--- type: video yt_id: VVU2YVRMdUlfajQtMHdpRFN6bWFQY3RRLjhEaVQtTGRZWEMw videoId: 8DiT-LdYXC0 title: "Prisma & Next.js" date: "2022-10-24T14:00:03Z" slug: "prisma-and-nextjs" image: name: "prisma-and-nextjs.jpg" alt: "Prisma & Next.js" width: 1280 height: 720 status: "published" description: "Learn how to use Prisma with a Next.js application to persist data to a database." tags: [ "postgres", "mysql", "sqlite", "prisma", "vercel", "railway", "mongo", 'JavaScript', 'js', 'next.js', 'nextjs', 'next' ] --- Learn how to use Prisma with a Next.js application to persist data to a database. I'll also show you how to setup a cloud database using railway and deploy your app to vercel. If you're not sure what prisma is, check out the following article first: ## Install Prisma These isntructions will work on an existing Next.js app. If you're starting from scratch, you can use the following command to create a new Next.js app: {/* prettier-ignore */} ```sh npx create-next-app ``` {/* prettier-ignore */} ```sh npx create-next-app --ts ``` In your Next app, install and initialize prisma: {/* prettier-ignore */} ```sh yarn add -D prisma npx prisma init ``` ```sh yarn add prisma typescript ts-node @types/node --dev npx prisma init ``` This will create a new `prisma` folder in your project with a `schema.prisma` file inside of it. This is where you define your database schema. ### `.env` and `.env.local` My motivation for for this section comes from how prisma and next.js handle environment variables. [https://www.prisma.io/docs/guides/database/troubleshooting-orm/help-articles/nextjs-prisma-client-dev-practices](https://www.prisma.io/docs/guides/database/troubleshooting-orm/help-articles/nextjs-prisma-client-dev-practices) [https://nextjs.org/docs/basic-features/environment-variables](https://nextjs.org/docs/basic-features/environment-variables) Prisma also creates a `.env` file where you can put your database connection string, but this conflicts with how Next.js supports env vars. - Prisma will only look inside of `.env` for the connection string which is private information that should never be comitted and shared. - Next.js will look inside of a few files to [load environment variables](https://nextjs.org/docs/basic-features/environment-variables). However, next.js suggests **only using `.env.local`** for private information and comitting and pushing any other `.env` files. To be safe, you should only add your sesitive env vars to `.env.local` in a next app. So we need to tell prisma to look inside of `.env.local` instead of `.env`. Rename `.env` to `.env.local` https://www.prisma.io/docs/guides/development-environment/environment-variables/using-multiple-env-files#migration-script Install the `dotenv-cli` package: ```sh yarn add dotenv-cli --dev ``` Add the following [scripts](https://www.slipshods.com/code/2) to your `package.json` file: ````json // package.json ```json "scripts": { ..., "migrate:dev": "npx dotenv -e .env.local -- prisma migrate dev", "db:push": "npx dotenv -e .env.local -- prisma db push", "migrate:reset": "npx dotenv -e .env.local -- prisma migrate reset", "db:seed": "npx dotenv -e .env.local -- prisma db seed", "prisma:generate": "npx dotenv -e .env.local -- prisma generate", "prisma:studio": "npx dotenv -e .env.local -- prisma studio", "production:build": "npx prisma generate && npx prisma migrate deploy && next build" } ```` Now anytime you need to run a prisma command, you can use the scripts you just added to your `package.json` file. - ~~`prisma migrate dev`~~ > `yarn migrate:dev` - ~~`prisma db push`~~ > `yarn db:push` - ~~`prisma migrate reset`~~ > `yarn migrate:reset` - ~~`prisma db seed`~~ > `yarn db:seed` - ~~`prisma generate`~~ > `yarn prisma:generate` - ~~`prisma studio`~~ > `yarn prisma:studio` When it comes time to building your app for deployment, you should run `yarn production:build` instead of `next build`. This will run `prisma generate` and `prisma migrate deploy` before building your app. If you're deploying to vercel, then just change the build script to be `yarn production:build` in your vercel settings. ## `DATABASE_URL` The next thing you need to do is supply a valid `DATABASE_URL` to your `.env.local` file so that prisma can start performing its magic. ```sh SCHEME://USER:PASSWORD@HOST:PORT/DATABASE?schema=SCHEMA ``` [Prisma's documentation](https://www.prisma.io/docs/reference/database-reference/connection-urls) has a few different examples on how you can do this, but before you can do anything, you need to know two things: 1. Which database are you using? `PostgreSQL`, `MySQL`, `Microsoft SQL Server`, `CockroachDB`, or `MongoDB`? 2. Are you going to use a local database or a cloud database? Right now you're just in development so a local database is a good idea, but a cloud database is also a fine way to go. ### Local Database Let's say you're using a local MySQL database with the following details: username=`root` password=`password` database=`my_database` Then your `DATABASE_URL` would look like this ```sh mysql://root:password@ ``` Let's say you're using a local Postgres database with the following details: username=`postgres` password=`password` database=`my_database` Then your `DATABASE_URL` would look like this ```sh postgresql://postgres:password@ ``` Prisma needs to perform transactions, which requires your MongoDB server to be run as a replica set. You can [read the docs](https://www.mongodb.com/docs/manual/tutorial/deploy-replica-set-for-testing/) on how to do this locally, or just use [mongo atlas](). Your URL will look something like this: ```sh mongodb+srv://:@cluster0.ubflfgu.mongodb.net/myDatabase?retryWrites=true&w=majority ``` Make sure that you update your db provider in the `schema.prisma` file to match your database provider. ```prisma datasource db { provider = "mysql" url = env("DATABASE_URL") } ``` ```prisma datasource db { provider = "postgresql" url = env("DATABASE_URL") } ``` ```prisma datasource db { provider = "mongodb" url = env("DATABASE_URL") } ``` ### Cloud Database If you want to use a cloud database, then you can use the url from the provider you're using. If you're not sure which provider to use, I suggest using [railway.app](https://railway.app/) for MySQL or Postgres because it's free and easy to use. And I suggest using [MongoDB Atlas](https://www.mongodb.com/cloud/atlas) for MongoDB because it's also free and easy to use and supports replica sets. - Go to [https://railway.app/new](https://railway.app/new) - Select the database you want to use - Click select `Connect` and copy the url - Done I suggest using **PostgreSQL** because it's the cheapest option for some reason. ## `schema.prisma` Now that you have a database, you need to define your database schema. This is where you define your tables, columns, and relationships. Don't worry, it's really easy to change this in the future, so just start with something simple so you can start playing around with prisma. Here's a really basic `Post` model that has a `title` and some `content`: ```prisma model Post { id Int @id @default(autoincrement()) createdAt DateTime @default(now()) updatedAt DateTime @updatedAt title String content String? @db.Text } ``` ```prisma model Post { id Int @id @default(autoincrement()) createdAt DateTime @default(now()) updatedAt DateTime @updatedAt title String content String? @db.Text } ``` ```prisma model Post { id Int @id @default(auto()) @map("_id") @db.ObjectId createdAt DateTime @default(now()) updatedAt DateTime @updatedAt title String content String? } ``` Add the Post model to the `/prisma/schema.prisma` file, then run the following command to migrate the database: You **never** need to run this command if you're using MongoDB. MongoDB doesn't require you to setup a schema. So you can ignore anything to do with migrations if you're using MongoDB. ```sh yarn migrate:dev --name init ``` This create a migration file, which is the raw SQL that needs to be run against the database. Then prisma runs that file against the database which in this case will create the tables. Everytime you update your models in your `schema.prisma` file, you will need to run this command. You should now have a `/prisma/migrations` directory that contains all the raw SQL. You can completely ignore this directory, but make sure you commit it to your repo. ## npm install @prisma/client Time to start persisting data. Let's make an API route that allows someone to make a `POST` request to create a new `Post` in the database. Run the following command to install the prisma client: ```sh yarn add @prisma/client ``` Create a new file at `/pages/api/posts.js` and add the following code: ```js // pages/api/posts.js import { PrismaClient } from '@prisma/client' const prisma = new PrismaClient() export default async function handle(req, res) { const { method } = req switch (method) { case 'POST': // get the title and content from the request body const { title, content } = req.body // use prisma to create a new post using that data const post = await prisma.post.create({ data: { title, content } }) // send the post object back to the client res.status(201).json(post) break default: res.status(405).end(`Method ${method} Not Allowed`) } } ``` Create a new file at `/pages/api/posts.ts` and add the following code: ```ts // pages/api/posts.ts import { PrismaClient } from '@prisma/client' import type { NextApiRequest, NextApiResponse } from 'next' const prisma = new PrismaClient() export default async function handle(req: NextApiRequest, res: NextApiResponse) { const { method } = req switch (method) { case 'POST': // get the title and content from the request body const { title, content } = req.body // use prisma to create a new post using that data const post = await prisma.post.create({ data: { title, content } }) // send the post object back to the client res.status(201).json(post) break default: res.status(405).end(`Method ${method} Not Allowed`) } } ``` Run the next app: ```sh yarn dev ``` Make a POST request to create a new Post You can use something like [Postman](https://www.postman.com/), [Insomnia](https://insomnia.rest/), or [ThunderClient](https://www.thunderclient.com/) to make the request. Here's an example using curl: ```sh curl --request POST \ --header "Content-Type: application/json" \ --data '{"title": "some post title", "content": "some post content"}' \ localhost:3000/api/posts ``` If everything worked, you should see a response like this: ```json { "id": 1, "createdAt": "2021-03-01T00:00:00.000Z", "updatedAt": "2021-03-01T00:00:00.000Z", "title": "some post title", "content": "some post content" } ``` ## Prisma Studio Prisma studio is a GUI for your database. It's really useful for seeing what's going on in your database and for debugging. Even though there's not much data in the database yet, let's open Prisma Studio to see what it looks like: Run the following command to open prisma studio: ```sh yarn prisma:studio ``` You should see the Post model and the single post you just created: You can use prisma studio to create, read, update, and delete data. ## Single Client Before we do write any more code to interact with data, we should refactor slightly. Our application should only have one instance of the prisma client, so this code should only run once: ```js import { PrismaClient } from "@prisma/client" const prisma = new PrismaClient() ``` Instead of creating a new instance every time we need to use prisma, we should put this in a file that only runs the setup code once and shares the prisma object with our entire project. There are also some quirks when using prisma with next in development, so we can follow prisma's [Best practice for instantiating PrismaClient with Next.js](https://www.prisma.io/docs/guides/database/troubleshooting-orm/help-articles/nextjs-prisma-client-dev-practices) Create a new file at `/server/db/client.js` Create a new file at `/server/db/client.js` Add the following code: ```js import { PrismaClient } from '@prisma/client' export const prisma = global.prisma || new PrismaClient({ log: ['query'], }) if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') global.prisma = prisma ``` Create a new file at `/server/db/client.ts` {" "} Create a new file at `/server/db/client.ts` {" "} Add the following code: ```ts import { PrismaClient } from "@prisma/client" declare global { // allow global `var` declarations // eslint-disable-next-line no-var var prisma: PrismaClient | undefined } export const prisma = global.prisma || new PrismaClient({ log: ["query"], }) if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production") global.prisma = prisma ``` In your `/pages/api/posts` file, instead of creating the client, import the prisma client from `/server/db/client`: ```js import { prisma } from "../../server/db/client" ``` Everything should still work the same, but now we're using the same prisma client everywhere. Now let's fetch some data. ## Fetching Data We could make an API route that allows us to fetch all the posts. But this is a next app, so let's use the `getServerSideProps` function to fetch the posts on the server and do some server-side rendering. Replace the contents of `/pages/index.js` with the following code: ```js // pages/index.js import { prisma } from '../server/db/client' export default function Home({posts}) => { return (


{posts.map((post) => (



) } export async function getServerSideProps() { const posts = await prisma.post.findMany() return { props: { posts } } } ```
Replace the contents of `/pages/index.ts` with the following code: ```ts // pages/index.ts import type { NextPage } from 'next' import { prisma } from '../server/db/client' type PostProps = { id: number; title: string; content: string; createdAt: Date; } type Props = { posts: PostProps[]; } const Home: NextPage = ({posts}) => { return (


{posts.map((post) => (



) } export default Home export async function getServerSideProps() { const posts = await prisma.post.findMany() return { props: { posts } } } ```
We are using the prisma client to get all of the posts from the database and passing them to the `Home` component as props. But if you run the app right now `yarn dev` and visit the home page `http://localhost:3000`, you'll see an error: Error: Error serializing `.posts[0].createdAt` returned from `getServerSideProps` in "/". Reason: `object` ("[object Date]") cannot be serialized as JSON. Please only return JSON serializable data types. This is because prisma `Date`s are converted to JavaScript `Date`s, but we can't pass a date object as a prop from `getServerSideProps`. First, we need to convert it to a string. This can be handled in a bunch of different ways, but here's a [simple way](https://www.slipshods.com/code/8). stringify then parse the data before returning it from `getServerSideProps`: ```js return { props: { posts: JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(posts)), }, } ``` stringify converts everything to valid json data, so things like date objects get converted to strings. Then we parse the posts back to an object but the date object will remain a string. It's kind of weird, but it works and lets us get back to building the app, so 🤷‍♀️ If you visit `http://localhost:3000` again, you should see the posts from the database. ## Creating Posts Now that we can fetch posts, let's add the ability to create posts from the home page. Add a form to the home page that allows you to input a `title` and `content`: ```js import { useState } from 'react' ... export default function Home({posts}) { const [title, setTitle] = useState('') const [content, setContent] = useState('') const handleSubmit = async (e) => { e.preventDefault() console.log({title, content}) } return (


setTitle(e.target.value)} />