--- title: "Enter the title of the document" #url: Set the relative URL of the document; after the name of the main directory/product the document is in, use the document title; example for document titled my-new-page.md, in refguide directory: /refguide/my-new-page/ #linktitle: Enter a short title to be used in the left side menu; increases readability and navigation through the menu #weight: Enter the position of the document compared to other 'child' documents at the same level; number by 10 (for first), 20, 30, etc. for easy ordering of other documents in the future if necessary; don't add brackets or quotation marks #description: "Set a description with a maximum of 140 characters; this should describe what the goal of the document is, and it can be different from the document introduction; this is optional, and it can be removed" #draft: Set to true if page should not appear in production --- ## 1 Introduction {Describe what this how-to will cover and what the user will learn.} This how-to teaches you how to do the following: * Create... * Build... * Configure... ## 2 Prerequisites {If there are no prerequisites, leave this section out} Before starting this how-to, make sure you have completed the following prerequisites: * {Prerequisite 1} * {Prerequisite 2} ## 3 {Title of Section Using Present Participle Verb/Gerund} To {do this task}, follow these steps: 1. {Step 1} 2. {Step 2} {{< figure src="/attachments/rest-of-image-path/image-name-and-extension" >}} ### 3.1 {Title of Sub-Section} {Use sub-sections for more detail.} ## 4 Read More * {Link 1} * {Link2} – {an explanation when necessary especially if this is a third-party link} {Make sure this section contains a bulleted list only with explanations where necessary. Do not just repeat cross-references you used throughout the document, but list useful supplementary links here.}