() attr(hier,"call") <- deparse(sys.call()) attr(hier,"criterion") <- meth #Note: we assume argument 'a' (i/p data) is at partic. posn. in arg. list. attr(hier,"origdata") <- parse(text=match.call())[2] attr(hier,"origdist") <- "Euclidean distance" } else if (movie) { # Hierarchical clustering with real-time representation of agglomerations. if (!is.matrix(a)) stop("First input argument must be a matrix.\n") n <- nrow(a) m <- ncol(a) #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Input parameters: description and preliminary tests on validity. # # # a is input data matrix, - no NAs allowed. # # method = 1 (default), 2, 3, or 4: # 1 = minimum variance method (with the further possibility to prioritize # linearity through use of alpha < 1.0); 2 = single linkage method; 3 = # complete linkage method; 4 = average linkege method. if (!(method==1 || method==2 || method==3 || method==4)) stop("method must be 1 (default), 2, 3, or 4.") # # option = "thru" (default) or "prompt": # Go right thru all n-1 agglomerations, or ask the user whether to continue # at each agglomeration? Here is what we recommend: On the first occassion, # go right through. Check out the cluster criterion values reported on in the # command window. Then using the 'prompt' option, go as far as the desired # partition, and print it out. # if (!(option=="thru"||option=="prompt")) stop("option must be `thru` (default) or `prompt`.") # # alpha = 1.0 (default) or 0.0 < alpha <= 1.0: # Only used by the minimum variance agglomerative criterion. Alpha downweights # the variance component on the prinipal axis of the cluster, and thereby # redefines the cluster criterion such that linear clusters are preferred. A # value of alpha = 1.0 gives exactly the traditional Ward's minimum variance # method. See Murtagh and Raftery (1984) for more on this altered criterion. # if (alpha <= 0.0 || alpha > 1.0) stop("coefficient alpha must be > 0, <= 1. (Default 1.0).") # # repres = "chull" (default), "lines", "gauss": # Representation of clusters: For input data which has dimensionality greater # than 2, only "chull" is allowed (since the representations were found to be # too problematic, given that the clustering takes place in m-dimensions, and # the the representation is necessarily a 2-dimensional projection of this). # Representation "chull" = convex hull, or straight line in case # of colinear points. (Note that we test for collinearity, using principal # components analysis, since otherwise the S "hull" routine blows up.) # Representation "lines" = lines of best fit (least squares fit is used, # and the extremities are defined by the intersection of the min. and max. x # values on this LS fit line). "gauss" = 1-sigma circles. Side-effect of # latter: warning messages indicate whenever circles overlap plot boundaries. # if (!(repres=="chull"||repres=="lines"||repres=="gauss")) stop("repres must be one of: chull, lines, gauss.") if (m>2 && repres!="chull") warning("Only `chull' representation permitted for dim. > 2. Using this.\n") # # show = "change" or "all": # In this method's present implementation, the clusters at each stage are # 'highlighted' by means of a different symbol. Option show = "change" has # this highlighting changed at each agglomeration, so that only the most recent # agglomerands are shown. Option show = "all" does not turn off the highlight- # ing in this way. # if (!(show=="change"||show=="all")) stop("show option must be `change` (default) or `all`.") #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # storage.mode(a) <- "single" iklass <- matrix(0.0, n, n) # Will store cluster assgmnts. storage.mode(iklass) <- "integer" membr <- single(n) # Singleton, cluster cardinalities flag <- logical(n) # Bookkeeping: agglomerated yet? ia <- integer(n) # Subnodes of a given node in the ib <- integer(n) # ... hierarchy. crit <- single(n) # Criterion val. at each level. potcl <- integer(n) # Bookkeeping: potential clus. mems potcl1 <- integer(n) # Ditto potcl2 <- integer(n) # Ditto vect1 <- single(m) vect2 <- single(m) array1 <- matrix(0.0, m, m) storage.mode(array1) <- "single" array2 <- matrix(0.0, m, m) storage.mode(array2) <- "single" centr <- single(m) dat2 <- single(n*m) ileast <- 0 # Agglomerand jleast <- 0 # Agglomerand dleast <- 0.0 # Criterion value classx <- 0 # X-values corresp. to a cluster classy <- 0 # Y-values corresp. to a cluster # if (method==1) cat(" Alpha: ",round(as.single(alpha),5),"\n") # if (method==1) meth <- "minimum variance" if (method==2) meth <- "single linkage" if (method==3) meth <- "complete linkage" if (method==4) meth <- "average linkage" # # x and y labels for plot; use principal components if dim. > 2 if (m == 2) { xvalues <- a[,1] yvalues <- a[,2] xlabel <- "coordinate 1" ylabel <- "coordinate 2" if (method==1) { titl <- paste("Hier. clust. ", "- crit.: ",meth, "- alpha: ", round(as.single(alpha),5) ) } else { titl <- paste("Hier. clust. ", "- crit.: ",meth) } } else { prco <- pca(a, 2) # PCA on covariances xvalues <- prco$rproj[,1] yvalues <- prco$rproj[,2] pc1 <- prco$evals[1]*100.0/sum(prco$evals) pc2 <- prco$evals[2]*100.0/sum(prco$evals) xlabel <- paste("principal component 1 (", round(as.single(pc1),2), "% of variance)") ylabel <- paste("principal component 2 (", round(as.single(pc2),2), "% of variance)") if (method==1) { titl <- paste("Hier. clust. ", "- crit.: ",meth, "- alpha: ", round(as.single(alpha),5), " - dim.: ", m) } else { titl <- paste("Hier. clust. ", "- crit.: ",meth, " - dim.: ", m) } } # # Set up plot plot(xvalues, yvalues, type="n", add=F,xlab=xlabel,ylab=ylabel,main=titl) points(xvalues, yvalues, type="p") # # init: Initialize initx <- .Fortran("init", membr = as.single(membr), flag = as.logical(flag), iklass = as.matrix(iklass), n = as.integer(n), m = as.integer(m) ) # membr <- initx$membr flag <- initx$flag iklass <- initx$iklass # nmin1 <- n-1 for (ncl in nmin1:1) { # if (method == 1) { # gbd: Get best dissimilarity (method==1 case) gbdx <- .Fortran("gbd", membr = as.single(membr), flag = as.logical(flag), dleast = as.single(dleast), ileast = as.integer(ileast), jleast = as.integer(jleast), ncl = as.integer(ncl), ia = as.integer(ia), ib = as.integer(ib), iklass = as.matrix(iklass), potcl = as.integer(potcl), array1 = as.matrix(array1), array2 = as.matrix(array2), vect1 = as.single(vect1), vect2 = as.single(vect2), dat2 = as.single(dat2), n = as.integer(n), m = as.integer(m), alpha = as.single(alpha), a = as.matrix(a), centr = as.single(centr) ) } else { # gbd2: Get best dissimilarity (method!=1 case) gbdx <- .Fortran("gbd2", membr = as.single(membr), flag = as.logical(flag), dleast = as.single(dleast), ileast = as.integer(ileast), jleast = as.integer(jleast), ncl = as.integer(ncl), ia = as.integer(ia), ib = as.integer(ib), iklass = as.matrix(iklass), potcl1 = as.integer(potcl1), potcl2 = as.integer(potcl2), array1 = as.matrix(array1), array2 = as.matrix(array2), vect1 = as.single(vect1), vect2 = as.single(vect2), dat2 = as.single(dat2), n = as.integer(n), m = as.integer(m), a = as.matrix(a), method = as.integer(method) ) } # ileast <- gbdx$ileast jleast <- gbdx$jleast dleast <- gbdx$dleast membr <- gbdx$membr flag <- gbdx$flag ia <- gbdx$ia ib <- gbdx$ib iklass <- gbdx$iklass array1 <- gbdx$array1 array2 <- gbdx$array2 vect1 <- gbdx$vect1 vect2 <- gbdx$vect2 dat2 <- gbdx$dat2 if (method == 1) { potcl <- gbdx$potcl centr <- gbdx$centr } else { potcl1 <- gbdx$potcl1 potcl2 <- gbdx$potcl2 } # lev <- n-ncl cat(" Cluster ",lev," criterion value: ",round(dleast,5),"\n") # # agg: Agglomerate aggx <- .Fortran("agg", ileast = as.integer(ileast), jleast = as.integer(jleast), dleast = as.single(dleast), ncl = as.integer(ncl), ia = as.integer(ia), ib = as.integer(ib), crit = as.single(crit), membr = as.single(membr), flag = as.logical(flag), n = as.integer(n) ) # ileast <- aggx$ileast jleast <- aggx$jleast dleast <- aggx$dleast ia <- aggx$ia ib <- aggx$ib crit <- aggx$crit membr <- aggx$membr flag <- aggx$flag # # gncm: Get new cluster memberships gncmx <- .Fortran("gncm", ileast = as.integer(ileast), jleast = as.integer(jleast), ncl = as.integer(ncl), ia = as.integer(ia), ib = as.integer(ib), membr = as.single(membr), iklass = as.matrix(iklass), flag = as.logical(flag), n = as.integer(n) ) # ileast <- gncmx$ileast jleast <- gncmx$jleast ia <- gncmx$ia ib <- gncmx$ib membr <- gncmx$membr iklass <- gncmx$iklass flag <- gncmx$flag # if (ncl < nmin1 && show == "change") { # Remove highlighting on last-agglomerated points: if (length(classx) > 1) { lines(classx, classy, type="p", pch=4, col=0) } # In the case of "lines", remove them - else they cloud up things: if (length(classx) > 1 && repres=="lines") { lines(c(xmin,xmax),c(ymin,ymax),col=0) } # In the case of "gauss", remove circles: if (length(classx) > 1 && repres=="gauss") { symbols(mean(classx),mean(classy), circles=sigma,add=T,inches=F,col=0) } } classvect <- iklass[n-ncl,] classx <- xvalues[classvect==1] classy <- yvalues[classvect==1] lines(classx, classy, type="p", pch=4) # if (repres=="chull") { if (length(classx)==2) lines(classx, classy, type="l") else if (length(classx)>2) { # Assess linearity using PCA on covariances prco <- pca(cbind(classx,classy), 2) # Collinearity (arbitrarily!) defined as three thousandths of 2nd # eigenvalue (would be zero if data precisely collinear; 0.003 # allows for small tolerance.) collin <- prco$evals[2]*1000.0 if (collin <= 3) { xmn <- min(classx) xmx <- max(classx) ymn <- min(classy) ymx <- max(classy) lines(c(xmn,xmx),c(ymn,ymx),type="l") } else { hull <- chull(classx, classy) polygon(classx[hull], classy[hull]) } } } if (m==2 && repres=="gauss") { classn <- length(classx) # Use var in population terms - looks better for small 'classn': sigma <- sqrt(var(classx)*(classn-1)/classn+ var(classy)*(classn-1)/classn) symbols(mean(classx),mean(classy),circles=sigma,add=T,inches=F) } if (m==2 && repres=="lines") { z<-lsfit(classx,classy) xmin <- min(classx) interc <- z$coef[1] slope <- z$coef[2] ymin <- slope*xmin+interc xmax <- max(classx) ymax <- slope*xmax+interc lines(c(xmin,xmax),c(ymin,ymax)) } # if (ncl > 1 && option == "prompt") { cat("Proceed? [y]\n") resp <- scan("",what=character(),1) if (length(resp)==0) resp <- "y" if (resp=="n" || resp=="N") { list(lev=lev,class=iklass[1:lev,]) return() } } # # End of "for (ncl in nmin1:1)" loop: } # # part <- list(lev=lev,class=iklass[1:lev,]) # End of movie case: } # Finally return with what we came for, all wrapped up with approp. attrs. # For movie option, don't bother generating any output. if (movie) invisible(part) if (!movie) hier }