Crypto Sublime Text 2 and 3 Package ============================= ### Encrypt/ Decrypt a document or selection(s) using OpenSSL This Package depends on `openssl` ![Preview]( Install ------- **Recommended:** Installation via the [Package Control]( (Search for `Crypto`) To install manually clone this project into your `Sublime Text 2|3\Packages` folder: ### OSX **SublimeText 2**: ```bash git clone git:// ~/Library/Application\ Support/Sublime\ Text\ 2/Packages/Crypto ``` **SublimeText 3**: ```bash git clone git:// ~/Library/Application\ Support/Sublime\ Text\ 3/Packages/Crypto ``` ### Windows **SublimeText 2**: ```bash git clone git:// "%APPDATA%\Sublime Text 2\Packages\Crypto" ``` **SublimeText 3**: ```bash git clone git:// "%APPDATA%\Sublime Text 3\Packages\Crypto" ``` Usage ----- After installation you will have: * Right-click menu item `Crypto` and `Tools > Crypto` with two options: - `Encrypt` - `Decrypt` * Default keyboard shortcuts: - `⌘+K,e` on OSX or `ctrl+K,e` on Linux/Windows (Encrypt) - `⌘+K,d` on OSX or `ctrl+K,d` on Linux/Windows (Decrypt) * Package Settings: `Preferences > Package Settings > Crypto` - Set the path to your `openssl` executable - default: `openssl` - Set the Encryption Cipher - default: `-aes128` - Obfuscate the password input - default 'false' **Note**: By default password input will *not* be obfuscated. If you want your password input to be obfuscated you can change the setting `obfuscate_password` to `true` in your `Preferences > Package Settings > Crypto > Settings - User`. If you choose to enable `obfuscate_password` please be aware that there is a bug with the implementation that doesn't allow you to copy/paste your password. The commands work on a selection, multiple selections or if nothing is selected the whole document. Once you trigger the command you will be prompted to enter a password. Author & Contributors ---------------------- [Derek Anderson]( [Isaac Muse]( [Elliot Marsden]( [@circulosmeos]( License ------- MIT License