# Synposis Add an 'Open in Sublime' button to GitHub ![Screenshot](https://raw.github.com/mechio/subhub/master/screenshot.png) Clicking the button clones the repository into `~/.subhub` before opening it in Sublime Text 3 # Requirements * OSX or Windows * Sublime Text 3 * Chrome # Settings * **if_exists** - what to do the repo already exists on the local computer possible options: * pull - update your local repository to the newest commit * nothing - it will just open the local copy # Installation 1. Install the [Chrome Extension](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/subhub/dndgngopahigljbjkfihmkaaaeceagbg) 2. Get the plugin from [Sublime Package Control](http://wbond.net/sublime_packages/package_control) via the `Sublime Text -> Preferences -> Package Control: Install Package` menu item. ## Installation without Package Control ``` bash cd ~/Library/Application\ Support/Sublime\ Text\ 3/Packages/ git clone https://github.com/mechio/subhub.git ``` # TODOs * Linux support * Windows support * Sublime Text 2 support * Support Firefox & Safari ### Author: [mech.io](http://mech.io) ### Contributors: [Barnaby Malet](http://twitter.com/barnabymalet), [Namit Chadha](http://twitter.com/namitchadha), [Mihai Vilcu](https://github.com/ionutvmi)