--- type: video yt_id: VVU2YVRMdUlfajQtMHdpRFN6bWFQY3RRLmpEejRqX2treUxB videoId: jDz4j_kkyLA title: "AWS Route 53 Domain Name" date: "2022-06-20T14:00:31Z" slug: "aws-route-53-domain-name" image: name: "aws-route-53-domain-name.jpg" alt: "AWS Route 53 Domain Name" width: 1280 height: 720 status: 'published' description: "Setup a custom domain name in route 53 to start creating dns records for services within aws. I'll show you how to purchase a domain with namecheap and create a Route 53 hosted zone in aws. Then you can create dns records for aws services like ec2 instances, s3 buckets, load balancers, and more." tags: ['aws', 'cloud computing', 'route 53', 'domain name', 'hosted zone', 'dns', 'ec2', 's3', 'load balancer', 'namecheap', 'godaddy', 'aws route 53', 'aws domain name', 'aws hosted zone', 'aws dns', 'aws ec2', 'aws s3', 'aws load balancer', 'aws namecheap', 'aws godaddy', 'route 53 domain name', 'route 53 hosted zone', 'route 53 dns', 'route 53 ec2', 'route 53 s3', 'route 53 load balancer', 'route 53 namecheap', 'route 53 godaddy', 'domain name aws', 'domain name route 53', 'hosted zone aws', 'hosted zone route 53', 'dns aws', 'dns route 53', 'ec2 aws', 'ec2 route 53', 's3 aws', 's3 route 53', 'load balancer aws', 'load balancer route 53', 'namecheap aws', 'namecheap route 53', 'godaddy aws', 'godaddy route 53', 'aws route 53 domain name', 'aws route 53 hosted zone', 'aws route 53 dns', 'aws route 53 ec2', 'aws route 53 s3', 'aws route 53 load balancer', 'aws route 53 namecheap', 'aws route 53 godaddy', 'route 53 domain name aws', 'route 53 hosted zone aws', 'route 53 dns aws', 'route 53 ec2 aws', 'route 53 s3 aws', 'route 53 load balancer aws', 'route 53 namecheap aws', 'route 53 godaddy aws', 'domain name aws route 53', 'hosted zone aws route 53', 'dns aws route 53', 'ec2 aws route 53', 's3 aws route 53', 'load balancer aws route 53', 'namecheap aws route 53', 'godaddy aws route 53', 'aws route 53 domain name route 53', 'aws route 53 hosted zone route 53', 'aws route 53 dns route 53', 'aws route 53 ec2 route 53', 'aws route 53 s3 route 53', 'aws route 53 load balancer route 53'] --- Setup a custom domain name in route 53 to start creating dns records for services within aws. I'll show you how to purchase a domain with namecheap and create a Route 53 hosted zone in aws. Then you can create dns records for aws services like ec2 instances, s3 buckets, load balancers, and more. ## Chapters: * 0:00​ Intro * 0:27 Custom Domain Name Setup * 0:43 Route 53 Hosted Zones * 1:00 Route 53 Hosted zone cost * 1:15 Purchasing through AWS vs somewhere like namecheap or godaddy * 1:28 Purchasing through Namecheap * 2:42 Domain Name settings * 3:20 Creating hosted zone on AWS * 3:50 NS Record values AWS * 5:00 Simple record to point to EC2 Instance