{# ***Begin Custom Options*** Set any of the options in this section from 'false' to 'true' in order to enable them in the template #} {% set vendor_number = false %} {# Display Vendor ID (if available) above Description #} {% set show_custom_sku = false %} {# Display Custom SKU (if available) above Description #} {% set show_manufacturer_sku = false %} {# Display Manufacturer SKU (if available) above Description #} {% set show_upc_code = false %} {# Display the UPC code at the top of the receipt (using UPC codes in barcode does not work) #} {% set show_date = false %} {# Display todays date above description (ddmmyy formatting) #} {% set price_with_no_cents = false %} {# Remove cents from being displayed in price #} {% set date_format = 'mdy' %} {# Format the date is shown in if show_date is enabled. m = 2 digit month, d = 2 digit day, y = 2 digit year, Y = 4 digit year #} {% set hide_price = false %} {# Remove the price from displaying on label #} {% set hide_description = false %} {# Remove the description from displaying on label #} {% set hide_barcode = false %} {# Remove the barcode from displaying on label #} {% set hide_barcode_sku = false %} {# Remove the System ID from displaying at the bottom of barcdoes #} {# Enter Category IDs (found in Settings > Categories by clicking on the desired Category and looking at the id=number at in the URL for the Category) into the appropriate section, separated by commas and enclosed in single quotes #} {% set normal_label_categories = [''] %} {% set alt_label_categories = [''] %} {% set small_label_categories = [''] %} {% set jewelry_label_categories = [''] %} {# Normal Label (2.25x1.25) settings #} {% set normal_description_font_size = '9pt' %} {# Default is 9pt #} {% set normal_price_font_size = '12pt' %} {# Default is 12pt #} {# Use the following if adjustments to the label position are needed. Positive and negative numbers work #} {% set normal_top_margin = '0px' %} {% set normal_right_margin = '0px' %} {% set normal_bottom_margin = '0px' %} {% set normal_left_margin = '0px' %} {# For Vertical: Negative numbers move up, positive move down For Horizontal: Negative numbers move right, positive move left #} {% set normal_barcode_vertical = '0px' %} {% set normal_barcode_horizontal = '0px' %} {# Alt. Label (2.00x1.00) settings #} {% set alt_description_font_size = '9pt' %} {# Default is 9pt #} {% set alt_price_font_size = '12pt' %} {# Default is 12pt #} {# Use the following if adjustments to the label position are needed. Positive and negative numbers work #} {% set alt_top_margin = '0px' %} {% set alt_right_margin = '0px' %} {% set alt_bottom_margin = '0px' %} {% set alt_left_margin = '0px' %} {# For Vertical: Negative numbers move up, positive move down For Horizontal: Negative numbers move right, positive move left #} {% set alt_barcode_vertical = '0px' %} {% set alt_barcode_horizontal = '0px' %} {# Small Label (1.25x1.00) settings #} {% set small_description_font_size = '9pt' %} {# Default is 9pt #} {% set small_price_font_size = '7pt' %} {# Default is 7pt #} {# Use the following if adjustments to the label position are needed. Positive and negative numbers work #} {% set small_top_margin = '0px' %} {% set small_right_margin = '0px' %} {% set small_bottom_margin = '0px' %} {% set small_left_margin = '0px' %} {# For Vertical: Negative numbers move up, positive move down For Horizontal: Negative numbers move right, positive move left #} {% set small_barcode_vertical = '0px' %} {% set small_barcode_horizontal = '0px' %} {# Jewelry Label (2.20x.50) settings #} {% set jewelry_description_font_size = '7.5pt' %} {# Default is 7.5pt #} {% set jewelry_price_font_size = '6pt' %} {# Default is 6pt #} {# Use the following if adjustments to the label position are needed. Positive and negative numbers work #} {% set jewelry_top_margin = '0px' %} {% set jewelry_right_margin = '0px' %} {% set jewelry_bottom_margin = '0px' %} {% set jewelry_left_margin = '0px' %} {# For Vertical: Negative numbers move up, positive move down For Horizontal: Negative numbers move right, positive move left #} {% set jewelry_description_vertical = '0px' %} {% set jewelry_description_horizontal = '0px' %} {% set jewelry_price_vertical = '0px' %} {% set jewelry_price_horizontal = '0px' %} {% set jewelry_barcode_vertical = '0px' %} {% set jewelry_barcode_horizontal = '0px' %} {# ***End Custom Options*** #} {% extends parameters.print ? "printbase" : "base" %} {% block style %} {% endblock %} {% block content %}
{% for Label in Labels %} {% for copy in 1..Label.copies %} {% set size_specified = false %} {% for category in normal_label_categories %} {% if category == Label.Item.categoryID %}
{% set size_specified = true %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% for category in alt_label_categories %} {% if category == Label.Item.categoryID %}
{% set size_specified = true %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% for category in small_label_categories %} {% if category == Label.Item.categoryID %}
{% set size_specified = true %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% for category in jewelry_label_categories %} {% if category == Label.Item.categoryID %}
{% set size_specified = true %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% if size_specified == false %}
{% endif %}

{{ Label.MetaData.title }}

{% if hide_price == false %} {% if Label.MetaData.price > 0 %}
{% if price_with_no_cents == true %}

{{ Label.MetaData.currency_symbol }}{{ Label.MetaData.price|number_format(0, '', '')|raw }}

{% else %}

{{ Label.MetaData.price|money|htmlparsemoney|raw }}

{% endif %} {% if Label.MetaData.msrp %}

MSRP {{ Label.MetaData.msrp|money }}

{% endif %}
{% endif %} {% endif %}

{% if show_date == true %} {{"now"|date(date_format)}} {% endif %} {% if vendor_number == true %} {% for ItemVendorNum in Label.Item.ItemVendorNums.ItemVendorNum %} {% if Label.Item.defaultVendorID+0 == ItemVendorNum.vendorID+0 %} {{ ItemVendorNum.value }} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% endif %} {% if show_upc_code == true %} {% if Label.Item.upc|strlen > 0 %} {{ Label.Item.upc }} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% if show_custom_sku == true %} {% if Label.Item.customSku|strlen > 0 %} {{ Label.Item.customSku }} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% if show_manufacturer_sku == true %} {% if Label.Item.manufacturerSku|strlen > 0 %} {{ Label.Item.manufacturerSku }} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% if hide_description == false %} {{ Label.Item.description|strreplace('_',' ') }} {% endif %}

{% if hide_barcode == false %} {% if hide_barcode_sku == true %} {% set hide_text = 1 %} {% else %} {% set hide_text = 0 %} {% endif %} {% endif %}
{% endfor %} {% endfor %}
{% endblock content %}