(Class Informer) (Class Informer) (Class Informer) (Class Informer) (Class Informer) MFC "Run Time Class Information" (Class Informer) verified correct verified correct Offs verified Verified at correct offs The Id is always pointer verified at correct pos control the agent with arrow keys off_11AC0 off_15DE4 off_1C980 off_1F348 off_1F358 off_20C64 off_22C48 off_23680 off_236B0 off_2AD44 off_2ADAC off_2B590 off_31F20 off_34CD0 off_38DA0 off_3A9E8 off_435D8 off_45010 off_46020 off_487E4 off_4880C off_48830 off_4925C off_4BFEC off_4C564 off_4ED88 off_4F2DC off_4F598 off_4FBC4 off_4FEA8 off_5246C off_55B4C off_55F60 off_5AA04 off_62ED4 off_654B0 off_67604 off_68E18 off_6D3A0 off_6D598 off_6D734 off_6DF54 off_6E5E4 off_6E5F4 off_6E84C off_73CD0 off_757C0 off_759A4 off_7C614 off_7DA94 off_8A2AC off_958FC off_98B6C off_9C5C0 off_9D7A4 off_9E098 off_9FDD0 off_9FDF0 off_9FE0C off_A5EA0 off_A81EC off_AC4B8 off_AD2C8 off_ADF18 off_B7ACC off_B8D10 off_C502C off_C7194 off_C7640 off_C7A48 off_CA038 off_CA048 off_CA058 off_CA068 off_CB2E8 off_CD7A8 off_CEA30 off_CEA40 off_D0974 off_D1470 off_D277C off_D4028 off_D4048 off_D4F9C off_D4FBC off_D6724 off_DAA58 off_DD1F4 off_DD604 off_DE8E4 off_E061C off_E063C off_E11DC off_E21F4 off_E2214 unused_off_E3210 unused_off_E368C unused_off_E3E08 aWatcomCC32RunT dword_E5890 word_E5AF1 ___GETDSEnd_ word_E73E2 word_EA128 off_EF864 off_F0090 off_F3EEC off_F98AC off_FC970 off_1093D4 _Alphabet a123456789abcde _Alphabet_0 a123456789abc_0 dword_10B32E off_10C154 off_10CB9B off_10CDF3 off_10D1D1 off_10D66C dword_10F1A0 off_112B08 off_112B18 off_113D48 _AIL_process_VOC_block__switch XDIG_set_pitch__arr off_118A60 off_11B540 func_array001 func_array002 off_11FA84 off_11FDA4 off_11FF44 off_120255 off_1204A8 off_120750 off_122142 off_1225C1 off_1277C0 byte_1299B6 byte_12A618 off_12B0C0 off_12B16C off_12B220 off_12B2D0 off_12B310 off_12B350 off_12B390 dword_12B3D0 dword_12B410 dword_12B8A0 byte_1317A2 byte_1319A0 byte_131BBA byte_131DEC dword_132428 dword_132E28 byte_133F55 off_13496C com_port poly_screen _vec_screen _vec_map _vec_pal _vec_screen_width _vec_window_width _vec_window_height dither_map dither_end polyscans _vec_colour _vec_mode default_agent_tiles_x default_agent_tiles_z byte_152E38 dword_152E4C dword_152E50 dword_152E54 dword_152E58 deep_radar_surface_col deep_radar_line_col waft_table2 waft_table engn_xc engn_zc dword_152EEC byte_152EF0 word_152F00 shadowtexture byte_153014 unk01_load_files conf_file_cmnds unkn_prop_03 aCTmp dword_153194 byte_153198 off_15319C engine_mem_alloc_size female_peep head_my_path user_name word_1531DA next_ex_face word_1531E0 prim4_textures_count prim_face_textures_count prim_object_points_count prim_object_faces_count prim_object_faces4_count prim_objects_count next_traffic next_mission fifties_per_gameturn next_anim_tmap render_area_a render_area_b overall_scale next_normal next_quick_light next_full_light next_face_texture next_floor_texture word_153208 next_object_point next_object_face next_object_face4 next_object next_light_command commands_count word_15321C next_used_objective word_153220 next_col_vect next_vects_list next_walk_header next_walk_item word_15322A next_local_mat next_special_face next_special_face4 word_153236 mouse_map_x mouse_map_z seed net_players_num session_name fadedat_fname tables_fname tex00dat_fname wmstxt_fname netscantxt_fname citytxt_fname bgmandat_fname bgmanzdat_fname bgmanbdat_fname sprojdat_fname zprojdat_fname bprojdat_fname off_1532A8 fname off_1532B4 off_1532B8 off_1532BC off_1532C0 off_1532C4 off_1532C8 off_1532CC data_path_base paDataMsprD_dat palette_fname_fmt pop_dat_fname_fmt pop_tab_fname_fmt primvehobj_fname maps_dir tmapani_fname paTextdataDir citiesdat_fname paTextdataObj_txt levels_dir savegame_mortal_fname paQdataSavegam_5 paQdataSavegam_6 paTextdataNames_ paQdataPosdefs paQdataAlltext paDataMsprD_tab game_dirs sfx_man_shot sfx_woman_shot angle_direction unkn01_maskarr follow_dist W?unk02_load_files$n__$TbLoadFiles$$ aSyn2PrototypeEngine car_glare master_glare gameobjctv_names objective_textnames poo_textnames jskeys kbkeys byte_153914 byte_153915 byte_153916 byte_153917 byte_153918 word_153919 off_15399C mem_game people_frames weapon_defs weapon_nrg weapon_range weapon_damage weapon_sound weapon_sound_z weapon_tech_level mod_defs mod_tech_level game_panel_lo game_panel_hi game_panel zoom_levels pointer_hotspot dword_15488A peep_type_stats static_radii person_st_text byte_154BB4 control_keys_text aConfirmCritica byte_154F2C byte_154F2D word_154F4C seed_ps dword_154F6C dont_bother_with_explode_faces byte_154F78 plasma_width zig_zag byte_155000 byte_155002 mod1_anim_no mod2_anim_no byte_155009 qword_155010 z word_15501C quiver unplace long (*nav_rulesA2B)(long, long) long const MOD3[] selected_triangulation_no char tag_current word_155110 byte_15511C byte_15511D word_15511E net_unkn_pos_01 byte_155124 byte_15512C a19200 unkn_opt_number_text a100 rate weapon byte_155157 month_days selected_weapon selected_mod research_selected_wep research_selected_mod research_on_weapons unkn_city_no city_id unkstruct04_id byte_15516C byte_15516D byte_155170 byte_155174 byte_155175 byte_155180 byte_155181 byte_155189 word_15518A misc_text shape_coords word_1551D8 dword_1551DC dword_1551E4 dword_1551F4 dword_1551FC subst_table_lower_to_upper subst_table_unknown1 text_colours dword_1552F6 turn_last rand_c scanner_blink scanner_keys dword_155340 scroll_text proj_origin_m2 StartScreenPoint proj_origin byte_1553D8 weapon_names aUnusedEmptyArray1 rand_d dword_1554F8 dword_155528 byte_155558 quick_load_console objcount_text dword_1556B4 dword_1556B8 dword_1556BC dword_1556C4 dword_1556CC dword_1556D0 dword_1556DC dword_1556F0 dword_1556F4 dword_1556F8 dword_1556FC dword_155700 dword_155704 coords_a byte_15571C byte_155724 word_155728 coords_b byte_15573C byte_155740 word_155744 dword_155750 starting_cash_amounts dword_155770 dword_155794 BAT_unkn1 BAT_unkn2 byte_155864 byte_155869 byte_15586E byte_155873 BAT_levels long sound_file byte_155D54 _lbScreenModeInfo NetTimeoutTicks TbNetworkService Network_Service_List[] __GDAptr __D16Infoseg __argc __argv _lbSinTable _lbInkeyToAscii _lbInkeyToAsciiShift _smack_malloc _smack_free signed char InitialCDVolume _CDAble off_158B3C off_158B40 ___int23_exit off_158B48 byte_158B4C ___nheapbeg dword_158B54 dword_158B58 aGrip_gll aGrip aCGrip dword_158BBC dword_158BC0 dword_158CBC dword_158CC0 _SpwVector _SpwUnknown1 aCSpacetec_off dword_158DA6 word_158DAC dword_158DAE word_158DB2 dword_158DBE dword_158DC2 dword_158DC6 dword_158DCA dword_158DCE dword_158DD2 dword_158DD8 dword_158DE0 ComHandlerInfo com_dev[] ModemResponse modem_response[] modem_cmds __dynend __curbrk __LpCmdLine __LpPgmName __psp __STACKLOW __STACKTOP __ASTACKSIZ __ASTACKPTR __cbyte __cbyte2 __child __no87 __Extender __ExtenderSubtype __X32VM __Envptr __Envseg __osmajor __osminor ___FPE_handler byte_159138 byte_1591B8 byte_159238 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dword_15972C dword_159730 aEst aEdt off_159776 dword_15977A _SmackTimerReadAddr _SmackTimerSetupAddr _disk_err _MEM_alloc _MEM_free dword_159800 dword_159804 dword_159808 dword_15980C dword_159810 dword_159814 dword_159818 dword_15981C dword_159820 dword_159824 dword_159828 dword_15982C dword_159830 dword_159834 dword_159838 dword_15983C dword_159844 dword_159848 dword_15984C smack_func_addr001 smack_func_addr002 smack_func_addr003 smack_func_addr004 dword_159860 dword_159864 dword_159868 dword_15986C dword_159870 dword_159874 dword_159878 dword_159880 dword_159884 dword_159888 dword_15988C dword_159890 dword_159894 dword_159898 dword_15989C dword_1598A0 dword_1598A4 dword_1598A8 dword_1598AC dword_1598B0 dword_1598B4 byte_1598C0 dword_1598D0 dword_1598E0 word_1599E0 word_1599E2 word_1599E4 dword_1599F0 dword_1599F4 dword_1599F8 dword_1599FC off_159A00 dword_159E00 dword_159E04 dword_159E08 dword_159E0C dword_159E10 dword_159E14 dword_159E20 dword_159E24 dword_159E28 dword_159E2C 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dword_15ABEC dword_15ABF0 dword_15ABF4 dword_15ABF8 dword_15ABFC dword_15AC00 dword_15AC04 dword_15AC08 dword_15AC0C byte_15AC10 word_15AC11 dword_15AC13 dword_15AC17 word_15AC1B dword_15AC20 dword_15AC28 byte_15AC54 off_15AC5C off_15AC60 ___abort dword_15AC70 dword_15AC74 dword_15AC78 dword_15AC7C word_15BC70 dword_15BC72 dword_15BC76 dbl_15BC86 flt_15BC8E byte_15BC92 word_15BE92 dword_15BE94 __8087 __real87 byte_15BE9C byte_15BE9D byte_15BE9E byte_15BE9F off_15BEA4 off_15BEA8 word_15BEAC aGroupDTrucedWi aAfterPlacePlay aAfterSimLevel aAfterGroupActi aS_11 aS_12 aEngine_c aD_20 aE aB aD_21 aSMap03d_bB aSAll03d_mis aDataGenvehic_d aDataWepdefs_da aDataModdefs_da aDataPeepdefs_d aObj02d02d_dat aSC03dl03d_dD aSC03dl03d_dat aLoadLevelResta aPlacedVehicle aQdataSavegam_2 aQdataSavegam_3 aQdataKeys_da_1 aQdataKeys_da_2 aAnon aSyndicate02d02 aChurch02d02d02 aUnguided02d02d aS_idx aS_wad aS_idx_0 aS_wad_0 aConfig_ini aSlanguageSText aDataText_dat aQdataSavegameR aQdataSavegam_0 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aDataIcons00_ta aDataIcons00_da aDataWIcons_tab aDataWIcons_dat aDataPanel00_ta aDataPanel00_da aDataMouse0_tab aDataMouse0_dat aData_0 aDataMsprD_dat aQdataPalD_dat aDataPopD0_dat aDataPopD0_tab aQdataPrimveh_o aMaps aDataTmap_ani aTextdata aDataCitiesz_da aDataCitiesb_da aDataCities_dat aTextdataObj_tx aLevels aQdataSavegam_4 aQdataSavegam_5 aQdataSavegam_6 aTextdataNames_ aQdataPosdefs aQdataAlltext aDataMsprD_tab aData_1 aQdata aMaps_1 aLevels_1 aIntro_0 aSound_5 aDataEquip aGame_obj_p_dea aGame_obj_all_g aGame_obj_mem_g aGame_obj_p_nea aGame_obj_mem_0 aGame_obj_p_arr aGame_obj_mem_1 aGame_obj_all_0 aGame_obj_persu aGame_obj_per_0 aGame_obj_per_1 aGame_obj_time aGame_obj_get_i aGame_obj_use_i aGame_obj_funds aGame_obj_destr aGame_obj_pkill aGame_obj_pki_0 aGame_obj_pki_1 aGame_obj_use_p aGame_obj_prote aGame_obj_p_per aGame_obj_all_1 byte_15C9D2 aObjctvAssassinate aObjctvElimGroup aObjctvKillGrpMem aObjctvRendezvous aObjctvRendezvous2 aObjctvGotoLocation aObjctvGotoLocatin2 aObjctvAllGotoLoc aObjctvPersuade aObjctvPersGangMem aObjctvPersuadeAllGan aObjctvTimer aObjctvCollectItem aObjctvUseItem aObjctvGetBullion aObjctvDestroyBld aObjctvNeutralise aObjctvNeutraliseMem aObjctvNeutraliseG aObjctvUsePA_net aObjctvPoo5 aObjctvProtectGrp aObjctvPeepPersAll aObjctvUseVehicle aObjctvPoo9 aObjctvPoo10 aObjctvPoo11 aObjctvPoo12 aMy_big_map_0 aTextures_0 aFace_textures aObject_points aObject_faces aObjects aQuick_lights aFull_lights aNormals aObject_faces4 aAnim_tmaps aTraffic_nodes aLight_commands aCol_vects_list aCol_vects aWalk_headers aWalk_items aCol_columns aPrim4_textures aPrim_face_text aPrim_object_po aPrim_object_fa aPrim_object__0 aPrim_objects aSpecial_object aSpecial_obje_0 aFloor_tiles aUsed_objective aObjectives aUser_heap aScreen_point_p aDraw_list aSort_sprites aSort_lines aCommands aBezEdit aSpareMapBuffer aUsed_lvl_objec aLevel_miscs aSt_goto_point aSt_bomb_buildi aSt_wander aSt_explode_eff aSt_wait aSt_agent_defen aSt_pickup_item aSt_drop_item aSt_shoot_perso aSt_shoot_bgun_ aSt_die aSt_dieing aSt_dead aSt_init_save_v aSt_save_victim aSt_goto_person aSt_wait_p_dead aSt_wait_all_g_ aSt_wait_mem_g_ aSt_wait_p_near aSt_wait_mem__0 aSt_wait_p_arri aSt_wait_mem__1 aSt_wait_time aSt_define_rout aSt_Unused aSt_kill_person aSt_block_perso aSt_scare_perso aSt_use_item aSt_stationary_ aSt_recoil_hit aSt_v_parked aSt_v_driven aSt_goto_point_ aSt_person_burn aSt_in_vehicle aSt_driving_veh aSt_v_goto_poin aSt_persuade_pe aSt_follow_pers aSt_support_per aSt_protect_per aSt_get_item aSt_use_vehicle aSt_use_vehic_0 aSt_wait_vehicl aSt_goto_vehicl aSt_catch_train aSt_wait_train aSt_destroy_bui aSt_wander_driv aSt_go_plant_mi aSt_wait_to_exi aSt_catch_ferry aSt_exit_ferry aSt_avoid_group aKbEscape aKb1 aKb2 aKb3 aKb4 aKb5 aKb6 aKb7 aKb8 aKb9 aKb0 aKbMinus aKbEqu aKbBackspace aKbTab aKbQ aKbW aKbE aKbR aKbT aKbY aKbU aKbI aKbO aKbP aKbOSq aKbCSq aKbReturn aKbLeftCtrl aKbA aKbS aKbD aKbF aKbG aKbH aKbJ aKbK aKbL aKbSemiclm aKbUClm aKbUClmb aKbLeftShift aKbHash aKbZ aKbX aKbC aKbV aKbB aKbN aKbM aKbComa aKbDot aKbSlash aKbRightShift aKbKpAster aKbLeftAlt aKbSpace aKbCapslock aKbF1 aKbF2 aKbF3 aKbF4 aKbF5 aKbF6 aKbF7 aKbF8 aKbF9 aKbF10 aKbNumlock aKbScrlock aKbKp7 aKbKp8 aKbKp9 aKbKpMins aKbKp4 aKbKp5 aKbKp6 aKbKpPlus aKbKp1 aKbKp2 aKbKp3 aKbKp0 aKbKpDot aKbBSlash aKbF11 aKbF12 aKbEnter aKbRightCtrl aKbKpSlash aKbPrintScr aKbRightAlt aKbHome aKbUp aKbPgup aKbLeft aKbRight aKbEnd aKbDown aKbPgdn aKbInsert aKbDelete aSetup_screen_m aDataTextwalk_d aD_0 aD_1 aStrangeThingOw aADBDCDDDGxDGyD aIntersect aPersRestartCom aOtherRestartCo aRcomErrorNextD aStillThingOnMa aStillSimpleOnM aD_2 aFliColour256 aFliSs2 aFliColour aFliLc aFliBlack aFliBrun aFliCopy aFliPstamp aSlanguageSSyn_ aDataSyn_ele_sm aQdataSyn_mc_sm aQdataSyn_fail_ aQdataSyn_go_sm aSlanguageSChu_ aDataChu_ele_sm aQdataZelMc_smk aQdataSyn_fai_0 aQdataZelGo_smk aQdataDemo1D_fl aNSyn2SwarsData aDataMcomp_fli aDataMcomp_fl_0 aDataMcomp_fl_1 aDataEquipNet02 aDataEquipWep02 aDataEquipWep_0 aDataEquipWep_1 aDataEquipMod02 aDataEquipMod_0 aDataEquipMod_1 aMemAllocD aD_51 aD_52 aD_54 aD_55 aGlobal3dStored aShaggedTrainSt aTellMdFailedEx aTriIdDDTriangu aDefault_tr aDefault_pt aCannotFindDD aL002ldN02ldL10 aDelete_pointND aEdge_points1Ed aEdge_points2Ed aRoute_to_pathL aExceededMaxPat aExceededMaxP_0 aDDDD aCraterAtDDDept aMapsMap03d_scn aSS_0 a04x aS_13 aSSS_0 aS_14 aSSS_1 aS_15 aLost_txt aD_22 aS_16 aDSDS aDSDS_0 aDSDS_1 aDSDS_2 aDSDS_3 aDSDS_4 aDSDS_5 aDSDS_6 aDC aDC_0 aSD aSD_0 aDS aD_23 aD_24 aD_25 aD_26 aD_27 aD_28 aD_29 aD_30 aD_31 aD_32 aD_33 asc_15D935 aD_34 aD_35 aD_36 aD_37 aSD_1 aSD_2 aSSD aSSD_0 aD_38 aD_39 aD_40 aD_41 aD_42 aD_43 aD_44 aD_45 aD_46 aSD_3 aSD_4 aSSD_1 aSSD_2 aD_47 aSD_5 aSD_6 text2 net_unkn40_text byte_15D9AB aSD_7 aD_48 aSD_8 aSD_9 aAltS aS_17 aFooD a___ a____0 aSS_1 aS_18 aSD_10 a02d02d a02d02d_0 aAm aPm aS_19 a02d02d02d_0 aD_49 aD_50 a02d02d_1 a02dnc aSFont01_dat aSFont01_tab aSFont02_dat aSFont02_tab 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aSupportPersonD aProtectPersonD aBlockPersonD aScarePersonD aPersuadePerson aPersuadeAllGD aPersuadeDMemGD aAvoidPersonD aWandAvoidGroup aHide aDestroyBuildin aCatchTrainD aCatchFerryD aExitFerryD aOpenDomeD aCloseDomeD aLockBuildD aUnlockBuildD aGetItemD aSelectWeaponS aUseWeaponS aDropSpecItemD aDropWeaponS aUseVehicleD aExitVehicle aWaitPVDeadD aWaitPVINearD aPingPVD aWaitPVIArrives aWaitPPersuaded aWaitDMemGDeadD aWaitDMemGDNear aWaitDMemGArriv aWaitDMemGPersu aWaitAllGDeadD aWaitAllGDNear aWaitAllGArrive aWaitAllGPersua aWaitMissionSta aWaitMissionSuc aWaitMissionFai aWaitObjectDest aWaitTimeD aWaitObj aWandPVDeadD aWandPVINearD aWandPVIArrives aWandPPersuaded aWandDMemGDDead aWandDMemGDNear aWandDMemGArriv aWandDMemGPersu aWandAllGDeadD aWandAllGDNear aWandAllGArrive aWandAllGPersua aWandObj aWandMissionSta aWandMissionSuc aWandMissionFai aWandObjectDest aWandTimeD aUntilGDNotSeen aUntilPVDeadD aUntilPVINearD aUntilPVIArrive aUntilPPersuade aUntilDMemGDead aUntilDMemGDNea 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aObjCol_vects_0 aObjWalk_headers aObjWalk_items aObjCol_columns aNext_trafficD aDataTitFont_da aDataTitFont_ta aDataNamFont_da aDataNamFont_ta aDataQotFont_da aDataQotFont_ta aOuttro_txt aDataPeople_txt aEnd aEnd_0 aDataOutroZ_smk aDataOutroS_smk aDataOutroZ_raw aDataOutroS_raw aQdataPal_pal_0 aD_6 aD_7 aD_8 aD_9 aD_10 aQdataEquipCDbo aQdataEquipCDbb aQdataEquipCDaD aQdataEquipCDlD aQdataEquipCDbi aQdataEquipCD_0 aQdataEquipCD_1 aQdataEquipCD_2 aQdataEquipCD_3 aD_11 aD_12 aD_13 aSCDb_dat aSCDbb_dat aSCDaD_dat aSCDlD_dat a04x_0 aD_14 aS aS_0 aS_1 aS_2 aS_3 aS_4 aS_5 aS_6 aS_7 aD_15 aD_16 aSoundSyncreds_ aSoundSound_dat aSoundSound_d_0 aDIdDTypeDSampl aDIdDTypeDSam_0 aD_17 aD_18 aBreakoutEnteringLevel aS_8 aBreakoutBadLuck aBreakoutGameOver aBreakoutCongratulation aBreakoutBonusGameCompl aBreakoutBonusItem aBreakoutAwarded aMarkIsGreat aForAllWeapons aBreakoutDestroyTheBric aBreakoutFortification aBreakoutBullfrogForeve aBreakoutBricky aBreakoutStiffUpperLip aBreakoutRaindropsKeep_ aBreakoutDownTheSpout aBreakoutUpTheTube aBreakoutEurocorp aBreakoutTheBullfrogCha aPath aRb aErrorDecompres aD_19 aDebug_bf_audio aSoundDig_ini aSoundMdi_ini aSound_2 aSound_3 aSDig_ini aSMdi_ini aBf1MaD aBf2SaD aBf54MaD aBf55SaD aBf56MusicDrive aBf57SoundDrive aBf42LoadSoundB aBf43LoadSoundB aBf44LoadSoundB aBf45LoadSoundB aBf46LoadSoundB aBf47LoadSoundB aBf47LoadSoun_0 aBf47LoadSoun_1 aBf47LoadSoun_2 aSSound_dat aSoundDataSizeD aBf48LoadMusicB aBf49LoadMusicB aBf50LoadMusicB aBf51LoadMusicB aBf52LoadMusicB aBf53LoadMusicB aBf53LoadMusi_0 aBf53LoadMusi_1 aSMusic_dat aErrorAllocatio aPressReturnT_0 aErrorFileS_ aPressReturnToC aVesa aSpacetecCopyrght aSpaceballName a1d a0x asc_15F570 asc_15F573 aC_0 asc_15F57C aVipport aVfx1Cyberpuck aBu aBu_0 aBu_1 aBu_2 aBuxxX a1_0 aStation aNone aSStationNoD aRadicaReturned aQuittingRadica aSendingMyJoinP aSendingMyJoi_0 aYippeyImInTheG aRead aCheck aCheckDone aBadReadX aDoneRead aSendingHostInf aSendingExchang aResendingPacke asc_15F711 aMaxPlayersDNoP aPlayerSWishesT aStationNoD aSessionNameS aPlayerNoD aTimeout aRt aT aP asc_15F7A7 aC_1 aRing aRing_0 aAta aAta_0 aS_22 modem_str_end aError_log aError word_15F7DA aSb16_dig aSbpro_dig aSblaster_dig aBf3InitSound aBf4DefaultSoun aBf5NoSamplesRe aBf6NoSamplesRe aMdsound aBf8MdsoundEnvi aSXDDD aBf9MdsoundEnvi aNone_0 aS_9 aBf10MdsoundEnv aBf11SearchForD aNone_1 aBf12UserReques aBf13Dig_iniDri aNone_2 aBf14Dig_iniDri aNone_3 aBf15SearchForD aBf16AllDigDriv aBf18DetermineS aBf19Loadsounds aBf20CannotAllo aNone_4 aBf24InitSoundC aBf19D aNoSound_dat aCannotAllocate aNotPresentInSo aAllocationSucc aBf25InitMusic aSSample aS_ad aBf26Sample_adN aS_opl aBf27Sample_opl aMdmusic aBf29MdmusicEnv aSXDDD_0 aBf30MdmusicEnv aBf31MdmusicEnv aS_10 aBf32SearchForM aNone_5 aBf33UserReques aBf34Mdi_iniDri aBf35Mdi_iniDri aBf36SearchForM aBf37AllMusicDr aAdlib_mdi aF_0 aAdlibg_mdi aF_1 aOpl3_mdi aF_2 aPas_mdi aF_3 aPasplus_mdi aF_4 aSblaster_mdi aF_5 aSbpro1_mdi aF_6 aSbpro2_mdi aF_7 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aCableTooLongOr aOtherComputerI aCollisionOnOth aOtherTransmitt aLostAPacket aTooFastTransmi aFalseAlarm aTransmitterCan aOtherComputerN aOtherComputerH aCollisionOnThi aOtherReceiverH aNetworkOverloa aCannotGetTheNe aTransmitWhileR aUnexpectedRetr aNetworkBusy aUserAborted aRev0_08f aUndefinedConst aUndefinedMembe aGettingHeaderB aResendingD aResendingDelta aStartingExchan aCompletedExcha aTrue aFalse aTxData a02x asc_1616C1 a02x_0 aRxData a02x_1 asc_1616D9 aStateChangeWai aTrue_0 aFalse_0 aWaiting_for_da aTrue_1 aFalse_1 aSingleErrorDet aDoubleErrorDet aTz byte_161780 byte_161782 byte_161784 aCreated aAppended aLogS a@02d02d02d asc_1617B1 a@ aSD02dD asc_1617C6 a02d02dD a02d02d02d a? aExe aCom aLx aSbawe32_mdi_0 aW_2 aSS_sbk aSbawe32_mdi_1 str2 a0123456789abcdef aRt_0 aDriver aDevice aIo_addr aIrq aDma_8_bit aDma_16_bit aCorrupted_iniF aInsufficientMe aInsufficientLo aAil3dig aAil3mdi aInvalidDriverT aOutOfDriverHan aOutOfTimerHand aMinimumDmaBuff aCouldNotAllo_0 a_digDriverRequ aDigitalSoundHa aCouldNotAllo_1 aCouldNotAllo_2 aCouldNotAllo_3 aOutOfTimerHa_0 aSS_3 aDriverFileNotF aUnableToOpenFi aOutOfSampleHan aFmt aData aCreative aWave aUnrecognized_0 aInvalidOrMis_0 aUnrecognizedDi aInvalidOrMissi aForm aCat aXmid aInternalNoteQu aCouldNotAllo_4 a_mdiDriverRequ aXmidiSoundHard aCouldNotInitia aCouldNotAllo_5 aOutOfTimerHa_1 aSS_4 aDriverFileNo_0 aUnableToOpen_0 aTandy3VoiceMus aIbmInternalSpe a_ad a_opl aOutOfSequenceH aInvalidXmidiSe aTimb aRbrn aEvnt aNoTimbresLoade aDriverCouldNot aDriverCouldN_0 aInsufficient_0 aNotEnoughMemor aStackDataHasBe aViolationOfFun aThrowWhileTerm aThrowDuringDes aThrowWhileTe_0 aThrowDuringCon aThrowDuringD_0 aReThrowWhenNoE aNoHandlerActiv aReThrowWhenN_0 aNoHandlerAct_0 aSystemExceptio aNoMemoryLeftTo aAbnormalTermin aReturnFromTerm aReturnFromUnex _IsTable dword_162180 dword_162184 byte_1621A4 dword_1621AA dword_1621AE dword_1621C4 byte_1621E0 aFmamjjasondaeapauuuecoe byte_16221C word_162224 word_162272 __end_TI _fade_table byte_1622B7 byte_162C80 byte_162C94 byte_1631BF outro_darken_color byte_163680 byte_163A80 byte_164180 byte_164280 unknoise_tmap byte_165280 byte_165480 byte_165880 byte_165A80 byte_16617F byte_166180 byte_16627F _ghost_table byte_16E360 netgame_agent_pos_x netgame_agent_pos_y playable_agents cryo_agents__FourPacks byte_176CA4 dword_176CAC dword_176CB0 word_176CB4 word_176CB6 dword_176CB8 dword_176CBC dword_176CC0 dword_176CC4 dword_176CC8 dword_176CCC dword_176CD0 unkn1_pos_x unkn1_pos_y unkn1_spr x y swidth dword_176CEC dwidth dword_176CF4 dword_176CFC dword_176D00 dword_176D04 word_176D08 dword_176D0C dword_176D10 dword_176D14 dword_176D18 dword_176D1C dword_176D3C dword_176D40 dword_176D44 byte_176D48 byte_176D49 byte_176D4A byte_176D4B dword_176D4C yc dword_176D54 dword_176D58 dword_176D64 dword_176D68 dword_176D6C dword_176D70 dword_176D74 dword_176D78 dword_176D7C dword_176D80 dword_176D84 dword_176D88 dword_176D8C p_thing word_176E38 save_mortal_salt save_hashtbl_01 save_hashtbl_02 save_hashtbl_03 save_crypto_tables_state save_crypto_data_state save_hashtbl_verify_code language_3str packet_rec_fh smack_malloc_used_tot dword_17710C dword_177110 dword_177118 dword_17711C dword_177120 dword_177124 mission_result game_speed my_build_packet mouser byte_17713B byte_17713C word_177140 word_177148 byte_177150 byte_177484 word_1774E8 navi2_unkn_counter engine_mem_alloc_ptr smack_malloc_mem unkn_mech_arr7 dword_177750 cd_drive unkn_mech_var10 unkn_mech_var11 dword_177790 byte_177794 byte_177795 byte_177796 byte_177797 gamep_unknval_10 gamep_unknval_11 gamep_unknval_12 nav_stats__ThisTurn nav_stats__QThisTurn gamep_unknval_15 gamep_unknval_16 word_1777B8 word_1777BA word_1777BC word_1777BE p_person dword_1777C4 gamep_unknval_01 byte_1777CB my_paths byte_17EE79 word_17EE8A path_count byte_17EE90 byte_17EE91 byte_17EEA8 byte_17EEA9 byte_17F100 byte_17F101 byte_17F118 byte_17F119 byte_17F370 byte_17F371 byte_17F388 byte_17F389 byte_17F5E0 byte_17F5E1 byte_17F5F8 byte_17F5F9 dword_17F84E input_char word_17FA52 dword_17FA54 word_17FA58 joy word_1807D2 ingame__GameMode ingame__DisplayMode ingame__byte_1807DA ingame__CDTrack ingame__DangerTrack ingame__UseMultiMedia ingame__byte_1807DE ingame__byte_1807DF ingame__Scanner ingame__Credits ingame__dword_180C4B word_180C4D ingame__dword_180C4F ingame__MissionStatus ingame__Flags ingame__dword_180C57 ingame__draw_unknprop_01 ingame__word_180C5D ingame__NextRocket ingame__dword_180C7D ingame__MyGroup ingame__CurrentMission ingame__DetailLevel ingame__UserZoom ingame__cmdln_param_a ingame__cmdln_param_w ingame__word_180C8B ingame__dword_180C91 ingame__TrackX ingame__TrackZ ingame__TrackThing ingame__word_180CA0 ingame__PanelPermutation ingame__TrenchcoatPreference ingame__byte_180CA5 ingame__word_180CA6 ingame__word_180CA8 ingame__PalType ingame__FlameCount ingame__LastTmap ingame__SoundThing ingame__byte_180CB1 ingame__byte_180CB2 word_180CB3 word_180CB5 word_180CB7 ingame__InNetGame_UNSURE ingame__Cheats ingame__CashAtStart ingame__Expenditure byte_180CC9 byte_1810C9 dword_1810D1 dword_1810D5 brightness word_1810E4 byte_1810E6 byte_18110E byte_181136 byte_181137 byte_181138 byte_181139 byte_18113A byte_18113B byte_18113C byte_18113D byte_18113E byte_18113F byte_181140 byte_181141 byte_181142 byte_181143 byte_181144 byte_181145 byte_181146 byte_181147 byte_181148 byte_181149 byte_18114A byte_18114B byte_18114C byte_18114D byte_18114E byte_18114F byte_181150 byte_181151 byte_181152 byte_181153 byte_181154 byte_181155 login_control__State byte_181182 byte_181183 login_control__Money login_control__City byte_181189 word_1811AC word_1811AE word_1811B2 byte_1811B4 byte_1811BA byte_1811C2 word_1811C4 byte_1811E2 byte_1811EA unkn_flags_08 objective_text word_181920 ex_faces shrapnel phwoar shrapnel_free phwoar_free dword_197150 unsigned short text_window_x1 unsigned short text_window_y1 unsigned short text_window_x2 unsigned short text_window_y2 byte_197160 byte_197164 prim_unknprop01 prim4_textures prim_face_textures prim_object_points prim_object_faces prim_object_faces4 prim_objects word_197240 unkn01_thing_list_head word_197244 word_197246 word_19724A word_19724C word_19724E same_type_head byte_197475 traffic_nodes mission_list mission_status level_def__PlayableGroups byte_19AB11 bul_starts linear_vec_pal fade_data word_19CB58 TbSprite *pop1_sprites[] TbSprite *pop1_sprites_end[] unsigned long pop1_data[] sprites_Icons0_0 sprites_Icons0_0_end data unk3_sprites unk3_sprites_end unk3_sprites_data unk1_sprites unk1_sprites_end unk1_sprites_data unk2_sprites unk2_sprites_end unk2_sprites_data unsigned long m_spr_data[] dword_19CC30 TbSprite *m_sprites[] TbSprite *m_sprites_end[] frame frame_end melement_ani melement_ani_end nstart_ani nstart_ani_end byte_19CC5C byte_19CC5D byte_19CC5E nsta_size dword_19CC64 byte_19CC68 tnext_screen_point tnext_draw_item tnext_sort_sprite cmdln_param_d byte_19EC6F byte_19EC70 game_perspective unkn_flags_01 display_mode byte_19EC7A thing_count things_used sthings_empty_head sthings_used_head things_empty_head things_used_head link__MapColListEmptyHead link__MapColVectEmptyHead dword_19EC98 dword_19EC9C dword_19ECA0 war_flags byte_19ECA8 byte_19F197 group_actions mission_open mission_state dword_19F4F8 dword_19F4FC dword_19F500 dword_19F504 dword_19F508 pktrec_mode cmdln_pr_num anim_tmaps commands used_objectives used_lvl_objectives level_miscs objectives col_vects walk_headers col_vects_list walk_items user_heap my_big_map screen_point_pool draw_list sort_sprites sort_lines col_columns execute_commands need_draw_unk3 next_col_column textwalk_data dword_19F9BC dword_19F9C0 word_19F9C4 local_mats floor_tiles light_commands normals quick_lights full_lights textures face_textures things sthings object_points object_faces object_faces4 objects special_object_faces special_object_faces4 next_screen_point next_draw_item next_sort_sprite next_sort_line word_1A0A04 p_current_sort_sprite dword_1A582C p_current_draw_item word_1A5834 word_1A5836 mouse_map_y TbSprite *pointer_sprites[] TbSprite *pointer_sprites_end[] small_font TbSprite *small_font_end[] small2_font small2_font_end small_med_font small_med_font_end med_font med_font_end med2_font med2_font_end big_font big_font_end char *display_palette signed char *gui_strings_data gui_strings W?pointer_data$n__ul unsigned long small_font_data[] small2_font_data small_med_font_data med_font_data med2_font_data big_font_data turns_delta gameturn players packets local_player_no char exit_game in_network_game is_single_game cmdln_param_tf cmdln_param_bcg colour_lookup unkn_changing_color_1 unkn_changing_color_2 bangdetail(char, int, long double, char, long, ...) bangdetail__sphere bangdetailmask word_1A730E palette_brightness word_1A7314 prev_tick_time prev_gameturn curr_tick_time active_flags_general_unkn01 sprite_over_16x16 navi2_unkn_counter_max word_1A7330 byte_1A7B00 byte_1A7EE8 word_1AA214 word_1AA216 word_1AA218 word_1AA21A word_1AA21C byte_1AA21E unkn_changing_color_counter1 dword_1AA270 dword_1AA274 buf dword_1AA27C dword_1AA280 unkn_buffer_04 unkn_buffer_05 dword_1AA2C0 ingame__Tmaps word_1AA320 word_1AA322 word_1AA326 word_1AA328 word_1AA32A word_1AA32E word_1AA330 word_1AA332 dword_1AA334 byte_1AA338 dword_1AA38C dword_1AA390 word_1AA394 dword_1AA3A4 dword_1AA3A8 dword_1AA3AC dword_1AA3B0 byte_1AA3B4 unkn01_downcount unkn01_pos_x unkn01_pos_y redo_scanner y1 byte_1AA3C6 byte_1AA3C7 dword_1AA5C4 dword_1AA5C8 word_1AA5CC dword_1AA5D0 dword_1AA5D4 dword_1AA5D8 dword_1AA5DC dword_1AA5E0 dword_1AA5E4 minimum_explode_size minimum_explode_and minimum_explode_depth word_1AA5F4 word_1AA5F6 word_1AA5F8 word_1AA5FA byte_1AA5FC dword_1AA660 word_1AA664 dword_1AA668 dword_1AA66C dword_1AA670 dword_1AA674 word_1AA678 dword_1AA67C dword_1AA680 byte_1AA684 palette palette_data dword_1AAA20 word_1AAA24 dword_1AAA26 word_1AAA2A dword_1AAA54 byte_1AAA58 byte_1AAA88 word_1AAA8A animations byte_1AAB6C dword_1AAB74 dword_1AAB78 dword_1AAB7C dword_1AAB80 stored_l3d_next_object stored_l3d_next_object_face stored_l3d_next_object_face4 stored_l3d_next_object_point stored_l3d_next_normal stored_l3d_next_face_texture stored_l3d_next_floor_texture stored_l3d_next_local_mat stored_level3d_inuse stored_g3d_next_object stored_g3d_next_object_face stored_g3d_next_object_face4 stored_g3d_next_object_point stored_g3d_next_normal stored_g3d_next_face_texture stored_g3d_next_floor_texture stored_g3d_next_local_mat stored_global3d_inuse things_init_times word_1AABD0 unkn01_thing_idx dword_1AABD4 dword_1AABD8 dword_1AABDC triangulation tri_module_init dword_1AAE3C long Ex[] long Ey[] ixE thin_wall_x thin_wall_y thin_wall_w thin_wall_h tree_dad tree_val routeTags long tree_Ax8 long tree_Ay8 long tree_Bx8 long tree_By8 long tree_altA long tree_altB tree_triA tree_triB tree_CentreDest tree_routelen tree_routecost tree_route long route_bak[] fwd_path heap heap_end long dfs_node[] long ix_dfs ix_EdgePoints fringe_y fringe_x1 fringe_y1 fringe_x2 fringe_y2 fringe_map word_1C42F4 word_1C42F6 crater_unkn_texture_flags word_1C42FE word_1C4300 word_1C4302 unkstruct03_arr word_1C4704 dword_1C4706 word_1C470A byte_1C470C byte_1C470D word_1C470E word_1C4710 word_1C4712 word_1C4714 unkstruct03_first unkstruct03_last byte_1C476B word_1C476C byte_1C476E word_1C4770 char void KInt(void)::.0::oinkey buffered_keypresses buffered_keypresses_end buffered_keypresses_pos void (*OldInt)(void) word_1C47C4 byte_1C47D8 byte_1C47D9 dword_1C47DC dword_1C47E0 byte_1C47E4 word_1C47E6 word_1C47E8 byte_1C47EA net_unkn1_text byte_1C4805 byte_1C4806 byte_1C4808 word_1C4846 word_1C4856 word_1C4866 word_1C4868 word_1C486A textpos byte_1C486E byte_1C4880 byte_1C4888 word_1C488A word_1C4896 word_1C48A2 word_1C48AE loop_3 dword_1C48C0 dword_1C48C4 dword_1C48C8 word_1C48CC dword_1C48D0 dword_1C48D4 dword_1C48E0 x2 y2 dword_1C4908 x3 dword_1C4924 dword_1C4930 byte_1C4948 byte_1C495C byte_1C4970 research_completed cheat_research_weapon byte_1C4975 byte_1C4976 byte_1C4977 byte_1C4978 byte_1C4979 byte_1C497B byte_1C497C byte_1C497D byte_1C497E byte_1C497F byte_1C4980 byte_1C4984 word_1C498A byte_1C498C byte_1C498D byte_1C498E byte_1C498F byte_1C4990 byte_1C4991 replay_intro_timer byte_1C4994 byte_1C4995 net_unkn2_text byte_1C499C unkn2_names dword_1C4A2C dword_1C4A30 byte_1C4A34 unkn_gfx_option_2 unkn_option_3 unkn_option_4 byte_1C4A6F byte_1C4A70 hotspot_buffer back_buffer byte_1C4A7C change_screen restore_savegame startscr_samplevol startscr_musicvol startscr_cdvolume flic_mods old_flic_mods byte_1C4A97 mod_draw_states new_current_drawing_mod current_drawing_mod byte_1C4A9E byte_1C4A9F byte_1C4AA0 byte_1C4AA2 byte_1C4AA3 old_screentype screentype mission_briefing_text weapon_text weapon_text_index word_1C4AF0 a3 memload text options_title_text map_editor brief_netscan_cost_text byte_1C4B78 map_from_mission use_multimedia enter_game byte_1C4B7C redraw_screen_flag net_unkn_pos_02 byte_1C4B7F reload_background_flag unkn_gfx_option_1 dword_1C4B84 dword_1C4B88 equip_cost_text dword_1C4B9C cryo_agents selected_agent word_1C4D28 word_1C4D3A research refresh_equip_list byte_1C529A byte_1C529B dword_1C529C dword_1C52B4 num_cities word_1C52BA cities word_1C5742 unkn29_box_x unkn29_box_y unkn_stru_03 unkn_stru_03_count network_players byte_1C5C28 byte_1C5C30 group_types unkstruct04_arr byte_1C6D48 net_host_player_no byte_1C6D4A login_name dword_1C6D59 byte_1C6DC0 byte_1C6DDA byte_1C6DDB byte_1C6DDC byte_1C6DE0 dword_1C6DE4 dword_1C6DE8 background_type byte_1C6DED global_date research_curr_wep_date research_curr_mod_date word_1C6E06 word_1C6E08 word_1C6E0A email_store brief_store newmail_store new_mail next_email next_brief word_1C6F40 old_mission_brief open_brief next_ref word_1C6F48 edit_flag net_unkn_pos_01b save_game_buffer heading_box loading_INITIATING_box unkn13_SYSTEM_button unkn35_box unkn39_box unkn37_box sysmnu_buttons storage_LOAD_button storage_SAVE_button storage_NEW_MORTAL_button unkn34_box unkn04_boxes unkn33_box options_musictrk_buttons options_tensiontrk_buttons options_mmedia_buttons byte_1C741B options_gfx_buttons net_protocol_option_button unkn32_box unkn36_box mission_text_box unkn1_ACCEPT_button unkn1_CANCEL_button brief_NETSCAN_button brief_NETSCAN_COST_box unkn30_box unkn31_box unkn29_box unkn38_box unkn2_ACCEPT_button unkn2_CANCEL_button main_quit_button main_login_button pause_continue_button pause_abort_button main_map_editor_button main_load_button pause_unkn11_box pause_unkn12_box slots_box equip_name_box weapon_slots equip_list_box equip_display_box buy_equip_button unkn11_CANCEL_button equip_cost_box unk11_buttons byte_1C7D20 byte_1C7D32 byte_1C7D44 byte_1C7D45 word_1C7D46 byte_1C7D48 byte_1C7D49 all_agents_button research_unkn21_box research_submit_button unkn12_WEAPONS_MODS_button research_progress_button research_unkn20_box research_list_buttons agent_list_box blokey_box mod_list_box net_INITIATE_button net_groups_LOGON_button unkn8_EJECT_button net_protocol_select_button net_unkn40_button net_SET2_button net_SET_button net_unkn27 net_unkn26 net_unkn25 net_unkn24 net_unkn23 net_unkn22 net_unkn21 net_unkn19_box unkn10_CALIBRATE_button unkn10_SAVE_button unkn10_CONTROLS_button save_slot_names byte_1C82E0 save_slot_base alert_text text_buf_pos cmdln_param_n byte_1C83D1 bez_edit engine_mem_len word_1C83DE byte_1C83E0 word_1C83E2 byte_1C83E4 word_1C83E8 unkn2_pos_x unkn2_pos_y unkn2_pos_z dword_1C8428 byte_1C8444 word_1C8446 cmdln_param_current_map current_level byte_1C844E byte_1C844F spare_map_buffer dword_1C8458 dword_1C845C dword_1C8460 dword_1C8464 word_1C8468 signal_count dword_1C8470 dword_1C8474 dword_1C84F4 word_1C84F8 VNAV_nearnodes VNAV_nodedists dword_1C855A VNAV_route__route veh_ma_heap dword_1C8A5C scanner_next_key_no byte_1CAB64 byte_1CAF87 SCANNER_map dword_1CB064 dword_1CB068 dword_1CB06C dword_1CB070 num dword_1CB078 dword_1CB07C dword_1CB080 word_1CB084 word_1CB086 SCANNER_data byte_1DB088 SCANNER_width SCANNER_people_colours SCANNER_keep_arcs dword_1DB1A0 dword_1DB1A4 SCANNER_arcpoint SCANNER_colour SCANNER_bbpoint SCANNER_bbpadds dword_1DBB64 dword_1DBB68 x1 dword_1DBB70 dword_1DC36C dword_1DC370 byte_1DC374 phwoar__child dword_1DC4E0 dword_1DC50C dword_1DC510 dword_1DC534 y3 dword_1DC584 dword_1DC588 dword_1DC5AC dword_1DC5B0 dword_1DC5FC dword_1DC600 dword_1DC624 dword_1DC628 dword_1DC674 dword_1DC678 dword_1DC69C dword_1DC6A0 dword_1DC6EC dword_1DC6F0 dword_1DC714 dword_1DC718 byte_1DC73C alert_OK_button alert_box show_alert PurpleDrawItem *purple_draw_list unsigned short purple_draw_index dword_1DC79E word_1DC7A2 dword_1DC7A4 unkn_mech_var8 unkn_mech_var14 unkn_mech_var16 unkn_mech_var12 unkn_mech_var9 unkn_mech_var17 unkn_mech_var13 unkn_mech_var15 unkn_mech_var18 unkn_mech_arr3 unkn_mech_arr4 unkn_mech_arr5 unkn_mech_arr1 unkn_mech_arr6 unkn_mech_arr2 mech_unkn_tile_x1 mech_unkn_tile_y1 mech_unkn_tile_x2 mech_unkn_tile_y2 mech_unkn_tile_x3 mech_unkn_tile_y3 dword_1DC880 dword_1DC884 dword_1DC888 dword_1DC88C dword_1DC890 dword_1DC894 word_1DC898 byte_1DC89C dword_1DC8CC g_nav_data z1 dword_1DC8E4 dword_1DC8E8 g_fat_data dword_1DD0E8 dword_1DD0EC dword_1DD0F0 g_fat_data__PathLength g_fat_data__WayPoints__x8 g_fat_data__WayPoints__y8 byte_1DD8F8 dword_1DD8FC dword_1DD900 dword_1DD904 dword_1DD908 dword_1DD90C dword_1DD910 dword_1DD914 dword_1DD918 dword_1DD91C outro_unkn01 people_credits_desc people_credits_groups outro_text_s outro_text_z outro_unkn02 outro_unkn03 people_groups_count dword_1DDB68 dword_1DDB6C dword_1DDB70 dword_1DDB74 byte_1DDB78 byte_1DDB79 byte_1DDB7A dword_1DDBC4 dword_1DDBC8 byte_1DDBCC byte_1DDBCD dword_1DDBCE dword_1DDBDE dword_1DDBE8 dword_1DDBEC dword_1DDBF0 byte_1DDC40 alert_textpos byte_1DDC44 byte_1DDEC4 research_unkn_var_01 current_frame a2 dword_1DDECC dword_1DDED4 byte_1DDED8 ail_sample_ids word_1DE0CA word_1E08B8 dword_1E08BC _lbMemoryAvailable mem_block memory_blocks[] mem_arena memory_arenas[] dword_1E26D4 dword_1E26D8 dword_1E26DC dword_1E26E0 ptr dword_1E26E8 dword_1E26EC dword_1E26F0 dword_1E26F4 dword_1E26F8 dword_1E26FC dword_1E2700 dword_1E2704 dword_1E2708 dword_1E270C byte_1E2710 byte_1E2711 byte_1E2712 byte_1E2713 byte_1E2714 byte_1E2715 byte_1E2716 byte_1E2717 byte_1E2718 byte_1E271B byte_1E271C dword_1E2794 dword_1E2798 byte_1E279C byte_1E27A0 dword_1E27C0 dword_1E27C4 dword_1E2CA0 dword_1E2CA4 dword_1E2CA8 dword_1E2CAC dword_1E2CB0 dword_1E2CB4 byte_1E2CBC dword_1E2CCC dword_1E2CD0 dword_1E2E3C dword_1E2E40 hmhead long samples_in_bank sample_table unsigned long long LbScreenIsModeAvailable(TbScreenMode)::.0::setup lbDisplay__PhysicalScreen lbDisplay__WScreen lbDisplay__GlassMap lbDisplay__FadeTable lbDisplay__GraphicsWindowPtr lbDisplay__MouseSprite lbDisplay__PhysicalScreenWidth lbDisplay__PhysicalScreenHeight lbDisplay__GraphicsScreenWidth lbDisplay__GraphicsScreenHeight lbDisplay__GraphicsWindowX lbDisplay__GraphicsWindowY lbDisplay__GraphicsWindowWidth lbDisplay__GraphicsWindowHeight lbDisplay__MouseWindowX lbDisplay__MouseWindowY lbDisplay__MouseWindowWidth lbDisplay__MouseWindowHeight lbDisplay__MouseX lbDisplay__MouseY lbDisplay__MMouseX lbDisplay__MMouseY lbDisplay__RMouseX lbDisplay__RMouseY lbDisplay__DrawFlags lbDisplay__OldVideoMode lbDisplay__ScreenMode lbDisplay__VesaIsSetUp lbDisplay__LeftButton lbDisplay__RightButton lbDisplay__MiddleButton lbDisplay__MLeftButton lbDisplay__MRightButton lbDisplay__MMiddleButton lbDisplay__RLeftButton byte_1E2EC2 byte_1E2EC3 lbDisplay__FadeStep lbDisplay__DrawColour _lbSpriteReMapPtr __wint_thread_data dword_1E2ED8 dword_1E2EDC dword_1E2EE0 dword_1E2EE4 dword_1E2EF4 dword_1E2EFC dword_1E2F00 byte_1E2F0C dword_1E2F10 dword_1E2F14 byte_1E2F18 dword_1E2F1A dword_1E2F20 dword_1E2F24 dword_1E2F28 dword_1E2F2C dword_1E2F30 byte_1E2F34 byte_1E2F35 byte_1E2F36 byte_1E2F37 dword_1E2F38 byte_1E2F3D TbNetworkService NetworkServicePtr _lbExtendedKeyPress _lbKeyOn _lbInkey lbInkeyFlags lbIInkey lbIInkeyFlags _lbShift word_1E307A short void MouseHandler256(int, int, int)::.0::old_mx short void MouseHandler256(int, int, int)::.0::old_my long void MouseHandler256(int, int, int)::.0::old_rx long void MouseHandler256(int, int, int)::.0::old_ry unsigned long lbMouseInstalled mouse_buffer mbuffer mbuffer__Width mbuffer__Height mbuffer__Offset mbuffer__Buffer mbuffer__X mbuffer__Y mbuffer__XOffset mbuffer__YOffset mouse_info minfo dword_1E40B0 minfo__XSpriteOffset minfo__YSpriteOffset minfo__Sprite unsigned long redraw_active_lock unsigned long mouse_initialised short volatile mouse_mickey_x short volatile mouse_mickey_y long volatile mouse_dx long volatile mouse_dy unsigned long mouse_pos_change_saved byte_1E50D4 byte_1E53D4 dword_1E56D4 char fade_started byte_1E56DC _smack_draw_callback byte_1E5A30 byte_1E5AC0 _SoundDataPath byte_1E5BE0 word_1E5C70 word_1E5C72 word_1E5C74 word_1E5C76 word_1E5C78 word_1E5C7A word_1E5C7C word_1E5C7E word_1E5C80 word_1E5C82 sb16_mixer_set unsigned short CurrentCDTrack unsigned long TrackLength unsigned long volatile CDCountdown char volatile CDTimerActive long CDCount_handle byte_1E5CA0 void (*OldInt)(void) word_1E5CA8 SoundBankSizes sound_bank_size_info long largest_dat_size long largest_tab_size char full_sound_data_path[] dword_1E5DDC dword_1E5DE0 dword_1E5DE4 dword_1E5DE8 dword_1E5DEC dword_1E5DF0 dword_1E5DF4 dword_1E5DF8 byte_1E5DFC unsigned long unsigned long LbScreenSetDoubleBuffering(unsigned long)::.0::cur_flag unsigned long unsigned long LbScreenSetWScreenInVideo(unsigned long)::.0::cur_flag _lbScreenDirectAccessActive dword_1E5E98 _lbVesaBytesPerLine _lbVesaHRes _lbVesaVRes _lbVesaData _lbVesaPage byte_1E5EAC dword_1E5EB0 dword_1E5EB4 dword_1E5EB8 dword_1E5EC0 dword_1E5EC4 dword_1E5EC8 dword_1E5ECC dword_1E5ED0 dword_1E5ED4 lbFontPtr byte_1E5EDC dword_1E5EEC word_1E5EF2 word_1E5EF6 byte_1E5EF8 GRIP_Thunked word_1E5F04 word_1E5F06 word_1E5F08 byte_1E5F10 byte_1E5F14 _realModePacket _SpwError word_1E5F1C word_1E5F28 byte_1E5F2C byte_1E5F2D word_1E5F30 dword_1E5F3C dword_1E5F54 dword_1E5F58 dword_1E5F60 word_1E5F66 byte_1E5F76 byte_1E5F7A word_1E5F7E dword_1E5F80 word_1E5F88 word_1E5F8A word_1E5F8C word_1E5F8E word_1E5F90 word_1E5F92 word_1E5F94 word_1E5F96 byte_1E6028 dword_1E6038 dword_1E603C dword_1E6040 dword_1E6044 word_1E604A vfx1_selector word_1E605C vfx1_pdosmem vfx1_system_cfg vfx1_vendor_cfg dword_1E6070 dword_1E6074 dword_1E6078 word_1E607C word_1E6080 word_1E6082 word_1E6084 byte_1E6086 byte_1E6088 byte_1E60AC vip_air_port vip_csr_port dword_1E60D8 vfx1_htd_index dword_1E60E0 vfx1_pckt_count vfx1_curr_pckt_idx dword_1E60F0 vfx1_cyberpuck vendor_cfg dword_1E61F8 byte_1E61FC byte_1E62FC byte_1E62FD unsigned long void ipx_update(void)::.0::start_time unsigned long void ipx_update(void)::.0::end_time _IPXHandler _IPXPlayerHeader _loggon_header char player_loggon long last_pkt_size char last_pkt[] unsigned long ipx_send_packet_count[][8] unsigned long ipx_got_player_send_packet_count[] IPXDatagramBackup datagram_backup[] unsigned long void ipx_update_2(void)::.0::start_time dword_1E7AA4 byte_1E7AA8 byte_1E7AB4 byte_1E7AB5 word_1E7AB6 word_1E7AB8 byte_1E7ABA byte_1E7ABB byte_1E7ABC byte_1E7ABD str1 unsigned long void ipx_update_2(void)::.0::end_time byte_1E7AC8 byte_1E7AC9 byte_1E7ACA byte_1E7ACB byte_1E7ADB byte_1E7ADC byte_1E7B28 word_1E7B36 byte_1E7B48 byte_1E7B49 byte_1E7B4A _IPXHandler_0 dword_1E7DA0 byte_1E7DA8 byte_1E7DA9 word_1E7DAA byte_1E7DAF dword_1E7DC0 dword_1E7DC4 byte_1E7DCC byte_1E7DCD word_1E7DCE word_1E7DD0 byte_1E7DD3 byte_1E7DDE byte_1E7DE0 byte_1E7DE1 dword_1E7EAC byte_1E7EB8 byte_1E7EB9 word_1E7EBA byte_1E7EBF byte_1E7EC2 byte_1E7F2C dword_1E8120 dword_1E8124 unsigned long long run_exchange_func(void)::.0::start_time unsigned long long run_exchange_func(void)::.0::end_time char ModemResponseString[] char ModemRequestString[] unsigned long g_count byte_1E81E0 dword_1E85E3 unsigned long error_log_initialised TbLog error_log dword_1E86B0 dword_1E86B4 _LowSoundVolPanAddr dword_1E86C0 _LowSoundPurgeAddr _LowSoundCheckAddr _LowSoundPlayedAddr _LowSoundCloseAddr _DebugAudio _SoundProgressMessage _sample_id _end_sample_id _SoundInstalled _DisableLoadSounds _NumberOfSamples _Sfx _EndSfxs _SfxData _SoundType _SoundDriver _AILStartupAlreadyInitiated dword_1E8B24 byte_1E8B28 byte_1E8B30 byte_1E8B34 byte_1E8BB4 word_1E8C34 long music_allocated _UseCurrentAwe32Soundfont _MusicInstalled _MusicType _CurrentTempo _SongCurrentlyPlaying _NumberOfSongs _Music _EndMusic _MusicData _MusicDriver _SongHandle _DangerMusicFadeHandle _Awe32SoundfontLoaded _DisableLoadMusic char midi_device_type _DisableDangerMusic _DangerMusicVolume _DangerMusicFadeActive _DangerMusicAble _MusicInstallChoice byte_1E8D04 dword_1E8D9C byte_1E8DA0 byte_1E8DB5 byte_1E8DB8 _StreamedSoundAble _CDSpeed _SAMPLE *sample_handle unsigned long sample_sign unsigned long sample_format unsigned short sample_rate long loop_count dword_1E8F60 dword_1E8F64 dword_1E8F6C long adpcm_file_open dword_1E8F74 dword_1E8F78 long stream_flags long block_count long position_offset long pan_position long pan_rate long pan_target dword_1E8F94 byte_1E8F98 _file _AIL_debug _AIL_sys_debug dword_1E8FAC dword_1E8FB0 _AIL_indent dword_1E8FB8 dword_1E8FBC dword_1E8FC0 byte_1E8FC4 byte_1E8FDC unsigned short current_da_track unsigned long track_start_sector[] dword_1E9108 unsigned long track_lengths[] char is_da_track[] char cd_lowest_track char cd_highest_track signed char CD_Audio_Playing unsigned long cd_ioctli_low_mem unsigned long cd_data_low_mem unsigned short cd_total unsigned short cd_first s_HeadLocationInfo HeadLocationInfo s_DeviceStatusInfo DeviceStatusInfo s_AudioDiscInfo AudioDiscInfo byte_1E94A1 byte_1E94A2 dword_1E94A3 dword_1E94AA byte_1E94AE s_AudioQChannelInfo AudioQChannelInfo byte_1E94B8 byte_1E94B9 byte_1E94BA byte_1E94BC s_IOCTLI IOCTLI word_1E94CB s_SeekReq SeekReq word_1E94E7 s_PlayReq PlayReq word_1E94FF s_StopReq StopReq word_1E9517 word_1E9527 word_1E9537 unsigned long control_real unsigned long control_selector char *control_prot ___ClosedStreams ___OpenStreams _clock_start long sample_fade_handle char volatile switch_off_sample_fade_timer char volatile a_sample_is_fading char volatile samples_currently_fading unsigned long volatile current_sample_queue_count char sample_queue_handle_initiated _SAMPLE *sample_queue_handle byte_1E957C ___nheap_clean ___fheap_clean _errno __doserrno dword_1EA488 dword_1EA490 dword_1EA494 dword_1EA554 dword_1EA558 dword_1EA560 dword_1EA564 dword_1EA56C dword_1EA570 dword_1EA578 dword_1EA57C dword_1EA584 dword_1EA588 dword_1EA590 dword_1EA594 dword_1EA59C dword_1EA5A0 dword_1EA5A8 dword_1EA5AC dword_1EA614 dword_1EA618 dword_1EA620 dword_1EA624 dword_1EA62C dword_1EA630 dword_1EA638 dword_1EA63C dword_1EA6D4 dword_1EA6D8 dword_1EA6E0 dword_1EA6E4 dword_1EA6EC dword_1EA6F0 dword_1EA794 dword_1EA798 dword_1EA7CC dword_1EAA90 dword_1EAA94 dword_1EAAB4 byte_1EAAB8 dword_1EAAD8 byte_1EAADC dword_1EAAFC byte_1EAB00 dword_1EAB20 byte_1EAB24 dword_1EAB44 byte_1EAB48 dword_1EACD0 byte_1EACD4 dword_1EACF4 byte_1EACF8 dword_1EAD18 byte_1EAD1C dword_1EAD3C byte_1EAD40 dword_1EAD60 byte_1EAD64 dword_1EAD84 byte_1EAD88 dword_1EADA8 byte_1EADAC dword_1EADCC byte_1EADD0 dword_1EAF10 byte_1EAF14 dword_1EAF34 byte_1EAF38 dword_1EAF58 byte_1EAF5C dword_1EAF7C byte_1EAF80 dword_1EB150 byte_1EB154 dword_1EB174 byte_1EB178 dword_1EB198 byte_1EB19C dword_1EB390 byte_1EB394 dword_1EB810 byte_1EB814 dword_1EB834 byte_1EB838 dword_1EB858 byte_1EB85C dword_1EBC8C dword_1EBC90 dword_1EBCA8 dword_1EBCAC dword_1EBCB0 dword_1EBCB4 dword_1ED16E byte_1ED172 dword_1ED188 dword_1ED18C dword_1ED190 dword_1ED194 dword_1ED198 dword_1ED19C dword_1ED1A0 dword_1ED1A4 dword_1ED1A8 dword_1ED1AC dword_1ED1B0 byte_1ED1B4 dword_1ED33C dword_1ED340 dword_1ED344 dword_1ED348 dword_1ED34C word_1ED350 dword_1ED354 dword_1ED358 dword_1ED35C dword_1ED360 dword_1ED364 byte_1ED368 byte_1ED378 byte_1ED379 byte_1ED381 byte_1ED382 byte_1ED38A byte_1ED38B byte_1ED393 byte_1ED394 byte_1ED39D dword_1ED3A6 byte_1ED3AB byte_1ED3AC byte_1ED4AA byte_1ED4AB ____Argc ____Argv splitprm_var1 gmtime_var1 _timeradjust _lasttimerread _SmackTimerDoneAddr long sbkHandle char *buffer char *preset word_1ED600 __38rogeSF_DATA *data word_1ED60C word_1ED60E dword_1ED610 word_1ED618 word_1ED61A word_1ED620 long no_samples long samples_per_block long samples_processed ADPCMCoef coeffs[] word_1ED632 dword_1ED6AC dword_1ED6B0 byte_1ED6F0 byte_1ED7F0 dword_1ED808 dword_1ED80C dword_1ED810 dword_1ED814 dword_1ED818 dword_1ED81C dword_1ED820 dword_1ED824 dword_1ED828 dword_1ED82C dword_1ED830 dword_1ED834 dword_1ED838 dword_1ED83C dword_1ED840 dword_1ED844 dword_1ED848 dword_1ED84C dword_1ED850 dword_1ED854 byte_1ED858 loctm_var1 asciitm_var1 dword_1ED8B0 dword_1ED8B4 word_1ED8B8 word_1ED8BA dword_1ED8C0 dword_1ED8C4 dword_1ED8C8 dword_1ED8CC dword_1ED8D0 dword_1ED8E0 dword_1ED8E4 dword_1ED8E8 dword_1ED8EC dword_1ED8F0 dword_1ED8F4 dword_1ED8F8 dword_1ED8FC dword_1ED900 dword_1ED904 dword_1ED908 dword_1ED90C dword_1ED910 byte_1ED914 REGS EAL_pr word_1EDB38 dword_1EDB40 dword_1EDB44 realmode_registers EAL_rmr dword_1EDB58 dword_1EDB5C dword_1EDB60 dword_1EDB64 word_1EDB6A word_1EDB6C word_1EDB76 word_1EDB78 unsigned short EAL_realmode_segment word_1EDB7C dword_1EDB80 dword_1EDB84 dword_1EDB88 dword_1EDB8C dword_1EDB90 dword_1EDB94 dword_1EDB98 dword_1EDB9C dword_1EDBA4 dword_1EDBA8 dword_1EDBAC dword_1EDBB0 dword_1EDBB4 dword_1EDBBC dword_1EDBC0 dword_1EDBC4 dword_1EDBC8 dword_1EDBCC dword_1EDBD0 dword_1EDBD4 dword_1EDBD8 dword_1EDBDC byte_1EDBE0 byte_1EDFE0 byte_1EEBD0 tabwidth font dword_1F0350 byte_1F0354 byte_1F0754 scale_up byte_1F0B58 byte_1F1358 Trap to Debugger Thing.U.UPerson.ComCur owner z thing_idx y x n index p_person p_person p_thing item p_thing type p_thing type p_thing p_person p_person p_person p_person num value ptr num ptr value format str out a1 a3 a2 new_type plyr group max_agent p_thing item p_thing jumptable 000F455C case 140 new_type max_agent plyr group p_thing a3 item p_thing player_id a2 y8 x8 z x z y8 x8 frame type y x flag n index jump table for switch statement jumptable 00011F0A cases 4,36 text jumptable 00011F0A cases 0,32 Check if we have more command line options Get the next parameter Parameter found, starting with '-' or '/' Get the parameter char Test if the parameter really exists jumptable 00011F0A cases 5,37 jumptable 00011F0A cases 19,51 jumptable 00011F0A cases 3,35 jumptable 00011F0A cases 7,39 jumptable 00011F0A cases 2,34 jumptable 00011F0A cases 12,44 text Get the map number to start format jumptable 00011F0A cases 20,52 Get buffer address Write %TEMP% folder name to buffer format jumptable 00011F0A cases 18,50 Get buffer address str Print "SWARA" into buffer jumptable 00011F0A cases 13,45 jumptable 00011F0A cases 16,48 jumptable 00011F0A cases 17,49 text jumptable 00011F0A cases 15,47 text Get the following number jumptable 00011F0A cases 8,40 Get the following number text jumptable 00011F0A cases 6,38 jumptable 00011F0A cases 1,33 jumptable 00011F0A cases 9-11,14,21-31,41-43,46,53 (the 'do nothing Check which parameter it is format switch 55 cases switch jump No more parameters src_line spr y x y x y cmap x spr cmap y x spr cmap y x width3 height width4 screenbuf vec_tmap z z x z x z a1 jumptable 00039E2A case 209 dheight dwidth y swidth sheight x sprite posy posx jumptable 0009DC62 case 66 swidth sheight y dheight dwidth x sprite posy posx Z Y X ssprite Y X Z ssprite x1 y1 z1 colour p_owner time z2 y2 x2 time p_sthing z2 z1 y1 y2 x1 x2 Point3 Point2 Point1 Point3 Point2 Point1 spr y x vec2 vec1 result col vec source trans result p_thing point_object offset_z offset_y offset_x source trans result x1 y1 r1 z1 jump table for switch statement bright2 bright1 jumptable 00016A2E case 1 target_assign p_thing p_thing offset_z point_object offset_y offset_x sort veh y1 p_thing p_thing bright2 bright1 col p_tex flag z1 r2 r1 y1 x1 p_car jumptable 00016A2E cases 0,6,7,9,12,13,19,22,23,25,30-34,38-48,50,52-54 jumptable 00016A2E case 5 z1 y1 r1 x1 vec2 vec1 result col vec p_thing point_object offset_z offset_y offset_x jumptable 00016A2E cases 2,3 intensity y radius z frame x pthing intensity radius frame y z x pthing jumptable 00016A2E case 36 z1 y1 r1 x1 jumptable 00016A2E case 4 jumptable 00016A2E cases 14,15,24 p_thing intensity y radius frame z x jumptable 00016A2E case 20 scale intensity y radius frame z x jumptable 00016A2E case 16 col x2 len z2 z1 y2 y1 x1 jumptable 00016A2E case 8 point_object p_thing offset_z offset_y offset_x target_assign p_thing p_thing offset_z point_object offset_y offset_x y1 p_thing z y point_object x jumptable 00016A2E case 21 r1 bright2 bright1 col p_tex y1 flag x1 r2 z1 jumptable 00016A2E case 11 jumptable 00016A2E case 10 colour p_owner time x2 z2 y2 y1 z1 x1 jumptable 00016A2E case 37 p_owner time x2 z2 y2 y1 z1 x1 jumptable 00016A2E case 28 p_owner time z2 z1 y2 y1 x2 x1 jumptable 00016A2E case 18 p_owner x2 time z2 z1 y2 x1 y1 p_owner x2 time z2 z1 y2 x1 y1 jumptable 00016A2E case 27 p_owner x2 time z2 z1 y2 x1 y1 jumptable 00016A2E case 17 intensity radius frame y z x jumptable 00016A2E case 26 time jumptable 00016A2E case 35 jumptable 00016A2E case 29 jumptable 00016A2E case 49 jumptable 00016A2E case 51 switch 55 cases switch jump source trans result source trans result source trans result source trans result source trans result source result trans source trans result source trans result time p_sthing z2 y2 x2 y1 x1 z1 source trans result source trans result source trans result source trans result source trans result source result trans source trans result jumptable 00039E2A case 78 colour a2 a3 a1 a4 colour a4 a2 a1 a3 colour a3 a4 a2 a1 a3 a4 colour a1 a2 colour a2 a3 a1 a4 a4 colour a2 a1 a3 spr y x default jumptable 0001C9B5 cases 7-9 jumptable 000DC656 case 239 a4 a3 colour a2 a1 a4 a3 colour a2 a1 a4 a3 colour a2 a1 a4 a3 colour a2 a1 jump table for switch statement switch 8 cases switch jump jumptable 0001C9B5 case 6 a3 a2 a1 jumptable 0001C9B5 case 12 a3 a2 a1 jumptable 0001C9B5 case 13 a3 a2 a1 jumptable 0001C9B5 case 11 a3 a2 a1 jumptable 0001C9B5 case 10 a3 a2 a1 spr y x spr y x y spr x y spr x y a4 a5 a1 x y x spr y x spr y spr x y spr x y x spr y x spr y x a5 a1 a4 y x spr x a4 a5 a1 y n index x y x y spr spr a5 a4 y x a1 y x spr y x spr a4 x a5 a1 y y x a4 a1 a4 y a1 x a5 a4 y a1 x spr y x spr y x a5 a1 a4 spr y x y spr x a5 a4 x y a1 a5 a4 y a1 x a4 y x a1 a4 y a1 x spr y x y spr x a4 a5 y a1 x a4 a3 a2 a1 x y spr y x spr spr y x spr y x a5 a1 a4 y spr x spr y x y spr x spr y x a5 a4 x y a1 x y spr y x spr spr y x spr y x a5 a1 a4 a4 a3 a2 a1 y x spr x y spr y x spr x y spr x a4 a5 a1 y spr y x y spr x y a5 a4 a1 x spr y x y spr x y a5 a4 a1 x y x spr x y spr a4 y a5 a1 x a2 a3 a4 a1 Point2 Point3 Point1 Point3 Point2 Point1 __int16 __int16 __int16 __int16 y1 colour x1 y2 x2 colour y1 y2 x2 x1 __int16 __int16 colour y1 y2 x1 x2 __int16 __int16 __int16 __int16 colour y2 x1 y1 x2 colour y2 x1 y1 x2 z x spr x y spr x y x a5 a4 y a1 a4 a5 x y a1 spr x y y spr x a5 a4 x y a1 a5 y a4 x a1 __int16 __int16 __int16 x2 y2 colour y1 x1 x1 y2 x2 colour y1 x1 y2 x2 colour y1 x1 y2 x2 colour y1 jump table for switch statement jump table for switch statement spr y x spr y x a5 x a4 y a1 x y a1 a4 x y a1 a4 a5 a4 x y a1 x a5 a4 y a1 spr y x a5 a4 y x a1 x a5 y a4 a1 spr y x a4 a5 y x a1 jumptable 0001FA89 case 0 jumptable 0001FAB1 case 0 jumptable 0001FA89 case 1 jumptable 0001FA89 case 2 jumptable 0001FA89 case 3 switch 4 cases switch jump jumptable 0001FAB1 case 1 jumptable 0001FAB1 case 2 jumptable 0001FAB1 case 3 switch 4 cases switch jump default spr y x spr x y a4 a5 y a1 x z x a8 a7 a6 a5 a3 a2 a4 a1 spr x y spr x y a4 a5 y x a1 radius p_car z1 col w h y1 x1 spr x y spr x y spr y x spr x y spr y x x spr y x y spr y spr x a11 a10 type loop_3 a4 a3 a5 a2 a1 z x z face face z x c jump table for switch statement flag p_person n p_person p_car radius mouse default jumptable 000210F8 case 4 jumptable 000210F8 cases 0,1,5,6 max_dist flags him me jumptable 000210F8 case 3 p_v me him flags max_dist me jumptable 000210F8 case 2 mouse switch 7 cases switch 0 cases switch jump p_car radius p_car p_thing y x p_thing y x x y color p_thing p_thing p_thing p_thing index index jump table for switch statement Point3 Point2 Point1 Point3 Point2 Point1 jumptable 00023676 case 0 Point3 Point1 Point2 Point3 Point2 Point1 jumptable 00023676 case 1 Point2 Point3 Point1 Point3 Point2 Point1 jumptable 00023676 case 2 Point3 Point2 Point1 Point3 Point2 Point1 jumptable 00023676 case 3 Point2 Point1 Point3 Point3 Point2 Point1 jumptable 00023676 case 4 Point3 Point2 Point1 Point3 Point2 Point1 jumptable 00023676 case 5 Point3 Point2 Point1 Point3 Point2 Point1 jumptable 00023676 case 6 Point3 Point2 Point1 Point3 Point2 Point1 jumptable 00023676 case 7 Point2 Point1 Point3 Point3 Point2 Point1 jumptable 00023676 case 8 Point3 Point2 Point1 Point3 Point2 Point1 jumptable 00023676 case 9 Point3 Point2 Point1 Point3 Point2 Point1 jumptable 00023676 case 10 Point2 Point3 Point1 Point3 Point2 Point1 jumptable 00023676 case 11 Point3 Point2 Point1 Point3 Point2 Point1 switch 12 cases switch jump jump table for switch statement jump table for switch statement Point3 Point2 Point1 Point3 Point2 Point1 Point3 Point2 Point1 Point3 Point2 Point1 Point3 Point2 Point1 Point3 Point2 Point1 Point3 Point2 Point1 Point3 Point2 Point1 jumptable 00024000 case 3 Point3 Point2 Point1 Point3 Point2 Point1 jumptable 00024000 case 4 Point3 Point2 Point1 Point3 Point2 Point1 jumptable 00024000 case 5 Point3 Point2 Point1 Point3 Point2 Point1 jumptable 00024000 case 6 Point3 Point2 Point1 Point3 Point2 Point1 jumptable 00024000 case 7 Point3 Point2 Point1 Point3 Point2 Point1 jumptable 00024000 case 8 Point3 Point2 Point1 Point3 Point2 Point1 jumptable 00024000 case 9 Point3 Point2 Point1 Point3 Point2 Point1 jumptable 00024000 case 10 Point3 Point2 Point1 Point3 Point2 Point1 jumptable 00024000 case 11 Point3 Point2 Point1 Point3 Point2 Point1 switch 12 cases switch jump jumptable 0002474E case 0 Point3 Point1 Point2 Point3 Point2 Point1 jumptable 0002474E case 1 Point2 Point3 Point1 Point3 Point2 Point1 jumptable 0002474E case 2 Point3 Point2 Point1 Point3 Point2 Point1 jumptable 0002474E case 3 Point2 Point1 Point3 Point3 Point2 Point1 jumptable 0002474E case 4 Point3 Point2 Point1 Point3 Point2 Point1 jumptable 0002474E case 5 Point3 Point2 Point1 Point3 Point2 Point1 jumptable 0002474E case 6 Point3 Point2 Point1 Point3 Point2 Point1 jumptable 0002474E case 7 Point2 Point1 Point3 Point3 Point2 Point1 jumptable 0002474E case 8 Point3 Point2 Point1 Point3 Point2 Point1 jumptable 0002474E case 9 Point3 Point2 Point1 Point3 Point2 Point1 jumptable 0002474E case 10 Point2 Point3 Point1 Point3 Point2 Point1 jumptable 0002474E case 11 Point3 Point2 Point1 Point3 Point2 Point1 switch 12 cases switch jump wy wx vy x ux vx uy y x z p_thing face p_thing face Z Y X ssprite Z X Y ssprite X ssprite Y Z X ssprite source trans result source trans result source trans result source trans result y h x y h x y h x h y x z z x z z x z z x z z x Point3 Point2 Point1 Point3 Point2 Point1 X Y Z ssprite str out text colour y x colour y x jumptable 0002B258 case 38 colour y x __int16 __int16 __int16 __int16 __int16 __int16 colour y2 x2 y1 x1 colour y2 x2 y1 x1 colour y2 x2 y1 x1 colour y2 x2 y1 x1 Point3 Point2 Point1 point2 point1 point2 point1 point2 point1 Point3 Point2 Point1 Point3 Point2 Point1 a5 Point3 Point2 Point1 face point2 point1 point2 point1 point2 point1 Point3 Point2 Point1 a5 Point3 Point2 Point1 face Point3 Point2 Point1 Point3 Point2 Point1 a5 Point3 Point2 Point1 face Point3 Point2 Point1 Point3 Point2 Point1 a5 Point3 Point2 Point1 face Point3 Point2 Point1 Point3 Point2 Point1 point2 point1 point2 point1 a5 Point3 Point2 Point1 face point2 point1 point2 point1 a5 Point3 Point2 Point1 face Point3 Point2 Point1 Point3 Point2 Point1 Point3 Point2 Point1 Point3 Point2 Point1 Point3 Point2 Point1 Point3 Point2 Point1 Point3 Point1 Point2 Point3 Point2 Point1 Point3 Point2 Point1 Point3 Point2 Point1 Point3 Point2 Point1 Point3 Point2 Point1 Point3 Point1 Point2 Point3 Point2 Point1 a2 struct05 a3 a3 a2 struct05 a3 a2 struct05 point2 point1 point2 point1 point2 point1 Point3 Point2 Point1 Point3 Point2 Point1 a2 struct05 a3 a3 a2 struct05 a3 a2 struct05 a3 a2 struct05 Point3 Point2 Point1 Point3 Point2 Point1 Point3 Point2 Point1 Point3 Point2 Point1 Point3 Point2 Point1 Point3 Point2 Point1 Point3 Point2 Point1 Point3 Point2 Point1 y color x colour a3 a2 a1 a4 colour a3 a1 a2 a4 out colour text y x jump table for switch statement jump table for switch statement jump table for switch statement jumptable 0002B0DF case 22 jumptable 0002B0DF default case jumptable 0002B0DF case 23 jumptable 0002B0DF cases 0,9 jumptable 0002B0DF case 3 jumptable 0002B0DF case 5 jumptable 0002B0DF case 8 jumptable 0002B0DF case 2 jumptable 0002B0DF case 4 jumptable 0002B0DF case 6 jumptable 0002B0DF case 10 jumptable 0002B0DF case 11 jumptable 0002B0DF case 12 a1 jumptable 0002B0DF case 18 face jumptable 0002B0DF case 13 jumptable 0002B0DF case 14 jumptable 0002B0DF case 15 jumptable 0002B0DF case 16 jumptable 0002B0DF case 17 jumptable 0002B0DF case 21 jumptable 0002B0DF case 19 shrap jumptable 0002B0DF case 20 ph jumptable 0002B0DF case 24 jumptable 0002B0DF case 25 format str out text colour y x switch 26 cases switch jump jumptable 0002B258 cases 0,9 jumptable 0002B258 cases 1,7 jumptable 0002B258 case 2 jumptable 0002B258 case 3 jumptable 0002B258 case 5 jumptable 0002B258 case 4 jumptable 0002B258 case 6 jumptable 0002B258 case 8 jumptable 0002B258 case 10 jumptable 0002B258 case 11 jumptable 0002B258 case 12 a1 jumptable 0002B258 case 13 jumptable 0002B258 case 14 switch 15 cases switch jump jump table for switch statement switch 6 cases switch 6 cases switch jump jumptable 0002B603 cases 1,3,5 Point3 Point2 Point1 Point3 Point2 Point1 Point3 Point2 Point1 Point3 Point2 Point1 jumptable 0002B603 cases 0,2,4 Point3 Point2 Point1 Point3 Point2 Point1 jumptable 0002B603 default case p_thing source trans result source trans result mode len out handle len out fhandle len out fhandle len out fhandle len out fhandle len out fhandle len out fhandle len out fhandle fhandle out len out fhandle len fhandle out len fhandle out len fhandle out len out fhandle len handle format str out mode fname len out handle a1 a2 a3 a5 a4 str format out mode fname len out len out fhandle len out fhandle len out fhandle len fhandle out len out fhandle out fhandle len len out fhandle handle num ptr value str out mode fname len out handle out mode fname len out handle out mode fname len out handle str out mode fname len out handle format str out filename wadfile len out fhandle out len handle subtype alltext_fname textdt_fname a3 spr a2 fname format format str out str out action action a2 mode fname len out len out fhandle a1 len fhandle out new_thing item p_thing p_person a1 a1 a1 len fhandle out a1 a1 objectno a1 a1 x z v dx dz a1 dx dz a1 a2 len out fhandle fhandle out len len out fhandle len out fhandle len out fhandle len out fhandle out len fhandle len out fhandle len out fhandle a1 len out fhandle len fhandle out item new_thing len out fhandle len out fhandle fhandle out len len out fhandle len out fhandle len fhandle out len out fhandle a1 handle a1 a1 a1 a1 a1 index index index index index index new_thing jump table for switch statement switch 19 cases switch 0 cases switch jump jumptable 00031F85 cases 0,5,8,12,16 index flag index jumptable 00031F85 case 15 sub_type mz mx default jumptable 00031F85 cases 1-4,6,7,9-11,13,14,17,18 z x flag gflag object after z inlined call find_platform x flag after gflag object sub_type mz mx index index sub_type mz mx p_obj p_obj p_obj mode fname len out len fhandle out len out fhandle handle fname mode len buffer len handle buffer len buffer handle handle map map str out fname mode len buffer len buffer handle len buffer handle len handle buffer len handle buffer len buffer handle len buffer handle len buffer handle len buffer handle len buffer handle len buffer handle len buffer handle len buffer handle len buffer handle len buffer handle len buffer handle len buffer handle len buffer handle len buffer handle len buffer handle len buffer handle len buffer handle handle mode origin offset len buffer handle handle mode origin offset len buffer handle handle a1 a1 a1 a1 a1 a1 a1 a1 a1 a1 a1 a1 a1 a1 a1 a1 a1 a1 a1 a1 a1 a1 a1 a1 a1 a1 a1 a1 a1 a1 a1 a1 a1 a1 a1 a1 a1 a1 a1 a1 a1 a1 a1 a1 a1 a1 a1 a1 a1 a1 a1 fmt str out format fmt str out mode fname len out len out fhandle len out fhandle len out fhandle len out fhandle handle a1 a1 a1 a1 a1 a1 a1 a1 a1 a1 a1 a1 a1 num format format str out format str out str out str out origin offset len buffer handle handle a1 a1 a1 a1 a1 a1 a1 a1 a1 a1 a1 a1 a1 format fmt str out format fmt str out fname mode len buffer len buffer handle len buffer handle len buffer handle len buffer handle handle format str out mode fname len out fhandle str1 str2 handle str out mode fname offset origin format str out mode fname len out fhandle str1 str2 handle str out mode fname offset origin len out fhandle handle jump table for switch statement mode len out handle str1 str2 switch 9 cases switch jump jumptable 00034D9F case 0 jumptable 00034D9F case 3 jumptable 00034D9F case 4 jumptable 00034D9F case 5 jumptable 00034D9F case 6 jumptable 00034D9F case 7 jumptable 00034D9F case 8 jumptable 00034D9F case 2 ch default jumptable 00034D9F case 1 ("InstallDrive") str out str out fname buf fname fname buf buf fname str out fndir a2 fnmask str out format fname buffer out fname out handle len buffer handle len fhandle out len out fhandle num ptr value mode spr str out str out a2 fname a3 spr mode str out format fmt str out fname buf fmt str out fname buf start data end str out fname buf str out fname buf start data end format fmt str out fname buf fmt str out fname buf start end data cb cb a4 a3 a5 a2 a1 cb cb str out format height palette height width data end start a3 spr a2 data end start format fmt str out fname buf fmt str out fname buf start data end pal a2 mem_table str str out fndir a2 fnmask str out format fname buffer str out format fname out height mode palette width a3 spr a2 spr format str out format str out attributes ffind filespec str ffind str out attributes ffind str ffind weapon flag p_person flag plyr p_thing p_thing p_person spr dz dy dx thing y z x thing thing z z x z x z z z x z z x z z x y n index x z y param1 type packet n index x z y param1 type packet n index x param1 z y type packet n index x param1 z y type packet n index x z y param1 type packet n index x param1 z y type packet a1 a3 a2 auto_fname z y x param1 type packet z y x param1 type packet a1 idx aount aount vol vol flag flag mapno reload z param1 y action x packet z y x packet param1 type z y param1 x action packet z x param1 y type packet x z y action param1 packet z y param1 x type packet x z y param1 action packet z y param1 x type packet x param1 z y action packet z param1 x y action packet spr p_person jump table for switch statement z x y param1 type packet V U y x z spr param1 z x y action packet z x packet z param1 y x type z param1 y x type z z x packet z x y param1 type z x y param1 type packet z x y param1 type z x y param1 type packet z y x param1 type jumptable 00039E2A cases 2,3,6,8 jumptable 00039E2A case 0 z action param1 y x packet jumptable 00039E2A case 7 z y x param1 action packet jumptable 00039E2A case 5 z param1 x y type packet jumptable 00039E2A case 4 jumptable 00039E2A case 1 z x y param1 type packet type loop_3 a4 a3 a5 a2 a1 jumptable 00039E2A case 9 aount format fmt str out a3 type a2 loop_3 a1 a5 a4 fname buf z param1 y type x packet switch 10 cases switch jump z param1 y type x packet x z y type param1 packet type loop_3 a4 a3 a5 a2 a1 z x y param1 action packet sample_number source param1 z x y type packet z y x type param1 packet z y x type param1 packet z y x packet param1 type z y type param1 x packet x z y param1 action packet x z y param1 action packet z y x type param1 packet jump table for switch statement z default jumptable 0003AF6E cases 1,5 spr param1 z x y action packet jumptable 0003AF6E case 4 z type y param1 x packet z y type param1 x packet jumptable 0003AF6E case 3 z y type param1 x packet z y type param1 x packet jumptable 0003AF6E cases 0,6 z y x type param1 packet jumptable 0003AF6E case 2 z y param1 x type packet z y x param1 type packet switch 7 cases switch 0 cases switch jump z x packet z x y param1 type z x y param1 type z z x packet z param1 y x type z param1 y x type packet z param1 y x type z param1 y x type z z x packet z y x param1 type x z y param1 type z y x type param1 packet p_thing p_thing z z x new_thing p_person mode mode flag flag str format out jumptable 000B7F96 case 53 format str format out str out str format out str format out str out format str out c c aount flag flag a10 player i player a9 a8 type loop_3 a4 a3 a5 a2 a1 a9 a8 type loop_3 a4 a3 a5 a2 a1 dz dy dx aount pckt format fmt str out fname buf a3 palette a2 palette aount format fmt str out fname buf mapno a1 level map a1 a1 a1 dinp a2 palette a2 palette y color x out out str out format colour x str out format x colour str out format x colour str out format x colour format str out format str out format str out palette height mode width format str out a3 a1 palette a2 palette a2 a1 z type y x z type y x a3 a2 a1 a1 a2 plyr msec a1 fmt format str out a1 flag p_thing z plyr y x flag p_thing z y x flag p_thing plyr face z x p_thing z fast_flag y x fast_flag z p_thing y x fast_flag z p_thing y x z y plyr x p_thing plyr p_thing p_thing plyr type loop_3 a4 a3 a5 a2 a1 flag plyr p_thing p_thing plyr type loop_3 a4 a3 a5 a2 a1 dir index p_person p_person p_person pan type loop pitch sample vol id pan type loop pitch sample vol id type loop pitch vol pan sample id p_person weapon n index flag p_person weapon dist p_person p_person shoot_flag p_person flag p_person p_person weapon p_person item p_person p_person item p_person mood p_thing p_person p_thing mood p_person p_thing mood p_person type a1 loop_3 a4 a5 a3 a2 p_person item p_person plyr item p_person plyr item p_person y face z x p_thing y face z x p_person face z y x p_other p_person p_vehicle p_thing pan type vol loop pitch sample id plyr thing plyr p_person p_person z x p_person fast_flag z p_thing y x p_person flag weapon p_person shoot_flag p_person p_person id type loop pan pitch vol sample p_thing face z y x p_vehicle plyr p_person flag p_thing face z x p_vehicle p_person p_person flag weapon p_person shoot_flag p_person p_person vol type loop pitch sample pan id p_thing target p_person dir index shoot_flag p_person p_person type loop pan pitch vol sample id p_thing z p_thing y x format str out text x colour y text x y colour flag flag mapno reload seed num ptr value a2 a1 a1 format str out str str pckt str out str flag flag mapno reload seed fname buf a2 a3 mode origin offset handle buf fname num value ptr num value ptr num ptr value level vol str out mode fname mode len out fhandle len out fhandle len out fhandle len fhandle out len fhandle out len out fhandle len out fhandle len out fhandle len out fhandle len out fhandle len out fhandle len out fhandle len out fhandle len out fhandle len out fhandle len out fhandle len out fhandle len out fhandle len out fhandle len out fhandle len out fhandle len out fhandle handle origin offset len out fhandle handle level vol dinp a2 fname a2 num num num ptr value palette size load_files level a1 a1 a1 data end start num a1 fname a2 num num a1 num value ptr palette num a1 reload a1 buf fname a2 a3 load_files format str out mode fname size str out format fname str out fname buf mem_ptr a1 a1 a1 p_normal face p_normal face format str out jumptable 0004D973 case 204 palette height width mode a3 spr a2 width3 vec_tmap height screenbuf width4 __int16 __int16 __int16 __int16 colour a2 a1 colour a4 a3 y1 x1 colour a2 a1 colour y2 x2 y1 x1 colour y2 x2 y1 x1 colour text y x __int16 __int16 __int16 __int16 y1 colour x1 y2 x2 y1 colour x1 y2 x2 colour y1 x2 y2 x1 y2 colour x1 y1 x2 mode len out handle tex num ptr value a4 a3 a5 a2 a1 Z X Y ssprite ssprite jump table for switch statement jumptable 00043721 case 5 jumptable 00043721 cases 2-4,7 licmd switch 8 cases switch 8 cases switch jump jumptable 00043721 case 6 jumptable 00043721 case 0 jumptable 00043721 case 1 jumptable 00043721 default case p_light a2 a6 a2 a4 a5 a3 a1 a1 a1 jump table for switch statement default jumptable 00045573 case 0 jumptable 00045573 case 1 jumptable 00045573 case 2 jumptable 00045573 case 3 switch 4 cases switch jump a1 a1 a1 a1 a1 a1 jump table for switch statement default jumptable 0004630A case 0 jumptable 0004630A case 1 jumptable 0004630A case 2 jumptable 0004630A case 3 switch 4 cases switch jump a1 col vec vec2 vec1 result col vec vec2 vec1 result col vec result trans source result source trans result trans source a1 p_thing p_thing p_thing dist p_person p_person shoot_flag p_person shoot_flag p_person p_person range p_person p_thing p_person p_person dx dz p_thing frame y type z x thing plyr flags max_dist him me b_z b_x p_person b_z b_x p_person p_target p_person sample_number source sample_number source fx ThingOffset fx ThingOffset fx ThingOffset fx ThingOffset fx ThingOffset type vol loop pitch samp p_thing fx ThingOffset p_person p_person sample_number source sample_number source thing plyr p_corpse fx ThingOffset fx ThingOffset type vol loop pitch samp p_thing fx ThingOffset p_thing p_person sample_number source sample_number source p_thing sample_number source type loop pan vol pitch samp p_thing type z y x size x z type loop pan vol pitch samp p_thing p_person type loop pan vol pitch samp p_thing dx dz type pan samp loop p_thing pitch vol jump table for switch statement jump table for switch statement jump table for switch statement p_static type pan vol loop samp pitch p_thing type loop pan vol pitch samp p_thing type z y x type loop pan vol pitch samp p_thing v type loop pan vol pitch samp p_thing type loop pan vol pitch samp p_thing p_thing z height x p_thing switch 10 cases switch 0 cases switch jump jumptable 00048D6A cases 0,6,7 jumptable 00048D6A cases 1-3,9 jumptable 00048D6A case 8 default jumptable 00048D6A cases 4,5 p_target p_person p_attacker p_person type pan vol loop pitch samp p_thing jumptable 0004901B cases 4,6 p_person jumptable 0004901B cases 0-2,8 p_person default jumptable 0004901B cases 3,5,7 p_person switch 9 cases switch 0 cases switch jump jumptable 000490BD cases 0-2,8,11 jumptable 000490BD cases 3,4,9,10,12,13 jumptable 000490BD cases 5-7 switch 14 cases switch jump vz vy type vx p_person p_thing flag col_vect z2 y2 x2 z1 y1 x1 item p_thing jump table for switch statement flag col_vect z2 y2 inlined snap_razor_wire() x2 z1 y1 p_thing x1 item p_thing type z y x p_owner radius intensity z y x flag col_vect z2 y2 inlined snap_razor_wire() x2 z1 y1 p_thing x1 item p_thing loop sample vol z y x flag col_vect z2 y2 x2 z1 y1 x1 item p_thing y z x type pan loop pitch vol samp p_thing anim_mode p_person jumptable 000497D7 cases 0-2,8,11 jumptable 000497D7 cases 3,4,9,10,12,13 jumptable 000497D7 cases 5-7 switch 14 cases switch jump p_thing z height x type loop pan vol pitch samp p_thing p_thing z height x inlined bul_hit_building_thing() type pan vol samp loop p_thing pitch p_thing z height x format format str out text a2 a1 y4 x4 y3 y2 x3 x2 x1 y1 y4 x4 y3 y2 x3 x2 x1 y1 p_person item p_thing p_v me p_sthing p_person p_person dx dz dx dz a1 light_id a3 p_thing p_thing type loop pitch pan vol samp type loop pitch pan vol samp p_thing type loop pitch pan vol samp p_thing type pan vol loop pitch samp p_thing p_person type type loop pan vol pitch samp p_thing p_person shoot_flag p_person z y x p_person z y x p_person z x p_com dz me dx p_person dx dz me p_person dz p_person me dx dx dz me p_person thing p_person col z x p_thing face z x p_thing face z x face p_thing z x p_thing face z p_thing face x z x face p_thing x z p_veh p_v p_person p_me from com p_person p_person shoot_flag p_person from p_me com jump table for switch statement group p_person no_persuaded z2 x1 x2 z1 p_person jumptable 0004C0E3 case 0 jumptable 0004C0E3 case 3 switch 4 cases switch jump default jumptable 0004C0E3 cases 1,2 p_person p_person dist p_person p_person shoot_flag from com p_me p_com z x jump table for switch statement a11 a10 from p_me com jumptable 0004D973 case 0 jumptable 0004D973 case 142 type a4 a3 loop_3 a1 a5 a2 type pan loop vol pitch p_thing samp jumptable 0004D973 case 145 jumptable 0004D973 case 140 jumptable 0004D973 case 141 jumptable 0004D973 case 131 jumptable 0004D973 case 132 jumptable 0004D973 case 143 jumptable 0004D973 case 37 jumptable 0004D973 case 31 p_thing p_thing new_thing jumptable 0004D973 case 139 p_thing p_thing new_thing jumptable 0004D973 case 138 jumptable 0004D973 case 33 p_person jumptable 0004D973 case 21 p_person p_thing p_person jumptable 0004D973 case 25 p_thing p_thing face jumptable 0004D973 case 30 p_thing jumptable 0004D973 case 110 jumptable 0004D973 case 32 p_thing z x face p_thing jumptable 0004D973 cases 2,35 p_veh z x p_thing z y radius x thing p_person jumptable 0004D973 case 102 jumptable 0004D973 case 104 frame z y x jumptable 0004D973 case 105 jumptable 0004D973 case 67 jumptable 0004D973 cases 51-66,128 jumptable 0004D973 case 87 jumptable 0004D973 cases 71-86,129 jumptable 0004D973 case 20 jumptable 0004D973 case 3 jumptable 000674D7 case 83 jumptable 0004D973 case 4 range p_person p_person p_person jumptable 0004D973 case 5 no_persuaded p_person group range p_person p_person p_person jumptable 0004D973 case 36 p_me p_com range p_person p_person p_person jumptable 0004D973 case 6 no_persuaded p_person group range p_person p_person p_person jumptable 0004D973 case 7 jumptable 0004D973 case 8 p_person group jumptable 0004D973 case 9 p_person group jumptable 0004D973 case 10 jumptable 0004D973 case 11 p_person jumptable 0004D973 case 12 jumptable 0004D973 case 34 p_person no_persuaded group jumptable 0004D973 case 13 jumptable 0004D973 case 14 jumptable 0004D973 case 135 jumptable 0004D973 case 17 fast_flag p_thing z y x p_person jumptable 0004D973 case 28 p_person item jumptable 0004D973 case 18 p_person item jumptable 0004D973 case 16 jumptable 0004D973 case 23 p_thing jumptable 0004D973 case 24 p_thing jumptable 0004D973 case 26 jumptable 0004D973 case 27 jumptable 0004D973 case 133 jumptable 0004D973 case 134 jumptable 0004D973 case 144 jumptable 0004D973 case 136 switch 146 cases switch jump p_person jumptable 0004D973 cases 1,15,19,22,29,38-50,68-70,88-101,103,106-109,111-127,130,137 p_person shoot_flag dx dz p_person from p_person a2 p_person p_thing p_thing_to p_thing face z x p_thing a1 p_thing a1 dx dz p_person p_person a2 p_person p_person shoot_flag p_thing face z x a1 p_thing a1 dx dz p_person p_person p_person shoot_flag p_person p_person type from p_me com p_person inlined call person_vanish inlined person_vanish() a3 a2 player_id p_person item type loop pan vol pitch samp p_thing p_thing giveortake p_person id item item from p_person item p_person p_thing p_thing p_thing face z x z x face p_thing jump table for switch statement switch 8 cases switch jump jumptable 0004F383 case 0 jumptable 0004F383 case 6 jumptable 0004F383 case 7 jumptable 0004F383 case 5 jumptable 0004F383 case 4 default jumptable 0004F383 cases 1-3 n index sample_number source n index n index item p_person p_person item p_person p_person jump table for switch statement item_id p_person plyr item p_person_c default jumptable 0004FE9D cases 1-3 item p_person p_person jumptable 0004FE9D case 0 jumptable 0004FE9D case 6 jumptable 0004FE9D case 7 jumptable 0004FE9D case 5 jumptable 0004FE9D case 4 switch 8 cases switch 0 cases switch jump jump table for switch statement item plyr p_person_c p_person item default jumptable 00050104 cases 1-3 item p_person jumptable 00050104 case 0 jumptable 00050104 case 6 jumptable 00050104 case 7 jumptable 00050104 case 5 jumptable 00050104 case 4 switch 8 cases switch 0 cases switch jump z y face x p_person p_person p_thing x p_thing z face x p_thing face z frame z type y x id giveortake p_person item n index type loop pan vol pitch p_thing samp new_thing p_person frame z type y x giveortake id item p_person p_person p_person shoot_flag range p_person p_person p_thing p_thing shoot_flag p_person p_person shoot_flag p_person z p_veh x p_person p_thing p_person energy_reqd p_person flag p_thing energy p_thing type loop pitch pan vol samp p_thing p_person p_veh z x p_person p_person p_person p_person p_person p_person flags him max_dist me p_person p_thing p_person from p_person p_person p_person p_person max_dist flags p_thing p_i p_person p_person max_dist flags him me inlined fire_weapon_at_target() p_person flags max_dist him me p_person p_person shoot_flag shoot_flag p_person p_person shoot_flag shoot_flag p_person p_person new_thing new_z new_x new_y p_sthing a1 type vz vy p_person vx type loop pan vol pitch samp p_thing p_thing item dx dz inlined change_player_angle() jump table for switch statement type loop_3 a4 a3 a5 a2 a1 sample_number source p_person shoot_flag p_person p_person p_person dx dz inlined make_person_point_at_person() type pan vol loop samp pitch p_thing fx ThingOffset fx ThingOffset type vol loop pitch samp p_thing p_person p_person p_person shoot_flag sample_number source type loop pan vol pitch samp p_thing fx ThingOffset fx ThingOffset type vol loop pitch samp p_thing p_v p_person p_person energy_reqd flag p_person p_dead p_person energy_reqd p_person flag energy p_thing p_attacker energy_reqd flag p_person energy p_thing p_attacker p_person switch 4 cases switch 4 cases switch jump jumptable 00052D23 case 0 jumptable 00052D23 case 1 jumptable 00052D23 case 2 jumptable 00052D23 case 3 default p_person p_person flag p_person p_person p_person flag type loop pan vol pitch samp p_thing type loop pan vol pitch samp p_thing p_person p_person p_person sample_number source type loop pan vol pitch samp p_thing p_person p_person size p_owner size sample_number source sample_number source type loop pan vol pitch samp p_thing p_owner size sample_number source sample_number source type loop pan vol pitch samp p_thing type p_owner size sample_number source sample_number source type loop pan vol pitch samp p_thing p_owner sample_number source sample_number source p_owner size sample_number source sample_number source type loop pan vol pitch samp p_thing p_thing p_thing p_person p_person b lz lx type loop pan vol pitch samp p_thing sample_number source anim_mode p_person p_person p_person p_person p_person p_thing type loop pitch pan vol samp p_thing type pan vol loop pitch samp p_thing type pan vol loop pitch samp p_thing p_person max_dist flags him me p_person p_person item p_person item p_person item p_person p_v me p_vehicle p_thing p_thing radius z x thing y p_vehicle p_thing z p_thing z x new_thing p_thing face p_thing p_person p_person p_person dist p_person p_person shoot_flag p_person p_person p_person shoot_flag p_person p_thing p_person p_thing p_thing p_vehicle p_thing p_thing inlined shall_i_shoot_as_well() p_person flags him max_dist me p_person inlined sqrt_2d_approx() jumptable 000497D7 case 38 z2 x2 z1 x1 inlined change_player_angle() p_person p_person p_person p_person p_thing p_person p_person p_person p_owner p_person p_thing p_thing p_person p_vehicle p_thing p_person p_person z1 x2 z2 x1 p_person group no_persuaded p_person range p_person p_person jump table for switch statement switch 5 cases switch 5 cases switch jump jumptable 00055B8F case 1 p_person flag group jumptable 00055B8F case 4 p_me group flag p_person group jumptable 00055B8F case 3 count group jumptable 00055B8F case 2 jumptable 00055B8F case 0 from p_person jump table for switch statement p_thing p_leader p_protector p_person p_person p_person p_person p_person weapon p_person p_person p_thing p_person p_person weapon p_person p_person p_person p_person p_person p_person p_person p_person p_person p_person from com p_me from p_person p_person str out p_person p_person p_person jumptable 00056AD4 case 0 p_person from p_person p_person from p_person p_person default jumptable 00056AD4 cases 2,4,6,9-11,17-26,30,33,34,37-39,46,48,52,55 p_person jumptable 00056AD4 case 49 jumptable 00056AD4 case 50 jumptable 00056AD4 case 57 jumptable 00056AD4 case 3 jumptable 00056AD4 case 1 jumptable 00056AD4 case 35 jumptable 00056AD4 case 5 jumptable 00056AD4 case 7 jumptable 00056AD4 case 12 jumptable 00056AD4 cases 14,15 jumptable 00056AD4 case 16 jumptable 00056AD4 case 13 jumptable 00056AD4 case 27 jumptable 00056AD4 case 51 jumptable 00056AD4 case 28 p_person p_person max_dist flags him me jumptable 00056AD4 case 29 p_person flags max_dist him me jumptable 00056AD4 case 31 jumptable 00056AD4 case 32 jumptable 00056AD4 case 36 jumptable 00056AD4 case 59 jumptable 00056AD4 case 44 jumptable 00056AD4 case 45 jumptable 00056AD4 case 56 jumptable 00056AD4 case 8 jumptable 00056AD4 case 53 inlined call person_go_plant_mine p_person item jumptable 00056AD4 case 41 inlined call process_follow_person jumptable 00056AD4 case 42 jumptable 00056AD4 case 43 jumptable 00056AD4 case 40 jumptable 00056AD4 case 47 jumptable 00056AD4 case 54 jumptable 00056AD4 case 58 p_person switch 60 cases switch 60 cases switch jump frame face bank frame face bank item radius z y x type pan loop vol samp pitch p_thing sample_number source type loop pan vol pitch samp p_thing inlined call process_burning_static sample_number source new_thing new_thing sample_number source type loop pan vol pitch samp p_thing item item mapwho_lights b lz lx a1 a1 format fmt str out fname buf a1 col new_thing veh p_thing p_thing p_person p_rocket p_grenade p_building p_rocket p_laser p_elec p_thing p_mine p_thing flag a1 item mapwho_lights lz lx b sample_number source type loop pan vol pitch samp p_thing item type pan loop vol pitch samp p_thing sample_number source sample_number source thing_item p_sthing thing_item p_explode p_spark p_soul p_sthing p_sgen p_sthing new_thing p_sthing p_sthing p_explode item p_thing t fx ThingOffset type loop pan vol pitch samp p_thing item p_thing fire p_mine p_person z y x p_thing p_person plyr p_thing p_person z2 x2 z1 x1 p_person p_thing p_person shoot_flag z y x p_thing p_person plyr p_thing p_thing p_person p_person z p_veh x p_person p_thing z x p_thing face p_person shoot_flag z p_veh x face z x p_thing p_person plyr p_thing p_person p_person z x v face p_veh z x p_thing face x z p_thing p_person shoot_flag p_person p_person p_person flag face z x face z x p_person z2 x2 z1 x1 inlined call change_player_angle() p_person y p_madman z x flag y p_thing z x z x face p_thing z x p_thing face flag y p_thing z x z x face p_thing z x p_thing face p_person p_person inlined call shall_i_change_to_fire_at_point() z y fast_flag x p_thing p_person p_person z y fast_flag x p_thing z2 x2 z1 x1 p_person p_person p_person p_person plyr p_thing p_person p_person p_thing p_vehicle p_thing p_thing p_thing p_thing p_person p_vehicle p_veh p_thing p_thing dz dx me p_person z x z new_thing z x tex dz dx p_thing a1 z x z x z y x a1 a1 z z x new_thing p_thing anim_mode p_person anim_mode p_person p_person p_person p_person p_thing p_thing plyr plyr p_thing plyr p_thing p_protector p_leader p_thing p_person dist jumptable 000DAA50 cases 72,130 dx dz group_bits angle1 n_dist z a_dist y x owner z y health p_thing x p_owner radius z intensity y x p_protector p_leader p_thing p_person type loop pan vol pitch samp p_thing p_person p_person weapon p_person shoot_flag p_person jump table for switch statement p_v dx dz p_person dx dz anim_mode p_person jumptable 0005ACA7 cases 0-2,8,11 jumptable 0005ACA7 cases 3,4,9,10,12,13 jumptable 0005ACA7 cases 5-7 switch 14 cases switch 14 cases switch jump p_person jumptable 0005ACA7 default case p_person anim_mode p_person v z y x type y z x type loop pan pitch vol samp anim_mode p_person a9 a8 type loop_3 a4 a3 a5 a2 a1 num value ptr num ptr value z mood p_thing x z inlined thing_goto_point_fast() y x p_thing p_person p_thing weapon inlined is_it_a_crap_weapon() dist p_person anim_mode p_person jumptable 000DAA50 case 34 format p_owner p_thing intensity dist me delthing str out dist p_owner dz p_person intensity dx dist p_owner dz p_v intensity dx type loop pan vol pitch samp p_thing type z y x dist p_owner dz p_sthing dx intensity p_static y4 x4 y3 x3 y1 x2 y2 x1 y4 x4 y3 x3 y1 x2 y2 x1 a1 skip flag radius y p_owner z x z2 x2 me z1 x1 z y x a1 skip flag p_owner z radius y x z2 x2 me z1 x1 z x z y x skip z flag radius p_owner y x type p_attacker vy vx vz hp p_person str out format text x str out y x a1 new_vect z flag face x a1 z x flag vect a6 a5 h w x y y a6 w x a5 h y a6 w h a5 y x a6 w h a5 y x p_face x z x p_thing p_face x z x p_thing p_face z x p_face z x z p_face x z x p_thing z p_face x z x p_thing a6 a5 h w y x z x z x new_thing a1 p_point a1 a1 a1 a1 texture a1 p_texture a1 a1 a1 y z x z y x thing inlined call gengine_ctrl thing inlined call gengine_ctrl p_tnode p_person a1 mat item item p_thing item p_thing item item p_thing item flag col_vect z2 y2 x2 z1 y1 x1 item p_thing item p_thing item item p_thing item p_thing item item p_thing out v type loop pan vol pitch samp p_thing num Fill the block with zeros value for (edx=1;edx<0x3ff;edx++) Set the array item to zero Move to next array item Set the next array item to dx(=bx) value Set the array item to zero z z x z x z x z z x z y type x item p_thing p_thing item p_thing format str out str out v p_thing p_thing height x z jump table for switch statement p_thing type loop pan vol pitch samp p_thing type z x y item p_thing jumptable 00063065 cases 0-2,8,11 jumptable 00063065 cases 3,4,9,10,12,13 jumptable 00063065 cases 5-7 switch 14 cases switch 14 cases switch jump jumptable 00063065 default case p_person type vz p_person vy vx new_thing new_thing new_thing z f t z x anim_mode p_person thing tri tri tri me delthing p_thing p_thing z height x type z y x item p_thing item p_thing p_owner intensity dist p_person dz dx v type loop pan vol pitch samp p_thing type loop pan vol pitch samp p_thing loop sample vol z y x thing z x height thing height z x height z p_thing x size z x z y type x z x height thing z height x thing p_thing z height x jump table for switch statement y2 x2 y1 x1 jumptable 000674D7 case 0 type y z x type y z x jumptable 000674D7 case 1 type y z x jumptable 000674D7 case 2 z x type z y x jumptable 000674D7 case 3 z x type z y x size x y x z type y x z jumptable 000674D7 case 4 type y z x type y z x jumptable 000674D7 case 5 type y z x type y z x z switch 6 cases switch jump timer z frame x y jump table for switch statement timer frame z y x jumptable 000678E0 case 0 z y x type type loop vol pitch samp default jumptable 000678E0 case 1 z y x type type loop vol pitch samp jumptable 000678E0 case 2 z y x jumptable 000678E0 case 3 loop pan vol pitch samp p_thing type z y x p_owner radius intensity z y x switch 4 cases switch 0 cases switch jump type loop pan vol pitch samp p_thing type z y x type z y x a3 a2 a1 p_owner radius intensity z y x type loop pan vol pitch samp p_thing type z y x p_owner radius intensity z y x item p_thing type z x y type z x y type z x y type z x y type z x y type z x y type z x y &overall_scale - 2 eptr &overall_scale - 2 bright2 bright1 col p_tex z1 flag r1 r2 y1 x1 col z2 z1 y2 x1 y1 x2 a1 a1 a1 a1 eptr jumptable 000DAA50 case 29 eptr jumptable 000DAA50 case 6 time p_sthing x2 z2 z1 y2 x1 y1 eptr eptr time p_sthing z2 y2 x2 x1 jump table for switch statement eptr eptr a1 a1 default jumptable 000691BE case 0 jumptable 000691BE case 1 jumptable 000691BE case 2 jumptable 000691BE case 3 switch 4 cases switch jump flag sort_key col w2 w1 x2 y1 y2 x1 flag sort_key x2 col w2 w1 y2 y1 x1 flag sort_key col w2 w1 x2 y1 y2 x1 flag sort_key col x2 w2 w1 y2 y1 x1 eptr eptr a1 a1 flag sort_key col w2 w1 y2 x2 y1 x1 a1 col z2 z1 y1 y2 x2 x1 z2 y2 z1 y1 x1 z2 z1 y1 y2 x2 x1 eptr eptr a1 sort_key bright2 bright1 col p_tex r2 r1 flag x1 y1 sort_key bright2 bright1 col p_tex r2 y1 flag x1 r1 a1 flag sort_key col w2 w1 y2 x2 y1 x1 flag sort_key col w2 w1 y2 x2 y1 x1 flag sort_key col w2 w1 y2 x2 y1 x1 z2 y2 z1 y1 x1 z2 z1 y1 y2 x2 x1 z2 x2 x1 y2 y1 z1 z2 z1 y1 y2 x2 x1 eptr eptr a1 sort_key bright2 bright1 col p_tex r2 r1 flag x1 y1 sort_key bright2 bright1 col p_tex r2 y1 flag x1 r1 a1 flag sort_key col w2 w1 y2 x2 y1 x1 flag sort_key col w2 w1 y2 x2 y1 x1 flag sort_key col w2 w1 y2 x2 y1 x1 eptr eptr flag sort_key col w2 y2 x2 w1 y1 x1 z1 z2 x2 a1 z2 x2 z1 x1 col flag width2 width cx2 cz2 cx1 cy1 cy2 cz1 z2 x2 z1 x1 speed ang_r ang_c z2 x2 z1 x1 speed ang_r ang_c col flag width2 width cx2 cz2 cz1 cy2 cy1 cx1 eptr dz dx p_person dz p_person flags max_dist him me b_z b_x p_person him me max_dist him me flags dist him me max_dist him me flags him me max_dist him me flags p_person p_person guard_group y4 x4 y3 y1 x3 x2 y2 x1 dz dx a1 z y x z y x format str out text a2 a1 z2 y2 x1 y1 x2 z1 me z2 y2 x1 x2 me z1 y1 z2 y2 y1 x2 z1 me x1 z2 y2 x2 z1 y1 me x1 angle p_person dx dz angle p_person a1 z2 me z1 x1 x2 new_thing max_dist him me flags p_target p_person max_dist him me flags p_target p_person dist p_person max_dist p_person change_angle change_angle max_dist p_person max_dist him me flags p_target p_person jumptable 0006D590 default case type loop pan vol pitch samp p_thing p_thing p_person jump table for switch statement type loop pan vol pitch samp p_thing jumptable 0006D590 case 0 jumptable 0006D590 cases 1,2,8,11 jumptable 0006D590 cases 3,4,9,10,12,13 jumptable 0006D590 cases 5-7 switch 14 cases switch 14 cases switch jump jump table for switch statement jumptable 0006D708 case 0 jumptable 0006D708 cases 1,2,8,11 jumptable 0006D708 cases 3,4,9,10,12,13 jumptable 0006D708 cases 5-7 jumptable 0006D708 default case switch 14 cases switch 14 cases switch jump jump table for switch statement type loop pan vol pitch samp p_thing p_thing p_person p_person jumptable 0006D97D case 0 jumptable 0006D97D cases 1,2,8,11 jumptable 0006D97D cases 3,4,9,10,12,13 jumptable 0006D97D cases 5-7 switch 14 cases switch 14 cases switch jump jumptable 0006D97D default case p_person p_person me p_person p_person p_person p_person len out fhandle out len fhandle jump table for switch statement jumptable 0006E5AE case 0 jumptable 0006E5AE case 3 jumptable 0006E5AE case 7 jumptable 0006E5AE case 8 jumptable 0006E5AE case 9 num value ptr jumptable 0006E5AE case 11 jumptable 0006E5AE case 12 jumptable 0006E5AE case 14 default jumptable 0006E5AE cases 1,2,4-6,10,13 switch 15 cases switch 0 cases switch jump palette a1 mode spr str out str out a2 fname a3 a2 a3 a2 a3 a2 a3 str out str out a2 fname a3 a2 a3 a2 a3 a2 a3 jump table for switch statement handle switch 9 cases switch 9 cases switch jump jumptable 0006E903 case 0 type loop pitch pan vol samp p_thing format str out jumptable 0006E903 case 1 jumptable 0006E903 case 2 jumptable 0006E903 case 7 jumptable 0006E903 case 3 format str out jumptable 0006E903 case 4 format str out jumptable 0006E903 case 5 str out jumptable 0006E903 case 6 format str out jumptable 0006E903 case 8 jumptable 0006E903 default case mode fname out fhandle len format str out format str out a10 a9 a8 type loop_3 a4 a3 a5 a2 a1 type loop_3 a4 a3 a5 a2 a1 handle num value ptr value num ptr out a4 a3 colour a2 a1 y x colour text eptr eptr eptr a7 a6 a34 a3 a5 a2 a1 x z eptr z x eptr x2 y1 colour y2 x1 eptr eptr y2 y1 colour x2 x1 eptr eptr y2 x2 colour y1 x1 eptr y2 colour x2 x1 eptr x2 colour y2 x1 a1 __int16 eptr eptr y2 x2 y1 colour x1 eptr eptr x2 y1 x1 colour y2 eptr eptr y2 x2 colour y1 x1 __int16 __int16 __int16 eptr eptr y2 x2 y1 colour x1 eptr eptr y2 x2 colour y1 x1 eptr eptr x2 y1 colour x1 y2 eptr eptr y2 x2 colour y1 x1 eptr eptr y2 x2 y1 colour x1 eptr eptr y2 x2 colour y1 x1 eptr eptr y2 x2 colour y1 x1 eptr eptr x2 y1 colour x1 y2 __int16 __int16 eptr __int16 colour y1 x2 x1 y2 colour y2 x1 y1 x2 colour y1 x2 x1 y2 colour y2 x1 y1 x2 __int16 __int16 __int16 __int16 __int16 eptr __int16 y1 colour x1 y2 x2 y1 x2 colour y2 x1 colour x1 y1 x2 y2 colour y2 x1 y1 x2 colour x1 y1 y2 x2 colour y1 x1 y2 x2 colour y1 x1 y2 x2 colour x1 y1 x2 y2 eptr spr y x eptr colour y2 x2 y1 x1 colour y2 x2 y1 x1 x z eptr y colour x str out z x eptr text y colour x text eptr y colour x str out eptr text y colour x eptr eptr y2 x2 colour y1 x1 str out format y colour x text a1 str out format z x eptr text y colour x eptr eptr y2 x2 colour y1 x1 eptr eptr y2 x2 colour y1 x1 eptr eptr y2 x2 colour y1 x1 eptr eptr y2 x2 colour y1 x1 c text colour a4 text a3 a1 a2 colour a2 a4 a3 a1 text startline x text a2 colour a4 a3 a1 text startline x text a1 a2 dinp mouse a4 a3 colour a2 a1 a2 a4 colour a3 a1 a1 a4 colour a3 a2 a7 a34 a6 a1 a5 a3 a2 a34 a7 __int16 a6 __int16 a1 a5 a2 a3 a7 a3 a6 a2 a5 a34 a1 x1 y1 x2 colour y2 y1 x1 y2 colour x2 y1 x1 y2 colour x2 x1 y1 x2 colour y2 y2 x2 colour x1 y1 __int16 __int16 colour y2 __int16 x2 y1 x1 y2 colour x2 y1 x1 h w y1 x1 text startline x text text text y x startline text text y x startline text text startline x text text x startline text x startline text startline x text x startline text text y x startline text x startline text startline x y x spr spr x y spr x y x spr y volume msec dinp y2 x2 colour y1 x1 y1 x2 colour y2 x1 y2 x2 colour y1 x1 y1 x2 colour y2 x1 y2 x2 colour y1 x1 y1 x2 colour y2 x1 y2 x2 colour y1 x1 y1 x2 colour y2 x1 y2 x2 colour y1 x1 y1 x2 colour y2 x1 y2 x2 colour y1 x1 y1 x2 colour y2 x1 vol type loop_3 a4 a3 a5 a2 a1 y x spr y x spr y x spr jumptable 000490BD case 149 vol type loop_3 a4 a3 a5 a2 a1 y x spr y x spr y x spr vol type loop_3 a4 a3 a5 a2 a1 colour y2 y1 x1 x2 colour y2 y1 x2 x1 colour y2 x2 y1 x1 colour y2 y1 x1 x2 colour y2 y1 x1 x2 colour y2 y1 x2 x1 colour y2 y1 x1 x2 colour y2 y1 x1 x2 colour y2 y1 x1 x2 colour y2 y1 x2 x1 colour y2 x2 y1 x1 colour y2 y1 x2 x1 int char text char int int level int char text char int int level char int text char int int char int text char int int msec volume a2 dinp msec volume z z x z z x height width4 width3 vec_tmap screenbuf ptr value num width4 height width3 vec_tmap screenbuf jump table for switch statement switch 14 cases switch jump jumptable 00073E99 cases 0,2,7,8 jumptable 00073E99 cases 1,3-5,9-13 jumptable 00073E99 case 6 default p_person p_person a1 jumptable 00039E2A case 170 a3 num ptr value mem_ptr r a1 y x colour z inlined call find_platform x flag gflag object after after flag object gflag a1 veh a11 a10 p_thing p_thing flag veh buf fname type a4 loop_3 a3 a5 a2 a1 sample_number source buf fname type a4 loop_3 a2 a3 a5 a1 r type p_thing p_thing p_thing new_thing a1 new_thing subtype p_thing p_thing p_thing y x subtype y subtype x new_thing jump table for switch statement z z x switch 14 cases switch 14 cases switch jump jumptable 00075A85 case 0 jumptable 00075A85 cases 1,11 jumptable 00075A85 case 6 jumptable 00075A85 case 7 jumptable 00075A85 cases 3-5,9,12,13 jumptable 00075A85 case 2 jumptable 00075A85 case 8 jumptable 00075A85 case 10 jumptable 00075A85 default case p_person new_thing num value ptr num value ptr value ptr num type pan vol samp loop pitch p_thing p_thing v s v p_static p_static zangle yangle r3 xangle type loop pan vol pitch samp p_thing sample_number source s p_thing dx dz dx dz r3 zangle yangle xangle type loop pan vol pitch samp p_thing z x dx dz p_thing zangle r3 yangle xangle z type loop pan vol pitch samp p_thing sample_number source z x dx dz p_thing s yangle r3 zangle xangle r3 zangle yangle xangle p_thing dz dx z z x z z x a1 y z x z z x dx dz a2 v dz dx v p_thing z z x z type x type z x y z z x type y x z x z z x p_thing type z y x a2 p_person y8 x8 x p_thing z a2 p_person dx dz p_thing z x p_thing a2 p_person v z x z x v v z x z x v v z x z x v z x p_veh p_thing z x p_thing z x s p_thing x z v x z v p_veh x z p_veh x z sample_number source z z x new_thing flags object flags object flags object inlined call unlight_shuttle_slice flags object item inlined call hilight_shuttle_slice flags object inlined call unlight_shuttle_slice flags object tnode v v v z z x v z x v dz dx dx dz v p_thing dz dx p_tnode v v v v dx dz dx dz dz dx p_thing p_tnode type loop pan vol pitch samp p_thing accel tng_idx thing dz dx dz dx type loop pan vol pitch samp p_thing accel thing tng_idx dz dx dx dz p_veh p_person b a p_veh zangle r3 yangle xangle base zangle xangle yangle p_veh p_veh zangle r3 yangle xangle base zangle xangle yangle base zangle xangle yangle base zangle xangle yangle base zangle xangle yangle z z x z z x a1 z z x dx dz v dx dz p_thing p_thing a1 a1 a1 p_vehicle p_person type p_thing loop pan vol pitch samp z p_face x face p_thing z x z p_face x face p_thing z x new_thing type loop pitch pan vol samp p_thing x1 z1 z2 x2 fx ThingOffset type loop pan vol pitch samp p_thing type loop pan vol pitch p_thing samp zangle yangle r3 xangle jump table for switch statement a3 v p_person a2 v v s v type z y x p_thing s v veh s veh v v p_veh v p_veh p_veh v v v v v v v v v v p_veh v v v v v v p_veh v p_vehicle v p_veh v v p_veh v v z x p_veh v p_veh v p_veh p_veh v p_veh v p_veh v p_veh p_veh v v v a2 v v v v jumptable 0007CD81 case 18case 0 thing thing v p_veh jumptable 0007CD81 case 20case 2 v jumptable 0007CD81 case 19case 1 type loop pitch pan vol samp p_thing jumptable 0007CD81 case 21case 3 v default str out switch 4 cases switch 0 cases switch jump p_pod sample_number source p_thing type vol loop samp pitch p_thing p_thing p_vehicle str out z height x thing z x z size z x type z y x p_thing p_owner intensity z y x radius dz dx dz dx p_laser z2 z1 y2 y1 x1 x2 type z col hp x y type p_attacker vz vy p_person vx hp new_thing size r3 zangle yangle xangle zangle xangle yangle base p_target p_thing inlined call sqrt_3d_approx somewhere near z y x p_gun p_gun gun x2 y1 z2 y2 x1 z1 inlined call shoot_at_target p_owner size p_object jump table for switch statement switch 8 cases switch jump jumptable 0007DACF case 0 inlined call set_dome_col p_building jumptable 0007DACF case 3 default jumptable 0007DACF cases 1,2,4,5 p_building jumptable 0007DACF case 6 jumptable 0007DACF case 7 dz dx flag object dx dz object flag dz dx object flag dx dz flag object dx dz flag object dz dx object flag dx dz object flag dz dx flag object inline call init_gate_open inline call init_gate_close p_thing type loop pan vol pitch samp p_thing p_thing p_loader pod_id p_thing z height x p_loader p_loader pod_id p_thing p_building p_gun p_gate yangle xangle base zangle p_thing type pan vol loop p_thing pitch samp type z y x p_thing item p_owner intensity radius z y x num size size value ptr num ptr value format str out a2 a1 a2 a1 a2 a1 a2 a1 a4 a2 a3 a1 inlined triangulation_init a2 a3 a1 a2 inlined triangulation_init_edges a2 a1 a2 a1 a2 a1 a2 a3 a2 a3 format str out a4 a3 a1 a2 a2 a4 a3 a1 a2 a4 a3 a1 format str out a4 a3 a2 a1 a4 a3 a2 a1 a4 a2 a1 a3 a2 a1 a4 a3 format str out a4 a3 a2 a1 a4 a3 a2 a1 a1 a2 a2 a1 a1 a1 a1 a1 a1 a4 a3 a5 a2 a1 a2 a1 a2 a1 a2 a1 a2 a1 a4 a3 a5 a2 a1 num ptr value num ptr value num ptr value a8 path a6 a4 a2 a5 a1 a3 a8 path a6 a4 a3 a5 a2 a1 num ptr value num ptr value a8 path a6 a4 a2 a5 a1 a3 a8 path a6 a4 a3 a5 a2 a1 tri pt pt tri pt tri num ptr value num ptr value value num ptr a8 path a6 a4 a3 a5 a2 a1 a8 path a6 a4 a3 a5 a2 a1 a8 path a6 a4 a3 a5 a2 a1 num ptr value a2 a1 a1 num ptr value a2 a1 a4 a3 a2 a1 a5 a4 a4 a2 a3 a1 a5 a4 a3 a2 a1 a3 a4 a6 a2 a1 a5 a4 a3 a2 a1 a6 a4 a3 a2 a1 fov a2 a1 fov a2 a1 fov a2 a1 a1 a1 a1 a1 a4 a2 a3 a1 a8 path a6 a4 a3 a5 a2 a1 format str out a1 route a2 a3 a1 a8 path a6 a4 a3 a5 a2 a1 a8 path a6 a4 a3 a5 a2 a1 a1 a8 path a6 a4 a3 a5 a2 a1 a1 a2 a4 a1 a3 a8 path a6 a4 a3 a5 a2 a1 str out format str out z x z z x z x format str out tex a4 a2 a1 a3 a4 a3 a2 a1 a4 a1 a3 a2 tex tex tex tex tex tex tex tex tex tex tex tex tex tex tex tex tex tex tex tex tex tex tex tex tex format str out num ptr value tex type p_attacker vx vz hp vy p_person z x z p_static z x p_static depth y x a1 jump table for switch statement switch 4 cases switch jump jumptable 0008A2EF case 0 tex jumptable 0008A2EF case 1 tex tex tex tex tex jumptable 0008A2EF case 2 tex tex tex tex tex tex tex tex tex jumptable 0008A2EF case 3 tex tex tex tex tex tex tex tex tex tex tex tex tex tex tex tex tex tex tex tex tex tex default num ptr value AT Keyboard controller 8042. PC/XT PPI port B bits: 0: Tmr 2 gate &#x(226, 'x');&#x(149, 'x');&#x(144, 'x');&#x(226, 'x');&#x(149, 'x');&#x(166, 'x');&#x(226, 'x');&#x(149, 'x');&#x(144, 'x'); OR 03H=spkr ON 1: Tmr 2 data &#x(226, 'x');&#x(149, 'x');&#x(144, 'x');&#x(226, 'x');&#x(149, 'x');&#x(157, 'x'); AND 0fcH=spkr OFF 3: 1=read high switches 4: 0=enable RAM parity checking 5: 0=enable I/O channel check 6: 0=hold keyboard clock low 7: 0=enable kbrd PC/XT PPI port B bits: 0: Tmr 2 gate &#x(226, 'x');&#x(149, 'x');&#x(144, 'x');&#x(226, 'x');&#x(149, 'x');&#x(166, 'x');&#x(226, 'x');&#x(149, 'x');&#x(144, 'x'); OR 03H=spkr ON 1: Tmr 2 data &#x(226, 'x');&#x(149, 'x');&#x(144, 'x');&#x(226, 'x');&#x(149, 'x');&#x(157, 'x'); AND 0fcH=spkr OFF 3: 1=read high switches 4: 0=enable RAM parity checking 5: 0=enable I/O channel check 6: 0=hold keyboard clock low 7: 0=enable kbrd PC/XT PPI port B bits: 0: Tmr 2 gate &#x(226, 'x');&#x(149, 'x');&#x(144, 'x');&#x(226, 'x');&#x(149, 'x');&#x(166, 'x');&#x(226, 'x');&#x(149, 'x');&#x(144, 'x'); OR 03H=spkr ON 1: Tmr 2 data &#x(226, 'x');&#x(149, 'x');&#x(144, 'x');&#x(226, 'x');&#x(149, 'x');&#x(157, 'x'); AND 0fcH=spkr OFF 3: 1=read high switches 4: 0=enable RAM parity checking 5: 0=enable I/O channel check 6: 0=hold keyboard clock low 7: 0=enable kbrd Interrupt controller, 8259A. object c h w y1 x1 text line y x type loop_3 a5 a4 a3 a2 a1 line y text x format str out mode fname len out handle a2 city_id fn y2 y1 x2 x1 fn y x h w y1 x1 c y text line x text a11 a10 a9 a8 h w y1 x1 text y text line x colour height width x y height y x width type len buf line text y x check fore cheat type a4 a3 loop_3 a1 a5 a2 text x h w y1 x1 y text line x y x text line y sprite x y x sprite height jumptable 000490BD case 168 y x y sprite x y x sprite y x sprite y sprite x y x sprite y x sprite colour height width y x height width colour x y fn fn height width y x fn type loop_3 a5 a4 a3 a2 a1 h w y1 x1 text line y x colour y width height x c colour height width y x width y x height c a1 a2 str format out y x text len buf type text y x line text x num value ptr a1 fmt out format h w y1 x1 c c colour width height y x y x line x type len num value ptr a1 fmt out colour x2 y2 x1 y1 colour x1 y2 y1 x2 colour y2 y1 x2 x1 colour x2 y2 y1 x1 colour y2 y1 x2 x1 colour x2 y2 y1 x1 colour y2 y1 x2 x1 colour x2 y2 y1 x1 colour x1 y2 y1 x2 h w y1 x1 colour width height y x text y x line x type len buf y x text line x text line y x text line y x text y line text text line text x y text text line text x y text text line text x y text text line text x y h w y1 x1 c text line y x c colour y height width x height width y x c text line x y h w y1 x1 c text line y x c colour y height width x height width y x c text line x y h w y1 x1 c y text line x c colour width height y x height width y x c h w y1 x1 format str out str out format y x text line format str out format str out line text x y h w y1 x1 c y text line x c colour y width height x sprite x y y height colour x width height width y x c text text line x y text text line x y sprite y x a1 a2 str format out text x text y line a3 alltext_fname h w y1 x1 c x text line y x text line y x text line y x text line y text line x y x text line y x text y line x text y line alltext_fname a3 format format str out y x line text format str out y x text line format format str out line x text y format str out y x text line format str out y x text line str out line x text y y height width x y x text line x line text y format str out format str out format str out line x text y h w y1 x1 c text x y line x text line y x text line y x text line y x text line y x text line y x text line y x text y line format str out text text x line y text text x y text y x line height y width x format str out line x text y format str out y x line text format str out x y text line format str out line x text y format str out x y line text format str out y x text line format str out line x text y str out format line x text format format str out text text x line y str out text line text x y y line x format str out y x text line format str out text text x y h w y1 x1 format str out text x y line sprite x y colour x2 x1 y2 y1 sprite x y colour y1 x2 x1 y2 sprite x y x y sprite line x text y h w y1 x1 text text y x a4 y x text height width y x h w y1 x1 format str out text x y line text x y line colour x2 y2 y1 x1 colour x2 y2 y1 x1 colour x2 y2 y1 x1 colour x2 y2 y1 x1 colour x2 y2 y1 x1 colour y1 y2 x2 x1 colour x1 y2 y1 x2 colour x1 y2 y1 x2 colour x1 y2 y1 x2 colour x1 y2 y1 x2 colour x1 y2 y1 x2 colour x2 y2 y1 x1 colour x1 y2 y1 x2 colour x1 y2 y1 x2 colour x1 y2 y1 x2 colour x1 y2 y1 x2 colour x2 y2 y1 x1 colour x2 y2 y1 x1 colour x2 y2 y1 x1 colour x2 y2 y1 x1 colour x2 y2 y1 x1 colour x2 y2 y1 x1 colour x2 y2 y1 x1 colour x2 y2 y1 x1 colour x2 y2 y1 x1 colour x2 y2 y1 x1 colour y1 y2 x2 x1 colour x1 y2 y1 x2 colour x1 y2 y1 x2 colour x1 y2 y1 x2 colour x1 y2 y1 x2 colour x1 y2 y1 x2 colour x2 y2 y1 x1 colour x1 y2 y1 x2 colour x1 y2 y1 x2 colour x1 y2 y1 x2 colour x1 y2 y1 x2 colour x2 y2 y1 x1 colour x2 y2 y1 x1 colour x2 y2 y1 x1 colour x2 y2 y1 x1 colour x2 y2 y1 x1 colour height width y x colour height width y x colour height y width x y height x colour width colour height y width x colour height y width x colour height y width x colour height y width x h w y1 x1 text text y x text text y x text text y x width y height x width y height x h w y1 x1 c x y line text line y x text format str out x y line text h w y1 x1 y text line x y text line x format str out y line x text format str out x y line text y text x line text line x y format str out line x text y y text x line format format str out line x text y text line text x y w y1 h x1 text text speed cyan_flag textpos top_line x y text text colour a4 a3 a2 a1 a3 a2 colour a4 a1 colour a4 a2 a3 a1 colour a4 a3 a2 a1 colour a4 a2 a3 a1 a3 a2 colour a4 a1 colour a4 a3 a2 a1 colour a4 a2 a3 a1 colour a4 a2 a3 a1 a3 a2 colour a4 a1 sprite x y sprite x y sprite x y text y x line text y x line vol h w y1 x1 c cyan_flag textpos speed y top_line x text cyan_flag speed textpos y _DWORD top_line x _DWORD _DWORD _DWORD _DWORD h w y1 x1 c text x x text y line x text line y x text line y x text line y x text y line x text line y x text y line x text line y y x sprite y x sprite x y sprite level colour width height y x y colour width height x colour height width y x colour height width y x h w y1 x1 text line text y x height width y x h w y1 x1 type a4 loop_3 a2 a5 a3 a1 format str out text y x line type len buf y x line text text x sprite y x text line y x jump table for switch statement switch 5 cases switch 5 cases switch jump jumptable 00095AF5 case 0 colour y1 y2 x2 x1 sprite y x colour y1 y2 x2 x1 sprite y x jumptable 00095AF5 case 1 type loop_3 a4 a3 a5 a2 a1 colour y2 y1 x2 x1 colour y2 y1 x2 x1 y2 x3 y3 x2 colour y2 x2 x1 y1 x3 x2 y3 y2 colour x2 y1 x1 y2 sprite y x sprite y x height width y x jumptable 00095AF5 cases 2,3 colour y2 y1 x2 x1 colour x2 y1 x1 y2 colour x2 y1 x1 y2 colour x2 y1 x1 y2 colour x2 y1 x1 y2 colour x2 y1 x1 y2 colour y1 x2 x1 y2 y height width x jumptable 00095AF5 case 4 h w y1 x1 type loop_3 a4 a5 a3 a2 a1 type a4 loop_3 a3 a2 a5 a1 colour x1 y1 x2 y2 colour y1 x1 y2 x2 colour x2 y1 x1 y2 colour y2 x1 y1 x2 colour x2 y1 x1 y2 colour y2 x1 y1 x2 a8 sprite y x sprite y x colour height y width x colour height y width x y x type a2 loop_3 a1 a5 a4 a3 text x text y line y x jumptable 00095AF5 default case h w y1 x1 colour height width y x colour height width y x y text line x y text line x y text line x y text line x height width y colour x height width y colour x height width x y h w y1 x1 y text line x height width colour y x height width y colour x height width y colour x x fn h w y1 x1 cyan_flag text textpos y top_line speed x weapon text text c c h y1 x1 w cyan_flag text textpos y top_line speed x text y height x colour width h w y1 x1 text line text y x height width y x h w y1 x1 format str out weapon sprite y x y text line x colour height x width y colour height y x width colour height y x width colour height y x width y x height width x y y sprite x fp y x format str out weapon colour y x height width h w y1 x1 text line text x y height width y x h w y1 x1 type loop_3 a4 a3 a5 a2 a1 type loop_3 a4 a3 a5 a2 a1 mods type loop_3 a4 a3 a5 a2 a1 colour y height width x str out format a8 text line x y y line text x y line text x y line text x fn mods mods h w y1 x1 c x line text y str out y x text line height colour y width x y sprite x y height x colour width colour width y height x colour width y height x h w y1 x1 y text line x y text line x y text line x height width colour y x height width colour y x y width height x height width y x h w y1 x1 c format str out format str out weapon c line y x text str format out line y x text h w y1 x1 y line text x height y colour width x height y colour width x y x fn h w y1 x1 cyan_flag textpos speed text top_line y x weapon c height width y colour x h w y1 x1 c y line text x textspeed font drawspeed width y height box x textspeed font drawspeed width x height box y drawspeed width y height x box textspeed font drawspeed y x height box width textspeed font drawspeed width y height x box flags textspeed font y x drawspeed box text flags textspeed font y x drawspeed box text flags textspeed font y x drawspeed text box textspeed font2 font1 drawspeed box text2 x text1 y width drawspeed width y height x box drawspeed width y height x box drawspeed width y height x box textspeed font drawspeed width y height x box flags textspeed font y x drawspeed box text flags textspeed font y x drawspeed box text textspeed font drawspeed width y height x box textspeed font drawspeed width y height box x drawspeed width y height x box drawspeed x width height box y drawspeed width y height x box flags textspeed font y box drawspeed text x flags textspeed font x box drawspeed text y flags textspeed font y x drawspeed box text flags textspeed font y x drawspeed box text flags textspeed font y x drawspeed box text flags textspeed font y x drawspeed box text flags textspeed font y x drawspeed text box flags textspeed font x box drawspeed text y flags textspeed font y x drawspeed box text flags textspeed font y x drawspeed box text flags textspeed font y x drawspeed box text flags textspeed font y x drawspeed box text flags textspeed font y x drawspeed text box flags textspeed font y box drawspeed text x flags textspeed font x box drawspeed text y flags textspeed font y x drawspeed box text flags textspeed font y x drawspeed box text flags textspeed font y x drawspeed box text flags textspeed font y x drawspeed box text flags textspeed font y x drawspeed text box flags textspeed font y box drawspeed text x flags textspeed font drawspeed y x text box flags y textspeed font x drawspeed text box textspeed width font y drawspeed x height box flags textspeed text font y drawspeed box x drawspeed width y height x box flags textspeed font y x drawspeed box text flags y textspeed text font drawspeed x box flags textspeed font y x drawspeed text box flags textspeed font y box drawspeed text x flags textspeed font x box drawspeed text y flags textspeed font y x drawspeed box text flags textspeed font y x drawspeed box text flags textspeed font y x drawspeed box text flags textspeed font y x drawspeed box text flags textspeed text font y x drawspeed box drawspeed y x height width box drawspeed width y height x box drawspeed width y height x box drawspeed width y height x box drawspeed width y height x box drawspeed width y height x box drawspeed width y height x box drawspeed width y height x box flags textspeed font y drawspeed box x flags textspeed font drawspeed text x box y flags textspeed font y x drawspeed box text flags textspeed font y x drawspeed box text flags textspeed font y x drawspeed box text flags textspeed font y x drawspeed text box flags textspeed font y box drawspeed text x flags textspeed font x box drawspeed text y flags textspeed font y x drawspeed box text flags textspeed font y x drawspeed box text drawspeed width y height x box drawspeed width y height x box textspeed font drawspeed width y height x box textspeed font drawspeed width y height x box drawspeed width y height x box textspeed font drawspeed width y height x box textspeed font drawspeed width y height box x flags textspeed font x box drawspeed text y flags textspeed font y x drawspeed box text textspeed font2 font1 drawspeed width text2 y text1 x box textspeed font drawspeed width y height box x textspeed font drawspeed width x height box y drawspeed width y height x box flags textspeed y font x box drawspeed text drawspeed width height y x box textspeed font drawspeed width y height x box textspeed font drawspeed width y height x box flags textspeed font y x drawspeed text box flags textspeed font y box drawspeed text x flags textspeed font x box drawspeed text y flags textspeed font y x drawspeed box text text drawspeed width y height x box flags textspeed y font box text drawspeed x c text text text text text text text text text text text num ptr value a1 format fmt out h w y1 x1 c y text line x text line y x str out format line x text height width y x c text text line y x text line y text x dinp a2 dinp format str out y line x text format str out x y text line format fmt str out y x line text h w y1 x1 c y text line x y x text line y x text line x text line y format str out x y line text height width y x format str out y x text line line text x y text line y text x x y text line x line y text text fmt out str fmt out str format y2 x2 y1 x1 jump table for switch statement jumptable 0009DC62 case 0 jumptable 0009DC62 case 1 jumptable 0009DC62 case 2 box jumptable 0009DC62 case 3 jumptable 0009DC62 case 4 box switch 5 cases switch jump format fmt str out mode fname len out handle format fmt str out sprite y x sprite y x agent weapon type loop_3 a4 a3 a5 a2 a1 type loop_3 a4 a3 a5 a2 a1 shape sprite y x sprite y x sprite y x shape sprite y x sprite y x shape colour height width y x colour y1 y3 x2 y2 x3 x1 shape h w y1 x1 line y text x line y text x line y text x a9 a5 a3 a2 a4 a1 a5 a4 a3 a2 a1 type loop_3 a4 a3 a5 a2 a1 shape sprite y x a5 a4 a2 a11 a3 a1 a5 a4 a3 a2 a1 type loop_3 a4 a3 a5 a2 a1 shape sprite y x sprite y x type loop_3 a4 a3 a5 a2 a1 mods type loop_3 a4 a3 a5 a2 a1 shape sprite y x sprite y x sprite y x shape sprite y x sprite y x shape colour height width y x colour y1 y3 x2 y2 x3 x1 shape h w y1 x1 line y text x line y text x line y text x mods colour height y width x colour height width y x colour height width y x colour height y x width colour height width y x colour height width y x colour height width y x colour height width y x colour height width y x colour height width y x h w y1 x1 format str out format str out y x line text w y1 h x1 str out y x text line format str out h w y1 x1 text y line x str out format x line text str out format h x1 text y line x y x line text h w y1 x1 text y line x str out y x text line y text x line tm2 tm1 tm2 tm1 jump table for switch statement jump table for switch statement y2 x2 y1 x1 type a4 a2 loop_3 a3 a5 a1 type a4 a3 loop_3 a2 a5 a1 type a4 a3 loop_3 a2 a5 a1 y sprite x y sprite x y sprite x a9 a11 y2 x2 y1 x1 type a4 loop_3 a3 a1 a5 a2 type loop_3 a4 a3 a5 a2 a1 type loop_3 a5 a4 a3 a1 a2 switch 7 cases switch jump jumptable 000A07E9 case 1 x sprite jumptable 000A07E9 case 2 loop_3 a4 a3 a5 a2 a1 jumptable 000A07E9 cases 3-5 y sprite x y sprite x jumptable 000A07E9 case 6 x sprite jumptable 000A07E9 case 0 jumptable 000A0B68 case 1 x sprite jumptable 000A0B68 case 0 y2 x2 y1 x1 type a4 loop_3 a2 a5 a1 a3 jumptable 000A0B68 case 2 loop_3 a4 a3 a5 a2 a1 jumptable 000A0B68 cases 3-5 y sprite x y sprite x jumptable 000A0B68 case 6 x sprite switch 7 cases switch jump type a4 a3 loop_3 a2 a5 a1 y x sprite y x sprite cm y1 w h x1 y x text line str out x text y line str out x text y line str out x text y line y x text line fname buf buf fname buf fname buf fname buf fname buf fname buf fname buf fname str format out fname str format out fname format str out fname str format out fname format str out fname str format out fname format str out fname str format out fname format str out fname str format out fname format str out fname buf str out buf end start data data end start data end start data end start data end start data end start data end start data end start data end start data end start place tbl format str out place a2 pal type place tbl place buf palette a3 palette func func func func func func func a1 type mailnum num ptr fn a1 buf a2 pal buf palette a2 a3 type loop_3 a5 a4 a3 a1 a2 func func func func func func func type loop_3 a4 a3 a5 a2 a1 num ptr value palette height width mode a3 spr a2 width4 width3 vec_tmap height screenbuf h w y1 x1 palette height width mode a3 spr a2 sample_number source sample_number source str out str out a2 fname a3 type loop_3 a4 a3 a5 a2 a1 type loop_3 a4 a3 a5 a2 a1 format str out filename weapon format str out weapon format str out format str out filename brief type loop_3 a4 a3 a5 a2 a1 spr a3 a2 auto_fname a2 a1 a2 a1 spr type loop_3 a4 a3 a5 a2 a1 tbl place mapno level map a2 a1 mapno place str out format level map place spr place place ptr num value ptr num value buf palette palette place mode place tbl a2 a1 place a1 tbl place tbl place level a1 ptr func func func func func func func source sample_number source sprite y x c c c spr y x spr y x spr y x c c spr y x c c spr y x text line x y type loop_3 a4 a3 a5 a2 a1 text y x line mission type buf a2 palette mapno reload buf a2 palette vid_type buf mode mapno reload inlined call is_a_scientist_mission mission type vid_type mission type mission type mission type mission type mission type jump table for switch statement spr msec num jumptable 000A609E case 9 jumptable 000A609E case 0 mods weapons jumptable 000A609E case 1 jumptable 000A609E case 2 jumptable 000A609E cases 3-8 switch 10 cases switch 10 cases switch jump a2 a1 mission type state mission mission type state mission vid_type vid_type radius thing z y x radius thing z y x thing radius z y x thing z radius x y group radius z y x group thing z radius y x count z y radius x group x2 z z2 x group z y radius x group show_obj objective count radius z y x group count z2 z x x2 group p_person z y radius x thing colour y a5 a4 a3 x format str out text colour y x text y x colour colour a4 thing_id y x a4 colour y thing_id x p_person colour a4 a3 a5 x y a4 colour y thing_id x thing_id colour a4 y x thing_id colour a4 y x thing_id colour a4 y x a4 colour y x thing_id a4 colour y thing_id x thing_id colour a4 y x no_persuaded p_person group no_persuaded p_person group no_persuaded p_person group no_persuaded p_person group type loop_3 a4 a3 a5 a2 a1 z2 z1 c x2 x1 p_obj signal_count jump table for switch statement objective flag p_obj flag jumptable 000A8C40 case 0 default jumptable 000A8C40 cases 3,4,13,14,19,20 jumptable 000A8C40 case 21 jumptable 000A8C40 case 23 jumptable 000A8C40 case 1 jumptable 000A8C40 case 2 jumptable 000A8C40 case 7 z y radius x group jumptable 000A8C40 case 6 thing p_obj jumptable 000A8C40 case 5 thing p_obj jumptable 000A8C40 case 12 jumptable 000A8C40 case 8 jumptable 00016A2E case 114 jumptable 000A8C40 case 22 jumptable 000A8C40 case 10 jumptable 000A8C40 case 9 jumptable 000A8C40 case 15 jumptable 000A8C40 case 16 jumptable 000A8C40 case 18 jumptable 000A8C40 case 17 jumptable 000A8C40 case 11 switch 24 cases switch 0 cases switch jump show_obj objective show_obj objective objective flag flag p_obj mission_id b a along z2 dist x1 x2 z1 b a z2 z1 dist x2 along x1 inlined veh_heap_init() newh newh newh z x road b tnode along TnodeA route TnodeB x z road b tnode along TnodeA route TnodeB TnodeB route TnodeA z x road b tnode along dx dz r3 zangle yangle xangle dz dx dz dx colour y3 y2 y1 x3 x1 x2 y1 colour y3 y2 x3 x2 x1 colour y3 x2 y2 x3 y1 x1 colour y1 y3 x3 x1 y2 x2 colour y3 y2 x2 x3 y1 x1 colour y3 y2 x2 x3 y1 x1 colour y3 y2 x2 x3 y1 x1 colour y3 y2 x2 x3 y1 x1 jump table for switch statement tex switch 4 cases switch jump jumptable 000AC50D case 0 jumptable 000AC50D case 1 jumptable 000AC50D case 2 jumptable 000AC50D case 3 default mapy mapx z z x z x z z x z x z colour object colour thing color x color y x color y y color x y color x y x color x color y color x x color y x color y color x color y x y color x x color y color y x x color y y x color y color x y color x y x color y x color y x color y x color y color x y color x y x color x color y x color y y x color x y color y x color y x color y x color y x color __int16 __int16 __int16 colour x2 y2 __int16 y1 x1 colour y2 y1 __int16 x2 x1 x2 y2 colour y1 x1 y1 colour x2 __int16 y2 x1 y1 y2 colour x2 x1 jump table for switch statement num ptr value jumptable 000ADAD0 case 0 ptr value jumptable 000ADAD0 case 1 jumptable 000ADAD0 case 2 jumptable 000ADAD0 case 4 jumptable 000ADAD0 case 8 jumptable 000ADAD0 case 5 jumptable 000ADAD0 case 6 jumptable 000ADAD0 case 9 jumptable 000ADAD0 case 10 default jumptable 000ADAD0 cases 3,7 switch 11 cases switch jump y x col y2 __int16 x2 colour y1 x1 jump table for switch statement jumptable 000AE9B8 case 0 jumptable 000AE9B8 case 1 jumptable 000AE9B8 case 2 jumptable 000AE9B8 case 4 jumptable 000AE9B8 case 8 jumptable 000AE9B8 case 5 jumptable 000AE9B8 case 6 jumptable 000AE9B8 case 9 jumptable 000AE9B8 case 10 default jumptable 000AE9B8 cases 3,7 switch 11 cases switch jump y x color y x color y x color y2 x2 colour y1 x1 x2 colour y1 x1 y2 y col x col x color y x y color x y color x x color y x color y col y x color x y dz dx __int16 y2 y1 colour x2 x1 x2 y2 colour y1 x1 colour y2 x1 y1 x2 y1 x2 colour y2 x1 x2 y1 colour y2 x1 y2 x2 colour y1 x1 colour y2 x1 y1 x2 c c format str out str out text c text c str out format format str out format str out mapy mapx z z x z x z z x z x z num ptr value num ptr value num ptr value format str out c type y owner x z c y x owner z type t b x col z y c type y owner x z c type y owner x z c type y owner x z t b x col z y c type y owner x z c y x owner z type t b x col z y c type y owner x z c type y owner x z c type y owner x z t b x col z y c type y owner x z c y x owner z type type c y owner x z t b x col z y t b x col z t b col x z format str out p new_thing c owner c owner text text c c y1 h w x1 cyan_flag text textpos y top_line speed x c h w y1 x1 cyan_flag text textpos y top_line speed x c text text x1 cyan_flag text textpos y top_line speed x text text c c c c x2 colour y1 y2 x1 colour y2 x2 y1 x1 colour y1 y2 x2 x1 x2 y1 colour y2 x1 type loop_3 a4 a3 a5 a2 a1 y2 colour y1 x2 x1 colour y2 x2 y1 x1 y3 x3 y2 x2 colour y1 y2 x1 x2 colour y2 x2 y1 x1 y3 x3 y2 x2 colour y1 y2 x1 x2 colour y1 x2 y2 x1 colour height width y x height width colour y x height width y x y1 colour x2 y2 x1 colour y1 y2 x2 x1 type loop_3 a4 a3 a5 a2 a1 x3 y2 y3 x2 x2 y1 colour y2 x1 x3 y2 y3 x2 colour y1 y2 x2 x1 y3 x3 y2 x2 colour y2 x1 x2 y1 y3 x3 y2 x2 colour y2 x1 y1 x2 colour y1 x1 y2 x2 colour y1 x1 y2 x2 h w y1 x1 c colour height width y x height width colour y x text y2 y1 x2 x1 colour height width y x colour height y width x colour height y width x colour height y width x height width colour y x height width y x type a4 a3 loop_3 a5 a2 a1 colour y height width x type loop_3 a4 a3 a5 a2 a1 a10 type loop_3 a4 a3 a5 a2 a1 colour height width y x height width colour y x height width y x cyan_flag text textpos y top_line speed x height width y x y1 colour y2 x2 x1 colour y1 y2 x2 x1 type loop_3 a4 a3 a5 a2 a1 x3 y2 y3 x2 x2 y1 colour y2 x1 x3 y2 y3 x2 colour y1 y2 x2 x1 y3 x3 y2 x2 colour y2 x1 x2 y1 y3 x3 y2 x2 colour y2 x1 y1 x2 colour y1 x1 y2 x2 colour y1 x1 y2 x2 h w y1 x1 y2 y1 x2 x1 type loop_3 a4 a3 a5 a2 a1 type loop_3 a4 a3 a5 a2 a1 type loop_3 a4 a3 a5 a2 a1 height colour y x width colour height width y x colour y2 y3 x1 x3 y1 x2 colour y1 x1 y2 x2 colour y1 x1 y2 x2 colour x1 y1 y2 x2 colour jumptable 0002B258 case 184 x1 y1 x2 y1 colour x2 y2 x1 colour height width y x y colour height width x height colour y x width colour height width x y colour y2 x1 x2 y3 x3 y1 colour y1 x1 y2 x2 colour y1 x1 y2 x2 colour x1 y1 y2 x2 colour y2 x1 y1 x2 y1 colour x2 y2 x1 colour height width x y height width colour y x colour y1 y2 x2 x1 x2 y1 colour y2 x1 type loop_3 a4 a3 a5 a2 a1 y2 y1 x2 x1 x3 y2 y3 x2 x2 y1 colour y2 x1 x3 y2 y3 x2 colour x2 y1 x1 y2 y3 x3 y2 x2 colour y2 x1 x2 y1 y3 x3 y2 x2 y1 colour x1 y2 x2 colour y1 x1 y2 x2 colour x1 y1 y2 x2 colour y1 x1 y2 x2 height colour width y x height width colour y x height width y x y2 colour y1 x2 x1 colour y1 y2 x2 x1 type loop_3 a4 a3 a5 a2 a1 x3 y2 y3 x2 x2 y1 colour y2 x1 x3 y2 y3 x2 colour y1 y2 x2 x1 y3 x3 y2 x2 colour y2 x1 x2 y1 y3 x3 y2 x2 colour y2 x1 y1 x2 colour y1 x1 y2 x2 colour y1 x1 y2 x2 jump table for switch statement h w y1 x1 jumptable 000B7F96 case 0 a4 a3 a2 colour a1 jumptable 000B7F96 case 1 h w y1 x1 text y x startline text c jumptable 000B7F96 case 4 spr x y jumptable 000B7F96 case 5 point_c point_b point_a point_c point_b point_a jumptable 000B7F96 case 3 jumptable 000B7F96 case 6 jumptable 000B7F96 case 7 jumptable 000B7F96 case 9 jumptable 000B7F96 case 8 y2 x2 y1 colour x1 jumptable 000B7F96 case 10 a7 a34 a6 a3 a2 a5 a1 jumptable 000B7F96 case 11 jumptable 000B7F96 case 2 switch 12 cases switch jump colour a5 y a3 x a4 z z x format str out str out text a2 a1 a3 colour a5 x a4 y jump table for switch statement str format out str out str out str out switch 142 cases switch 142 cases switch jump jumptable 000B9027 case 141 out jumptable 000B9027 case 20 jumptable 000B9027 case 108 fmt out jumptable 000B9027 case 0 fmt out jumptable 000B9027 case 140 str out jumptable 000B9027 case 33 fmt out jumptable 000B9027 case 30 fmt out jumptable 000B9027 case 34 fmt out jumptable 000B9027 case 129 str out jumptable 000B9027 case 130 out jumptable 000B9027 case 36 fmt out jumptable 000B9027 case 35 fmt out jumptable 000B9027 case 134 out jumptable 000B9027 case 29 fmt out jumptable 000B9027 case 136 out jumptable 000B9027 case 31 fmt out jumptable 000B9027 case 1 format fmt out jumptable 000B9027 case 138 format str out jumptable 000B9027 case 2 format fmt out jumptable 000B9027 case 3 fmt out jumptable 000B9027 case 139 str out jumptable 000B9027 case 4 fmt out jumptable 000B9027 case 10 format fmt out jumptable 000B9027 case 32 fmt out jumptable 000B9027 case 11 format fmt out jumptable 000B9027 case 12 format fmt out jumptable 000B9027 case 8 format fmt out jumptable 000B9027 case 9 format fmt out jumptable 000B9027 case 5 format fmt out jumptable 000B9027 case 7 fmt out jumptable 000B9027 case 6 fmt out jumptable 000B9027 case 17 format fmt out jumptable 000B9027 case 18 fmt out jumptable 000B9027 case 13 fmt out jumptable 000B9027 case 19 fmt out jumptable 000B9027 case 23 fmt out jumptable 000B9027 case 27 fmt out jumptable 000B9027 case 28 fmt out jumptable 000B9027 case 24 fmt out jumptable 000B9027 case 25 fmt out jumptable 000B9027 case 131 str out jumptable 000B9027 case 132 str out jumptable 000B9027 case 14 format fmt out jumptable 000B9027 case 133 str format out jumptable 000B9027 case 15 fmt out jumptable 000B9027 case 16 format fmt out jumptable 000B9027 case 26 fmt out jumptable 000B9027 case 21 format fmt out jumptable 000B9027 case 22 fmt out jumptable 000B9027 case 49 format fmt out jumptable 000B9027 case 52 format fmt out jumptable 000B9027 case 137 format str out jumptable 000B9027 case 55 format fmt out jumptable 000B9027 case 58 format fmt out jumptable 000B9027 case 50 fmt out jumptable 000B9027 case 53 fmt out jumptable 000B9027 case 56 fmt out jumptable 000B9027 case 59 fmt out jumptable 000B9027 case 51 fmt out jumptable 000B9027 case 54 fmt out jumptable 000B9027 case 57 fmt out jumptable 000B9027 case 60 fmt out jumptable 000B9027 case 63 fmt out jumptable 000B9027 case 61 fmt out jumptable 000B9027 case 62 fmt out jumptable 000B9027 case 64 fmt out jumptable 000B9027 case 65 fmt out jumptable 000B9027 case 126 out jumptable 000B9027 case 69 format fmt out jumptable 000B9027 case 72 format fmt out jumptable 000B9027 case 75 format fmt out jumptable 000B9027 case 78 format fmt out jumptable 000B9027 case 70 fmt out jumptable 000B9027 case 73 fmt out jumptable 000B9027 case 76 fmt out jumptable 000B9027 case 79 fmt out jumptable 000B9027 case 71 fmt out jumptable 000B9027 case 74 fmt out jumptable 000B9027 case 77 fmt out jumptable 000B9027 case 80 fmt out jumptable 000B9027 case 127 out jumptable 000B9027 case 83 fmt out jumptable 000B9027 case 81 fmt out jumptable 000B9027 case 82 fmt out jumptable 000B9027 case 84 fmt out jumptable 000B9027 case 85 fmt out jumptable 000B9027 case 135 str out jumptable 000B9027 case 109 format fmt out jumptable 000B9027 case 112 format str out jumptable 000B9027 case 115 format str out jumptable 000B9027 case 118 format str out jumptable 000B9027 case 110 fmt out jumptable 000B9027 case 113 str out jumptable 000B9027 case 116 str out jumptable 000B9027 case 119 str out jumptable 000B9027 case 111 fmt out jumptable 000B9027 case 114 str out jumptable 000B9027 case 117 str out jumptable 000B9027 case 120 str out jumptable 000B9027 case 128 out jumptable 000B9027 case 123 str out jumptable 000B9027 case 121 str out jumptable 000B9027 case 122 str out jumptable 000B9027 case 124 str out jumptable 000B9027 case 125 str out jumptable 000B9027 cases 37-48,66-68,86-107 colour a3 a5 y x a4 p_person colour a5 a3 x a4 y colour a3 a5 x a4 y p_person colour a5 a3 x a4 y colour a3 a5 y x a4 p_person a4 a3 a2 colour a1 a3 a2 out colour a4 a3 a2 a1 a4 colour a2 a3 a1 out a2 a3 text y colour x str format out colour x str format out x colour format str out text y x colour str out format x colour y x colour y x colour y x colour y colour x y x colour y x colour y x colour y x colour y x colour str format out x colour y x colour str out format x colour str out format x colour str format out x colour format str out text x colour y text x y colour y colour a4 a5 a3 x y colour a4 a5 a3 x p_person a2 dz dx dz dx zangle r3 yangle xangle tnode type value ptr num p_thing mat a1 z mat v x p_thing point_object offset_z offset_x offset_y a1 a1 a1 mode len fhandle out len fhandle out len fhandle out handle a4 a3 a2 a1 p_thing new_thing p_person type z y x type z y x type z y x size z x item p_thing new_thing p_thing z z x type z y x item p_thing colour a4 a3 a1 a2 colour a4 a3 a2 a1 a4 a3 colour a2 a1 a4 a1 colour a3 a2 a1 a2 format out z x p_com z face x p_thing p_face z x p_face z x p_face z x mypath onstart p_face z x p_face z x p_face z x p_face z x onend rtb a6 path a3 a2 a5 a4 p_person a8 a7 a4 a6 path a5 a2 a1 p_thing a1 r f p p_thing p_face z x p_face z x p_face z x onend rtb p_face z x p_face z x a8 mypath onstart a7 path a6 a2 a5 a1 a4 p_thing a1 r f p p_thing rtb onend p_face z x p_face z x p_face z x mypath onstart z p_face x a8 a7 a6 path a5 a2 a1 a4 p_thing a1 r f p p_thing z1 p_person rtb onend z1 x2 z2 p_thing p_face z x p_face z x p_face z x a8 mypath onstart a7 a6 a2 a5 a1 a4 path x2 p_thing a1 a6 path a3 a5 a2 a4 z1 x2 p_thing a1 r f p p_thing z1 p_person rtb onend onstart a3 a2 z2 p_thing tgnNo a6 a5 a3 a4 a2 path r f p p_thing tgnNo a1 tgnNo p_thing rtb onend onstart z2 x2 z1 x1 a3 a2 z2 p_thing a2 p_person tgnNo a6 a5 a3 a4 a2 path r f p p_thing z1 p_person tgnNo a1 tgnNo p_thing p_person z z x z x spr str out fname buf z y frame y frame timer z x timer y frame z x a1 mat tgnNo a2 a1 dx dz dx dz x2 status p_owner radius z1 z2 y2 y1 x1 type p_attacker vz vy vx hp p_person type p_attacker vz vy vx p_person hp z type y hp col x vy vx type p_attacker vz hp p_person timer z y frame x type pan loop vol pitch samp tex timer z x z y x frame type pan vol loop samp pitch p_thing p_owner radius z intensity y x z y x status p_owner x2 radius z2 y2 z1 y1 x1 type p_attacker vx vz hp p_person vy type p_attacker vz vy vx p_person hp type z y hp col x type vy p_attacker vx vz hp p_person timer z y frame x type pan loop vol pitch samp tex timer z x z y x frame type pan vol loop samp pitch p_thing p_owner radius z intensity y x z y x vz vy vx p_owner status p_owner x2 radius z2 z1 y2 x1 y1 type p_attacker vz vy vx p_person hp type p_attacker vz vy vx p_person hp type z y hp col x type p_attacker vz vy vx hp p_person timer z y frame x type pan loop vol pitch samp tex timer z x z y x frame type pan vol loop samp pitch p_thing p_owner radius z intensity y x z y x new_thing new_thing status p_owner radius z2 x2 y2 z1 y1 x1 time z x y size p_owner z z x status p_owner radius z2 y1 y2 z1 x1 x2 time p_owner z x y size p_owner type loop pan pitch vol samp new_thing dx dz angle p_person inlined call angle_gun timer frame z y x new_thing type loop pan vol pitch samp p_thing new_thing dz dx type vol samp loop pitch p_thing type p_attacker vz vy vx hp p_person p_person sound z2 y2 x2 z x y sound z2 y2 x2 x z y p_thing item p_sthing p_thing item group_bits n_dist angle1 z a_dist y x owner health z p_thing y x sound z2 z y2 y x2 x sound z2 z y2 y x2 x sound z2 z x2 y2 x y p_person p_person item p_laser z1 z2 y1 y2 x2 x1 z y col x type p_attacker vz vy hp p_person vx type p_attacker vz p_person vx vy hp type p_attacker vz vy hp vx p_person tex timer z z x y x frame new_thing a1 size size p_owner size p_owner size p_owner size p_owner type p_owner size group_bits n_dist angle1 y a_dist z x new_thing item vx vz vy p_person p_laser z2 y2 x2 z1 x1 y1 type p_attacker vz vy vx hp p_person type p_attacker vz vy p_person vx hp type hp z y col x type p_attacker vz vy vx p_person hp new_thing type pan loop vol samp pitch p_thing type z y x size z x type pan vol loop pitch samp p_thing item type loop pan vol pitch samp p_thing z x z type z y x z y x type loop pan pitch vol samp jump table for switch statement type p_person shoot_flag p_person switch 28 cases switch 28 cases switch jump jumptable 000C521A case 2 type loop pan vol pitch samp p_thing jumptable 000C521A case 19 type loop pan vol pitch samp p_thing jumptable 000C521A case 3 type loop pan vol pitch samp p_thing jumptable 000C521A case 4 jumptable 000C521A case 5 n index p_owner subtype type loop pan vol pitch samp p_thing dist p_person jumptable 000C521A case 0 p_owner type loop pan vol pitch samp p_thing jumptable 000C521A case 1 p_owner type pan loop vol pitch samp p_thing jumptable 000C521A case 7 p_owner jumptable 000C521A case 12 p_person item jumptable 000C521A case 11 p_person item jumptable 000C521A case 16 type loop pan vol pitch samp p_thing jumptable 000C521A case 24 p_owner jumptable 000C521A case 21 p_owner jumptable 000C521A case 25 p_owner jumptable 000C521A case 15 item p_person id p_person jumptable 000C521A case 9 n index subtype p_owner type loop pan vol pitch samp p_thing dist p_person jumptable 000C521A case 10 n index p_owner subtype type loop pan vol pitch samp p_thing dist p_person jumptable 000C521A case 14 p_owner type pan vol loop samp pitch p_thing type pan vol loop pitch samp p_thing jumptable 000C521A cases 6,8,13,17,18,20,22,23,26,27 p_person time new_thing type loop pan vol pitch samp p_thing p_thing sample_number source item p_thing flag x2 face z1 z2 y2 y1 x1 item p_thing p_person new_thing type loop vol pan pitch samp p_thing z z x p_owner z z x y m z p_owner x x m z p_owner y size p_owner size p_owner size p_owner size p_owner new_z new_x new_y p_sthing item p_thing frame z timer y x z height x size z x p_owner radius z intensity y x sample_number source type pan loop pitch vol p_thing samp type z y x timer frame y z x owner z y x item p_thing frame z timer y x sample vol p_thing sample vol p_thing sample_number source item p_thing z frame timer y x new_y new_z new_x p_sthing item p_thing dx dz p_static anim_mode p_person p_person type pan vol loop samp pitch p_thing type p_person vy vz vx jump table for switch statement p_person z x z y x new_z new_x new_y p_sthing item p_thing skip z flag y p_owner radius x p_thing p_person skip z flag y p_owner x radius inlined angle_between_points() dx dz angle p_person multi p_person jumptable 000C75B6 cases 0-2,8,11 jumptable 000C75B6 cases 3,4,9,10,12,13 jumptable 000C75B6 cases 5-7 switch 14 cases switch jump jump table for switch statement z x y new_z new_x new_y p_sthing item p_thing skip z flag y p_owner x radius inlined call angle_between_points dx dz angle p_person multi p_person get ingame.MyGroup jumptable 000C797B cases 0-2,8,11 jumptable 000C797B cases 3,4,9,10,12,13 jumptable 000C797B cases 5-7 switch 14 cases switch 14 cases switch jump jumptable 000C797B default case mapwho_lights b lx lz jump table for switch statement item p_thing skip z flag y p_owner x radius dx dz angle p_person multi p_person jumptable 000C7C87 cases 0-2,8,11 jumptable 000C7C87 cases 3,4,9,10,12,13 jumptable 000C7C87 cases 5-7 switch 14 cases switch 14 cases switch jump jumptable 000C7C87 default case item p_thing z timer z x y x z item p_thing thing_item p_sthing thing_item p_sthing thing_item p_sthing thing_item p_sthing p_sthing item p_thing p_sthing thing_item p_sthing item a1 p_person vz vx vy new_thing type pan vol loop samp pitch p_thing item a1 new_thing type pan vol loop samp pitch p_thing item new_thing new_thing z x item p_thing new_y new_z new_x p_sthing item item p_laser z2 z1 y2 y1 x1 x2 type p_attacker vz vy vx p_person hp type p_attacker hp vz vy p_person vx type z col hp x y type p_attacker vz vy hp vx p_person new_thing size p_owner size p_thing item p_thing y z x item p_thing type p_attacker vy vz vx hp p_person item p_thing dx dz speed ang_r ang_c p_thing item p_thing y z x p_thing item p_thing z y x a1 sample_number source z p_rocket sample_number source p_thing sample_number source z x source sample_number z x y sample_number source skip z flag radius p_owner y x sample_number source type vy p_attacker vx vz hp p_person tex timer frame y z x loop sample vol y z x sample_number source type vy p_attacker vx vz hp p_person timer z x frame y timer z y frame x z x z z x type y x type z y x loop sample vol z y x radius p_owner z intensity y x item p_thing p_person p_person x2 z2 y1 y2 z1 x1 p_gun type loop pan vol pitch samp p_thing sample_number source z y x type loop pan pitch vol samp item p_thing p_iff skip radius flag z p_owner y x type loop pan vol pitch samp p_thing source sample_number z y x owner item p_thing p_thing y z x tex z x timer y z x loop sample y vol z x item p_thing y z x type pan vol loop samp pitch p_thing type loop pan vol pitch samp p_thing y z x type pan vol loop samp pitch p_thing type loop pan samp pitch p_thing vol type loop pan samp pitch p_thing z z x item p_thing jump table for switch statement jump table for switch statement jump table for switch statement jump table for switch statement switch 4 cases switch jump jumptable 000CA175 case 0 default jumptable 000CA175 case 1 jumptable 000CA175 case 2 jumptable 000CA175 case 3 jumptable 000CA0F8 case 0 switch 4 cases switch jump p jumptable 000CA38E case 0 default jumptable 000CA38E case 1 jumptable 000CA38E case 2 jumptable 000CA38E case 3 jumptable 000CA0F8 case 2 switch 4 cases switch jump p jumptable 000CA6B6 case 0 default p jumptable 000CA6B6 case 1 jumptable 000CA6B6 case 2 jumptable 000CA6B6 case 3 jumptable 000CA0F8 case 1 switch 4 cases switch jump p jumptable 000CA0F8 case 3 p default p type z y x type z y x z x s y x z tex timer z x frame y type z y x p_owner radius y intensity z x loop y vol sample z x s s z y x p_thing skip z flag y p_owner radius x p_thing type samp loop p_thing pitch vol p_person weapon p_person default type pan loop pitch samp vol p_thing sample vol p_thing p_sthing type pan samp loop pitch vol p_thing sample vol p_thing sample_number source p_thing item jump table for switch statement switch 4 cases switch jump jumptable 000CB316 case 0 type pan loop pitch samp vol p_thing sample vol p_thing p_stasis radius jumptable 000CB316 case 1 p_stasis radius jumptable 000CB316 case 2 type pan samp loop pitch vol p_thing sample vol p_thing jumptable 000CB316 case 3 sample_number source p_thing item out format format str out dx dz dx dz buf buf buf buf buf buf data end start data end start data end start alltext_fname a3 c buf str1 str1 spr cmap x spr y x cmap spr y x cmap a9 a8 source sample_number type loop_3 a4 a5 a3 a1 a2 spr y cmap x spr cmap x y mode spr a2 a3 num ptr value mode out len fhandle mode out len fhandle handle buf fmt str out fname buf palette mapno a3 a2 a1 num ptr value type a4 loop_3 a3 a2 a5 a1 aount num ptr value aount type loop_3 a5 a3 a4 a2 a1 num ptr value __int16 __int16 colour y2 x2 y1 x1 a2 a1 str2 str1 num value ptr num ptr value a1 rate a2 a1 num fmt out num ptr value a1 rate a1 a2 a1 num fmt out jump table for switch statement a2 a1 a1 num fn switch 17 cases switch jump jumptable 000CDB3D case 14 mods jumptable 000CDB3D case 15 jumptable 000CDB3D case 9 jumptable 000CDB3D case 5 jumptable 000CDB3D case 4 jumptable 000CDB3D case 6 jumptable 000CDB3D case 10 jumptable 000CDB3D case 11 jumptable 000CDB3D case 16 jumptable 000CDB3D case 18 jumptable 000CDB3D case 3 jumptable 000CDB3D case 12 a1 a1 num fn num fn mods jumptable 000CDB3D case 2 ptr jumptable 000CDB3D case 13 a1 num fn mods a1 num fn num value ptr mods a1 default jumptable 000CDB3D cases 7,8,17 str out format format str out jump table for switch statement jump table for switch statement a10 a9 a8 format format jumptable 000CEC4F case 0 str out default type loop_3 a5 a2 a1 jumptable 000CEC4F case 1 str out jumptable 000CEC4F case 2 str out jumptable 000CEC4F case 3 str out switch 4 cases switch jump format jumptable 000CEDB2 case 0 str out default jumptable 000CEDB2 case 1 str out jumptable 000CEDB2 case 2 str out jumptable 000CEDB2 case 3 str out switch 4 cases switch jump format str out type loop_3 a3 a4 a5 a2 a1 type a3 loop_3 a2 a1 a5 a4 a11 a10 a9 fn fn mods mods fn height width y x fn height width y x a8 type a4 loop_3 a2 a5 a1 a3 fn format fmt str out mode fname len out handle a3 alltext_fname textdt_fname str2 str1 text text w y1 h x1 alltext_fname a3 textdt_fname text text str format out a3 alltext_fname textdt_fname a3 alltext_fname textdt_fname text mode fname len out fhandle out len handle fname buf fname buf fname buf h w y1 x1 text text h w y1 x1 cyan_flag speed textpos y x top_line text a1 buf fname buf fname buf fname y x spr weapon a10 a9 a8 a8 a10 a8 type loop_3 a5 a4 a3 a2 a1 a11 type a4 a3 a2 loop_3 a5 a1 colour height y x width colour height width y x colour height width y x colour y3 y2 x2 x3 y1 x1 colour x1 y3 x2 x3 y2 y1 colour y1 x1 y2 x2 colour y2 y3 x2 x3 y1 x1 colour x1 y3 x2 x3 y1 y2 height colour width y x jump table for switch statement switch 8 cases switch 8 cases switch jump jumptable 000D09B0 case 0 jumptable 000D09B0 case 6 jumptable 000D09B0 case 7 jumptable 000D09B0 case 5 jumptable 000D09B0 case 4 jumptable 000D09B0 cases 1-3 jump table for switch statement switch 101 cases switch 101 cases switch jump jumptable 000D1625 case 0 jumptable 000D1625 case 48 jumptable 000D1625 case 2 jumptable 000D1625 case 21 jumptable 000D1625 cases 3,28,36 jumptable 000D1625 case 33 jumptable 000D1625 case 20 jumptable 000D1625 case 4 jumptable 000D1625 cases 54,55,57 jumptable 000D1625 case 56 jumptable 000D1625 cases 24,25,34,37,49 jumptable 000D1625 case 58 jumptable 000D1625 cases 6,7,27 jumptable 000D1625 cases 8,22,35,73 jumptable 000D1625 case 82 jumptable 000D1625 cases 19,23 jumptable 000D1625 case 91 jumptable 000D1625 case 47 jumptable 000D1625 case 1 jumptable 000D1625 case 50 jumptable 000D1625 case 26 jumptable 000D1625 case 16 jumptable 000D1625 cases 9,38 jumptable 000D1625 case 30 jumptable 000D1625 case 5 jumptable 000D1625 case 10 jumptable 000D1625 cases 11,32,42,43,51 jumptable 000D1625 cases 12,71,72 jumptable 000D1625 cases 13,86 jumptable 000D1625 case 14 jumptable 000D1625 case 15 jumptable 000D1625 case 84 jumptable 000D1625 case 52 jumptable 000D1625 case 17 jumptable 000D1625 case 44 jumptable 000D1625 cases 18,29,31,39-41,45,46,53,59-70,74-81,83,85,87-90,92-100 alltext_fname a3 textdt_fname text cm mission city mission city cm mission city mission city mission city mission city value num ptr str out fname buf format str out str out str out text text c c h y1 x1 w cyan_flag text textpos y top_line speed x c h w y1 x1 line x y text text cyan_flag textpos speed y top_line text x text text line x y text jumptable 00011F0A case 142 str format num ptr value a1 format fmt out str str format format fmt out fmt out str format out a11 a10 a9 a8 mode fname len out fhandle out len handle num mission flags textspeed font y x drawspeed box text mission flags textspeed font y box drawspeed text x out type loop_3 a5 a3 a4 a1 a2 str out format out format str out format str out sample_number source mode fname len out fhandle out len handle format fmt str out mode fname len out handle format fmt str out a11 a10 a9 a8 ch mode fname len out fhandle out len handle num mission flags textspeed font y x drawspeed box text mission flags textspeed font y box drawspeed text x type loop_3 a5 a3 a4 a1 a2 format str out jump table for switch statement jump table for switch statement weapon agent jumptable 000D44BA case 0 jumptable 000D44BA case 6 jumptable 000D44BA case 7 jumptable 000D44BA case 5 jumptable 000D44BA case 4 jumptable 000D44BA cases 1-3 switch 8 cases switch jump agent weapon jumptable 000D46EC case 0 jumptable 000D46EC case 6 jumptable 000D46EC case 7 jumptable 000D46EC case 5 jumptable 000D46EC case 4 jumptable 000D46EC cases 1-3 switch 8 cases switch jump jumptable 000D44BA case 16 jumptable 000D46EC case 8 mods jumptable 000D44BA case 17 jumptable 000D46EC case 9 mods jumptable 000D44BA case 18 jumptable 000D46EC case 10 mods jumptable 000D44BA case 19 jumptable 000D46EC case 11 mods jumptable 000D44BA case 20 jumptable 000D46EC case 12 jumptable 000D44BA case 21 jumptable 000D46EC case 13 mods jumptable 000D44BA case 22 jumptable 000D46EC case 14 mods jumptable 000D44BA case 23 jumptable 000D46EC case 15 mods jumptable 000D44BA case 24 jumptable 000D46EC case 16 mods jumptable 000D44BA case 25 jumptable 000D46EC case 17 jump table for switch statement jump table for switch statement switch 8 cases switch jump jumptable 000D54BA case 0 format str out jumptable 000D54BA case 6 jumptable 000D54BA case 7 jumptable 000D54BA case 5 jumptable 000D54BA case 4 jumptable 000D54BA cases 1-3 switch 8 cases switch jump jumptable 000D5088 case 0 jumptable 000D5088 case 6 jumptable 000D5088 case 7 jumptable 000D5088 case 5 jumptable 000D5088 case 4 default jumptable 000D5088 cases 1-3 "SUBMIT" a4 a2 a1 size a4 a1 a2 a4 a1 a2 mem_ptr msec volume msec volume volume msec type loop vol samp pitch pan p_thing dz dy dx a1 num ptr value format str out format str out dz dy dx source sample_number source sample_number dy dx dz a9 a8 a11 a3 type loop_3 a4 a5 a2 a1 dx dz dy a9 a8 a11 a3 type loop_3 a4 a5 a2 a1 type a4 loop_3 a3 a5 a2 a1 type loop pitch pan vol samp num ptr value jump table for switch statement jumptable 000DAA50 case 0 jumptable 000DAA50 default case new_thing jumptable 000DAA50 case 1 jumptable 000DAA50 case 3 jumptable 000DAA50 case 4 jumptable 000DAA50 case 2 type loop pan pitch samp vol p_thing switch 5 cases switch jump jump table for switch statement b lz lx anim_mode p_person p_static type z y x radius z p_owner intensity y x p_razor jumptable 000DC656 case 5 z x z jumptable 000DC656 case 6 z z x jumptable 000DC656 case 7 z x jumptable 000DC656 case 8 z x jumptable 000DC656 cases 9-13 jumptable 000DC656 cases 14-18 jumptable 000DC656 case 20 jumptable 000DC656 case 21 jumptable 000DC656 case 22 switch 24 cases switch jump size arena num ptr value size size arena num ptr value arena arena arena if (edx!=0) if ([ecx+4]==0) if ([ecx+4]==0) out_regs regs num regs num out_regs num value ptr num value ptr out_regs regs num out_regs regs num size arena arena out_regs regs num out_regs regs num jump table for switch statement jumptable 000DD56F case 0 default jumptable 000DD56F case 1 jumptable 000DD56F case 2 jumptable 000DD56F case 3 jumptable 000DD56F case 4 jumptable 000DD56F case 5 jumptable 000DD56F case 6 switch 7 cases switch jump jump table for switch statement a11 a10 a9 a8 jumptable 000DD86D case 0 jumptable 000DD86D case 1 jumptable 000DD86D case 2 jumptable 000DD86D case 3 jumptable 000DD86D case 4 jumptable 000DD86D case 5 type loop_3 a4 a3 a5 a2 a1 jumptable 000DD86D case 6 default switch 7 cases switch jump a8 type a4 a3 loop_3 a2 a5 a1 type a3 loop_3 a5 a2 a4 a1 type a2 loop_3 a5 a4 a3 a1 type loop_3 a5 a4 a3 a2 a1 num ptr value out out jump table for switch statement switch 6 cases switch jump jumptable 000DE916 case 0 jumptable 000DE916 case 1 num value ptr str out format str out format str out jumptable 000DE916 case 2 num value ptr str out format str out type a3 a2 loop_3 a1 a5 a4 type a4 a3 loop_3 a2 a5 a1 jumptable 000DE916 case 3 num ptr value str out str out jumptable 000DE916 case 4 num value ptr str out str out jumptable 000DE916 case 5 num ptr value default num ptr value out_fname hmhndl hmhead value num ptr num value mode fname origin handle offset handle offset origin handle len out fhandle offset handle origin len out fhandle len out fhandle handle offset origin len out fhandle a3 a2 a1 hmhead hmhead a2 hmhead offset origin handle fhandle len out hmhead hmhndl hmhead a2 hmhead offset origin handle fhandle len out origin handle offset handle offset origin handle len out fhandle offset handle origin len out fhandle len out fhandle handle offset origin len out fhandle jump table for switch statement jump table for switch statement switch 8 cases switch jump jumptable 000E06B9 case 7 jumptable 000E06B9 case 6 jumptable 000E06B9 case 5 jumptable 000E06B9 case 4 jumptable 000E06B9 case 3 jumptable 000E06B9 case 2 jumptable 000E06B9 case 1 jumptable 000E06B9 case 0 default x8 y8 z z x frame type y x jumptable 000E0AB9 case 0 default jumptable 000E0AB9 cases 1,5,7,9,14,16,18,19,21-25 jumptable 000E0AB9 cases 2-4,8,15,17,20 jumptable 000E0AB9 cases 6,11,13 jumptable 000E0AB9 cases 10,12 switch 26 cases switch jump p_thing type x y z p_thing item type x y z p_thing item palette height width mode data end start dheight dwidth sheight swidth y x sprite posy posx size image mem_ptr _DWORD jump table for switch statement num value value switch 24 cases switch jump jumptable 000E1300 case 17 _DWORD _DWORD _DWORD _DWORD _DWORD _DWORD _DWORD _DWORD _DWORD _DWORD jumptable 000E1300 case 16 ptr num value ptr jumptable 000E1300 case 5 _DWORD _DWORD _DWORD num ptr value jumptable 000E1300 case 8 jumptable 000E1300 cases 0,1,19,20 _DWORD _DWORD _DWORD Game I/O port bits 0-3: Coordinates (resistive, time-dependent inputs) bits 4-7: Buttons/Triggers (digital inputs) Game I/O port bits 0-3: Coordinates (resistive, time-dependent inputs) bits 4-7: Buttons/Triggers (digital inputs) jumptable 000E1300 cases 4,11,12 _DWORD _DWORD _DWORD Game I/O port bits 0-3: Coordinates (resistive, time-dependent inputs) bits 4-7: Buttons/Triggers (digital inputs) Game I/O port bits 0-3: Coordinates (resistive, time-dependent inputs) bits 4-7: Buttons/Triggers (digital inputs) jumptable 000E1300 cases 22,23 _DWORD _DWORD _DWORD Game I/O port bits 0-3: Coordinates (resistive, time-dependent inputs) bits 4-7: Buttons/Triggers (digital inputs) Game I/O port bits 0-3: Coordinates (resistive, time-dependent inputs) bits 4-7: Buttons/Triggers (digital inputs) _DWORD _DWORD _DWORD Game I/O port bits 0-3: Coordinates (resistive, time-dependent inputs) bits 4-7: Buttons/Triggers (digital inputs) Game I/O port bits 0-3: Coordinates (resistive, time-dependent inputs) bits 4-7: Buttons/Triggers (digital inputs) jumptable 000E1300 cases 13,14 _DWORD _DWORD _DWORD Game I/O port bits 0-3: Coordinates (resistive, time-dependent inputs) bits 4-7: Buttons/Triggers (digital inputs) Game I/O port bits 0-3: Coordinates (resistive, time-dependent inputs) bits 4-7: Buttons/Triggers (digital inputs) jumptable 000E1300 cases 2,3,6,7 _DWORD _DWORD Game I/O port bits 0-3: Coordinates (resistive, time-dependent inputs) bits 4-7: Buttons/Triggers (digital inputs) Game I/O port bits 0-3: Coordinates (resistive, time-dependent inputs) bits 4-7: Buttons/Triggers (digital inputs) jumptable 000E1300 case 18 jumptable 000E1300 cases 10,21 default jumptable 000E1300 cases 9,15 num ptr value jump table for switch statement jump table for switch statement _DWORD jumptable 000E2E40 case 18 jumptable 000E2E40 case 17 _DWORD _DWORD _DWORD _DWORD _DWORD _DWORD _DWORD _DWORD _DWORD _DWORD jumptable 000E2E40 case 16 num ptr value num value ptr jumptable 000E2E40 case 5 jumptable 000E2E40 cases 8,13,14 Game I/O port bits 0-3: Coordinates (resistive, time-dependent inputs) bits 4-7: Buttons/Triggers (digital inputs) Game I/O port bits 0-3: Coordinates (resistive, time-dependent inputs) bits 4-7: Buttons/Triggers (digital inputs) default jumptable 000E2E40 cases 7,9,15 jumptable 000E2E40 cases 0,1,4,11,12 Game I/O port bits 0-3: Coordinates (resistive, time-dependent inputs) bits 4-7: Buttons/Triggers (digital inputs) Game I/O port bits 0-3: Coordinates (resistive, time-dependent inputs) bits 4-7: Buttons/Triggers (digital inputs) jumptable 000E2E40 cases 2,3,6 Game I/O port bits 0-3: Coordinates (resistive, time-dependent inputs) bits 4-7: Buttons/Triggers (digital inputs) Game I/O port bits 0-3: Coordinates (resistive, time-dependent inputs) bits 4-7: Buttons/Triggers (digital inputs) switch 8 cases switch jump jumptable 000E2D25 case 0 jumptable 000E2D25 cases 1,2 jumptable 000E2D25 cases 3,4 jumptable 000E2D25 cases 5,6 default jumptable 000E2D25 case 7 jumptable 000E2E40 cases 19,20 Game I/O port bits 0-3: Coordinates (resistive, time-dependent inputs) bits 4-7: Buttons/Triggers (digital inputs) Game I/O port bits 0-3: Coordinates (resistive, time-dependent inputs) bits 4-7: Buttons/Triggers (digital inputs) jumptable 000E2E40 cases 10,21 switch 22 cases switch jump jump table for switch statement jumptable 000E363E case 5 ptr value dinp dinp default jumptable 000E363E cases 2,3,6-10,13-17,21 jumptable 000E363E cases 0,1,19,20 Game I/O port bits 0-3: Coordinates (resistive, time-dependent inputs) bits 4-7: Buttons/Triggers (digital inputs) Game I/O port bits 0-3: Coordinates (resistive, time-dependent inputs) bits 4-7: Buttons/Triggers (digital inputs) dinp jumptable 000E363E cases 4,11,12 Game I/O port bits 0-3: Coordinates (resistive, time-dependent inputs) bits 4-7: Buttons/Triggers (digital inputs) Game I/O port bits 0-3: Coordinates (resistive, time-dependent inputs) bits 4-7: Buttons/Triggers (digital inputs) dinp jumptable 000E363E case 18 switch 22 cases switch jump jump table for switch statement switch 22 cases switch jump jumptable 000E372E case 5 ptr value dinp dinp jumptable 000E372E cases 0,1,19,20 Game I/O port bits 0-3: Coordinates (resistive, time-dependent inputs) bits 4-7: Buttons/Triggers (digital inputs) Game I/O port bits 0-3: Coordinates (resistive, time-dependent inputs) bits 4-7: Buttons/Triggers (digital inputs) dinp jumptable 000E372E cases 4,11,12 Game I/O port bits 0-3: Coordinates (resistive, time-dependent inputs) bits 4-7: Buttons/Triggers (digital inputs) Game I/O port bits 0-3: Coordinates (resistive, time-dependent inputs) bits 4-7: Buttons/Triggers (digital inputs) dinp jumptable 000E372E case 18 default jumptable 000E372E cases 2,3,6-10,13-17,21 num ptr value num value ptr num ptr value num ptr value num ptr value num value ptr num ptr value jump table for switch statement switch 8 cases switch jump jumptable 000E3E5F case 0 jumptable 000E3E5F cases 1,2 jumptable 000E3E5F cases 3,4 jumptable 000E3E5F cases 5,6 default jumptable 000E3E5F case 7 size image mem_ptr _DWORD _DWORD _DWORD _DWORD _DWORD _DWORD _DWORD _DWORD _DWORD _DWORD _DWORD _DWORD _DWORD _DWORD _DWORD _DWORD _DWORD _DWORD _DWORD _DWORD _DWORD _DWORD _DWORD value num ptr a2 a1 num value ptr a2 a1 num ptr value a1 idx a1 a1 a1 num ptr value a2 a1 a1 a2 a1 a1 a1 a1 a1 a1 a1 a2 a1 a1 a1 a1 a2 num value DOS - GET DOS VERSION Return: AL = major version number (00h for DOS 1.x) DOS - 2+ - ADJUST MEMORY BLOCK SIZE (SETBLOCK) ES = segment address of block to change BX = new size in paragraphs DOS - 2+ - ADJUST MEMORY BLOCK SIZE (SETBLOCK) ES = segment address of block to change BX = new size in paragraphs DOS - DOS v??? - OEM FUNCTION DPMI Services ax=func xxxxh GET SEGMENT BASE ADDRESS BX = selector Return: CF set on error CF clear if successful, CX:DX = linear base address of segment DOS - 2+ - OPEN DISK FILE WITH HANDLE DS:DX -> ASCIZ filename AL = access mode 1 - write DOS - 2+ - WRITE TO FILE WITH HANDLE BX = file handle, CX = number of bytes to write, DS:DX -> buffer DOS - 2+ - QUIT WITH EXIT CODE (EXIT) AL = exit code a4 a3 a2 colour a1 char num value ptr num value ptr value num ptr num value ptr fname fname mode handle num value ptr spr y x out_regs regs num num value ptr ptr value num spr num ptr value out_regs regs num unsigned __int32 num ptr value __int32 * __int32 * fname mode fhandle len out handle handle fname fname mode len out fhandle handle fname mode len buffer handle handle handle len out fhandle len out fhandle offset handle origin fname fname mode fname mode handle len fhandle out handle handle len handle buffer handle handle handle handle value ptr num palette palette num ptr value palette palette a4 a3 a2 colour a1 format str out char * a3 a2 palette palette palette size palette mem_ptr size mem_ptr _DWORD _DWORD _DWORD _DWORD _DWORD _DWORD out out str out out str out str out str out str out out out W?seekoff$:streambuf$n(lii)l doubtful name num ptr value out_regs regs num KEYBOARD - CHECK ENHANCED KEYSTROKE (AT model 339,XT2,XT286,PS) Return: ZF clear if keystroke available AH = scan code \ meaningless if ZF = 1 AL = character / ZF set if kbd buffer empty KEYBOARD - GET ENHANCED KEYSTROKE (AT model 339,XT2,XT286,PS) Return: AH = scan code, AL = character AT Keyboard controller 8042. PC/XT PPI port B bits: 0: Tmr 2 gate &#x(226, 'x');&#x(149, 'x');&#x(144, 'x');&#x(226, 'x');&#x(149, 'x');&#x(166, 'x');&#x(226, 'x');&#x(149, 'x');&#x(144, 'x'); OR 03H=spkr ON 1: Tmr 2 data &#x(226, 'x');&#x(149, 'x');&#x(144, 'x');&#x(226, 'x');&#x(149, 'x');&#x(157, 'x'); AND 0fcH=spkr OFF 3: 1=read high switches 4: 0=enable RAM parity checking 5: 0=enable I/O channel check 6: 0=hold keyboard clock low 7: 0=enable kbrd PC/XT PPI port B bits: 0: Tmr 2 gate &#x(226, 'x');&#x(149, 'x');&#x(144, 'x');&#x(226, 'x');&#x(149, 'x');&#x(166, 'x');&#x(226, 'x');&#x(149, 'x');&#x(144, 'x'); OR 03H=spkr ON 1: Tmr 2 data &#x(226, 'x');&#x(149, 'x');&#x(144, 'x');&#x(226, 'x');&#x(149, 'x');&#x(157, 'x'); AND 0fcH=spkr OFF 3: 1=read high switches 4: 0=enable RAM parity checking 5: 0=enable I/O channel check 6: 0=hold keyboard clock low 7: 0=enable kbrd PC/XT PPI port B bits: 0: Tmr 2 gate &#x(226, 'x');&#x(149, 'x');&#x(144, 'x');&#x(226, 'x');&#x(149, 'x');&#x(166, 'x');&#x(226, 'x');&#x(149, 'x');&#x(144, 'x'); OR 03H=spkr ON 1: Tmr 2 data &#x(226, 'x');&#x(149, 'x');&#x(144, 'x');&#x(226, 'x');&#x(149, 'x');&#x(157, 'x'); AND 0fcH=spkr OFF 3: 1=read high switches 4: 0=enable RAM parity checking 5: 0=enable I/O channel check 6: 0=hold keyboard clock low 7: 0=enable kbrd Interrupt controller, 8259A. str out mode fname fname offset origin handle len out fhandle offset handle origin len out fhandle handle origin handle offset handle handle out out len out fhandle num ptr value num ptr value origin handle offset len out fhandle len out fhandle fhandle out len origin offset handle len out fhandle len out fhandle out len fhandle out mode fname fname num value ptr origin handle offset handle origin offset len out fhandle handle size out size mem_ptr mem_ptr ptr num value num ptr value mem_ptr mem_ptr str out mode fname origin offset handle offset origin handle len out fhandle offset handle origin len out fhandle handle origin handle offset handle handle out str out len out fhandle offset handle origin len out fhandle len out fhandle out len fhandle handle origin offset len out fhandle len out fhandle fhandle out len out mode fname num ptr value origin handle offset handle origin offset handle offset handle origin len out fhandle handle size size mem_ptr mem_ptr ptr num value ptr num value mem_ptr mem_ptr mode out_regs regs num out_regs regs num palette palette out_regs regs num num value ptr num value ptr Video status bits: 0: retrace. 1=display is in vert or horiz retrace. 1: 1=light pen is triggered; 0=armed 2: 1=light pen switch is open; 0=closed 3: 1=vertical sync pulse is occurring. ch ch s milliseconds volume s _DWORD buf fname a1 mem_ptr num ptr value value num ptr num ptr value num ptr value num ptr value num ptr value out_regs regs num - VIDEO - VESA SuperVGA BIOS - VESA SuperVGA BIOS - CPU VIDEO MEMORY CONTROL BL = 00h window A, 01h window B Return: AL = 4Fh function supported AH = 00h successful, 01h failed BH = subfunctionselect video memory window - VIDEO - VESA SuperVGA BIOS - VESA SuperVGA BIOS - CPU VIDEO MEMORY CONTROL BL = 00h window A, 01h window B Return: AL = 4Fh function supported AH = 00h successful, 01h failed BH = subfunctionselect video memory window num ptr value value num ptr num ptr value num ptr value status __int16 y2 x2 y1 colour x1 y2 x2 y1 colour x1 y2 x2 y1 colour x1 jump table for switch statement char * char * char * char * char * char * char * char * char * char * switch 4 cases switch jump jumptable 000EFF99 case 0 jumptable 000EFF99 case 1 jumptable 000EFF99 case 2 jumptable 000EFF99 case 3 char * jump table for switch statement spr y x jumptable 000F02BC cases 5-9,12 switch 14 cases switch 14 cases switch jump jumptable 000F02BC case 0 jumptable 000F02BC case 1 jumptable 000F02BC case 2 jumptable 000F02BC case 3 jumptable 000F02BC case 4 jumptable 000F02BC case 10 jumptable 000F02BC case 11 jumptable 000F02BC case 13 milliseconds volume s DOS - 2+ - GET INTERRUPT VECTOR AL = interrupt number Return: ES:BX = value of interrupt vector DOS - SET INTERRUPT VECTOR AL = interrupt number DS:DX = new vector to be used for specified interrupt DOS - SET INTERRUPT VECTOR AL = interrupt number DS:DX = new vector to be used for specified interrupt DOS - 2+ - OPEN DISK FILE WITH HANDLE DS:DX -> ASCIZ filename AL = access mode 0 - read, 1 - write, 2 - read & write DOS - 2+ - CLOSE A FILE WITH HANDLE BX = file handle DOS - 2+ - WRITE TO FILE WITH HANDLE BX = file handle, CX = number of bytes to write, DS:DX -> buffer DOS - 2+ - CLOSE A FILE WITH HANDLE BX = file handle DOS - 2+ - CREATE A FILE WITH HANDLE (CREAT) CX = attributes for file DS:DX -> ASCIZ filename (may include drive and path) DOS - 2+ - CLOSE A FILE WITH HANDLE BX = file handle DOS - 2+ - OPEN DISK FILE WITH HANDLE DS:DX -> ASCIZ filename AL = access mode 0 - read, 1 - write, 2 - read & write DOS - 2+ - IOCTL - GET DEVICE INFORMATION BX = file or device handle DOS - 2+ - IOCTL - SET DEVICE INFORMATION BX = device handle, DH = 0 DL = device information to set (bits 0-7 from function 0) s DPMI Services ax=func xxxxh ALLOCATE DOS MEMORY BLOCK BX = number of paragraphs to allocate Return: CF set on error CF clear if successful DPMI Services ax=func xxxxh ALLOCATE LDT DESCRS CX = number of descriptors to allocate Return: CF set on error CF clear if successful, AX = base selector DPMI Services ax=func xxxxh FREE DOS MEMORY BLOCK DX = selector of block Return: CF set on error CF set if successful DPMI Services ax=func xxxxh SET SEGMENT BASE ADDRESS BX = selector, CX:DX = linear base address Return: CF set on error CF clear if successful DPMI Services ax=func xxxxh SET SEGMENT LIMIT BX = selector, CX:DX = segment limit Return: CF set on error CF clear if successful DPMI Services ax=func xxxxh FREE LDT DESCRIPTOR BX = selector to free Return: CF set on error CF clear if successful DPMI Services ax=func xxxxh FREE DOS MEMORY BLOCK DX = selector of block Return: CF set on error CF set if successful DPMI Services ax=func xxxxh SET DESCRIPTOR ACCESS RIGHTS BX = selector, CL = access rights/type byte CH = 80386 extended rights/type byte (32-bit DPMI implementations only) Return: CF set on error CF clear if successful DPMI Services ax=func xxxxh FREE LDT DESCRIPTOR BX = selector to free Return: CF set on error CF clear if successful DPMI Services ax=func xxxxh FREE DOS MEMORY BLOCK DX = selector of block Return: CF set on error CF set if successful _DWORD _DWORD _DWORD DPMI Services ax=func xxxxh FREE LDT DESCRIPTOR BX = selector to free Return: CF set on error CF clear if successful DPMI Services ax=func xxxxh FREE DOS MEMORY BLOCK DX = selector of block Return: CF set on error CF set if successful _DWORD DPMI Services ax=func xxxxh FREE LDT DESCRIPTOR BX = selector to free Return: CF set on error CF clear if successful DPMI Services ax=func xxxxh FREE DOS MEMORY BLOCK DX = selector of block Return: CF set on error CF set if successful name out_regs regs num out_regs regs num Game I/O port bits 0-3: Coordinates (resistive, time-dependent inputs) bits 4-7: Buttons/Triggers (digital inputs) Game I/O port bits 0-3: Coordinates (resistive, time-dependent inputs) bits 4-7: Buttons/Triggers (digital inputs) Game I/O port bits 0-3: Coordinates (resistive, time-dependent inputs) bits 4-7: Buttons/Triggers (digital inputs) Game I/O port bits 0-3: Coordinates (resistive, time-dependent inputs) bits 4-7: Buttons/Triggers (digital inputs) Game I/O port bits 0-3: Coordinates (resistive, time-dependent inputs) bits 4-7: Buttons/Triggers (digital inputs) Game I/O port bits 0-3: Coordinates (resistive, time-dependent inputs) bits 4-7: Buttons/Triggers (digital inputs) Game I/O port bits 0-3: Coordinates (resistive, time-dependent inputs) bits 4-7: Buttons/Triggers (digital inputs) Game I/O port bits 0-3: Coordinates (resistive, time-dependent inputs) bits 4-7: Buttons/Triggers (digital inputs) Game I/O port bits 0-3: Coordinates (resistive, time-dependent inputs) bits 4-7: Buttons/Triggers (digital inputs) Game I/O port bits 0-3: Coordinates (resistive, time-dependent inputs) bits 4-7: Buttons/Triggers (digital inputs) Game I/O port bits 0-3: Coordinates (resistive, time-dependent inputs) bits 4-7: Buttons/Triggers (digital inputs) Game I/O port bits 0-3: Coordinates (resistive, time-dependent inputs) bits 4-7: Buttons/Triggers (digital inputs) num value ptr num ptr value num ptr value num ptr value num value ptr num ptr value num ptr value num value ptr num ptr value num ptr value num value ptr num ptr value jump table for switch statement num ptr value num ptr value num out_regs regs out_regs regs num num value ptr num ptr value num ptr value out_regs regs num num ptr value num value ptr num ptr value regs out_regs num num ptr value num value ptr num ptr value out_regs regs num jumptable 000F455C case 0 jumptable 000F455C case 1 jumptable 000F455C case 2 str1 jumptable 000F455C case 6 jumptable 000F455C case 7 jumptable 000F455C cases 3-5 switch 8 cases switch jump regs out_regs num num ptr value num value ptr num ptr value num ptr value out_regs regs num regs out_regs num num ptr value num ptr value out_regs regs num num regs out_regs num ptr value num ptr value num ptr value num value ptr num ptr value str1 str2 num value ptr num ptr value num ptr value num ptr value num value ptr num ptr value num value ptr num ptr value n string1 str1 str2 num value ptr num ptr value num ptr value value ptr num num ptr value n string1 value num ptr num ptr value a1 num value ptr num ptr value n string1 a1 value num ptr num ptr value num ptr value num ptr value num ptr value num ptr value num value ptr num ptr value num ptr value num ptr value num ptr value num ptr value a2 a1 a3 a1 a2 a4 a3 a1 a2 a1 a4 a3 a2 a1 num value ptr num ptr value num ptr value value num ptr num ptr value num value ptr num ptr value a1 a3 a2 a1 a4 n string1 str2 str1 num ptr value num ptr value num ptr value num ptr value num value ptr num ptr value num value ptr num ptr value num value ptr num ptr value a3 a2 a1 a4 n string1 str2 str1 a1 a1 value ptr num num ptr value num value ptr num value ptr num ptr value a3 a2 a1 a3 a1 a2 a3 a2 a1 a3 a1 a2 a3 a4 a2 a1 value num ptr a3 a2 a1 a4 a4 a2 a1 a3 a4 a3 a1 a2 a3 a2 a1 a4 num ptr value num ptr value a4 a3 a1 a2 a3 a2 a1 a4 num value ptr num ptr value n string1 str2 str1 a4 a2 a1 a3 n string1 str2 str1 a4 a3 a2 a1 num value ptr num ptr value num value ptr num ptr value n string1 str2 str1 n str2 str1 num ptr value str format out str1 str2 ptr num value num ptr value str1 str2 num value num ptr value str2 str1 num value ptr str1 str2 num value ptr str1 str2 str2 str1 num ptr value num ptr value num ptr value num value ptr str2 str1 num value ptr str1 str2 num value ptr str1 str2 str1 str2 num ptr value num ptr value str2 str1 value num ptr num value ptr a2 sz serdev serdev serdev a2 serdev num value ptr out_regs regs num num value ptr out_regs regs num num value ptr out_regs regs num num value ptr out_regs regs num num value ptr out_regs regs num num value ptr out_regs regs num num value ptr out_regs regs num num value ptr out_regs regs num a2 serdev a2 serdev a2 serdev a2 a1 a2 a1 a2 a1 serdev a2 serdev serdev serdev serdev serdev serdev a2 a1 a2 a1 a2 a1 str a2 a1 a2 a1 a2 a1 a2 a1 a2 a1 a2 serdev serdev a2 serdev serdev a2 serdev serdev serdev serdev a2 serdev num value ptr serdev n string2 string1 num value ptr num value ptr serdev a2 serdev a2 serdev n string1 num value ptr a2 serdev n string1 num value ptr out_regs regs num serdev argv argc DOS - 2+ - GET FILE ATTRIBUTES DS:DX -> ASCIZ file name or directory name without trailing slash DOS - 2+ - MOVE FILE READ/WRITE POINTER (LSEEK) AL = method: 0-from beginnig,1-from current,2-from end DOS - 2+ - READ FROM FILE WITH HANDLE BX = file handle, CX = number of bytes to read DS:DX -> buffer DOS - 2+ - READ FROM FILE WITH HANDLE BX = file handle, CX = number of bytes to read DS:DX -> buffer DOS - 2+ - MOVE FILE READ/WRITE POINTER (LSEEK) AL = method: offset from end of file DOS - 2+ - WRITE TO FILE WITH HANDLE BX = file handle, CX = number of bytes to write, DS:DX -> buffer DOS - 2+ - WRITE TO FILE WITH HANDLE BX = file handle, CX = number of bytes to write, DS:DX -> buffer DOS - 2+ - WRITE TO FILE WITH HANDLE BX = file handle, CX = number of bytes to write, DS:DX -> buffer DOS - 2+ - WRITE TO FILE WITH HANDLE BX = file handle, CX = number of bytes to write, DS:DX -> buffer DOS - SET DISK TRANSFER AREA ADDRESS DS:DX -> disk transfer buffer DOS - 2+ - FIND FIRST ASCIZ (FINDFIRST) CX = search attributes DS:DX -> ASCIZ filespec (drive, path, and wildcards allowed) DOS - SET DISK TRANSFER AREA ADDRESS DS:DX -> disk transfer buffer DOS - 2+ - FIND NEXT ASCIZ (FINDNEXT) [DTA] = data block from last AH = 4Eh/4Fh call DOS - GET DISK TRANSFER AREA ADDRESS Return: ES:BX -> DTA DOS - GET DISK TRANSFER AREA ADDRESS Return: ES:BX -> DTA DOS - 2+ - RENAME A FILE DS:DX -> ASCIZ old name (drive and path allowed, no wildcards) ES:DI -> ASCIZ new name DOS - GET CURRENT DATE Return: DL = day, DH = month, CX = year AL = day of the week (0=Sunday, 1=Monday, etc.) DOS - GET CURRENT TIME Return: CH = hours, CL = minutes, DH = seconds DL = hundredths of seconds DOS - GET CURRENT DATE Return: DL = day, DH = month, CX = year AL = day of the week (0=Sunday, 1=Monday, etc.) jumptable 000497D7 case 140 Timer 8253-5 (AT: 8254.2). Timer 8253-5 (AT: 8254.2). Timer 8253-5 (AT: 8254.2). Timer 8253-5 (AT: 8254.2). Timer 8253-5 (AT: 8254.2). Timer 8253-5 (AT: 8254.2). s s int int int _DWORD _DWORD _DWORD _DWORD _DWORD _DWORD _DWORD _DWORD _DWORD _DWORD _DWORD _DWORD _DWORD _DWORD _DWORD _DWORD _DWORD _DWORD _DWORD _DWORD _DWORD _DWORD _DWORD _DWORD n string2 string1 str out str out out str out format out str int format out out str out out str out str out str1 out out str out out out out out str out out str format out vol str out format out out out out str out str out str out char * out str out char * out format out str int format out format out str out str1 out str1 out out str out out str1 str1 str1 str1 str1 str1 str1 str1 str1 out str out out out str1 str1 str1 str1 out out out str1 out out out str out out out num ptr value handle __int32 __int32 char * s str out handle mode fname out origin offset fhandle len out handle origin offset handle s num ptr value num ptr value handle s num ptr value num ptr value handle out format out size size mem_ptr mem_ptr __int32 __int32 unsigned __int32 __int16 * len out fhandle handle origin offset format __int16 * str out handle attributes ffind char * filespec fname ffind format str out fname str out attributes ffind filespec str1 str1 ffind str out format ffind str out size char * size mode fname origin offset len out fhandle out mem_ptr mem_ptr int format int format jumptable 00023676 case 251 jumptable 00023676 case 213 milliseconds volume s unsigned __int16 num out_regs regs out_regs regs num out_regs regs num out_regs regs num out_regs num regs out_regs regs num num out_regs regs out_regs regs num out_regs regs num out_regs regs num str format out out_regs regs num out_regs regs num unsigned __int16 out out str out out out str format out unsigned __int16 str format out out_regs regs num unsigned __int16 out_regs regs num str out out_regs regs num str out mem_ptr mem_ptr mem_ptr mem_ptr num value ptr num ptr value DOS - 2+ - CLOSE A FILE WITH HANDLE BX = file handle s s jump table for switch statement switch 5 cases switch 5 cases switch jump jumptable 001094C1 case 0 jumptable 001094C1 case 1 jumptable 001094C1 case 2 jumptable 001094C1 case 3 jumptable 001094C1 case 4 s s num ptr value ch DOS - GET CURRENT DATE Return: DL = day, DH = month, CX = year AL = day of the week (0=Sunday, 1=Monday, etc.) DOS - GET CURRENT TIME Return: CH = hours, CL = minutes, DH = seconds DL = hundredths of seconds DPMI Services ax=func xxxxh FREE MEMORY BLOCK SI:DI = handle of memory block Return: CF set on error CF clear if successful DOS - 2+ - FREE MEMORY ES = segment address of area to be freed DPMI Services ax=func xxxxh RESIZE MEMORY BLOCK BX:CX = new size in bytes, SI:DI = handle of memory block Return: CF set on error CF clear if successful DPMI Services ax=func xxxxh ALLOCATE MEMORY BLOCK BX:CX = size in bytes Return: CF set on error CF clear if successful DOS - 2+ - ALLOCATE MEMORY BX = number of 16-byte paragraphs desired DOS - 2+ - ALLOCATE MEMORY BX = number of 16-byte paragraphs desired DOS - 2+ - FREE MEMORY ES = segment address of area to be freed DPMI Services ax=func xxxxh GET SEGMENT BASE ADDRESS BX = selector Return: CF set on error CF clear if successful, CX:DX = linear base address of segment DOS - 2+ - ALLOCATE MEMORY BX = number of 16-byte paragraphs desired DOS - 2+ - IOCTL - GET DEVICE INFORMATION BX = file or device handle DOS - 2+ - GET CURRENT DIRECTORY DL = drive (0=default, 1=A, etc.) DS:SI points to 64-byte buffer area DOS - GET DEFAULT DISK NUMBER DOS - 2+ - READ FROM FILE WITH HANDLE BX = file handle, CX = number of bytes to read DS:DX -> buffer DOS - DIRECT CONSOLE I/O CHARACTER OUTPUT DL = character <> FFh Return: ZF set = no character ZF clear = character recieved, AL = character a4 ch jump table for switch statement switch 7 cases switch jump jumptable 0010C197 case 0 jumptable 0010C197 case 1 jumptable 0010C197 case 2 jumptable 0010C197 case 3 jumptable 0010C197 case 4 jumptable 0010C197 case 5 jumptable 0010C197 case 6 jumptable 0010C197 default case unkn_struct unkn_struct unkn_struct fmt format str out DPMI Services ax=func xxxxh LOCK LINEAR REGION BX:CX = starting linear address SI:DI = size of region in bytes Return: CF set on error CF clear if successful DOS - 2+ - DELETE A FILE (UNLINK) DS:DX -> ASCIZ pathname of file to delete (no wildcards allowed) timer ptr num value num ptr value fname ptr num value num ptr value num ptr value DOS - 2+ - CHANGE THE CURRENT DIRECTORY (CHDIR) DS:DX -> ASCIZ directory name (may include drive) DOS - 2+ - CREATE A SUBDIRECTORY (MKDIR) DS:DX -> ASCIZ pathname (may include drive) DOS - SET DISK TRANSFER AREA ADDRESS DS:DX -> disk transfer buffer DOS - 2+ - FIND FIRST ASCIZ (FINDFIRST) CX = search attributes DS:DX -> ASCIZ filespec (drive, path, and wildcards allowed) ch DOS - GET DEFAULT DISK NUMBER str1 str1 DOS - 2+ - REMOVE A DIRECTORY ENTRY (RMDIR) DS:DX -> ASCIZ pathname (may include drive) Timer 8253-5 (AT: 8254.2). Timer 8253-5 (AT: 8254.2). Timer 8253-5 (AT: 8254.2). size mem_ptr regs out_regs num regs out_regs num str1 num ptr value str1 DOS - 2+ - OPEN DISK FILE WITH HANDLE DS:DX -> ASCIZ filename AL = access mode 0 - read, 1 - write, 2 - read & write DOS - 2+ - DELETE A FILE (UNLINK) DS:DX -> ASCIZ pathname of file to delete (no wildcards allowed) DOS - 2+ - CREATE A FILE WITH HANDLE (CREAT) CX = attributes for file DS:DX -> ASCIZ filename (may include drive and path) DOS - 2+ - READ FROM FILE WITH HANDLE BX = file handle, CX = number of bytes to read DS:DX -> buffer DOS - 2+ - WRITE TO FILE WITH HANDLE BX = file handle, CX = number of bytes to write, DS:DX -> buffer DOS - 2+ - MOVE FILE READ/WRITE POINTER (LSEEK) AL = method: offset from beginning of file DOS - 2+ - CLOSE A FILE WITH HANDLE BX = file handle DOS - 2+ - IOCTL - DOS - 2+ - GET FILE'S DATE/TIME BX = file handle DOS - 2+ - SET FILE'S DATE/TIME BX = file handle, CX = time to be set DX = date to be set out_regs regs num out_regs regs num out_regs num regs out_regs num regs str1 str1 str out mode fname handle str1 str1 fname mode len out handle len out fhandle handle len out fhandle handle handle len out fhandle num ptr value out fhandle len out fhandle len handle origin offset handle len out fhandle len out fhandle handle offset origin handle void * a1 len out fhandle fhandle out len ptr value num len out fhandle fhandle out len value num ptr Interrupt controller, 8259A. Interrupt controller, 8259A. Timer 8253-5 (AT: 8254.2). Timer 8253-5 (AT: 8254.2). Timer 8253-5 (AT: 8254.2). DPMI Services ax=func xxxxh GET REAL MODE INTERRUPT VECTOR BL = interrupt number Return: CF clear, CX:DX = segment:offset of real mode interrupt handler DOS - 2+ - GET INTERRUPT VECTOR AL = interrupt number Return: ES:BX = value of interrupt vector DOS - SET INTERRUPT VECTOR AL = interrupt number DS:DX = new vector to be used for specified interrupt DOS - SET INTERRUPT VECTOR AL = interrupt number DS:DX = new vector to be used for specified interrupt DPMI Services ax=func xxxxh GET REAL MODE INTERRUPT VECTOR BL = interrupt number Return: CF clear, CX:DX = segment:offset of real mode interrupt handler DOS - 2+ - GET INTERRUPT VECTOR AL = interrupt number Return: ES:BX = value of interrupt vector DPMI Services ax=func xxxxh SET REAL MODE INTERRUPT VECTOR BL = interrupt number, CX:DX = segment:offset of real mode handler Return: CF set on error CF clear if successful DPMI Services ax=func xxxxh ALLOCATE LDT DESCRS CX = number of descriptors to allocate Return: CF set on error CF clear if successful, AX = base selector DPMI Services ax=func xxxxh SET SEGMENT BASE ADDRESS BX = selector, CX:DX = linear base address Return: CF set on error CF clear if successful DPMI Services ax=func xxxxh SET SEGMENT LIMIT BX = selector, CX:DX = segment limit Return: CF set on error CF clear if successful DPMI Services ax=func xxxxh SET DESCRIPTOR ACCESS RIGHTS BX = selector, CL = access rights/type byte CH = 80386 extended rights/type byte (32-bit DPMI implementations only) Return: CF set on error CF clear if successful DPMI Services ax=func xxxxh ALLOCATE LDT DESCRS CX = number of descriptors to allocate Return: CF set on error CF clear if successful, AX = base selector DPMI Services ax=func xxxxh SET SEGMENT BASE ADDRESS BX = selector, CX:DX = linear base address Return: CF set on error CF clear if successful DPMI Services ax=func xxxxh SET SEGMENT LIMIT BX = selector, CX:DX = segment limit Return: CF set on error CF clear if successful DPMI Services ax=func xxxxh SET DESCRIPTOR ACCESS RIGHTS BX = selector, CL = access rights/type byte CH = 80386 extended rights/type byte (32-bit DPMI implementations only) Return: CF set on error CF clear if successful DPMI Services ax=func xxxxh ALLOCATE LDT DESCRS CX = number of descriptors to allocate Return: CF set on error CF clear if successful, AX = base selector DPMI Services ax=func xxxxh SET SEGMENT BASE ADDRESS BX = selector, CX:DX = linear base address Return: CF set on error CF clear if successful DPMI Services ax=func xxxxh SET SEGMENT LIMIT BX = selector, CX:DX = segment limit Return: CF set on error CF clear if successful DPMI Services ax=func xxxxh SET DESCRIPTOR ACCESS RIGHTS BX = selector, CL = access rights/type byte CH = 80386 extended rights/type byte (32-bit DPMI implementations only) Return: CF set on error CF clear if successful DPMI Services ax=func xxxxh ALLOCATE LDT DESCRS CX = number of descriptors to allocate Return: CF set on error CF clear if successful, AX = base selector DPMI Services ax=func xxxxh SET SEGMENT BASE ADDRESS BX = selector, CX:DX = linear base address Return: CF set on error CF clear if successful DPMI Services ax=func xxxxh SET SEGMENT LIMIT BX = selector, CX:DX = segment limit Return: CF set on error CF clear if successful DPMI Services ax=func xxxxh SET DESCRIPTOR ACCESS RIGHTS BX = selector, CL = access rights/type byte CH = 80386 extended rights/type byte (32-bit DPMI implementations only) Return: CF set on error CF clear if successful DPMI Services ax=func xxxxh GET PROTECTED MODE INTERRUPT VECTOR BL = interrupt number Return: CF set on error CF clear if successful, CX:DX / CX:EDX = selector:offset of handler DPMI Services ax=func xxxxh SET PROTECTED MODE INTERRUPT VECTOR BL = interrupt number, CX:DX / CX:EDX = selector:offset of handler Return: CF set on error CF clear if successful DPMI Services ax=func xxxxh SET PROTECTED MODE INTERRUPT VECTOR BL = interrupt number, CX:DX / CX:EDX = selector:offset of handler Return: CF set on error CF clear if successful DPMI Services ax=func xxxxh SIMULATE REAL MODE INTERRUPT BL=interrupt number CX=number of words to copy from protected mode to real mode stack ES:DI / ES:EDI = selector:offset of real mode call structure Return: CF set on error CF clear if ok num ptr value num value ptr n string1 n string1 n string1 n string1 n string1 n string1 string1 n n string1 name timer timeptr jump table for switch statement jump table for switch statement switch 4 cases switch jump jumptable 00112BBE case 0 jumptable 00112BBE case 1 jumptable 00112BBE case 2 jumptable 00112BBE case 3 default switch 4 cases switch jump jumptable 00112D90 case 0 jumptable 00112D90 case 2 jumptable 00112D90 case 1 jumptable 00112D90 case 3 default num value ptr format str out int format W?seekoff$:streambuf$n(lii)l doubtful name jump table for switch statement switch 4 cases switch jump jumptable 00113D75 case 0 jumptable 00113D75 cases 1,2 jumptable 00113D75 case 3 default jump table for switch statement switch 10 cases switch 10 cases switch jump jumptable 00114043 case 0 jumptable 00114043 case 1 jumptable 00114043 case 4 jumptable 00114043 case 6 jumptable 00114043 case 7 jumptable 00114043 case 8 jumptable 00114043 case 9 jumptable 00114043 cases 2,3,5 n string2 string1 n string1 n string1 n string1 n string1 n string1 num value ptr name num value ptr format str out int format str1 str1 str1 str1 str out str out s s s num out_regs regs out_regs num regs out_regs num regs DOS - 2+ - MOVE FILE READ/WRITE POINTER (LSEEK) AL = method: offset from end of file DOS - 2+ - WRITE TO FILE WITH HANDLE BX = file handle, CX = number of bytes to write, DS:DX -> buffer DOS - DPMI Services ax=func xxxxh ALLOCATE MEMORY BLOCK BX:CX = size in bytes Return: CF set on error CF clear if successful DOS - 2+ - ALLOCATE MEMORY BX = number of 16-byte paragraphs desired DOS - Novell NetWare - CLEAR FILE DS:DX -> ASCIZ filename DOS - 2+ - ADJUST MEMORY BLOCK SIZE (SETBLOCK) ES = segment address of block to change BX = new size in paragraphs DOS - 2+ - ADJUST MEMORY BLOCK SIZE (SETBLOCK) ES = segment address of block to change BX = new size in paragraphs DOS - KEYBOARD INPUT Return: AL = character read DOS - GET CURRENT TIME Return: CH = hours, CL = minutes, DH = seconds DL = hundredths of seconds DOS - GET CURRENT TIME Return: CH = hours, CL = minutes, DH = seconds DL = hundredths of seconds DOS - GET CURRENT TIME Return: CH = hours, CL = minutes, DH = seconds DL = hundredths of seconds DOS - GET CURRENT TIME Return: CH = hours, CL = minutes, DH = seconds DL = hundredths of seconds jump table for switch statement switch 8 cases switch jump jumptable 00118B86 case 7 default jumptable 00118B86 cases 0,1,5 jumptable 00118B86 cases 2,4 jumptable 00118B86 cases 3,6 Interrupt controller, 8259A. Interrupt controller, 8259A. Interrupt controller, 8259A. Interrupt controller, 8259A. Interrupt controller, 8259A. Interrupt controller, 8259A. Interrupt controller, 8259A. Interrupt controller, 8259A. Interrupt controller, 8259A. Interrupt controller, 8259A. Interrupt controller, 8259A. Interrupt controller, 8259A. DOS - CHECK STANDARD INPUT STATUS Return: AL = FFh if character available 00h if no character DOS - KEYBOARD INPUT, NO ECHO Return: AL = character jump table for switch statement default jumptable 0011B671 cases 1,5 jumptable 0011B671 case 0 jumptable 0011B671 case 6 jumptable 0011B671 case 7 jumptable 0011B671 case 8 jumptable 0011B671 case 9 jumptable 0011B671 case 10 jumptable 0011B671 cases 2-4 jumptable 0011B671 case 11 switch 12 cases switch jump - Multiplex - MS WINDOWS - Mode Interface - DETECT MODE Return: AX = 0000h if operating in protected mode under DPMI (INT 31 available) AX nonzero if in real/V86 mode or no DPMI (INT 31 not available) DPMI Services ax=func xxxxh GET DPMI VERSION Return: CF clear, AH = major version, AL = minor version BX = flags, CL = processor type DH = curr value of virtual master interrupt controller base DL = curr value of virtual slave interrupt controller base DOS - SET INTERRUPT VECTOR AL = interrupt number DS:DX = new vector to be used for specified interrupt DOS - SET INTERRUPT VECTOR AL = interrupt number DS:DX = new vector to be used for specified interrupt DPMI Services ax=func xxxxh SET REAL MODE INTERRUPT VECTOR BL = interrupt number, CX:DX = segment:offset of real mode handler Return: CF set on error CF clear if successful DPMI Services ax=func xxxxh SET PROTECTED MODE INTERRUPT VECTOR BL = interrupt number, CX:DX / CX:EDX = selector:offset of handler Return: CF set on error CF clear if successful DOS - SET INTERRUPT VECTOR AL = interrupt number DS:DX = new vector to be used for specified interrupt DOS - SET INTERRUPT VECTOR AL = interrupt number DS:DX = new vector to be used for specified interrupt DPMI Services ax=func xxxxh SET REAL MODE INTERRUPT VECTOR BL = interrupt number, CX:DX = segment:offset of real mode handler Return: CF set on error CF clear if successful DPMI Services ax=func xxxxh SET PROTECTED MODE INTERRUPT VECTOR BL = interrupt number, CX:DX / CX:EDX = selector:offset of handler Return: CF set on error CF clear if successful DOS - SET INTERRUPT VECTOR AL = interrupt number DS:DX = new vector to be used for specified interrupt DOS - SET INTERRUPT VECTOR AL = interrupt number DS:DX = new vector to be used for specified interrupt DOS - SET INTERRUPT VECTOR AL = interrupt number DS:DX = new vector to be used for specified interrupt DPMI Services ax=func xxxxh GET REAL MODE INTERRUPT VECTOR BL = interrupt number Return: CF clear, CX:DX = segment:offset of real mode interrupt handler DPMI Services ax=func xxxxh GET PROTECTED MODE INTERRUPT VECTOR BL = interrupt number Return: CF set on error CF clear if successful, CX:DX / CX:EDX = selector:offset of handler DPMI Services ax=func xxxxh SET PROTECTED MODE INTERRUPT VECTOR BL = interrupt number, CX:DX / CX:EDX = selector:offset of handler Return: CF set on error CF clear if successful DOS - SET INTERRUPT VECTOR AL = interrupt number DS:DX = new vector to be used for specified interrupt DOS - SET INTERRUPT VECTOR AL = interrupt number DS:DX = new vector to be used for specified interrupt DOS - SET INTERRUPT VECTOR AL = interrupt number DS:DX = new vector to be used for specified interrupt DPMI Services ax=func xxxxh GET REAL MODE INTERRUPT VECTOR BL = interrupt number Return: CF clear, CX:DX = segment:offset of real mode interrupt handler DPMI Services ax=func xxxxh GET PROTECTED MODE INTERRUPT VECTOR BL = interrupt number Return: CF set on error CF clear if successful, CX:DX / CX:EDX = selector:offset of handler DPMI Services ax=func xxxxh SET PROTECTED MODE INTERRUPT VECTOR BL = interrupt number, CX:DX / CX:EDX = selector:offset of handler Return: CF set on error CF clear if successful DOS - 2+ - IOCTL - GET DEVICE INFORMATION BX = file or device handle DOS - 2+ - GET FILE'S DATE/TIME BX = file handle num ptr value DOS - Trap to Debugger Timer 8253-5 (AT: 8254.2). Timer 8253-5 (AT: 8254.2). Timer 8253-5 (AT: 8254.2). PC/XT PPI port B bits: 0: Tmr 2 gate &#x(226, 'x');&#x(149, 'x');&#x(144, 'x');&#x(226, 'x');&#x(149, 'x');&#x(166, 'x');&#x(226, 'x');&#x(149, 'x');&#x(144, 'x'); OR 03H=spkr ON 1: Tmr 2 data &#x(226, 'x');&#x(149, 'x');&#x(144, 'x');&#x(226, 'x');&#x(149, 'x');&#x(157, 'x'); AND 0fcH=spkr OFF 3: 1=read high switches 4: 0=enable RAM parity checking 5: 0=enable I/O channel check 6: 0=hold keyboard clock low 7: 0=enable kbrd PC/XT PPI port B bits: 0: Tmr 2 gate &#x(226, 'x');&#x(149, 'x');&#x(144, 'x');&#x(226, 'x');&#x(149, 'x');&#x(166, 'x');&#x(226, 'x');&#x(149, 'x');&#x(144, 'x'); OR 03H=spkr ON 1: Tmr 2 data &#x(226, 'x');&#x(149, 'x');&#x(144, 'x');&#x(226, 'x');&#x(149, 'x');&#x(157, 'x'); AND 0fcH=spkr OFF 3: 1=read high switches 4: 0=enable RAM parity checking 5: 0=enable I/O channel check 6: 0=hold keyboard clock low 7: 0=enable kbrd PC/XT PPI port B bits: 0: Tmr 2 gate &#x(226, 'x');&#x(149, 'x');&#x(144, 'x');&#x(226, 'x');&#x(149, 'x');&#x(166, 'x');&#x(226, 'x');&#x(149, 'x');&#x(144, 'x'); OR 03H=spkr ON 1: Tmr 2 data &#x(226, 'x');&#x(149, 'x');&#x(144, 'x');&#x(226, 'x');&#x(149, 'x');&#x(157, 'x'); AND 0fcH=spkr OFF 3: 1=read high switches 4: 0=enable RAM parity checking 5: 0=enable I/O channel check 6: 0=hold keyboard clock low 7: 0=enable kbrd PC/XT PPI port B bits: 0: Tmr 2 gate &#x(226, 'x');&#x(149, 'x');&#x(144, 'x');&#x(226, 'x');&#x(149, 'x');&#x(166, 'x');&#x(226, 'x');&#x(149, 'x');&#x(144, 'x'); OR 03H=spkr ON 1: Tmr 2 data &#x(226, 'x');&#x(149, 'x');&#x(144, 'x');&#x(226, 'x');&#x(149, 'x');&#x(157, 'x'); AND 0fcH=spkr OFF 3: 1=read high switches 4: 0=enable RAM parity checking 5: 0=enable I/O channel check 6: 0=hold keyboard clock low 7: 0=enable kbrd Timer 8253-5 (AT: 8254.2). Timer 8253-5 (AT: 8254.2). Timer 8253-5 (AT: 8254.2). Timer 8253-5 (AT: 8254.2). Timer 8253-5 (AT: 8254.2). Timer 8253-5 (AT: 8254.2). PC/XT PPI port B bits: 0: Tmr 2 gate &#x(226, 'x');&#x(149, 'x');&#x(144, 'x');&#x(226, 'x');&#x(149, 'x');&#x(166, 'x');&#x(226, 'x');&#x(149, 'x');&#x(144, 'x'); OR 03H=spkr ON 1: Tmr 2 data &#x(226, 'x');&#x(149, 'x');&#x(144, 'x');&#x(226, 'x');&#x(149, 'x');&#x(157, 'x'); AND 0fcH=spkr OFF 3: 1=read high switches 4: 0=enable RAM parity checking 5: 0=enable I/O channel check 6: 0=hold keyboard clock low 7: 0=enable kbrd PC/XT PPI port B bits: 0: Tmr 2 gate &#x(226, 'x');&#x(149, 'x');&#x(144, 'x');&#x(226, 'x');&#x(149, 'x');&#x(166, 'x');&#x(226, 'x');&#x(149, 'x');&#x(144, 'x'); OR 03H=spkr ON 1: Tmr 2 data &#x(226, 'x');&#x(149, 'x');&#x(144, 'x');&#x(226, 'x');&#x(149, 'x');&#x(157, 'x'); AND 0fcH=spkr OFF 3: 1=read high switches 4: 0=enable RAM parity checking 5: 0=enable I/O channel check 6: 0=hold keyboard clock low 7: 0=enable kbrd PC/XT PPI port B bits: 0: Tmr 2 gate &#x(226, 'x');&#x(149, 'x');&#x(144, 'x');&#x(226, 'x');&#x(149, 'x');&#x(166, 'x');&#x(226, 'x');&#x(149, 'x');&#x(144, 'x'); OR 03H=spkr ON 1: Tmr 2 data &#x(226, 'x');&#x(149, 'x');&#x(144, 'x');&#x(226, 'x');&#x(149, 'x');&#x(157, 'x'); AND 0fcH=spkr OFF 3: 1=read high switches 4: 0=enable RAM parity checking 5: 0=enable I/O channel check 6: 0=hold keyboard clock low 7: 0=enable kbrd PC/XT PPI port B bits: 0: Tmr 2 gate &#x(226, 'x');&#x(149, 'x');&#x(144, 'x');&#x(226, 'x');&#x(149, 'x');&#x(166, 'x');&#x(226, 'x');&#x(149, 'x');&#x(144, 'x'); OR 03H=spkr ON 1: Tmr 2 data &#x(226, 'x');&#x(149, 'x');&#x(144, 'x');&#x(226, 'x');&#x(149, 'x');&#x(157, 'x'); AND 0fcH=spkr OFF 3: 1=read high switches 4: 0=enable RAM parity checking 5: 0=enable I/O channel check 6: 0=hold keyboard clock low 7: 0=enable kbrd Timer 8253-5 (AT: 8254.2). Timer 8253-5 (AT: 8254.2). Timer 8253-5 (AT: 8254.2). Interrupt controller, 8259A. Interrupt controller, 8259A. Interrupt controller, 8259A. Interrupt controller, 8259A. Interrupt controller, 8259A. DOS - 2+ - GET INTERRUPT VECTOR AL = interrupt number Return: ES:BX = value of interrupt vector DOS - SET INTERRUPT VECTOR AL = interrupt number DS:DX = new vector to be used for specified interrupt Interrupt controller, 8259A. Interrupt controller, 8259A. Interrupt controller, 8259A. Interrupt controller, 8259A. Interrupt controller, 8259A. Interrupt controller, 8259A. Interrupt controller, 8259A. DOS - SET INTERRUPT VECTOR AL = interrupt number DS:DX = new vector to be used for specified interrupt ptr num value jump table for switch statement jumptable 0011FE2F case 0 jumptable 0011FE2F case 3 jumptable 0011FE2F case 5 jumptable 0011FE2F case 6 default jumptable 0011FE2F case 4 switch 7 cases switch jump jumptable 0011FE2F cases 1,2 jump table for switch statement switch 4 cases switch jump jumptable 0011FF6C case 1 jumptable 0011FF6C case 0 jumptable 0011FF6C case 2 jumptable 0011FF6C case 3 default jump table for switch statement switch 12 cases switch jump jumptable 001202A7 case 2 jumptable 001202A7 case 1 jumptable 001202A7 case 4 jumptable 001202A7 case 7 jumptable 001202A7 cases 3,5,6,8-12 default num value jump table for switch statement switch 9 cases switch jump jumptable 001205B5 cases 3,8 default jumptable 001205B5 cases 2,5 jumptable 001205B5 case 0 jumptable 001205B5 case 4 jumptable 001205B5 cases 1,6,7 status jump table for switch statement switch 9 cases switch jump jumptable 00120788 cases 3,8 jumptable 00120788 cases 0,4 jumptable 00120788 cases 1,6,7 default jumptable 00120788 cases 2,5 Interrupt controller, 8259A. PIC 2 same as 0020 for PIC 1 AT 80287 latch clear. 'Busy' gets latched upon an unmasked 287 error. DOS - SET INTERRUPT VECTOR AL = interrupt number DS:DX = new vector to be used for specified interrupt DOS - SET INTERRUPT VECTOR AL = interrupt number DS:DX = new vector to be used for specified interrupt DOS - SET INTERRUPT VECTOR AL = interrupt number DS:DX = new vector to be used for specified interrupt DOS - SET INTERRUPT VECTOR AL = interrupt number DS:DX = new vector to be used for specified interrupt DOS - SET INTERRUPT VECTOR AL = interrupt number DS:DX = new vector to be used for specified interrupt DOS - SET INTERRUPT VECTOR AL = interrupt number DS:DX = new vector to be used for specified interrupt DOS - SET INTERRUPT VECTOR AL = interrupt number DS:DX = new vector to be used for specified interrupt DOS - SET INTERRUPT VECTOR AL = interrupt number DS:DX = new vector to be used for specified interrupt DOS - SET INTERRUPT VECTOR AL = interrupt number DS:DX = new vector to be used for specified interrupt DOS - SET INTERRUPT VECTOR AL = interrupt number DS:DX = new vector to be used for specified interrupt DOS - 2+ - GET INTERRUPT VECTOR AL = interrupt number Return: ES:BX = value of interrupt vector DOS - SET INTERRUPT VECTOR AL = interrupt number DS:DX = new vector to be used for specified interrupt DOS - SET INTERRUPT VECTOR AL = interrupt number DS:DX = new vector to be used for specified interrupt DOS - 2+ - GET INTERRUPT VECTOR AL = interrupt number Return: ES:BX = value of interrupt vector DOS - SET INTERRUPT VECTOR AL = interrupt number DS:DX = new vector to be used for specified interrupt DOS - SET INTERRUPT VECTOR AL = interrupt number DS:DX = new vector to be used for specified interrupt DPMI Services ax=func xxxxh GET PROTECTED MODE INTERRUPT VECTOR BL = interrupt number Return: CF set on error CF clear if successful, CX:DX / CX:EDX = selector:offset of handler DPMI Services ax=func xxxxh GET REAL MODE INTERRUPT VECTOR BL = interrupt number Return: CF clear, CX:DX = segment:offset of real mode interrupt handler DPMI Services ax=func xxxxh SET PROTECTED MODE INTERRUPT VECTOR BL = interrupt number, CX:DX / CX:EDX = selector:offset of handler Return: CF set on error CF clear if successful _DWORD _DWORD _DWORD _DWORD _DWORD _DWORD _DWORD _DWORD _DWORD COM: interrupt identification register bits: 0: 1=no interrupt pending 1: 00=receiver line status interrupt. Occurs upon: overrun, parity, or framing error, or break 01=received data available 10=transmitter buffer empty 11=modem status. COM: line status register bits: 0: 1=data ready (DR) 1: 1=overrun error (OE) 2: 1=parity error (PE) 3: 1=Bad stop bit in character 4: 1=break indicated (BI) 5: 1=transmitter holding register empty 6: 1=transmitter empty COM: receiver buffer register. 8 bits of character received. COM: line status register bits: 0: 1=data ready (DR) 1: 1=overrun error (OE) 2: 1=parity error (PE) 3: 1=Bad stop bit in character 4: 1=break indicated (BI) 5: 1=transmitter holding register empty 6: 1=transmitter empty Interrupt controller, 8259A. Video status bits: 0: retrace. 1=display is in vert or horiz retrace. 1: 1=light pen is triggered; 0=armed 2: 1=light pen switch is open; 0=closed 3: 1=vertical sync pulse is occurring. EGA: select overscan (border) color. Same rgbRGB as palette regs EGA: palette register: select colors for attribute AL: 0: RED 1: GREEN 2: BLUE 3: blue 4: green 5: red jumptable 00023676 cases 49,197 jumptable 00024000 cases 61,193 jumptable 0002474E cases 49,181 jumptable 00023676 cases 38,128 jumptable 00024000 cases 50,127,168,213,245 jumptable 0002474E cases 38,115,156,201,233 jumptable 00016A2E case 103 jumptable 00011F0A case 163 also known as msecs_per_frame jumptable 00016A2E case 178 This value marks the end of scanner_keys array jumptable 000B7F96 case 33 jumptable 0002B258 case 181 jumptable 000F455C case 56 also _tables_start jumptable 00023676 case 223 jumptable 00024000 case 219 jumptable 0002474E case 207 jumptable 00039E2A cases 42,65 jumptable 00039E2A case 111 jumptable 00039E2A case 111 jumptable 000D44BA case 142 jumptable 000D46EC case 134 jumptable 000D54BA case 55 jumptable 00011F0A case 70 jumptable 00016A2E cases 222,225 jumptable 00011F0A case 156 jumptable 000D44BA case 144 jumptable 000D46EC case 136 jumptable 000D54BA case 94 jumptable 000A07E9 case 39 jumptable 000A0B68 case 32 is it really 120? maybe less? PSX has 111.. jumptable 000490BD case 112 originally was just named `start` jumptable 00023676 case 31 jumptable 00024000 case 43 jumptable 0002474E case 31 jumptable 00011F0A case 222 jumptable 00011F0A case 229 jumptable 0004D973 case 183 jumptable 0002B258 case 215 jumptable 0002B258 case 106 jumptable 000C75B6 case 146 jumptable 000DC656 case 140 jumptable 00016A2E case 58 jumptable 000DC656 case 86 jumptable 0002B258 case 19 size of this is probably [653] size of this is probably [653] jumptable 000D44BA case 170 jumptable 000D46EC case 162 jumptable 000D54BA case 112 jumptable 00039E2A cases 34,57,190 jumptable 000A07E9 cases 176,204 jumptable 000A0B68 cases 169,197 jumptable 000D44BA cases 97,108,163 jumptable 000D46EC cases 89,100,155 jumptable 000D54BA cases 62,179 jumptable 00011F0A case 126 stores 5 textures, 0x10000 bytes each jumptable 000674D7 case 21 jumptable 000674D7 cases 68,105,118,130 jumptable 000674D7 cases 217,255 jumptable 000A07E9 cases 70,79 jumptable 000A0B68 cases 63,72 jumptable 000A07E9 case 126 jumptable 000A0B68 case 119 jumptable 000B7F96 cases 59,67,124 jumptable 000A07E9 case 122 jumptable 000A0B68 case 115 jumptable 0009DC62 cases 8,232 jumptable 0009DC62 case 171 jumptable 0009DC62 case 197 jumptable 000A07E9 cases 89,133 jumptable 000A0B68 cases 82,126 jumptable 000A07E9 case 165 jumptable 000A0B68 case 158 jumptable 000D54BA cases 91,206 jumptable 000A07E9 case 165 jumptable 000A0B68 case 158 jumptable 000D54BA cases 91,206 jumptable 000A07E9 case 165 jumptable 000A0B68 case 158 jumptable 000D54BA cases 91,206 jumptable 000A07E9 case 165 jumptable 000A0B68 case 158 jumptable 000D54BA cases 91,206 jumptable 000A07E9 case 165 jumptable 000A0B68 case 158 jumptable 000D54BA cases 91,206 jumptable 000A07E9 case 165 jumptable 000A0B68 case 158 jumptable 000D54BA cases 91,206 jumptable 000A07E9 case 165 jumptable 000A0B68 case 158 jumptable 000D54BA cases 91,206 the background desktop type; 0 = syndicate, 1 = zealot, 2 = unguided jumptable 000C75B6 cases 235,252 jumptable 0009DC62 case 149 jumptable 0009DC62 case 149 jumptable 00016A2E case 72 jumptable 00011F0A case 153 jumptable 000B7F96 case 31 this should have size of 32 this should have size of 32 jumptable 000DAA50 case 197 jumptable 000DC656 case 252 jumptable 000DAA50 case 200 jumptable 000DAA50 case 86 jumptable 000B7F96 case 226 jumptable 000EFF99 case 26 jumptable 000EFF99 case 31 jumptable 00039E2A case 150 jumptable 00039E2A case 107 jumptable 00039E2A cases 97,116 jumptable 000A07E9 case 94 jumptable 000A0B68 case 87 jumptable 000B7F96 cases 51,132 jumptable 00011F0A case 64 jumptable 00039E2A cases 16,135,164 jumptable 00039E2A cases 184,188 jumptable 00039E2A case 26 jumptable 000EFF99 cases 160,196 jumptable 000EFF99 cases 9,60,152,175,188 jumptable 000F455C cases 130,191 jumptable 000F455C cases 176,213,219 jumptable 000F455C case 178 jumptable 000F455C case 173 jumptable 000F455C cases 52,61,161,238 jumptable 000F455C case 248 jumptable 000F455C case 243 ; File Name : c:\SWARS\MAIN.EXE ; Format : Linear Executable (LE) ; Target operating system OS/2 ; Module Version 00000000h ( 0. ) ; Program Entry Point (CS:EIP) 1:000D581Ch ; Initial Stack Pointer (SS:ESP) 3:0009FFE0h ; DS Object 3 ; Heap Size 00000000h ( 0. ) ; Program Flags (00000200h): Application Compatible with PM ; ; Object Number : 1. ; Virtual Size : 0012D030h ; Number of Pages : 302 (present in the file) ; Attributes (00002045): Readable Executable PreloadPages Big ; OS type : MS DOS ; Application type: Console Executable Singlethreaded 32bit ; Object Number : 2. ; Virtual Size : 00000096h ; Number of Pages : 1 (present in the file) ; Attributes (00000045): Readable Executable PreloadPages ; Object Number : 3. ; Virtual Size : 0009FFE0h ; Number of Pages : 19 (present in the file) ; Attributes (00002043): Readable Writable PreloadPages Big ; Object Number : 4. ; Virtual Size : 00001B58h ; Number of Pages : 1 (present in the file) ; Attributes (00002043): Readable Writable PreloadPages Big inlined call memcpy cities.Info - sizeof(City) inlined call resave_salt_to_keys packet replay controls inlined call person_weapon_count Subtype=51 -> tank inlined call person_block_person inlined call person_scare_person inlined call process_stationary_shot inlined call person_go_plant_mine inlined call process_follow_person on PSX, laser type=38 has additional light effect Type=16, grenade Type=35, unkn35 Type=11,29,38, laser Type=28, laser unkn28 Type=31, air strike Type=19, laser elec Type=6, rocket Type=12, guided laser Type=15, mine Type=9, building Type=2, vehicle inlined call process_temp_light STType=5, static inlined call process_static inlined call process_carried_item STType=26, carried item STType=37, soul STType=52, fire STType=53, sfx STType=54, temp light STType=50, bang STType=30, time pod STType=32, canister STType=36, stasis pod STType=27, electric strand STType=20, intel. door STType=21, scale effect STType=22, nuclear bomb STType=24, smoke generator STType=25, mine STType=17, spark inlined call triangulation_init inlined call gengine_ctrl inlined call person_intel inlined call person_intel inlined call person_intel inlined call person_intel Subtype=51 -> tank Subtype=54 -> ship/shuttle Subtype=59 -> mech State=18 State=19 State=20 State=21 inlined call set_dome_col All the values below need to be shifted by +60 to get their real names inlined call triangulation_init_edges inlined call srm_scanner_reset inlined call show_main_screen inlined call is_a_scientist_mission inlined call check_mission_conds inlined call SCANNER_init_bbpoints inlined call load_city_data inlined call calc_pan inlined call W?find_handle_for_new_sample$n(llluc)pn$HeapMgrHandle$$ x33=MOUSE_INT inlined call vfx1_CleanUp ___dbgtrap ___begtext do_weapon_quantities_proper_to_player place_default_player move_matching_people_to_empty make_group_into_players unkn_truce_groups fill_netgame_agent_pos unkn1_handle_agent_groups do_weapon_quantities_proper do_weapon_quantities place_single_player simulated_level update_group_actions init_player main_ unused_func_068 draw_unkn_func_069 draw_sorted_sprite display_unkn14 init_engine process_engine_unk1 calc_mouse_pos process_engine_unk2 setup_engine_nullsub4 draw_mapwho_vect draw_mapwho_vect_len draw_e_graphic draw_e_graphic_scale sub_13A78 draw_pers_e_graphic sub_14058 draw_unkn_func_070 FIRE_draw_fire display_unkn25 draw_bang draw_shrapnel draw_phwoar unused_inlined_func_069 process_child_object do_car_glare draw_thing_object draw_rot_object draw_rot_object2 draw_object draw_hud_health_bar draw_hud_shield_bar number_player draw_unkn_func_077 draw_unkn_func_078 sub_1CAF8 sub_1E834 sub_1E998 sub_1EAE4 sub_1EC68 sub_1EE14 unused_func_070 sub_1EFB8 draw_unkn1_rect draw_new_panel draw_hud_lock_target_rocket draw_hud_lock_target draw_target_vehicle draw_target_person show_goto_point unused_func_071 draw_engine_net_text draw_hud sub_211B0 process_engine_unk3 unused_func_072 void display_drawlist(void) void display_drawlist2(void) check_mouse_overvehicle sub_24A2C sub_250A0 sub_25288 sub_25428 sub_25624 display_unkn2 unused_func_073 unused_func_074 draw_vehicle_health unused_func_075 draw_vehicle_shadow draw_effect_object_face display_unkn12 display_unkn10 display_unkn10b display_unkn24 display_unkn9b display_unkn23 display_unkn13 display_unkn16 display_unkn18 display_unkn6 display_unkn17 calculate_enginepoint_shade_1 calculate_enginepoint_shade_2 display_unkn9 display_unkn8 display_unkn11 sub_2A798 sub_2AAA0 unused_func_076 display_unkn22 unused_func_077 draw_screen draw_screen_0 transform_point unused_func_079 display_unkn4 draw_explode unused_func_080 animate_textures local_to_worldr sub_2E440 unused_func_081 rotate_thing_point unused_func_082 unused_func_083 fill_floor_textures read_primveh_obj sub_303FC sub_304F0 find_nearest_object2 load_missions unused_load_genvehic unused_load_weapon_defs unused_load_moddefs game_setup_sub8 sub_30A1C level_misc_update load_objectives_text unkn_f_pressed_func load_mad_console_0 search_things_for_index search_things_for_uniqueid unused_sub_31954 unkn_lights_processing unkn_buildings_processing new_thing_type10 fix_single_objective find_platform fix_level_indexes load_tmap_ani_unused save_tmap_ani_unused unused_func_086 thing_light_unkn_087_unused thing_light_unkn_088_unused thing_all_lights_unkn_089_unused change_current_map save_user_settings rewrite_cheats_in_keys_unused reload_salt_from_keys_unused save_crypto_transform1 save_crypto_transform2 save_crypto_transform3 save_crypto_unused_func_090 save_crypto_make_hashtable unused_func_091 unused_func_092 unused_func_093 unused_func_094 save_game_checksum load_game save_game open_file_from_wad load_file_wad read_conf_file unused_func_096 LbGhostTableGenerate_ LbGhostTableLoad_ PacketRecord_OpenWrite PacketRecord_OpenRead PacketRecord_Close PacketRecord_Write PacketRecord_Read show_black_screen play_intro void init_syndwars(void) load_pop_sprites_lo load_pop_sprites_hi load_multicolor_sprites smack_mfree unused_func_097 void setup_host(void) void host_reset(void) smack_malloc smack_malloc_free_all LbIffSave_ unsigned long get_highest_file_no(char *, char, char *) sub_36270 sub_3631C do_change_mouse do_rotate_map do_scroll_map weapon_select_input do_user_interface get_next_player process_send_person check_panel_button process_panel_state process_mouse_imputs game_graphics_inputs init_game_controls font_word_length load_packet build_packet build_packet2 build_packet3 build_packet4 change_brightness set_default_brightness read_palette_file draw_game init_game sub_3D904 game_process_sub08 game_process_sub09 copy_to_screen joy_input game_process_sub01 void input(void) unused_func_098 unused_func_099 unused_func_100 debug_check_unkn_sprite_size unused_func_101 unused_func_102 void game_process(void) sub_3E580 process_packets unused_func_010 unused_func_011 net_unkn_check_1 unused_func_103 unused_func_012 unused_func_013 also called get_mdec_data game_setup_stuff clear_unkn_func_014_unused set_default_user_settings load_user_settings update_unkn_changing_colors setup_color_lookups load_prim_quad unused_func_016 also called load_stuff_over_main void game_setup(void) void game_reset(void) unused_func_017 load_texturemaps free_texturemaps veh_add find_face_texture sub_41F44 unused_func_018 unused_func_019 sub_420F8 sub_421AC sub_4225C calc_object_height update_texture_from_anim_tmap setup_screen_mode draw_purple_rect critical_action_input draw_unkn_func_07 point_unkn_func_03 map_things_unkn_func_04 read_textwalk rotate_texture apply_full_light is_animating element_unkn_func_05 frame_unkn_func_06 apply_super_quick_light light_cmd_unkn_func_05 light_cmd_unkn_func_06 unkn_update_lights quick_light_unused_func_020 quick_light_unkn_func_04 quick_light_unkn_func_05 quick_light_unkn_func_06 quick_light_unkn_func_07 quick_light_unkn_func_08 quick_light_unkn_func_09 unkn_obj_faces4_lights_func_10 unkn_lights_func_11 also named newrand() LbRandomAnyShort also called no_sync_rand() LbRandomPosShort calc_normal calc_normal4 unkn_object_shift_03 unkn_object_shift_02 matrix_identity_fill matrix_transform unused_func_104 object_vec_normalisation vec_cross_prod rotate_object_axis rotate_obj unused_func_105 unused_func_106 unused_func_107 unused_func_108 add_node_thing add_node_sthing delete_node delete_snode move_mapwho move_smapwho gun_out_anim get_weapon_range choose_best_weapon_for_range calc_person_speed check_weapon set_person_animmode_walk set_person_animmode_run check_person_within change_player_angle set_interrupt_target person_drops_weapons find_alternative_player scare_civs alert_peeps peep_change_weapon stop_looped_weapon_sample set_person_dead init_recoil person_hit_by_bullet snap_razor_wire person_hit_razor_wire destroy_building bul_hit_building_thing bul_hit_vector do_move_colide check_for_people should_i_get_item check_for_other_people unused_calc_lighting_0 unused_func_109 calc_lighting nullsub_3 unkn_update_thing_to_light process_lighting_unkn1 create_intelligent_door process_random_speech person_move process_wander_and_fly process_wander set_angle_to_avoid_group process_avoid_group get_weapon_out check_until find_peep_in_area find_bezier_nav_point person_init_command person_goto_point_rel quick_can_see do_person_gotothingindex person_goto_point person_wait person_dieing person_vanish person_dead person_pickup person_weapon_count person_init_pickup person_unkn_start_get_item set_get_item do_i_have_weapon give_take_me_weapon send_another_player_peep person_init_get_item_fast person_init_get_item person_init_plant_mine_fast person_init_plant_mine plant_mine person_drop_item person_init_drop person_init_drop_special unused_func_110 unused_func_111 person_save_victim person_goto_person_nav person_persuade_person peep_return_to_point person_kill_target2 person_kill_person person_destroy_building person_block_person person_scare_person process_im_shoved unused_func_112 limit_mood process_stamina check_persons_target unused_func_113 check_persons_target2 get_soul process_soul player_weapon_time set_player_weapon_turn make_person_point_at_person process_weapon process_stationary_shot person_recoil person_poke person_burning person_run_away process_danger try_and_kill_target search_floor_for_item person_get_item person_go_plant_mine qdist_to_thing person_use_vehicle person_unkn_leave_veh person_catch_train person_wait_train process_follow_person process_support_person copy_owner_with_weapon shall_i_shoot_as_well process_protect_person persuaded_peep_get_item person_being_persuaded process_persuaded is_group_all_persuaded_by_me is_group_all_dead find_nearest_player find_nearest_from_group assign_next_target_from_group is_command_completed person_wait_vehicle process_knocked_out set_peep_comcur process_person apply_texture_to_face process_intelligent_door process_burning_static process_static inlined into process_things unused_inlined_func_114 build_same_type_headers process_shield process_time_travel process_carried_item process_sfx create_temp_light process_temp_light process_shield_anim process_things set_player_peeps_to_run thing_goto_point_rel_fast thing_goto_point_rel thing_goto_point_fast clear_player_protectors_paths thing_goto_point thing_goto_point_on_face_fast thing_goto_point_on_face init_lay_razor thing_shoot_at_point shall_i_change_to_fire_at_point thing_shoot_at_thing person_init_follow_person can_i_enter_vehicle person_go_enter_vehicle_fast person_go_enter_vehicle person_enter_vehicle person_attempt_to_leave_vehicle vector_in_way yank_from_vehicle person_leave_vehicle find_nth_weapon_held select_new_weapon call_unprotect make_peep_protect_peep call_protect call_protect_specific count_protect person_go_insane person_go_sleep inlined in process_person person_stop_insane find_nearest_person_min init_electricity_bomb player_change_person thing_select_specific_weapon person_hit_by_car person_self_destruct person_shield_toggle is_it_a_crap_weapon make_peeps_scatter kill_my_players unused_func_339 unused_func_338 unused_func_340 unused_func_115 do_shockwave check_for_radius_hit_person do_fvect_colide bul_path_end laser_hit_at check_col_collision_floor check_col_collision unused_func_116 check_big_point_triangle unused_func_117 unused_func_118 unused_func_119 unused_func_120 two4_line_intersection unused_func_121 unused_func_122 unused_func_123 remove_col_list_item dynamic_add_collision_to_single_mapwho dynamic_insert_vect del_col_vect_from_mapwho delete_vect get_my_texture_bits search_object_for_qface sub_5DBE0 unused_func_125 get_height_on_face get_height_on_face_quad set_thing_height_on_face64 set_thing_height_on_face set_thing_height_on_face_quad64 set_thing_height_on_face_quad inside_the_quad inside_the_triangle find_and_set_connected_face unused_func_126 unused_func_127 unused_func_128 del_thing_vectors_from_mapwho unused_func_129 tank_los sub_5FCF4 sub_5FE50 unused_func_130 sub_60130 unused_func_131 create_unkn_building_subtp27 unused_func_132 sub_6031C alt_at_point move_camera track_player track_y track_angle process_view_inputs gengine_ctrl show_game_engine calc_bul_offsets unused_func_133 sub_61628 sub_617F0 on_mapwho unused_func_134 not sure what vehicle Type=50 is, but thus applies damage only to such things apply_unkn_vehicle50_damage init_arrays_1 unused_func_135 unused_func_136 sub_62114 sub_6276C mapwho_unkn01 do_shockwave_vehicle do_shockwave_building do_shockwave_person do_shockwave_scale_effect add_static init_nuclear_bomb create_scale_effect explode_thing_object sit_on_my_face do_people_on_exploding_building explode_thing_building collapse_building do_explode local_rotate_point animate_explode unused_func_137 set_static_on_fire build_polygon_circle_2d build_polygon_circle build_time_pod build_stasis_pod unused_func_138 build_polygon_slice build_wobble_line build_electricity_strand build_electricity build_laser build_razor_wire do_beam_electric build_laser_beam build_laser_beam_q unused_func_139 unused_func_140 unused_func_141 unused_func_142 unused_func_143 unused_func_144 gproc3_unkn_null_func_3 build_continuos_slice_3d unused_func_145 calc_angle_rate build_laser_guided_piece build_glare check_unlock_target make_peep_flee search_for_danger inlined in find_target_from_group longest_range_weapon current_weapon_range get_target_priority find_a_target available_for_guard_duty set_guardian_to_save_victim find_best_guardian find_and_alert_guardian do_vect_colide can_i_see_thing can_i_see_building create_unkn_rocket_unused worth_killing kill_flags find_target_from_players find_target_from_persuaded_peeps find_target_from_group person_intel person_becomes_persuaded stop_being_persuaded unpersuade_my_peeps set_person_persuaded people_intel setup_host_sub6 flic_func_147 flic_unkn02 flic_creation_unkn01 play_smacker flic_unkn03 flic_netscan_open_anim init_weapon_anim sub_6EDB8 unused_func_148 sub_6F0C0 sub_6F38C sub_6F65C unused_func_149 thing_noop_unkn1 nop function test_open unused_func_150 draw_text sub_6F920 debug_level player_debug unused_func_151 show_message nullsub_7 unused_func_152 draw_line_transformed_at_ground unused_func_153 sub_6FD1C unkn_draw_transformed_point unused_func_154 sub_6FE80 sub_702C0 sub_705BC unused_func_155 draw_3d_map_corn_square sub_70A88 unused_func_156 draw_text_transformed_at_ground unused_func_157 sub_70D80 unused_func_158 draw_unkn1_bar draw_engine_unk3_last sub_711F4 unused_func_159 sub_71694 sub_71B90 gproc3_unknsub2 unused_func_160 sub_73C64 init_person_thing set_person_stats_type init_scanner init_memory engine_reset sub_743A4 init_traffic init_level_3d global_3d_store search_for_station train_related_func_01 sub_74934 sub_749FC unused_func_161 unused_func_162 clear_mission_status init_level unused_func_163 sub_7554C unused_func_164 replace_thing_given_thing_idx sub_756E4 create_item new_sim_person init_lists init_just_things init_things get_new_thing sub_75EF8 remove_thing get_new_sthing remove_sthing swoosh_veh remove_locks remove_locks_apart_from_agok can_the_tank_run_over flatten_vehicle check_tank_collision process_tank_stationary process_mech_stationary_UNSURE process_mech check_person_close process_tank process_stop_as_soon_as_you_can shadow_alt_at_point alt_at_point_under_height unused_func_165 flying_alt process_parked_flyer process_hovering_vehicle process_my_takeoff process_my_flying_vehicle process_my_land_vehicle process_my_crashing_vehicle start_crashing unused_func_166 start_landing continue_flying_wander start_goto_vehicle process_stopping check_for_a_moving_vehicle_here process_unstopping process_unplacing exit_pod inlined in process_shuttle_pod hilight_shuttle_slice inlined in process_shuttle_pod unlight_shuttle_slice process_shuttle_pod good_node one_good_choice get_next_tnode unused_func_167 process_next_vnav_turn set_vehicle_alt check_for_a_vehicle_here process_next_tnode thing_unkn_change_speed train_unkn_st18_func_2 train_unkn_st18_func_1 unused_func_168 check_two_vehicles check_vehicle_col move_flying_vehicle move_vehicle set_passengers_location unused_func_169 process_vehicle_goto_point_takeoff process_vehicle_goto_point_land scan_max_height_ahead process_vehicle_goto_point_fly person_clear_route_and_teleport_to_vehicle train_unkn_func_02 train_unkn_st20_func_1 set_xz_for_unkn3 unused_train_exit_func_2 train_unkn_st21_exit_func_1 unused_func_171 unused_func_172 process_tank_turret unused_func_173 process_vehicle init_vehicle_explode track_target init_mgun_laser shoot_at_target rotate_object aquire_target mounted_los process_mounted_gun set_object_flag inlined in process_dome1 set_dome_col do_dome_rotate1 process_dome1 used inline in process_gate1() init_gate_open used inline in process_gate1() init_gate_close apply_object_morph process_gate1 create_a_pod process_shuttle_loader process_building init_mgun_explode unused_func_174 unused_func_175 long Synd_nav_rulesA2B(long, long) long Unkn1_nav_rulesA2B(long, long) long Unkn2_nav_rulesA2B(long, long) long SHDIV14(long, long) triangulation_initialize void triangulation_allocate(long, long) triangulation_select triangulation_set_max_triangles void tri_dispose(long) long tri_new(void) void point_dispose(long) long point_new(void) triangulation_init_edges void triangulation_initxy(long, long, long, long) void triangulation_init(void) void triangulation_clear(void) void save_triangulation(void) long link_find(long, long) long pointed_at8(long, long, long *, long *) long point_loop(long, long) long triangle_contains8(long, long, long) long point_quad_status(long, long, long, long) void clear_find_cache(void) long triangle_brute_find8(long, long) long triangle_find8(long, long) long point_find(long, long, long *, long *) long edge_find(long, long, long, long, long *, long *) long triangle_findSE8(long, long) long edge_rotateAC(long, long) tri_split3 tri_split2 void edge_split(long, long, long, long) void line_intersect8(long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long *, long *) void insert_point(long, long) long reduce_point(long *, long *) long make_3or4point(long *, long *) void edge_collapse(long, long, long, long) long delete_4point(long, long) long delete_3point(long, long) void delete_point(long, long) void triangle_reppoint8(long, long *, long *) long fill_concave(long, long, long) void make_edge(long, long, long, long) void quad_split(long, long, long, long, long *, long *) void make_clip_list(long, long, long, long) void make_clipped_edges(long, long) void thin_wall(long, long, long, long, long, long) long triangle_area1(long) long triangulation_area1(void) void brute_fill_rectangle(long, long, long, long, char) void fill_rectangle(long, long, long, long, char) void tri_set_rectangle(long, long, long, long, char) triangle_get_points_xy_dist_div_3 triangle_get_relation_to_coords edge_points8 void tags_init(void) long triangle_route_do_given(long, long, long *, long *, long *) triangle_route_do_bak ma_triangle_route_given long triangle_route_do_unkn3(long, long, long *, long *) long triangle_route_do_unkn4(long, long, long *, long *) long ma_triangle_route_3(long, long, long *) distance_unkn_is_above_128 triangles_update_flags_unkn_1 long triangle_route_do_unkn5(long, long, long *, long *) long triangle_route_do_unkn6(long, long, long *, long *) long triangle_route_do_unkn7(long, long, long *, long *) long ma_triangle_route_3(long, long, long *, long *) long ma_triangle_route_4(long, long, long *) bfsQ_clear bfsQ_queue bfsQ_get void dfs_visit(long) long tree_to_route(long, long, long *) long dfs_search(long, long, long *) optimise_heuristic delaunay_step fringe_init fringe_scan fringe_get_rectangle triangulate_set_rectangle triangulate_area triangulate_map long fov_region(long, long, __8cl6tFOV *) route_to_path path_init8_thing path_init8_wide path_init8_tank path_init8_unkn3 point_new_from_top tri_update_active_limits tri_path_init8 unused_func_188_sub1 fatter_than_nothing triangulation_select_0 is_this_a_nice_place_for_a_picnic unused_func_188 make_triangle_solid triangulation_unkn_func_002 triangulation_unused_func_189 game_exit_unused game_vsync_unused game_conditional_exit_usused string_to_upper init_crater_textures create_crater unused_func_191 is_that_a_sea_texture unkstruct03_do_iteration unused_func_024 unused_func_025 unused_func_192 unused_func_026 unkstruct03_process sea_texture quick_crater reset_buffered_keys next_buffered_key LbIKeyboardOpen_ LbIKeyboardClose_ void KInt(void) find_the_tall_buildings convert_to_language show_unkn32_box show_unkn12 show_login_name show_net_unkn23 purple_unkn3_data_to_screen purple_unkn4_data_to_screen purple_unkn1_data_to_screen show_net_unkn21 show_net_unkn22 do_net_protocol_select show_net_unkn19 show_net_unkn25 show_net_unkn24 show_net_unkn27 show_net_unkn26 load_lost_wad_unused show_mission_stats show_unkn31_box show_unkn20 show_unkn21_box show_unkn04 show_unkn33_box show_netgame_unkn1 show_menu_storage_unkn37_box show_unkn29_box display_weapon_info show_weapon_name show_weapon_list draw_fourpack_slots show_weapon_slots show_agent_list show_blokey show_unkn18_box show_unkn36_box update_menus void init_screen_boxes(void) show_netgame_unkn_case1 show_unkn34_box show_netgame_unkn_case3 inlined in show_menu_screen show_main_screen show_pause_screen show_type11_screen show_mission_screen show_netgame_screen unused_func_303 show_research_screen show_equipment_screen show_cryo_chamber_screen show_date_time unkn_research_func_006 init_read_all_sprite_files aka show_main_screen() void show_menu_screen(void) void my_set_text_window(unsigned short, unsigned short, unsigned short, unsigned short) font_offset my_char_to_upper my_string_width my_preprocess_text my_count_lines draw_unkn20_subfunc_01 unsigned short my_draw_text(short, short, char *, unsigned short) unsigned long my_str_len(char *) flashy_draw_text update_player_cash do_start_triggers unused_unkn_bank_check_1 unused_func_262 unused_func_263 is_a_scientist_mission open_new_mission special code for before the moon level tweak_for_compound_mission_m88_m100 special code for before the orbital station level tweak_for_compound_mission_m84 delete_open_mission mission_over thing_arrived_at_obj unused_func_260 thing_arrived_at_obj_radius unused_func_256 unused_func_257 unused_func_258 unused_func_259 mem_group_arrived_square2 mem_group_arrived all_group_arrived_square all_group_arrived group_not_seen conditional_command_state_true draw_objective_point draw_objective do_near_blip do_group_scanner post_process_blips add_signal_to_scanner test_objective test_single_mission init_mission_states test_missions veh_heap_init veh_heap_add veh_heap_remove VNAV_find_nearnodes VNAV_unused_func_193 VNAV_qwertyuiop car_here VNAV_find_dropoff_point VNAV_find_start_dropoff_point VNAV_do VNAV_turn VNAV_there VNAV_can_i_get_there VNAV_goto VNAV_renavigate VNAV_process_bezier VNAV_unkn_func_207 VNAV_goto_and_unstop VNAV_goto_and_unpark VNAV_goto_and_unplace VNAV_init_new_traffic_system SCANNER_process_arcpoints SCANNER_init_arcpoint SCANNER_set_colour SCANNER_unused_func_194 SCANNER_init SCANNER_scanconvert SCANNER_draw_triangle SCANNER_draw_quad SCANNER_draw_unkn1_unused SCANNER_draw_road SCANNER_draw_object SCANNER_find_colour SCANNER_outline SCANNER_fill_in SCANNER_draw_mark_point3_blink1 SCANNER_draw_mark_point5_blink3 SCANNER_draw_mark_point7 SCANNER_init_bbpoints SCANNER_process_bbpoints SCANNER_unused_func_031 SCANNER_find_position SCANNER_unkn_func_196 SCANNER_draw_new_transparent SCANNER_unused_func_197 SCANNER_unkn_func_200 SCANNER_unkn_func_201 SCANNER_unkn_func_202 SCANNER_unkn_func_203 SCANNER_unkn_func_204 SCANNER_unused_func_198 SCANNER_unkn_func_205 SCANNER_unused_func_199 SCANNER_fill_in_a_little_bit SCANNER_clear bang_init unkn1_shrapnel bang_set_detail get_some_shrapnel get_some_phwoar give_some_shrapnel give_some_phwoar fillin_phwoar_type_info bang_new_new bang_new_0 bang_new block_screen_copy button_text info_box_text init_screen_box init_screen_text_box init_screen_button init_screen_info_box flashy_draw_purple_shape flashy_draw_purple_box flashy_draw_purple_text_box flashy_draw_purple_button flashy_draw_purple_info_box copy_box_purple_list draw_box_purple_list draw_text_purple_list2 draw_sprite_purple_list draw_trig_purple_list draw_triangle_purple_list draw_line_purple_list draw_flic_purple_list draw_hotspot_purple_list void draw_purple_screen(void) unused_func_200 unused_func_201 unused_func_202 unused_func_203 person_command_to_text unused_func_204 unused_func_205 unused_func_022 unused_func_023 find_next_ship_tnode process_ship send_ship_to swap_wscreen init_mech mech_unkn_func_02 mech_unkn_func_03 mech_unkn_func_05 process_mech_unknown1 init_unkn1thing mech_unkn_func_09 mech_unkn_func_08 mech_unused_func_206 mech_unkn_func_11 mech_unkn_func_15 mech_unused_func_208 mech_unkn_func_12 mech_unused_func_209 mech_unused_func_210 mech_unused_func_211 mech_unkn_func_13 mech_unkn_func_18 mech_unkn_func_07 mech_unkn_func_14 load_mech_dat mech_unkn_func_19 mech_unused_func_212 mech_unused_func_213 mech_unkn_func_20 unused_func_214 init_mech_explode process_unkn35 count_fnavs void navi_onscreen_debug(long) init_my_paths return_single_path do_next_navigate_index use_nav_data unused_func_215 set_xz_for_quad_unkn03 set_xz_for_quad210 set_xz_for_quad123 set_xz_for_tri build_navigate_path_to_person build_navigate_path_to_face build_navigate_path_to_face_xz build_navigate_path build_fly_path build_tank_path remove_path unkn_path_func_001 unused_func_216 unused_func_217 load_mad_console __init_unkn1 unused_func_218 unused_func_219 setup_mele debug_trace_place init_shoot_recoil weapon_sweep init_uzi init_long_range init_minigun create_time_pod create_stasis_pod init_time_gun init_stasis_gun init_c_iff angle_gun init_flamer create_electric_strand create_growing_e_strand create_another_strand process_electric_strand elec_hit_building process_tasered_person init_taser_person init_taser init_laser_elec unused_inlined_func_220 init_laser_q_sep init_laser_guided init_laser_beam init_air_strike process_air_strike init_fire_weapon init_razor_wire finalise_razor_wire update_razor_wire process_persuadertron init_mech_rocket process_vehicle_weapon a weapon consisting of double rocket and quad laser; removed from PSX version process_mech_weapon process_mushroom test_stuff process_nuclear_bomb process_canister process_smoke_generator process_special_drift_smoke angle_between_points napalm_person process_drift_smoke process_napalm_flame process_flame1 process_blood process_splash process_scale_effect init_rocket init_v_rocket init_grenade init_spark process_spark init_laser init_laser_6shot process_laser process_laser_guided process_laser_unkn1 process_laser_elec process_laser_unkn28 recalc_rocket_direction process_rocket process_c_iff process_mine process_grenade process_bang find_and_time_travel process_time_pod unused_func_221 find_and_stasis process_stasis_pod screen_dark_curtain_down traffic_unused_func_222 traffic_unkn_func_01 load_outro_sprites string_width_med2_font unused_func_224 sub_CC0D4 sub_CC59C sub_CC638 init_outro is_mission_active_in_city sub_CCE8C my_net_session_callback is_unkn_current_player net_unkn_func_29 unused_func_225 net_unkn_func_30 net_unkn_func_31 net_unkn_func_32 net_unkn_func_33 check_buy_sell_button font_height update_flic_mods init_next_blokey_flic draw_body_mods load_save_slot_names init_weapon_text load_netscan_data load_all_text load_city_txt load_city_data init_agents remove_agent add_agent update_mission_time purple_mods_data_to_screen show_alert_box find_closest_city reload_background user_read_value time_difference draw_weapon_slot show_unkn04_func_02 mouse_in_rect_adv mouse_in_rect free_slot LbDrawSlantBox init_variables srm_reset_research research_unkn_func_002 research_unkn_func_003 research_unkn_func_004 research_unkn_func_005 research_unkn_func_006 load_mail_text queue_up_new_mail dequeue_mail activate_cities activate_queued_mail delete_mail weapon_flic_data_to_screen purple_unkn2_data_to_screen blokey_flic_data_to_screen blokey_static_flic_data_to_screen SCANNER_data_to_screen show_title_box show_unkn38_box select_all_agents do_net_protocol_option do_net_unkn40 do_serial_speed_switch change_panel_permutation change_trenchcoat_preference do_unkn10_CALIBRATE do_unkn10_SAVE do_unkn10_CONTROLS alert_OK do_net_SET2 do_net_SET do_net_INITIATE do_net_groups_LOGON do_unkn8_EJECT accept_mission do_unkn1_CANCEL do_unkn2_ACCEPT do_unkn2_CANCEL do_sysmnu_button do_storage_NEW_MORTAL load_game_slot save_game_slot main_do_my_quit main_do_login_1 goto_savegame do_abort_2 do_login_2 main_do_map_editor brief_do_netscan_enhance do_unkn11_CANCEL do_buy_equip sell_equipment do_research_submit do_research_suspend do_unkn12_WEAPONS_MODS load_credits_and_sound person_func_unknown_310 fill_ail_sample_ids verify_ail_sample_ids create_sound_effect calc_pan snd_unused_func_230 snd_unkn1_volume_all_samples monitor_all_samples snd_unkn3_find_stop_sample play_dist_sample play_dist_ssample play_disk_sample play_dist_speech set_dist_volume FIRE_init FIRE_get_flame FIRE_give_flame FIRE_new FIRE_process_flame LbMemoryAlloc_ LbMemoryAllocLow_ LbMemoryCheck_ LbMemoryFree_ LbMemoryGrow_ LbMemoryReset_ LbMemorySetup_ LbMemoryShrink_ char split_arena(mem_arena *, unsigned long) void delete_arena(mem_arena *) int compare(mem_block *, mem_block *) unsigned long dos_alloc(unsigned long) void dos_free(unsigned short) BAT_draw_char unused_func_231 unused_func_232 unused_func_233 unused_func_234 unused_func_235 breakout_play_sub1 breakout_play_sub2 BAT_unknsub_28 BAT_unknsub_29 BAT_unknsub_30 BAT_unknsub_31 BAT_unknsub_32 BAT_unknsub_33 breakout_sub_DDAE0 BAT_unknsub_20 BAT_unknsub_21 BAT_unknsub_22 BAT_unknsub_23 BAT_unknsub_24 BAT_unknsub_26 BAT_unknsub_27 BAT_play FileNameTransformSW FileOpenInclCD HeapMgrHeader * heapmgr_init(char *, long, long) HeapMgrHandle * heapmgr_add_item(HeapMgrHeader *, long) void heapmgr_make_newest(HeapMgrHeader *, HeapMgrHandle *) long heapmgr_free_oldest(HeapMgrHeader *) long heapmgr_free_handle(HeapMgrHeader *, HeapMgrHandle *) void heapmgr_defrag(HeapMgrHeader *) void heapmgr_complete_defrag(HeapMgrHeader *) HeapMgrHandle * find_free_handle(HeapMgrHeader *) setup_heap_manager nullsub_10 sound_unused_func_0320 void process_sound_heap(void) void stop_sample_using_heap(unsigned long, short, char) SampleInfo * play_sample_using_heap(unsigned long, short, unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned long, signed char, char, char) HeapMgrHandle * find_handle_for_new_sample(long, long, long, char) long parse_sound_file(long, char *, long *, long, long) unused_func_309 process_things_unkn_sub2 process_things_bang process_things_mines_explode LbScreenSetup_ LbScreenIsModeAvailable_ LbScreenSetGraphicsWindow_ LbSpriteReset_ LbSpriteResetAll_ LbSpriteSetup_ LbSpriteSetupAll_ LbSpriteDrawScaled_ memset_ mem_putc_ sprintf_ joy_grip_init joy_grip_shutdown joy_func_067 joy_func_066 joy_func_065 joy_unused_func_251 joy_unused_func_058 joy_unused_func_059 joy_unused_func_057 joy_grip_unknsub_08 joy_func_063 joy_unused_func_055 joy_unused_func_056 joy_unused_func_054 joy_unused_func_053 joy_unused_func_052 joy_unused_func_049 joy_unused_func_050 joy_unused_func_051 joy_unused_func_044 joy_unused_func_045 joy_unused_func_046 joy_unused_func_047 joy_unused_func_048 joy_func_049 joy_unused_func_060 joy_unused_func_247 joy_unused_func_248 joy_unused_func_249 joy_unused_func_250 joy_func_251 joy_unused_func_061 joy_unused_func_062 atoi_ LbNetworkUpdate_ LbNetworkSessionList_ LbNetworkServiceList_ LbNetworkServiceStart_ LbNetworkExchange_ LbNetworkSessionStop_ LbNetworkReset_ LbNetworkSessionActive_ LbNetworkShutDownListeners_ LbNetworkOpenUpListeners_ LbNetworkSessionCreate_ LbNetworkSessionJoin_ LbNetworkHostPlayerNumber_ LbNetworkPlayerNumber_ LbNetworkPlayerName_ LbNetworkSetupIPXAddress_ LbNetworkSessionNumberPlayers_ LbNetworkSend_ LbNetworkReceive_ LbNetworkMessageSend_ LbNetworkMessageReceive_ LbNetworkSendNoWait_ LbNetworkReceiveNoWait_ LbNetworkInit_ LbNetworkDial_ LbNetworkAnswer_ LbNetworkHangUp_ LbNetworkReadConfig_ LbNetworkSetBaud_ LbNetworkSetSessionCreateFunction_ LbNetworkSetSessionJoinFunction_ LbNetworkSetSessionExchangeFunction_ LbNetworkSetSessionUnk2CFunction_ LbNetworkSetSessionInitFunction_ LbNetworkSetSessionDialFunction_ LbNetworkSetSessionAnswerFunction_ LbNetworkSetSessionHangUpFunction_ LbNetworkSetTimeoutSec net_unkn_func_12 switch_endianness_short _cstart_ _do_cstart_ __exit_ __do_exit_with_msg__ ___GETDSStart_ LbSpriteDraw_ LbSpriteDrawRemap_ LbSqrL LbDrawBox_ LbDrawBoxCoords_ LbDrawLine_ void draw_b_line(long, long, long, long, char) LbSpriteDrawOneColour_ LbDrawPixel_ LbDrawPixelClip_ LbFileExists_ LbFilePosition_ LbFileOpen_ LbFileClose_ LbFileSeek_ LbFileRead_ LbFileWrite_ LbFileLength_ LbFileFindFirst_ LbFileFindNext_ LbFileFindEnd_ LbFileRename_ LbFileDelete_ void convert_find_info(TbFileFind *) LbMousePlace_ LbMouseRemove_ LbMouseChangeSpriteOffset_ LbMouseChangeSprite_ LbMouseChangeMoveRatio_ LbMouseSetup_ LbMouseReset_ LbMouseSuspend_ LbMouseSetWindow_ LbMouseSetPosition_ long LbMouseUpdatePosition(void) void MouseHandler256(int, int, int) unsigned long adjust_point(long *, long *) unsigned long mouse_setup_range(void) long screen_place(void) long screen_remove(unsigned long) arctan time_ strrchr_ toupper_ strcmp_ tolower_ LbFileLengthRnc_ LbFileLoadAt_ LbFileSaveAt_ unused_func_237 LbFileMakeFullPath_ LbFileCopy_ int compare(char *, char *, unsigned long, unsigned long) LbPaletteFade_ LbPaletteStopOpenFade_ LbPaletteFindColour_ unused_func_239 set_smack_malloc_ set_smack_free_ play_smk_ long play_smk_direct(char *, long, long) long play_smk_via_buffer(char *, long, long) RADMALLOC RADFREE void copy_to_screen(char *, unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned long) InitAudio_ void prepare_SB16_volumes(void) void reset_SB16_volumes(void) void cbCDCountdown(unsigned long) GetCDCountdown_ GetCDAble_ unsigned short CDTrackPlaying(void) InitRedbook_ PlayCDTrack_ PlayCDChunk_ PlayCDFromTrack_ PauseCD_ ResumeCD_ StopCD_ NumCDTracks_ CDTrackInfo_ CDAudioStatus_ SetCDVolume_ GetCDVolume_ unsigned long ConvertCDTime(CDTime) CDTime ConvertDOSCDTime(unsigned long) IsCDPlaying_ CDTime CDHeadPosition(void) FreeCD_ StopMusicIfActive_ unused_func_305 GetNumberOfSamples_ GetSoundAble_ GetMusicAble_ GetSoundActive_ GetMusicActive_ GetSoundInstalled_ GetMusicInstalled_ GetStereoSound_ GetNumberOfSongs_ GetCurrentSoundMasterVolume_ GetCurrentMusicMasterVolume_ GetSoundDriver_ GetMusicDriver_ GetSelected95MidiDevice_ GetFirstSampleInfoStructure_ GetLastSampleInfoStructure_ GetSongHandle_ GetCDSpeed_ LbKeyboardOpen_ LbKeyboardClose_ LbKeyboard_ LbIKeyboardOpen__0 LbIKeyboardClose__0 LbDosKeyboard_ void KInt(void) LoadSounds_ void format_sounds(void) char load_sound_bank(long, char) AllocateSoundBankMemory_ void DeInitSoundBank(void) LoadMusic_ void format_music(void) char load_music_bank(long, char) AllocateMusicBankMemory_ sub_ED470 FreeAudio_ LbScreenSetupAnyMode_ LbScreenClearGraphicsWindow_ LbScreenClear_ LbScreenReset_ LbScreenLock_ LbScreenUnlock_ LbScreenSetDoubleBuffering_ LbScreenSetWScreenInVideo_ LbScreenFindVideoModes_ LbScreenSwap_ LbScreenSwapBoxClear_ LbScreenSwapClear_ LbScreenSwapBox_ LbScreenDrawHVLineDirect_ LbScreenWaitVbi_ atol_ __open_flags_ __doopen_ _fsopen_ fopen_ close_file_ freopen_ fputc_ fclose_ __shutdown_stream_ __hex_ __MkTmpFile_ __doclose_ SetMusicMasterVolume_ SetSoundMasterVolume_ IsSamplePlaying_ clock_ LbPaletteGet_ This one requires parameter on stack. LbPaletteSet_ StopAllSamples_ SetMusicVolume initrandnext_ rand_ srand_ unused_func_242 sub_EEA38 LbDataLoad_ LbDataLoadAll_ LbDataFree_ LbDataFreeAll_ LbVesaGetGran_ LbVesaSetMode_ LbVesaSetPage_ LbVesaGetInfo_ LbVesaIsModeAvailable_ __null_int23_exit_ exit_ _exit_ DangerMusicFadeTick DangerMusicFadeSwitch SetSampleTempo SetSampleTempoNormal ReleaseLoopedSample SetSamplePitch_ LbDrawTriangle_ LbTextSetWindow_ LbTextSetJustifyWindow_ LbTextSetClipWindow_ LbTextStringWidth_ LbTextWordWidth_ LbTextStringHeight_ LbTextDraw_ void put_down_sprites(char *, char *, long, long, long) cb_get_trigger_info StartMusic_ _dos_getvect_ _dos_setvect_ cget_string_ uncget_string_ vsscanf_ sscanf_ LbDate_ LbTime_ LbTimerClock_ memmove_ LbDrawHVLine_ SetSampleVolume_ SetSamplePan_ int386_ _nfree_ _nmalloc_ _nexpand_ __HeapManager_expand_ byteswap_ med3_ qsort_ strncmp_ creat_ setmode_ close_ open_ sopen_ __set_binary_ StopSample_ PlaySampleFromAddress_ __STOSB __STOSD __prtf_ getprintspecs_ evalflags_ far_strlen_ far_other_strlen_ fmt4hex_ FixedPoint_Format_ float_format_ formstring_ zupstr_ GrLink GrUnlink _searchenv_ __update_buffer_ fseek_ ftell_ fread_ spaceball/splib.c GETVECT_ spaceball/splib.c IsSpwVector_ FindSpwVector_ CallDriver_ SpwUnknown2 SpwUnknown3 SpwUnknown4 SpwUnknown5 SpwUnknown6 SpwUnknown7 SpwOpenDriver_ SpwCloseDriver_ SpwOpenDevice_ SpwCloseDevice_ SpwEnableDevice_ SpwDisableDevice_ spaceball/splib.c SpwGetForce_ spaceball/splib.c SpwGetButton_ spaceball/splib.c SpwSimpleGet_ spaceball/splib.c SpwSimpleOpen_ spaceball/splib.c ends SpwSimpleClose_ segread_ int386x_ joy_func_081 vfx1_unkn_func_13 VFX1MouseIntA VFX1MouseIntC VFX1MouseIntE VFX1MouseIntD vfx1_init vfx1_CleanUp2 vfx1_unkn_func_03 vfx1_unkn_func_04 vfx1_PutPalette vfx1_CleanUp VFX1MouseIntB vfx1_freeDOS vfx1_allocDOS vfx1_unkn_func_10 vfx1_unkn_func_11 vfx1_unkn_func_12 CallIPX_ CallRealModeInterrupt_ setup_bullfrog_header_ ipx_create_session_ ipx_join_session_ ipx_session_list_ ipx_update_ ipx_log_on_new_players_ ipx_add_new_player_ ipx_send_packet_ ipx_service_init ipx_shutdown ipx_get_packet_ ipx_exchange_packets_ ipx_get_players_packets_ ipx_send_packet_to_all_ long ipx_send_datagram_to_all(char *, long, char) ipx_backup_last_packet_ ipx_send_last_packet_ ipx_send_packet_to_player_ ipx_send_and_get_packet_ ipx_get_host_packet_ ipx_get_player_number_ ipx_get_host_player_number_ ipx_get_player_name_ ipx_add_player_to_session_ ipx_store_players_details_ ipx_shutdown_listeners_ ipx_openup_listeners_ ipx_stop_network_ clear_ipx_info_ ipx_send_packet_to_player_wait_ ipx_receive_packet_from_player_wait_ void backup_old_player_datagram(long, long, char *, long) void send_old_player_datagram(long) void increment_players_datagram_packet_count(long) ipx_network_send_ ipx_network_receive_ ipx_send_packet_to_player_nowait_ ipx_receive_packet_from_player_nowait_ is_header_valid_ long run_create_function(void) long run_exchange_function(void) long run_fld2C_function(void) long run_join_function(void) netsvc6_service_init netsvc6_shutdown netsvc6_create_session_ netsvc6_join_session_ netsvc6_session_list netsvc6_update netsvc6_unkn_func_18 netsvc6_unkn_func_17 netsvc6_exchange_packets_ netsvc6_unkn_func_16 netsvc6_unused_unkn_func_12 netsvc6_unkn_func_15 netsvc6_unkn_func_13 netsvc6_unkn_func_14 netsvc6_unkn_func_11 __init_unkn2 LbCommInit_ LbCommSetBaud_ LbCommDeInit_ void backup_serial_int_vectors(TbSerialDev *) void setup_serial_int_vectors(TbSerialDev *) void init_com_port(TbSerialDev *) LbCommExchange_ LbCommStopExchange_ read_char_ write_char_ void write_char_no_buff(TbSerialDev *, char) void lock_code_start(void) void com_handler0(void) void com_handler1(void) void com_handler2(void) void com_handler3(void) void handle_com(TbSerialDev *) void lock_code_end(void) long SetBps(TbSerialDev *, long) void SetDtr(TbSerialDev *, char) void SetRts(TbSerialDev *, char) void read_a_line(__iobuf *, char *) LbModemReadConfig_ LbModemInit_ LbModemDial_ LbModemAnswer_ LbModemHangUp_ LbModemRingType_ long get_modem_response(TbSerialDev *) send_modem_request void send_string(TbSerialDev *, char *) similar to dos_alloc, but has a 2nd argument void * AllocDosMem(unsigned long, unsigned short *) long run_exchange_func(void) net_unkn_callback1 net_unkn_func_02 net_unkn_callback2 net_unused_unkn_func_04 net_unused_unkn_func_05 inbuf_pos_inc handle_com_sub1 __CMain __InitRtns __FiniRtns __null_FPE_rtn __Init_Argv_ _SplitParms_ LbDrawBoxClip_ LbDrawBoxNoClip_ access_ tell_ lseek_ read_ write_ filelength_ _dos_findfirst_ _dos_findnext_ Watcom v9-*1.5 32bit DOS runtime _dos_findclose_ _dos_find_sub1 _dos_find_sub2 rename_ remove_ __getctime_ mktime_ UnpackM1_ read_long input_value input_bits make_huftable LbErrorLogSetup_ LbErrorLogReset_ LbErrorLog_ LbDirectoryChange__1 LbDirectoryCreate_ LbDirectoryCurrent_ LbDirectoryExists_ LbDirectoryRemove_ MSSLite_shutdown MSSLite_init SMACKSOUNDUSEMSS MSSLOWSOUNDVOLPAN MSSSMACKTIMERSETUP MSSSMACKTIMERDONE inlined call _AIL_ms_count MSSSMACKTIMERREAD MSS_func_unkn_01 MSSLOWSOUNDCLOSE MSSLOWSOUNDPURGE MSSLOWSOUNDOPEN doinit_ MSSLOWSOUNDPLAYED MSSLOWSOUNDCHECK MSS_func_unkn_02 SMACKWRAPCOPY SMACKWAIT SMACKSOUNDCHECK SMACKVOLUMEPAN SMACKSOUNDINTRACK SMACKTOBUFFERRECT SMACKGOTO SMACKGETTRACKDATA SMACKCOLORREMAP SMACKCOLORTRANS SMACKTOBUFFER SMACKTOSCREEN PutWidths_ SMACKNEXTFRAME timeframe_ SMACKDOFRAME doskip_ soundnext_ SMACKCLOSE SMACKSOUNDONOFF SMACKFRAMERATE SMACKSIMULATE SMACKOPEN GetFirstTrack_ soundopen_ setuptheframe_ gotoframe_ readframe_ blockread_ backgroundload_ smkmalloc_ getenv_ SoundProgressLog_ InitSound_ DetermineSoundType_ InitMusic_ fm_instrument_file_exists InitAllBullfrogSoundTimers_ SetupBullfrogSoundTimer_ ReleaseBullfrogSoundTimer_ StreamedSampleFinished_ InitStreamedSound_ FreeStreamedSound_ PlayStreamedSample_ MonitorStreamedSoundTrack_ SetStreamedSampleVolume_ StopStreamedSample_ SwitchOffStreamedSound_ void play_adpcm_streamed_sample(char *, long, long) void monitor_adpcm_sound_track(void) long allocate_buffers(void) void free_buffers(void) void monitor_mixed_sound_track(void) long mix_to_buffer(short *, short *, unsigned long, long, long) char * findfirstfile(char *, char *) signed char CDSpeedTest(char *) AILDEBUG_start_ _TIME_callback TIME_write_ _AIL_startup _AIL_shutdown _AIL_set_preference _AIL_lock _AIL_unlock _AIL_get_real_vect _AIL_set_real_vect _AIL_set_USE16_ISR _AIL_restore_USE16_ISR _AIL_disable_interrupts _AIL_restore_interrupts _AIL_call_driver _AIL_delay _AIL_background _AIL_read_INI _AIL_register_timer _AIL_set_timer_user _AIL_set_timer_period _AIL_set_timer_frequency _AIL_set_timer_divisor _AIL_interrupt_divisor _AIL_start_timer _AIL_start_all_timers _AIL_stop_timer _AIL_stop_all_timers _AIL_release_timer_handle _AIL_release_all_timers _AIL_get_IO_environment _AIL_install_driver _AIL_uninstall_driver _AIL_install_DIG_INI _AIL_install_DIG_driver_file _AIL_uninstall_DIG_driver _AIL_allocate_sample_handle _AIL_allocate_file_sample _AIL_release_sample_handle _AIL_init_sample _AIL_set_sample_file _AIL_set_sample_address _AIL_set_sample_type _AIL_start_sample _AIL_stop_sample _AIL_resume_sample _AIL_end_sample _AIL_set_sample_playback_rate _AIL_set_sample_volume _AIL_set_sample_pan _AIL_set_sample_loop_count _AIL_sample_status _AIL_sample_playback_rate _AIL_sample_volume _AIL_sample_pan _AIL_sample_loop_count _AIL_set_digital_master_volume _AIL_digital_master_volume _AIL_install_DIG_driver_image _AIL_minimum_sample_buffer_size _AIL_sample_buffer_ready _AIL_load_sample_buffer _AIL_set_sample_position _AIL_sample_position _AIL_register_SOB_callback _AIL_register_EOB_callback _AIL_register_EOS_callback _AIL_register_EOF_callback _AIL_set_sample_user_data _AIL_sample_user_data _AIL_active_sample_count _AIL_install_MDI_INI _AIL_install_MDI_driver_file _AIL_uninstall_MDI_driver _AIL_allocate_sequence_handle _AIL_release_sequence_handle _AIL_init_sequence _AIL_start_sequence _AIL_stop_sequence _AIL_resume_sequence _AIL_end_sequence _AIL_set_sequence_tempo _AIL_set_sequence_volume _AIL_set_sequence_loop_count _AIL_sequence_status _AIL_sequence_tempo _AIL_sequence_volume _AIL_sequence_loop_count _AIL_set_XMIDI_master_volume _AIL_XMIDI_master_volume _AIL_install_MDI_driver_image _AIL_MDI_driver_type _AIL_set_GTL_filename_prefix _AIL_timbre_status _AIL_install_timbre _AIL_protect_timbre _AIL_unprotect_timbre _AIL_active_sequence_count _AIL_controller_value _AIL_channel_notes _AIL_sequence_position _AIL_branch_index _AIL_register_prefix_callback _AIL_register_trigger_callback _AIL_register_sequence_callback _AIL_register_beat_callback _AIL_register_event_callback _AIL_register_timbre_callback _AIL_set_sequence_user_data _AIL_sequence_user_data _AIL_register_ICA_array _AIL_lock_channel _AIL_release_channel _AIL_map_sequence_channel _AIL_true_sequence_channel _AIL_send_channel_voice_message _AIL_send_sysex_message _AIL_create_wave_synthesizer _AIL_destroy_wave_synthesizer AILDEBUG_end_ GetCDTrackLength_ GetCDTrackStartSector_ is_daudio_track_ unsigned long mmssff_to_sector(unsigned long) unsigned short cd_mem_init(void) unsigned long cd_check(void) unsigned short cd_getheadlocationinfo(unsigned short) cd_getdevicestatus_ unsigned short cd_getaudiodiscinfo(unsigned short) unsigned short cd_getaudiotrackinfo(unsigned short, unsigned short) unsigned short cd_getqchannelinfo(unsigned short) unsigned long mscdex_version(void) unsigned short cd_getaudiostatusinfo(unsigned short) unsigned short cd_seek(unsigned short, unsigned long) cd_play_ cd_stop_ cd_resume_ cd_init_ GetCDTracks_ cd_start_da_play_ void report_cd_head_location(void) unsigned long time_diff(dostime_t, dostime_t) GetCDFirst_ int start_cd_track(char) FreeCDAudio_ SetCDAudioVolume_ GetCDAudioVolume_ StopMusic_ FreeMusic_ FreeSound_ LbExeReferenceNumber_ LbMemoryCopy_ LbMemorySet_ __set_EDOM_ __set_errno_ __set_ERANGE_ __set_EINVAL_ __set_doserrno_ __allocfp_ __freefp_ __chktty_ __ioalloc_ __flush_ getpid_ __close_ clock_value_ __clock_init_ __clock_ void cbfadesample(unsigned long) FadeSample_ StopAllSampleFadeTimers_ void cb_sample_queue_callback(_SAMPLE *) PlaySampleList_ StopSampleQueueList_ printf_ gets_ cget_ call_func2 __scnf_ get_opt_ scan_white_ scan_char_ scan_string_ report_scan_ makelist_ scan_arb_ scan_float_ scan_int_ radix_value_ cgetw_ _dos_getdate_ _dos_gettime_ __MemAllocator __MemFree __unlink_ __FreeDPMIBlocks_ __ReAllocDPMIBlock_ __LinkUpNewMHeap_ __LastFree_ RationalAlloc_ __CreateNewNHeap_ __ExpandDGROUP_ __AdjustAmount_ __nmemneed_ __IOMode_ __SetIOMode_ isatty_ _dosret0_ _dosretax_ __set_errno_dos_ utoa_ itoa_ void _no_support_loaded(void) ultoa_ ltoa_ __get_errno_ptr_ __get_doserrno_ptr_ getcwd_ strlen_ strcpy_ strcat_ fflush_ __qread_ fgetc_ __filbuf_ __fill_buffer_ store_STK __CHK __GRO __STK __STKOVERFLOW_ fprintf_ putch_ delay_ __int386x_ __int386x_sub1 _DoINTR_ _DoINTR_sub1 _stol_ strtoul_ strtol_ radix_value__0 stricmp_ strnicmp_ net_unkn_func_350 net_unkn_func_351 net_unkn_func_352 net_unkn_func_353 net_unkn_func_354 net_unused_func_310 send_exchange_info net_unkn_func_356 net_unused_func_035 net_unused_func_036 unused_func_037 wcpp_error_undfcnstr wcpp_error_undfmembr net_unkn_init_2 net_unkn_post_init_1 sub_10C989 net_unkn_sub_323 net_unkn_sub_324 net_unkn_sub_325 net_unkn_sub_326 net_unkn_sub_327 net_unkn_sub_328 net_unkn_sub_329 unkn_exchange_start unkn_exchange net_unkn_post_init_2 net_unkn_post_init_3 net_unkn_sub_332 net_unkn_unused_sub_333 net_unkn_unused_sub_334 net_unkn_sub_335 net_unkn_func_339 net_unkn_func_340 net_unkn_change_state net_unused_sub_336 net_unkn_func_337 net_unkn_func_338 __wcpp_2_module_dtor__ __7a4u3RO_STATE * fs_state_table(ro_dtreg *) void * fs_point_object(rw_dtreg *, unsigned int) void fs_init_traverse(__1j2o3bSTAB_TRAVERSE *, rw_dtreg *) void init(void) __wcpp_2_mod_register__ memcpy_ outp_ inp_ sti_ cli_ __7a4u3RO_STATE * fun_state_table(ro_dtreg *) void * fun_point_object(rw_dtreg *, unsigned int) void fun_init_traverse(__1j2o3bSTAB_TRAVERSE *, rw_dtreg *) void init(void) __wcpp_2_fun_register__ stackavail_ __CommonInit_ __doserror_ unlink_ __leapyear_ calc_yday_ check_order_ __isindst_ time_less_ __brktime_ _gmtime_ gmtime_ __CacheOSTZ_ tzset_ parse_time_ parse_offset_ parse_rule_ LbLogSetup_ LbLog_ LbLogClose_ LbLogSetPrefix_ LbLogDelete_ LbLogSuspend_ LbLogRestart_ mem_putc__0 vsprintf_ chdir_ mkdir_ stat_ at2mode_ rmdir_ DEFSMACKTIMERSETUP DEFSMACKTIMERDONE DEFSMACKTIMERREAD _DLL_read _MEM_use_malloc _MEM_use_free _MEM_alloc_lock _MEM_free_lock _MEM_alloc_DOS _MEM_free_DOS _VMM_lock_range _VMM_unlock_range _AIL_vmm_lock _AIL_vmm_unlock _DLL_size _DLL_load _FILE_error _FILE_size _FILE_read _FILE_write _FILE_append _AIL_fopen _AIL_fremove _AIL_fcreate _AIL_fread _AIL_fwrite _AIL_fseekbegin _AIL_fseekcur _AIL_fseekend _AIL_fclose _IsRemote _radgetfiletime _radsetfiletime AllocDOSmem_ FreeDOSmem_ CreateSelector_ GetDOSseg_ AWEGetTotalRAM_ AWEDefMemMap_ AWEGetSFInfo_ AWEStreamSample_ AWELoadPreset_ AWEFreeMem_ LoadAwe32Soundfont_ FreeAwe32Soundfont_ flushall_ __flushall_ setbuf_ open_adpcm_file_ close_adpcm_file_ get_adpcm_block_ long get_adpcm_mono_block(void *, void *) long get_adpcm_stereo_block(void *, void *) _AIL_API_lock _AIL_API_unlock _API_timer _set_PIT_divisor _set_PIT_period _program_timers _AILA_startup _AILA_shutdown _AIL_API_get_real_vect _AIL_API_set_real_vect _thunk_proc _AIL_API_set_USE16_ISR _AIL_API_restore_USE16_ISR _AIL_API_disable_interrupts _AIL_API_restore_interrupts _AIL_switch_stack _AIL_restore_stack _AIL_API_call_driver _AIL_API_delay _AIL_API_background _AIL_API_register_timer _AIL_API_set_timer_user _AIL_API_release_timer_handle _AIL_API_release_all_timers _AIL_API_start_timer _AIL_API_start_all_timers _AIL_API_stop_timer _AIL_API_stop_all_timers _AIL_API_set_timer_period _AIL_API_set_timer_frequency _AIL_API_set_timer_divisor _AIL_API_interrupt_divisor _AILA_VMM_lock AIL_start_ _AIL_driver_server _ASC_val _AIL_API_read_INI _AIL_API_set_preference _AIL_API_install_driver _AIL_API_uninstall_driver _AIL_API_get_IO_environment _AIL_API_startup _AIL_API_shutdown AIL_end_ _localtime_ localtime_ convDec_ _asctime_ _ctime_ ctime_ asctime_ AILSS_start_ _SS_start_DIG_driver_playback _SS_stop_DIG_driver_playback _SS_build_amplitude_tables _SS_serve _SS_configure_buffers _SS_attempt_DIG_detection _SS_destroy_DIG_driver _SS_construct_DIG_driver _AIL_API_install_DIG_driver_file _AIL_API_install_DIG_driver_image _AIL_API_install_DIG_INI _AIL_API_uninstall_DIG_driver _AIL_API_active_sample_count _AIL_API_allocate_sample_handle _AIL_API_release_sample_handle _AIL_API_init_sample _AIL_API_sample_status _AIL_API_set_sample_address _AIL_API_set_sample_type _AIL_API_sample_playback_rate _AIL_API_set_sample_playback_rate _AIL_API_sample_volume _AIL_API_set_sample_volume _AIL_API_sample_pan _AIL_API_set_sample_pan _AIL_API_sample_position _AIL_API_set_sample_position _AIL_API_sample_loop_count _AIL_API_set_sample_loop_count _AIL_API_start_sample _AIL_API_stop_sample _AIL_API_resume_sample _AIL_API_end_sample _AIL_API_register_SOB_callback _AIL_API_register_EOB_callback _AIL_API_register_EOS_callback _AIL_API_set_sample_user_data _AIL_API_sample_user_data _AIL_API_set_digital_master_volume _AIL_API_digital_master_volume _AIL_API_minimum_sample_buffer_size _AIL_API_load_sample_buffer _AIL_API_sample_buffer_ready AILSS_end_ AILSFILE_start_ _AIL_VOC_block_len _AIL_VOC_terminate _AIL_process_VOC_block _AIL_VOC_EOS _AIL_process_WAV_image _AIL_WAV_EOS _AIL_API_allocate_file_sample _AIL_API_set_sample_file _AIL_API_register_EOF_callback AILSFILE_end_ AILXMIDI_start_ _XMI_message_size _XMI_flush_buffer _XMI_MIDI_message _XMI_sysex_message _XMI_read_VLN _XMI_swap _XMI_find_sequence _XMI_read_log _XMI_write_log _XMI_send_channel_voice_message _XMI_flush_note_queue _XMI_flush_channel_notes _XMI_refresh_channel _XMI_init_sequence_state _XMI_rewind_sequence _XMI_update_volume _XMI_serve _XMI_attempt_MDI_detection _XMI_destroy_MDI_driver _XMI_construct_MDI_driver _AIL_API_install_MDI_driver_file _AIL_API_install_MDI_driver_image _AIL_API_install_MDI_INI _AIL_API_uninstall_MDI_driver _AIL_API_MDI_driver_type _AIL_API_set_GTL_filename_prefix _AIL_API_allocate_sequence_handle _AIL_API_release_sequence_handle _AIL_API_init_sequence _AIL_API_start_sequence _AIL_API_stop_sequence _AIL_API_resume_sequence _AIL_API_end_sequence _AIL_API_set_sequence_loop_count _AIL_API_set_sequence_tempo _AIL_API_set_sequence_volume _AIL_API_sequence_status _AIL_API_sequence_loop_count _AIL_API_sequence_tempo _AIL_API_sequence_volume _AIL_API_set_XMIDI_master_volume _AIL_API_XMIDI_master_volume _AIL_API_timbre_status _AIL_API_install_timbre _AIL_API_protect_timbre _AIL_API_unprotect_timbre _AIL_API_active_sequence_count _AIL_API_controller_value _AIL_API_channel_notes _AIL_API_sequence_position _AIL_API_branch_index _AIL_API_register_prefix_callback _AIL_API_register_trigger_callback _AIL_API_register_sequence_callback _AIL_API_register_beat_callback _AIL_API_register_event_callback _AIL_API_register_timbre_callback _AIL_API_set_sequence_user_data _AIL_API_sequence_user_data _AIL_API_register_ICA_array _AIL_API_lock_channel _AIL_API_release_channel _AIL_API_map_sequence_channel _AIL_API_true_sequence_channel _AIL_API_send_channel_voice_message _AIL_API_send_sysex_message AILXMIDI_end_ AILXDIG_start_ _XMI_write_log_2 WVL_search_ XDIG_set_volume_ XDIG_set_pitch_ _XDIG_TIMB_trap _XDIG_MIDI_trap _AIL_API_create_wave_synthesizer _AIL_API_destroy_wave_synthesizer AILXDIG_end_ unsigned short EAL_init_realmode_mem(void) unsigned short EAL_alloc_dos_mem(unsigned short) unsigned short EAL_free_dos_mem(unsigned short) __InitFiles_ __full_io_exit_ docloseall_ __qwrite_ intdos_ file_putc_ __fprtf_ __FDFS _heapenable_ sbrk_ __brk_ __exit_with_msg_ __wcpp_2_fatal_runtime_error___0 strncpy_ getche_ __delay_init_ __delay_ sub_118A40 net_int_unkn1_handler sub_118E64 sub_118E76 sub_118FF7 sub_119381 sub_119866 sub_119E23 sub_11A444 sub_11A46E sub_11AABF sub_11AB3C sub_11ABC9 sub_11ACC5 sub_11ACCB sub_11ADBA net_int_unkn2_handler sub_11AEBC sub_11AEF0 sub_11B220 getch_data_waiting getch_ sub_11B270 __wcpp_2_fatal_runtime_error__ __7a4u3RO_STATE * nextDtorPosn(__1j2o3bSTAB_TRAVERSE *) void dtorComponent(__iaap9DTOR_CMD *, unsigned int, rw_dtreg *, unsigned int) void destruct_traverse(unsigned int, rw_dtreg *, int) __wcpp_2_destruct_internal__ __wcpp_2_destruct_all__ __wcpp_2_destruct_after_all__ __wcpp_2_destruct_after__ __wcpp_2_base_register__ __wcpp_2_base_deregister__ __int23_handler_ __int_ctrl_break_handler_ __DPMI_hosted_ __restore_int23_ __restore_int_ __restore_int_ctrl_break_ __grab_int23_ __grab_int_ctrl_break_ fprtf_ strpbrk_ fstat_ _d2ttime_ strchr_ __setenvp_ _dos_read_ _dos_write_ setvbuf_ fgets_ _DC_0 _DC_1 _DC_16 _DC_17 _DC_18 _DC_19 _DC_24 _DC_25 _DC_26 _DC_27 _DC_32 _DC_33 _DC_36 _DC_37 _DC_48 _DC_49 _DC_50 _DC_51 _DC_52 _DC_53 _DC_54 _DC_55 _DC_56 _DC_57 _DC_58 _DC_59 _DC_60 _DC_61 _DC_62 _DC_63 _DC_64 _DC_65 _DC_80 _DC_81 _DC_90 _DC_83 _DC_88 _DC_89 _DC_90a _DC_91 _DC_96 _DC_97 _DC_100 _DC_101 _DC_114 _DC_113 _DC_118 _DC_115 _DC_116 _DC_117 _DC_119 _DC_122 _DC_120 _DC_121 _DC_123 _DC_126 _DC_124 _DC_125 _DC_127 _DC_128 _M_0 _M_1 _M_3 _M_7 _M_8 _M_9 _M_11 _M_15 _M_16 _M_17 _M_19 _M_23 _M_24 _M_25 _M_27 _M_31 _M_32 _M_33 _M_35 _M_39 _M_40 _M_41 _M_43 _M_47 _M_48 _M_49 _M_51 _M_55 _M_56 _M_57 _M_58 _M_63 _M_64 _M_65 _M_66 _M_67 _M_70 _M_71 _M_72 _M_73 _M_74 _M_75 _M_78 _M_79 _M_88 _M_89 _M_90 _M_91 _M_94 _M_95 _M_96 _M_97 _M_98 _M_99 _M_102 _M_103 _M_104 _M_105 _M_106 _M_107 _M_111 _M_112 _M_120 _M_121 _M_122 _M_123 _M_126 _M_127 _M_128 _M_129 _M_131 _M_135 _M_136 _M_137 _M_139 _M_143 _M_144 _M_145 _M_147 _M_151 _M_152 _M_153 _M_155 _M_159 _M_160 _M_161 _M_163 _M_167 _M_168 _M_169 _M_171 _M_175 _M_176 _M_177 _M_179 _M_183 _M_184 _M_185 _M_187 _M_191 _M_192 _M_193 _M_194 _M_195 _M_198 _M_199 _M_200 _M_201 _M_202 _M_203 _M_206 _M_207 _M_216 _M_217 _M_218 _M_219 _M_222 _M_223 _M_224 _M_225 _M_226 _M_227 _M_230 _M_231 _M_232 _M_233 _M_234 _M_235 _M_238 _M_239 _M_248 _M_249 _M_250 _M_251 _M_254 _M_255 _AILSSA_merge _AILSSA_DMA_copy _AILSSA_flush_buffer _AILSSA_VMM_lock __EnterWVIDEO_ sub_11F3F3 sub_11F49D sub_11F4B8 sub_11F547 sub_11F561 _chain_intr_ __wcpp_2_stab_entry__ __wcpp_2_stab_trav_init__ __wcpp_2_stab_trav_comp__ __wcpp_2_stab_trav_next__ __wcpp_2_stab_trav_move__ void callTerminate(thread_ctl *) __wcpp_2_corrupted_stack__ unsigned int typesigIndex(dispatch_exc *, unsigned int, rt_type_sig **) int dispatchableFnExc(dispatch_exc *, __iaap9DTOR_CMD *) void fneDispatch(dispatch_exc *) int dispatchableCatch(dispatch_exc *, __iaap9DTOR_CMD *) rt_type_sig * throwCnvSig(dispatch_exc *) int excToBePopped(thread_ctl *) void catchDispatch(dispatch_exc *) void catchDone(thread_ctl *, active_exc *) __wcpp_2_catch_done__ void unwindExc(dispatch_exc *) void unwindStack(dispatch_exc *) W?dispatchable$n_pn$dispatch_exc$$pn$rw_dtreg$$_$$TE$$ active_exc * getActiveExc(thread_ctl *) void dispatch_init(dispatch_exc *, throw_ro *, int) __wcpp_2_dispatchable__ __wcpp_2_save_exc__ __wcpp_2_dispatch__ void processThrow(void *, throw_ro *, int) __wcpp_2_rethrow__ __wcpp_2_throw__ __wcpp_2_throw_zero__ void longjmpExcPop(dispatch_exc *, rw_dtreg *) void longjmpDtoring(void *) void longjmpInit(void) __wcpp_2_dtor_array__ __sigabort_ __sigfpe_handler_ signal_ raise_ __setbits_ __wcpp_2_bit_test__ __wcpp_2_call_terminate__ rt_type_sig * catBaseSig(rt_type_sig *) __wcpp_2_ts_equiv__ _setjmp_ __wcpp_2_alloc_exc__ __wcpp_2_free_exc__ __wcpp_2_pop_exc__ __wcpp_2_push_exc__ default_handler_ __7a4u3RO_STATE * arr_state_table(ro_dtreg *) void * arr_point_object(rw_dtreg *, unsigned int) void arr_init_traverse(__1j2o3bSTAB_TRAVERSE *, rw_dtreg *) void init(void) __wcpp_2_arr_register__ abort_ __terminate_ __grab_fpe_ void terminate(void) __wcpp_2_ts_size__ __GrabFP87_ __Init_FPE_handler_ __Fini_FPE_handler_ __Enable_FPE_ __FPEHandler_ __FPE2Handler_ __FPEHandler_sub1 __FPEHandler_sub2 __FPEHandler_sub3 __FPEHandler_sub2_sub __FPEHandler_subx_sub __Phar_hook_init_ __Phar_hook_fini_ __DOS4G_hook_init_ __DOS4G_hook_fini_ __Ergo_hook_init_ __Ergo_hook_fini_ __Intel_hook_init_ __Intel_hook_fini_ __save_8087_ __rest_8087_ __init_8087_ _fpreset_ __chk8087_ _do_nothing_ __init_80x87 trig_ setup_vecs_ poly_line_ prop_text draw_gpoly_ LbSpriteDraw_1 LbSpriteDraw_2 DrawAlphaSpriteUsingScalingData_ SetAlphaScalingData_ LbSpriteDrawUsingScalingData_ LbSpriteSetScalingData_ LbDrawTriangleFilled_ _SmackInternal001 _SmackInternal002 _SmackInternal003 _SmackInternal004 _SmackGetSizeTables _SmackDoTables _SmackInternal007_sub1 _SmackInternal005 _SmackInternal006 _SmackInternal007 _SmackInternal008 _SmackInternal009 _SmackInternalSwitch1_case000 _SmackInternalSwitch1_case001 _SmackInternalSwitch1_case002 _SmackInternalSwitch1_case003 _SmackInternalSwitch1_case004 _SmackInternalSwitch1_case005 _SmackInternalSwitch1_case006 _SmackInternalSwitch1_case007 _SmackInternalSwitch1_case008 _SmackInternalSwitch1_case009 _SmackInternalSwitch1_case010 _SmackInternalSwitch1_case011 _SmackInternalSwitch1_case012 _SmackInternalSwitch1_case013 _SmackInternalSwitch1_case014 _SmackInternalSwitch1_case015 _SmackInternalSwitch1_case016 _SmackInternalSwitch1_case017 _SmackInternalSwitch1_case018 _SmackInternalSwitch1_case019 _SmackInternalSwitch1_case020 _SmackInternalSwitch1_case021 _SmackInternalSwitch1_case022 _SmackInternalSwitch1_case023 _SmackInternalSwitch1_case024 _SmackInternalSwitch1_case025 _SmackInternalSwitch1_case026 _SmackInternalSwitch1_case027 _SmackInternalSwitch1_case028 _SmackInternalSwitch1_case029 _SmackInternalSwitch1_case030 _SmackInternalSwitch1_case031 _SmackInternalSwitch1_case032 _Smacksub_13A830 _Smacksub_13A840 _Smacksub_13A84C _Smacksub_13A858 _Smacksub_13A868 _Smacksub_13A878 _Smacksub_13A888 _Smacksub_13A898 _Smacksub_13A8A4 _Smacksub_13A8B0 _Smacksub_13A8BC _Smacksub_13A8C8 _Smacksub_13A8D8 _Smacksub_13A8E8 _Smacksub_13A8F8 _SmackInternalSwitch1_case048 _Smacksub_13A914 _Smacksub_13A920 _Smacksub_13A92C _Smacksub_13A938 _Smacksub_13A948 _Smacksub_13A958 _Smacksub_13A968 _Smacksub_13A978 _Smacksub_13A984 _Smacksub_13A990 _Smacksub_13A99C _Smacksub_13A9A8 _Smacksub_13A9B8 _Smacksub_13A9C8 _Smacksub_13A9D8 _SmackInternalSwitch1_case064 _Smacksub_13A9F8 _Smacksub_13AA08 _Smacksub_13AA18 _Smacksub_13AA28 _Smacksub_13AA34 _Smacksub_13AA40 _Smacksub_13AA50 _Smacksub_13AA5C _Smacksub_13AA68 _Smacksub_13AA74 _Smacksub_13AA80 _Smacksub_13AA8C _Smacksub_13AA9C _Smacksub_13AAAC _Smacksub_13AABC _SmackInternalSwitch1_case080 _Smacksub_13AADC _Smacksub_13AAEC _Smacksub_13AAFC _Smacksub_13AB0C _Smacksub_13AB18 _Smacksub_13AB20 _Smacksub_13AB2C _Smacksub_13AB38 _Smacksub_13AB44 _Smacksub_13AB50 _Smacksub_13AB58 _Smacksub_13AB64 _Smacksub_13AB74 _Smacksub_13AB84 _Smacksub_13AB94 _SmackInternalSwitch1_case096 _SmackInternalSwitch1_case097 _SmackInternalSwitch1_case098 _SmackInternalSwitch1_case099 _SmackInternalSwitch1_case100 _SmackInternalSwitch1_case101 _SmackInternalSwitch1_case102 _SmackInternalSwitch1_case103 _SmackInternalSwitch1_case104 _SmackInternalSwitch1_case105 _SmackInternalSwitch1_case106 _SmackInternalSwitch1_case107 _SmackInternalSwitch1_case108 _SmackInternalSwitch1_case109 _SmackInternalSwitch1_case110 _SmackInternalSwitch1_case111 _SmackInternalSwitch1_case112 _SmackInternalSwitch1_case113 _SmackInternalSwitch1_case114 _SmackInternalSwitch1_case115 _SmackInternalSwitch1_case116 _SmackInternalSwitch1_case117 _SmackInternalSwitch1_case118 _SmackInternalSwitch1_case119 _SmackInternalSwitch1_case120 _SmackInternalSwitch1_case121 _SmackInternalSwitch1_case122 _SmackInternalSwitch1_case123 _SmackInternalSwitch1_case124 _SmackInternalSwitch1_case125 _SmackInternalSwitch1_case126 _SmackInternalSwitch1_case127 _SmackInternalSwitch1_case128 _SmackInternalSwitch1_case129 _SmackInternalSwitch1_case130 _SmackInternalSwitch1_case131 _SmackInternalSwitch1_case132 _SmackInternalSwitch1_case133 _SmackInternalSwitch1_case134 _SmackInternalSwitch1_case135 _SmackInternalSwitch1_case136 _SmackInternalSwitch1_case137 _SmackInternalSwitch1_case138 _SmackInternalSwitch1_case139 _SmackInternalSwitch1_case140 _SmackInternalSwitch1_case141 _SmackInternalSwitch1_case142 _SmackInternalSwitch1_case143 _SmackInternalSwitch1_case144 _SmackInternalSwitch1_case145 _SmackInternalSwitch1_case146 _SmackInternalSwitch1_case147 _SmackInternalSwitch1_case148 _SmackInternalSwitch1_case149 _SmackInternalSwitch1_case150 _SmackInternalSwitch1_case151 _SmackInternalSwitch1_case152 _SmackInternalSwitch1_case153 _SmackInternalSwitch1_case154 _SmackInternalSwitch1_case155 _SmackInternalSwitch1_case156 _SmackInternalSwitch1_case157 _SmackInternalSwitch1_case158 _SmackInternalSwitch1_case159 _SmackInternalSwitch1_case160 _SmackInternalSwitch1_case161 _SmackInternalSwitch1_case162 _SmackInternalSwitch1_case163 _SmackInternalSwitch1_case164 _SmackInternalSwitch1_case165 _SmackInternalSwitch1_case166 _SmackInternalSwitch1_case167 _SmackInternalSwitch1_case168 _SmackInternalSwitch1_case169 _SmackInternalSwitch1_case170 _SmackInternalSwitch1_case171 _SmackInternalSwitch1_case172 _SmackInternalSwitch1_case173 _SmackInternalSwitch1_case174 _SmackInternalSwitch1_case175 _SmackInternalSwitch1_case176 _SmackInternalSwitch1_case177 _SmackInternalSwitch1_case178 _SmackInternalSwitch1_case179 _SmackInternalSwitch1_case180 _SmackInternalSwitch1_case181 _SmackInternalSwitch1_case182 _SmackInternalSwitch1_case183 _SmackInternalSwitch1_case184 _SmackInternalSwitch1_case185 _SmackInternalSwitch1_case186 _SmackInternalSwitch1_case187 _SmackInternalSwitch1_case188 _SmackInternalSwitch1_case189 _SmackInternalSwitch1_case190 _SmackInternalSwitch1_case191 _SmackInternalSwitch1_case192 _SmackInternalSwitch1_case193 _SmackInternalSwitch1_case194 _SmackInternalSwitch1_case195 _SmackInternalSwitch1_case196 _SmackInternalSwitch1_case197 _SmackInternalSwitch1_case198 _SmackInternalSwitch1_case199 _SmackInternalSwitch1_case200 _SmackInternalSwitch1_case201 _SmackInternalSwitch1_case202 _SmackInternalSwitch1_case203 _SmackInternalSwitch1_case204 _SmackInternalSwitch1_case205 _SmackInternalSwitch1_case206 _SmackInternalSwitch1_case207 _SmackInternalSwitch1_case208 _SmackInternalSwitch1_case209 _SmackInternalSwitch1_case210 _SmackInternalSwitch1_case211 _SmackInternalSwitch1_case212 _SmackInternalSwitch1_case213 _SmackInternalSwitch1_case214 _SmackInternalSwitch1_case215 _SmackInternalSwitch1_case216 _SmackInternalSwitch1_case217 _SmackInternalSwitch1_case218 _SmackInternalSwitch1_case219 _SmackInternalSwitch1_case220 _SmackInternalSwitch1_case221 _SmackInternalSwitch1_case222 _SmackInternalSwitch1_case223 _SmackInternalSwitch1_case224 _SmackInternalSwitch1_case225 _SmackInternalSwitch1_case226 _SmackInternalSwitch1_case227 _SmackInternalSwitch1_case228 _SmackInternalSwitch1_case229 _SmackInternalSwitch1_case230 _SmackInternalSwitch1_case231 _SmackInternalSwitch1_case232 _SmackInternalSwitch1_case233 _SmackInternalSwitch1_case234 _SmackInternalSwitch1_case235 _SmackInternalSwitch1_case236 _SmackInternalSwitch1_case237 _SmackInternalSwitch1_case238 _SmackInternalSwitch1_case239 _SmackInternalSwitch1_case240 _SmackInternalSwitch1_case241 _SmackInternalSwitch1_case242 _SmackInternalSwitch1_case243 _SmackInternalSwitch1_case244 _SmackInternalSwitch1_case245 _SmackInternalSwitch1_case246 _SmackInternalSwitch1_case247 _SmackInternalSwitch1_case248 _SmackInternalSwitch1_case249 _SmackInternalSwitch1_case250 _SmackInternalSwitch1_case251 _SmackInternalSwitch1_case252 _SmackInternalSwitch1_case253 _SmackInternalSwitch1_case254 _SmackInternalSwitch1_case255 _SmackInternal010 _SmackInternal013 _SmackInternal014 _SmackInternal015 _Unsmack _SmackDoPCM _SmackGetSizeDeltas _SmackGetRect _SmackRemapTables ser_start_ sdebugColors word ptr [eax+Triangle.points+2] word ptr [eax+Triangle.points+4] word ptr [eax+10h+Triangle.points] word ptr [eax+10h+Triangle.points+2] word ptr [eax+10h+Triangle.points+4] word ptr (word_1DE0CA-14h)[edx]