# # USERS # Hellonico\Fixtures\Entity\User: user{1..10}: user_login (unique): # '(unique)' is required user_pass: 123 user_email: user_url: user_registered: first_name: last_name: description: role: meta: show_admin_bar_front: 'false' billing_phone: billing_country: 'IR' billing_state: billing_city: billing_address_1: billing_postcode: billing_email: '@self->user_email' billing_first_name: '@self->first_name' billing_last_name: '@self->last_name' # # ATTACHMENTS # Hellonico\Fixtures\Entity\Attachment: default (template): post_title: post_date: post_content: pics{1..3} (extends default): file: , 400, 400)> documents{1..2} (extends default): file: )> custom_images{1..4} (extends default): file: )> # # TERMS # Hellonico\Fixtures\Entity\Term: category{1..10}: name (unique): # '(unique)' is required description: parent: '50%? ' # 50% of created categories will have a top level parent category taxonomy: 'category' # could be skipped, default to 'category' tag{1..5}: name (unique): # '(unique)' is required description: taxonomy: 'post_tag' product_cat{1..5}: # custom taxonomy name (unique): # '(unique)' is required description: taxonomy: 'product_cat' # # POSTS # Hellonico\Fixtures\Entity\Post: # TEMPLATE defaultpost (template): post_title: post_date: post_content: post_excerpt: # POSTS post{1..30} (extends defaultpost): meta: _thumbnail_id: '@custom_images*->ID' meta_input: _extra_field: post_category: '3x @category*->term_id' # post_category only accepts IDs tax_input: post_tag: '2x @tag*->term_id' # post_tag: '5x # Or tags can be dynamically created # PAGES page{contact, privacy} (extends defaultpost): post_title: post_type: page # CUSTOM POST TYPE product{1..15} (extends defaultpost): post_type: product meta: _thumbnail_id: '@custom_images*->ID' meta_input: _sku: _price: _stock_status: 'instock' _manage_stock: 'yes' _stock: # # COMMENTS # Hellonico\Fixtures\Entity\Comment: comment{1..50}: comment_post_ID: '@post*->ID' user_id: '@user*->ID' comment_date: comment_author: comment_author_email: comment_author_url: comment_content: comment_agent: comment_author_IP: comment_approved: 1 comment_karma: comment_meta: some_key: meta: another_key: