--- title: "Homework #2: Resampling" author: "**Your Name Here**" format: sys6018hw-html --- ```{r config, include=FALSE} # Set global configurations and settings here knitr::opts_chunk$set() # set global chunk options ggplot2::theme_set(ggplot2::theme_bw()) # set ggplot2 theme ``` # Required R packages and Directories {.unnumbered .unlisted} ```{r packages, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE} data_dir = 'https://mdporter.github.io/SYS6018/data/' # data directory library(tidymodels)# for optional tidymodels solutions library(tidyverse) # functions for data manipulation ``` # Problem 1: Bootstrapping Bootstrap resampling can be used to quantify the uncertainty in a fitted curve. ## a. Data Generating Process Create a set of functions to generate data from the following distributions: \begin{align*} X &\sim \mathcal{U}(0, 2) \qquad \text{Uniform between $0$ and $2$}\\ Y &= 1 + 2x + 5\sin(5x) + \epsilon \\ \epsilon &\sim \mathcal{N}(0,\, \sigma=2.5) \end{align*} ::: {.callout-note title="Solution"} Add Solution Here ::: ## b. Simulate data Simulate $n=100$ realizations from these distributions. Produce a scatterplot and draw the true regression line $f(x) = E[Y \mid X=x]$. Use `set.seed(211)` prior to generating the data. ::: {.callout-note title="Solution"} Add Solution Here ::: ## c. 5th degree polynomial fit Fit a 5th degree polynomial. Produce a scatterplot and draw the *estimated* regression curve. ::: {.callout-note title="Solution"} Add Solution Here ::: ## d. Bootstrap sampling Make 200 bootstrap samples. For each bootstrap sample, fit a 5th degree polynomial and make predictions at `eval_pts = seq(0, 2, length=100)` - Set the seed (use `set.seed(212)`) so your results are reproducible. - Produce a scatterplot with the original data and add the 200 bootstrap curves ::: {.callout-note title="Solution"} Add Solution Here ::: ## e. Confidence Intervals Calculate the pointwise 95% confidence intervals from the bootstrap samples. That is, for each $x \in {\rm eval\_pts}$, calculate the upper and lower limits such that only 5% of the curves fall outside the interval at $x$. - Remake the plot from part *c*, but add the upper and lower boundaries from the 95% confidence intervals. ::: {.callout-note title="Solution"} Add Solution Here ::: # Problem 2: V-Fold cross-validation with $k$ nearest neighbors Run 10-fold cross-validation on the data generated in part 1b to select the optimal $k$ in a k-nearest neighbor (kNN) model. Then evaluate how well cross-validation performed by evaluating the performance on a large test set. The steps below will guide you. ## a. Implement 10-fold cross-validation Use $10$-fold cross-validation to find the value of $k$ (i.e., neighborhood size) that provides the smallest cross-validated MSE using a kNN model. - Search over $k=3,4,\ldots, 40$. - Use `set.seed(221)` prior to generating the folds to ensure the results are replicable. - Show the following: - the optimal $k$ (as determined by cross-validation) - the corresponding estimated MSE - produce a plot with $k$ on the x-axis and the estimated MSE on the y-axis (optional: add 1-standard error bars). - Notation: The $k$ is the tuning paramter for the kNN model. The $v=10$ is the number of folds in V-fold cross-validation. Don't get yourself confused. ::: {.callout-note title="Solution"} Add Solution Here ::: ## b. Find the optimal *edf* The $k$ (number of neighbors) in a kNN model determines the effective degrees of freedom *edf*. What is the optimal *edf*? Be sure to use the correct sample size when making this calculation. Produce a plot similar to that from part *a*, but use *edf* (effective degrees of freedom) on the x-axis. ::: {.callout-note title="Solution"} Add Solution Here ::: ## c. Choose $k$ After running cross-validation, a final model fit from *all* of the training data needs to be produced to make predictions. What value of $k$ would you choose? Why? ::: {.callout-note title="Solution"} Add Solution Here ::: ## d. Evaluate actual performance Now we will see how well cross-validation performed. Simulate a test data set of $50000$ observations from the same distributions. Use `set.seed(223)` prior to generating the test data. - Fit a set of kNN models, using the full training data, and calculate the mean squared error (MSE) on the test data for each model. Use the same $k$ values in *a*. - Report the optimal $k$, the corresponding *edf*, and MSE based on the test set. ::: {.callout-note title="Solution"} Add Solution Here ::: ## e. Performance plots Plot both the cross-validation estimated and (true) error calculated from the test data on the same plot. See Figure 5.6 in ISL (pg 182) as a guide. - Produce two plots: one with $k$ on the x-axis and one with *edf* on the x-axis. - Each plot should have two lines: one from part *a* and one from part *d* ::: {.callout-note title="Solution"} Add Solution Here ::: ## f. Did cross-validation work as intended? Based on the plots from *e*, does it appear that cross-validation worked as intended? How sensitive is the choice of $k$ on the resulting test MSE? ::: {.callout-note title="Solution"} Add Solution Here :::