{# ***Begin Custom Options*** Toggle any of the options in this section between 'false' and 'true' in order to enable/disable them in the template #} {# Layout Adjustments #} {% set print_layout = parameters.print_layout == "true" ? true : false %} {# Improves receipt layout for large display/paper size (A4/Letter/Email) #} {% set chrome_right_margin_fix = false %} {# Fixes a potential issue where the right side of receipts are cut off in Chrome #} {% set firefox_margin_fix = false %} {# Fixes issue with margins cutting off when printing on a letter printer on a Mac #} {# Sale #} {% set hide_register_name = false %} {# Hide the Register Name on Sales #} {% set hide_employee_name = false %} {# Hide the Employee Name on Sales #} {% set hide_shop_vat_number = false %} {# Hide the Shop VAT Number on Sales #} {% set hide_shop_registration_number = false %} {# Hide the Shop Registration Number on Sales #} {% set hide_customer_vat_number = false %} {# Hide the Customer VAT Number on Sales #} {% set hide_customer_registration_number = false %} {# Hide the Customer Registration Number on Sales #} {% set sale_id_instead_of_ticket_number = true %} {# Displays the Sale ID instead of the Ticket Number #} {% set invoice_as_title = parameters.invoice_as_title == "true" ? true : false %} {# If print_layout is true, "Invoice" will be displayed instead of "Sales Receipt" on A4/Letter/Email formats #} {% set workorders_as_title = false %} {# Changes the receipt title to "Work Orders" if there is no Salesline items and 1 or more workorders #} {% set quote_id_prefix = "" %} {# Adds a string of text as a prefix for the Quote ID. Ex: "Q-". To be used when "sale_id_instead_of_ticket_number" is true #} {% set sale_id_prefix = "" %} {# Adds a string of text as a prefix for the Sales ID. Ex: "S-". To be used when "sale_id_instead_of_ticket_number" is true #} {% set hide_notes_in_sale_receipt = false %} {# Hide the printed note in the sale receipt, if any #} {% set hide_notes_in_gift_receipt = false %} {# Hide the printed note in the gift receipt, if any #} {# Item Lines #} {% set per_line_discount = false %} {# Displays Discounts on each Sale Line #} {% set per_line_subtotal = false %} {# Displays Subtotals for each Sale Line (ex: "1 x 5.00") #} {% set discounted_line_items = false %} {# Strikes out the original price and displays the discounted price on each Sale Line #} {% set per_line_employee = false %} {# Display Employee for each Sale line #} {% set show_custom_sku = false %} {# Adds SKU column for Custom SKU, if available, on each Sale Line #} {% set show_manufacturer_sku = false %} {# Adds SKU column for Manufacturer SKU, if available, on each Sale Line #} {% set show_msrp = false %} {# Adds MSRP column for the items MSRP, if available, on each Sale Line #} {# Misc. Adjustments #} {% set show_shop_name_with_logo = false %} {# Displays the Shop Name under the Shop Logo #} {% set show_thank_you = true %} {# Displays "Vielen Dank !" above bottom barcode #} {% set show_transaction_item_count = false %} {# Gives a total quantity of items sold near the bottom of the receipt #} {% set show_sale_lines_on_store_copy = true %} {# Shows Sale Lines on Credit Card Store Copy receipts #} {% set quote_to_invoice = false %} {# Changes Angebot wording to Rechnung in Sales and in Sale Quotes (does not apply to Work Order Quotes) #} {% set show_sale_lines_on_gift_receipt = true %} {# Displays Sale Lines on Gift Receipts #} {% set show_barcode = true %} {# Displays barcode at bottom of receipts #} {% set show_barcode_sku = true %} {# Displays the System ID at the bottom of barcodes #} {% set show_workorders_barcode = false %} {# Displays workorders barcode #} {% set show_workorders_barcode_sku = true %} {# Displays the System ID at the bottom of workorders barcodes #} {% set hide_ticket_number_on_quote = false %} {# Hides the Ticket Number on Quotes #} {% set hide_quote_id_on_sale = false %} {# Hides the Quote ID on Sales #} {# Customer Information #} {% set show_full_customer_address = false %} {# Displays Customers full address, if available #} {% set show_customer_name_only = true %} {# Hides all Customer information except for their name #} {% set show_customer_notes = false %} {# Displays Notes entered in the Customers profile #} {% set company_name_override = false %} {# Does not display the Customer Name if Company Name is present #} {# Customer Account #} {% set show_credit_account_signature = false %} {# Prints Store Copy with signature line on accounts that use an Account Credit (not Deposit) #} {% set show_customer_layaways = true %} {# Displays Customer Layaway information at the bottom of receipts #} {% set show_customer_specialorders = true %} {# Displays Customer Special Order information at the bottom of receipts #} {% set show_customer_workorders = true %} {# Displays Customer Work Order information at the bottom of receipts #} {% set show_customer_credit_account = true %} {# Displays Customer Credit Account information at the bottom of receipts #} {# Logos #} {% set logo_width = '225px' %} {# Default width is 225px. #} {% set logo_height = '' %} {# Default height is 55px. #} {% set multi_shop_logos = false %} {# Allows multiple logos to be added for separate locations when used with options below #} {# Use the following shop_logo_array to enter all of your locations and the link to the logo image that you have uploaded to the internet. Enter your EXACT shop name (Case Sensitive!) in the Quotes after the "name": entry and then enter the URL to your logo after the "logo": entry. Be sure to set the multi_shop_logos setting above to true in order to have these logos take effect! #} {% set shop_logo_array = { 0:{"name":"Example Shop", "logo_url":"http://logo.url.goes/here.jpg"}, 1:{"name":"", "logo_url":""}, 2:{"name":"", "logo_url":""}, 3:{"name":"", "logo_url":""}, 4:{"name":"", "logo_url":""}, 5:{"name":"", "logo_url":""} } %} {# ***End Custom Options*** #} {% extends parameters.print ? "printbase" : "base" %} {% block extrastyles %} @page { margin: 0px; } body { font: normal 10pt 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; width: {{parameters.page_width|pageWidthToCss}}; margin: 0 auto; padding: 1px; {% if chrome_right_margin_fix == true %} margin-right: .13in; {% endif %} {% if firefox_margin_fix == true %} margin: 25px; {% endif %} } .store { page-break-after: always; } .receipt { font: normal 10pt “Helvetica Neue”, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; } h1 { margin: .5em 0 0; font-size: 12pt; text-align: center; } h1.spacer { margin-top: 2em; } p.date, p.copy { font-size: 9pt; margin: 0; text-align: center; } p.details { font-size: 10pt; text-align: left; } h2 { border-bottom: 1px solid black; text-transform: uppercase; font-size: 10pt; margin: .5em 0 0; } .receiptHeader { text-align: center; } .receiptHeader h3 { font-size: 12pt; margin: 0; } .shipping h4 { margin-top: 0; } .receiptHeader img { margin: 8px 0 4px; } .receiptShopContact { margin: 0; } table { margin: 0 0; width: 100%; border-collapse:collapse; } table th { text-align: left; } table tbody th { font-weight: normal; text-align: left; } table td.amount, table th.amount { text-align: right; } table td.quantity, table th.quantity { text-align: center; } th.description { width: 100%; } td.amount { white-space: nowrap; } table.totals { text-align: right; } table.payments { text-align: right; } table.spacer { margin-top: 1em; } table tr.total td { font-weight: bold; } table td.amount { padding-left: 10px; } table td.custom_field { padding-right: 10px; text-align: center; } table.sale { border-bottom: 1px solid black; } table.sale th { border-bottom: 1px solid black; font-weight: bold; } table div.line_description { text-align: left; font-weight: bold; } table div.line_note { text-align: left; padding-left: 10px; } table div.line_extra { text-align: left; padding-left: 10px; font-size: .8em; } table div.line_serial { text-align: left; font-weight: normal; padding-left: 10px; } table div.line_description_item_fee { padding-left: 10px; } .footerSectionTitle + table div.line_description_item_fee { padding-left: 25px; } table.workorders div.line_description { font-weight: normal; padding-left: 10px; } table.workorders div.line_note { font-weight: normal; padding-left: 10px; } table.workorders div.line_serial { font-weight: normal; padding-left: 20px; } table.workorders td.workorder div.line_note { font-weight: bold; padding-left: 0px; } p.thankyou { margin: 0; text-align: center; } .note { text-align: center; } .barcodeContainer { margin-top: 15px; text-align: center; } .remotePaymentLinkContainer { text-align: center; margin: 1.5em 0; } span.payOnlineTitle { display: block; font-size: 0.8rem; font-weight: bold; margin: 2rem 0 0.25rem; text-transform: uppercase; } svg.payOnlineIcon { height: 1rem; margin-right: 0.25rem; vertical-align: -0.2rem; width: 1rem; } .payButton { background-color: #1844cc; background-image: linear-gradient(#537dec, #2e61de); border: 1px solid #1844cc; border-radius: 0.1875rem; box-shadow: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.15) 0px 1px 0px 0px inset; color: #fff; display: inline-block; font-size: 1rem; font-weight: 500; line-height: 2rem; margin: 1.5em 0 0; padding: 0.375rem 1.5rem; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; width: 90%; } .payButton:hover { background-color: #2e61de; background-image: linear-gradient(#2e61de, #2e61de); } .workorders .barcodeContainer { margin-left: 15px; text-align: left; } dl { overflow: hidden } dl dt { font-weight: bold; width: 80px; float: left } dl dd { border-top: 2px solid black; padding-top: 2px; margin: 1em 0 0; float: left; width: 180px } dl dd p { margin: 0; } .strike { text-decoration: line-through; } .receiptCompanyNameField, .receiptCustomerNameField, .receiptCustomerVatField, .receiptCustomerCompanyVatField, .receiptCustomerAddressField, .receiptPhonesContainer, .receiptCustomerNoteField { display: block; } table.payments td.label { font-weight: normal; text-align: right; width: 100%; } #receiptTransactionDetails table { max-width: 245px; margin: 0 auto; } #receiptTransactionDetails table td { text-align: right; } #receiptTransactionDetails table td.top { font-weight: bold; } #receiptTransactionDetails table td.label { padding-right: 20px; text-align: left; } {% if print_layout %} /* Receipts only */ @media (max-width: 299px) { .show-on-print { display: none; } .hide-on-print { display: block; } } @media (min-width: 480px) { /* Emails hacks, don't mind the optimisation */ table.saletotals { Float: right; Margin-top: 50px; width: 50% !important; } table.payments { width: 100%; } table.payments { Float: left; margin-top: 5px; width: 50%; text-align: left; } table.payments tr td.amount { text-align: right; width: auto; } table.payments tr td.amount { text-align: left; width: 100%; } table.payments td.label { font-weight: bold; text-align: left; white-space: nowrap; width: inherit; } } /* Email, Letter, A4 only */ @media (min-width: 300px) { .show-on-print { display: block; } .hide-on-print { display: none; } body { padding: 15px; position: relative; } .receiptHeader { Float: left; position: relative; max-width: 50%; text-align: left; } .receiptHeader img { display: block; margin: 0 0 10px; max-width: 120px; } .receiptHeader h3.receiptShopName { font-size: 14pt; margin-bottom: 3px; text-decoration: underline; } .receiptShopName, .receiptShopContact { text-align: left; } .receiptTypeTitle, .receiptTypeTitle span { font-size: 18pt; Float: right; clear: right; text-align: center; margin-top: 0; } .receiptTypeTitle span.hide-on-print { font-size: 0; display: none; } p.date, p.copy { Float: right; clear: right; } #receiptInfo { clear: both; padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 0px; } #receiptInfo:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .receiptQuoteIdField, .receiptTicketIdField { clear: right; Float: right; } .receiptQuoteIdLabel, .receiptTicketIdLabel { display: none !important; } #receiptQuoteId, #receiptTicketId { font-size: 14pt; font-weight: bold; display: block; Float: right; } .vatNumberField, .companyRegistrationNumberField, .receiptRegisterNameField, .receiptEmployeeNameField { clear: right; Float: right; text-align: right; } .vatNumberField span, .companyRegistrationNumberField span, .receiptRegisterNameField span, .receiptEmployeeNameField span { font-size: 8pt; } .receiptCustomerAddressLabel, .receiptEmailLabel { display: none !important; } .receiptCompanyNameField, .receiptCustomerNameField, .receiptCustomerVatField, .receiptCustomerCompanyVatField { margin-bottom: 3px; margin-top: 3px; } .receiptCompanyNameLabel, .receiptCustomerNameLabel, .receiptCustomerVatLabel, .receiptCustomerCompanyVatLabel { font-size: 11pt; font-weight: bold; } #receiptCompanyName, #receiptCustomerName { font-size: 12pt; } .receiptCompanyNameField, .receiptCustomerNameField, .receiptCustomerVatField, .receiptCustomerCompanyVatField, .receiptCustomerAddressField, .receiptPhonesContainer, .receiptCustomerNoteField { display: block; max-width: 40%; } table.sale { clear: both; padding-top: 30px; } table.sale tbody tr:first-child th, table.sale tbody tr:first-child td { padding-top: 10px; } table.sale tbody tr:last-child th, table.sale tbody tr:last-child td { padding-bottom: 10px; } table.sale tbody th, table.sale tbody td { padding-bottom: 5px; padding-top: 5px; } .paymentTitle, .notesTitle, .footerSectionTitle { font-size: 12pt; padding-top: 15px; text-transform: none; } .footerSectionTitle { clear: both; } .notesTitle { float: left; width: 100%; } .thankyou { clear: both; padding-top: 30px; } img.barcode { border: none; height: 30px; width: 150px; } } {% endif %} {% endblock extrastyles %} {% block content %} {% set page_loaded = false %} {% for Sale in Sales %} {% if not parameters.page or parameters.page == 1 %} {% if Sale.Shop.ReceiptSetup.creditcardAgree|strlen > 0 and not parameters.gift_receipt and not parameters.email %} {% for SalePayment in Sale.SalePayments.SalePayment %} {% if parameters.force_cc_agree or parameters.print_workorder_agree %} {{ _self.store_receipt(Sale,parameters,_context,SalePayment) }} {% set page_loaded = true %} {% else %} {% if SalePayment.archived == 'false' and SalePayment.MetaData.ReceiptData.requires_receipt_signature|CompBool == true %} {{ _self.store_receipt(Sale,parameters,_context,SalePayment) }} {% set page_loaded = true %} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% if not parameters.page or parameters.page == 2 or not page_loaded %}
{{ _self.ship_to(Sale,_context) }} {{ _self.header(Sale,_context) }} {{ _self.title(Sale,parameters,_context) }} {{ _self.date(Sale) }} {{ _self.sale_details(Sale,_context) }} {% if not parameters.gift_receipt or show_sale_lines_on_gift_receipt %} {{ _self.receipt(Sale,parameters,false,_context) }} {% endif %} {# Item Count Loop #} {% if show_transaction_item_count %} {% set transaction_item_count = 0 %} {% for Line in Sale.SaleLines.SaleLine %} {% set transaction_item_count = transaction_item_count + Line.unitQuantity %} {% endfor %}

Gesamtstückzahl: {{ transaction_item_count }}

{% endif %} {% if Sale.quoteID and Sale.Quote.notes|strlen > 0 %}


{% endif %} {% if Sale.Shop.ReceiptSetup.generalMsg|strlen > 0 %}

{{ Sale.Shop.ReceiptSetup.generalMsg|noteformat|raw }}

{% endif %} {{ _self.client_workorder_agreement(Sale,_context) }} {% if parameters.email %} {{ _self.remoteDepositLink(Sale,parameters) }} {% endif %} {% if not parameters.gift_receipt %} {{ _self.no_tax_applied_text(Sale) }}

{% if show_thank_you %} Vielen Dank {% if Sale.Customer %}{{Sale.Customer.firstName}} {{Sale.Customer.lastName}}{% endif %}! {% endif %}

{% endif %} {% if show_barcode %}

{% endif %} {% if Sale.completed == 'true' and Sale.SalePayments and not parameters.gift_receipt %} {# DO NOT CONSOLIDATE THESE IF STATEMENTS. Twig doesnt play nice with these functions. #} {{ _self.transaction_details(Sale) }} {% endif %} {% if not parameters.email %} {{ _self.remoteDepositLink(Sale,parameters) }} {% endif %}
{% endif %} {% endfor %} {% endblock content %} {% macro no_tax_applied_text(Sale) %} {% set has_non_taxed_item = 'false' %} {% for Line in Sale.SaleLines.SaleLine %} {# If line has no tax and is not a workorder line, unless it is the workorders Labor line #} {% if ((Line.tax == 'false' or (Line.calcTax1 == 0 and Line.calcTax2 == 0)) and (Line.isWorkorder == 'false' or Line.Note.note == 'Labor')) %} {% set has_non_taxed_item = 'true' %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% if(has_non_taxed_item == 'true') %}

* Keine Steuer anwendbar

{% endif %} {% endmacro %} {% macro store_receipt(Sale,parameters,options,Payment) %}
{{ _self.header(Sale,options) }} {{ _self.title(Sale,parameters,options) }}


{{ _self.date(Sale) }} {{ _self.sale_details(Sale,options) }} {% if options.show_sale_lines_on_store_copy %} {{ _self.receipt(Sale,parameters,true,options) }} {% else %} {% if isUnifiedReceipt(Sale.SalePayments) %} {{ _self.single_transaction_details(Sale, Payment) }} {% else %}


{{ _self.cc_payment_info(Sale,Payment) }}
{% endif %} {% endif %} {% if Sale.quoteID and Sale.Quote.notes|strlen > 0 %}


{% endif %} {{ _self.cc_agreement(Sale,Payment,options) }} {{ _self.shop_workorder_agreement(Sale) }}

{{ _self.ship_to(Sale,options) }}
{% endmacro %} {% macro lineDescription(Line,options) %} {% if Line.Item %}
{% autoescape true %}{{ Line.Item.description|nl2br }}{% if Line.tax == 'false' or (Line.calcTax1 == 0 and Line.calcTax2 == 0) %}*{% endif %}{% endautoescape %}
{% elseif Line.ItemFee and Line.itemFeeID and (Line.lineType == 'item_fee' or Line.lineType == 'item_fee_refund') %}
{{ Line.ItemFee.name|nl2br }}{% if Line.tax == 'false' or (Line.calcTax1 == 0 and Line.calcTax2 == 0) %}*{% endif %}
{% endif %} {% if Line.Note %}
{% autoescape true %} {{ Line.Note.note|noteformat|raw }} {% if (Line.tax == 'false' or (Line.calcTax1 == 0 and Line.calcTax2 == 0)) and (Line.isWorkorder == 'false' or Line.Note.note == 'Labor') %} * {% endif %} {% endautoescape %}
{% endif %} {% if Line.Serialized %} {% for Serialized in Line.Serialized.Serialized %}
Seriennummer: {{ Serialized.serial }} {{ Serialized.color }} {{ Serialized.size }}
{% endfor %} {% endif %} {% if options.per_line_employee and not options.hide_employee_name %}
Mitarbeiter: {{ Line.Employee.firstName }}
{% endif %} {% endmacro %} {% macro title(Sale,parameters,options) %}

{% if Sale.calcTotal >= 0 %} {% if Sale.completed == 'true' %} {% if options.invoice_as_title and options.print_layout %} {% endif %} {% if options.workorders_as_title and Sale.SaleLines is empty and Sale.Customer.Workorders is defined %} Arbeitsaufträge {% elseif Sale.SaleLines is empty and Sale.Customer.CreditAccount.MetaData.remoteDepositAmount %} Anfrage zur Ferneinzahlung {% else %} {% if parameters.gift_receipt %}Gutscheinquittung{% else %}Quittung{% endif %} {% endif %} {% if options.invoice_as_title and options.print_layout %} {% if options.workorders_as_title and Sale.SaleLines is empty and Sale.Customer.Workorders is defined %} Arbeitsaufträge {% else %} Rechnung {% endif %} {% endif %} {% elseif Sale.voided == 'true' %} {% if options.invoice_as_title and options.print_layout %} {% endif %} Stornierte Quittung {% if options.invoice_as_title and options.print_layout %} Stornierte Rechnung {% endif %} {% else %} {% if options.quote_to_invoice %} Rechnung {% else %} Angebot {% endif %} {% if not Sale.quoteID %} (Keine Quittung) {% endif %} {% endif %} {% else %} {% if options.invoice_as_title and options.print_layout %} {% endif %} Rückerstattungsbeleg {% if options.invoice_as_title and options.print_layout %} Rückerstattungsrechnung {% endif %} {% endif %}

{% endmacro %} {% macro date(Sale) %}

{% if Sale.timeStamp %} {{Sale.timeStamp|correcttimezone|date(getDateTimeFormat())}} {% else %} {{"now"|date(getDateTimeFormat())}} {% endif %}

{% endmacro %} {% macro sale_details(Sale,options) %}

{% if options.hide_quote_id_on_sale and Sale.completed == 'true' %} {% else %} {% if Sale.quoteID > 0 %} {% if options.quote_to_invoice %} # Rechnung: {% else %} # Angebot: {% endif %} {{options.quote_id_prefix}}{{Sale.quoteID}}
{% endif %} {% endif %} {% if options.hide_ticket_number_on_quote and Sale.completed != 'true' and Sale.quoteID > 0 %} {% else %} {% if options.sale_id_instead_of_ticket_number %}Verkauf: {% else %}Rechnung: {% endif %} {% if options.sale_id_instead_of_ticket_number %} {{options.sale_id_prefix}}{{Sale.saleID}} {% else %} {{Sale.ticketNumber}} {% endif %}
{% endif %} {% if isVATAndRegistrationNumberOnReceipt() %} {% if Sale.Shop.vatNumber|strlen and not options.hide_shop_vat_number %} MwST: {{Sale.Shop.vatNumber}}
{% endif %} {% if Sale.Shop.companyRegistrationNumber|strlen and not options.hide_shop_registration_number %} # Handelsregisternummer: {{Sale.Shop.companyRegistrationNumber}}
{% endif %} {% endif %} {% if Sale.Register and not options.hide_register_name %} Kasse: {{Sale.Register.name}}
{% endif %} {% if Sale.Employee and not options.hide_employee_name %} Mitarbeiter: {{Sale.Employee.firstName}}
{% endif %} {% if Sale.Customer %} {% if Sale.Customer.company|strlen > 0 and not options.show_customer_name_only %} Firma: {{Sale.Customer.company}}
{% endif %} {% if not options.company_name_override or not Sale.Customer.company|strlen > 0 %} Kunde: {{Sale.Customer.firstName}} {{Sale.Customer.lastName}}
{% endif %} {% if not options.show_customer_name_only %} {% if options.show_full_customer_address %} Address: {{ _self.address(Sale.Customer.Contact,',',options) }} {% endif %} {% for Phone in Sale.Customer.Contact.Phones.ContactPhone %} {{Phone.useType}}: {{Phone.number}}
{% endfor %} {% for Email in Sale.Customer.Contact.Emails.ContactEmail %} E-Mail: {{Email.address}} ({{Email.useType}})
{% endfor %}
{% endif %} {% if isVATAndRegistrationNumberOnReceipt() %} {% if Sale.Customer.vatNumber|strlen and not options.hide_customer_vat_number %} # Umsatzsteuernummer: {{Sale.Customer.vatNumber}}
{% endif %} {% if Sale.Customer.companyRegistrationNumber|strlen and not options.hide_customer_registration_number %} # Steuer-ID Kunde: {{Sale.Customer.companyRegistrationNumber}}
{% endif %} {% endif %} {% if options.show_customer_notes %} {% if Sale.Customer.Note.note|strlen > 0 %} Bemerkung: {{ Sale.Customer.Note.note|noteformat|raw }}
{% endif %} {% endif %} {% endif %}

{% endmacro %} {% macro line(isTaxInclusive,Line,parameters,options) %} {{ _self.lineDescription(Line,options) }} {% if options.show_custom_sku and Line.Item.customSku|strlen > 0 %}
Persönliche SKU: {{ Line.Item.customSku }}
{% endif %} {% if options.show_manufacturer_sku and Line.Item.manufacturerSku|strlen > 0 %}
Manuelle SKU: {{ Line.Item.manufacturerSku }}
{% endif %} {% if options.per_line_discount == true and not parameters.gift_receipt %} {% if Line.calcLineDiscount > 0 %} Rabatt: '{{ Line.Discount.name }}' -{{Line.calcLineDiscount|money}} {% elseif Line.calcLineDiscount < 0 %} Rabatt: '{{ Line.Discount.name }}' {{Line.calcLineDiscount|getinverse|money}} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% if options.show_msrp == true and not parameters.gift_receipt %} {% set msrp_printed = false %} {% for price in Line.Item.Prices.ItemPrice if not msrp_printed %} {% if price.useType == "MSRP" and price.amount != "0"%} {{ price.amount|money }} {% set msrp_printed = true %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% if not msrp_printed %} k.A. {% endif %} {% endif %} {% if options.per_line_subtotal and options.discounted_line_items and Line.calcLineDiscount != 0 and not parameters.gift_receipt %} {{Line.unitQuantity}} x {{Line.unitPrice|money}} {% endif %} {{Line.unitQuantity}} {% if options.per_line_subtotal and not parameters.gift_receipt %} x {% if options.discounted_line_items %} {{ divide(Line.displayableSubtotal, Line.unitQuantity)|money }} {% else %} {{Line.displayableUnitPrice|money}} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% if not parameters.gift_receipt %} {% if options.discounted_line_items and not options.per_line_subtotal and Line.calcLineDiscount != 0 %} {% if not isTaxInclusive or isTaxInclusive == 'false' %} {{ Line.calcSubtotal|money }}
{% else %} {{ multiply(Line.unitPrice, Line.unitQuantity)|money }}
{% endif %} {% endif %} {{ Line.displayableSubtotal|money }} {% endif %} {% endmacro %} {% macro receipt(Sale,parameters,store_copy,options) %} {% if Sale.SaleLines %} {% if options.show_msrp and not parameters.gift_receipt %} {% endif %} {% if not parameters.gift_receipt %} {% endif %} {% for Line in Sale.SaleLines.SaleLine %} {{ _self.line(Sale.isTaxInclusive,Line,parameters,options) }} {% endfor %}
{% if not parameters.gift_receipt %} {% if Sale.MetaData.itemFeesSubtotal %} {% endif %} {% if not options.discounted_line_items and Sale.calcDiscount > 0 %} {% elseif not options.discounted_line_items and Sale.calcDiscount < 0 %} {% endif %} {% for Tax in Sale.TaxClassTotals.Tax %} {% if Tax.taxname and Tax.rate > 0 %} {% endif %} {% if Tax.taxname2 and Tax.rate2 > 0 %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% if Sale.tipEnabled == 'true' %} {% endif %}
Summe Gebührenbetrag{{Sale.MetaData.itemFeesSubtotal|money}}
{% if options.discounted_line_items and Sale.calcDiscount != 0 %} Zwischensumme mit Rabatten {% else %} Zwischensumme {% endif %} {% if options.discounted_line_items %} {% if options.Sale.isTaxInclusive == 'true'%} {{ subtract(Sale.calcSubtotal, Sale.calcDiscount)|money }} {% else %} {{ subtract(Sale.displayableSubtotal, Sale.calcDiscount)|money }} {% endif %} {% else %} {% if options.Sale.isTaxInclusive == 'true'%} {{ Sale.calcSubtotal|money }} {% else %} {{ Sale.displayableSubtotal|money }} {% endif %} {% endif %}
{{Tax.taxname}} ({{Tax.subtotal|money}} @ {{Tax.rate}}%){{Tax.amount|money}}
{{Tax.taxname2}} ({{Tax.subtotal2|money}} @ {{Tax.rate2}}%){{Tax.amount2|money}}
Total Steuern{{Sale.taxTotal|money}}
{% endif %} {% endif %} {% if Sale.completed == 'true' and not parameters.gift_receipt %} {% if Sale.SalePayments %}


{% for Payment in Sale.SalePayments.SalePayment %} {% if Payment.PaymentType.name != 'Cash' %} {% if Payment.CreditAccount.giftCard == 'true' %} {% if Payment.amount > 0 %} {% elseif Payment.amount < 0 and Sale.calcTotal < 0 %} {% elseif Payment.amount < 0 and Payment.archived != 'true' and Sale.calcTotal >= 0 %} {% endif %} {% elseif Payment.creditAccountID == 0 %} {{ _self.cc_payment_info(Sale,Payment) }} {% elseif Payment.CreditAccount and Payment.archived == 'false' %} {% if Payment.amount < 0 %} {% else %} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {{ _self.sale_cash_payment(Sale) }}
Geschenkgutschein-Aufladung {{Payment.CreditAccount.code}} {{Payment.amount|money}}
Saldo {{Payment.CreditAccount.balance|getinverse|money}}
Rückerstattung auf die Geschenkkarte {{Payment.amount|getinverse|money}}
Saldo {{Payment.CreditAccount.balance|getinverse|money}}
Geschenkkarten-Kauf {{Payment.amount|getinverse|money}}
Saldo {{Payment.CreditAccount.balance|getinverse|money}}
Kontoeinzahlung {{Payment.amount|getinverse|money}}Kontoauszahlung {{Payment.amount|money}}
{% endif %} {% if Sale.Customer and not store_copy %} {% if options.show_customer_layaways %} {{ _self.layaways(Sale.Customer,Sale.isTaxInclusive,parameters.gift_receipt,options)}} {% endif %} {% if options.show_customer_specialorders %} {{ _self.specialorders(Sale.Customer,Sale.isTaxInclusive,parameters.gift_receipt,options)}} {% endif %} {% if options.show_customer_workorders %} {{ _self.workorders(Sale.Customer,parameters.gift_receipt,options)}} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% if options.show_customer_credit_account and Sale.Customer and not parameters.gift_receipt and not store_copy %} {% if Sale.Customer.CreditAccount.MetaData.creditBalanceOwed > 0 or Sale.Customer.CreditAccount.MetaData.extraDeposit > 0 %}


{% if Sale.Customer.CreditAccount.MetaData.creditBalanceOwed > 0 %} {% elseif Sale.Customer.CreditAccount.MetaData.extraDeposit > 0 %} {% endif %}
Geschuldeter Saldo: {{ Sale.Customer.CreditAccount.MetaData.creditBalanceOwed|money }}
Gegen Einzahlung: {{ Sale.Customer.CreditAccount.MetaData.extraDeposit|money }}
{% endif %} {% if Sale.Customer.MetaData.getAmountToCompleteAll > 0 %}
Verbleibender Saldo: {{ Sale.Customer.MetaData.getAmountToCompleteAll|money }}
{% endif %} {% endif %} {% if Sale.Customer.CreditAccount %} {% for Payment in Sale.SalePayments.SalePayment %} {% if Payment.PaymentType.name == 'Credit Account' and options.show_credit_account_signature %}
{{Sale.Customer.title}} {{Sale.Customer.firstName}} {{Sale.Customer.lastName}}
{% endif %} {% endfor %} {% endif %} {{ _self.remoteDepositSummary(Sale,parameters) }} {% endif %} {% if (not parameters.gift_receipt and not options.hide_notes_in_sale_receipt) or (parameters.gift_receipt and not options.hide_notes_in_gift_receipt) %} {{ _self.show_note(Sale.SaleNotes) }} {% endif %} {% endmacro %} {% macro remoteDepositLink(Sale,parameters) %} {% if Sale.Customer.CreditAccount.MetaData.remotePaymentLinkUrl %} {% if parameters.email %} {% else %} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% endmacro %} {% macro remoteDepositSummary(Sale,parameters) %} {% if Sale.Customer.CreditAccount.MetaData.remoteDepositAmount %} {% if Sale.SaleLines is not empty %}

Anfrage zur Ferneinzahlung

{{ _self.date(Sale) }} {% endif %}

Angeforderte Zahlung

Kontoeinzahlung: {{ Sale.Customer.CreditAccount.MetaData.remoteDepositAmount|money }}
{% endif %} {% if Sale.Customer.CreditAccount.MetaData.creditBalanceOwedAfterPayment > 0 or Sale.Customer.CreditAccount.MetaData.extraDepositAfterPayment > 0 %}

Shop-Konto (nach Zahlung)

{% if Sale.Customer.CreditAccount.MetaData.creditBalanceOwedAfterPayment > 0 %} {% elseif Sale.Customer.CreditAccount.MetaData.extraDepositAfterPayment > 0 %} {% endif %}
Geschuldeter Restbetrag (nach Zahlung): {{ Sale.Customer.CreditAccount.MetaData.creditBalanceOwedAfterPayment|money }}
Bei Einzahlung (nach Zahlung): {{ Sale.Customer.CreditAccount.MetaData.extraDepositAfterPayment|money }}
{% endif %} {% if Sale.Customer.MetaData.getAmountToCompleteAllAfterPayment > 0 %}
Restliches Guthaben (nach Zahlung): {{ Sale.Customer.MetaData.getAmountToCompleteAllAfterPayment|money }}
{% endif %} {% endmacro %} {% macro cc_payment_info(Sale,Payment) %} {% if Payment.archived == 'false' %} {% if Payment.ccChargeID > 0 and Payment.CCCharge.declined == 'false' %} {{ Payment.PaymentType.name }}
Kartennummer: {{Payment.CCCharge.xnum}} {% if Payment.CCCharge.cardType|strlen > 0 %}
Typ: {{Payment.CCCharge.cardType}} {% endif %} {% if Payment.CCCharge.cardholderName|strlen > 0 %}
Karteninhaber: {{Payment.CCCharge.cardholderName}} {% endif %} {% if Payment.CCCharge.entryMethod|strlen > 0 %}
Eingabe: {{Payment.CCCharge.entryMethod}} {% endif %} {% if Payment.CCCharge.authCode|strlen > 0 %}
Freigabe: {{Payment.CCCharge.authCode}} {% endif %} {% if Payment.CCCharge.gatewayTransID|strlen > 0 and Payment.CCCharge.gatewayTransID|strlen < 48 %}
ID: {{Payment.CCCharge.gatewayTransID}} {% endif %} {% if Payment.CCCharge.MetaData.isEMV %} {% if Payment.CCCharge.MetaData.AID|strlen > 0 %}
ID der Applikation: {{Payment.CCCharge.MetaData.AID}} {% endif %} {% if Payment.CCCharge.MetaData.ApplicationLabel|strlen > 0 %}
Applikationsbezeichnung: {{Payment.CCCharge.MetaData.ApplicationLabel}} {% endif %} {% if Payment.CCCharge.MetaData.PINStatement|strlen > 0 %}
PIN-Code-Status: {{Payment.CCCharge.MetaData.PINStatement}} {% endif %} {% endif %} {{Payment.amount|money}} {% elseif Payment.ccChargeID == 0 %} {% if Payment.PaymentType.name == 'Credit Card' %} Kreditkarte {% elseif Payment.PaymentType.name == 'Debit Card' %} Debitkarte {% elseif Payment.PaymentType.name == 'Check' %} Scheck {% else %} {{Payment.PaymentType.name}} {% endif %} {{Payment.amount|money}} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% endmacro %} {% macro transaction(Payment) %} {% if Payment.PaymentType.type == 'credit card' and Payment.MetaData.ReceiptData.status != 'error' and Payment.archived == 'false' %} {% if Payment.MetaData.ReceiptData.type|strlen and Payment.MetaData.ReceiptData.authorized_amount|strlen %} {% if Payment.MetaData.ReceiptData.type == 'sale' %} Verkauf {% else %} {{ mostranslate(Payment.MetaData.ReceiptData.type, 'capitalize', true) }} {%endif%} {{ Payment.MetaData.ReceiptData.authorized_amount|money }} {% endif %} {% if Payment.MetaData.ReceiptData.extra_parameters.statusCode|strlen %} Status: {% if Payment.MetaData.ReceiptData.extra_parameters.statusCode == 'Approved' %} Genehmigt {% elseif Payment.MetaData.ReceiptData.extra_parameters.statusCode == 'Declined' %} Abgelehnt {% else %} {{ Payment.MetaData.ReceiptData.extra_parameters.statusCode }} {%endif%} {% endif %} {% if Payment.MetaData.ReceiptData.card_brand|strlen and Payment.MetaData.ReceiptData.card_number|strlen %} {{ Payment.MetaData.ReceiptData.card_brand }} {{ getDisplayableCardNumber(Payment.MetaData.ReceiptData.card_number) }} {% endif %} {% if Payment.MetaData.ReceiptData.processed_date|strlen %} Datum: {{ Payment.MetaData.ReceiptData.processed_date|correcttimezone|date(getDateTimeFormat()) }} {% endif %} {% if Payment.MetaData.ReceiptData.entry_method|strlen %} Methode: {{ Payment.MetaData.ReceiptData.entry_method }} {% endif %} {% if Payment.MetaData.ReceiptData.extra_parameters.acceptorId|strlen %} MLC: {{ Payment.MetaData.ReceiptData.extra_parameters.acceptorId }} {% endif %} {% if Payment.MetaData.ReceiptData.authorization_number|strlen %} Auth-Code: {{ Payment.MetaData.ReceiptData.authorization_number }} {% endif %} {% if Payment.MetaData.ReceiptData.extra_parameters.authorizationNetworkCode|strlen or Payment.MetaData.ReceiptData.extra_parameters.authorizationNetworkMessage|strlen %} Antwort: {{ Payment.MetaData.ReceiptData.extra_parameters.authorizationNetworkCode }}/{{ Payment.MetaData.ReceiptData.extra_parameters.authorizationNetworkMessage }} {% endif %} {% if Payment.MetaData.ReceiptData.emv_application_id|strlen %} Anwendungs-ID: {{ Payment.MetaData.ReceiptData.emv_application_id }} {% endif %} {% if Payment.MetaData.ReceiptData.emv_application_preferred_name|strlen %} APN: {{ Payment.MetaData.ReceiptData.emv_application_preferred_name }} {% endif %} {% if Payment.MetaData.ReceiptData.extra_parameters.accountType|strlen %} Kontotyp: {{ Payment.MetaData.ReceiptData.extra_parameters.accountType }} {% endif %} {% if Payment.MetaData.ReceiptData.emv_cryptogram_type|strlen or Payment.MetaData.ReceiptData.emv_cryptogram|strlen %} Cryptogram: {{ Payment.MetaData.ReceiptData.emv_cryptogram_type }} {{ Payment.MetaData.ReceiptData.emv_cryptogram }} {% endif %} {% for emvTag in Payment.MetaData.ReceiptData.extra_parameters.emv_tags.children() %} {{ emvTag.getName() }} {{ emvTag }} {% endfor %} {# Creates a Line Break for the next Payment #}
{% endif %} {% endmacro %} {% macro single_transaction_details(Sale, Payment) %} {% if hasCCPayment(Sale.SalePayments) %} {% if isUnifiedReceipt(Sale.SalePayments) %}


{{ _self.transaction(Payment) }}
{% endif %} {% endif %} {% endmacro %} {% macro transaction_details(Sale) %} {% if hasCCPayment(Sale.SalePayments) %} {% if isUnifiedReceipt(Sale.SalePayments) %}


{% for Payment in Sale.SalePayments.SalePayment %} {{ _self.transaction(Payment) }} {% endfor %}
{% endif %} {% endif %} {% endmacro %} {% macro cc_agreement(Sale,Payment,options) %} {% if Payment.MetaData.ReceiptData.requires_receipt_signature|CompBool == true %} {% if Sale.Shop.ReceiptSetup.creditcardAgree|strlen > 0 %}


{% endif %}
{% endif %} {% endmacro %} {% macro shop_workorder_agreement(Sale) %} {% if Sale.Shop.ReceiptSetup.workorderAgree|strlen > 0 and Sale.Workorders %}


{{Sale.Customer.firstName}} {{Sale.Customer.lastName}}
{% endif %} {% endmacro %} {% macro client_workorder_agreement(Sale,options) %} {% if options.workorders_as_title and Sale.SaleLines is empty and Sale.Customer.Workorders is defined and Sale.Shop.ReceiptSetup.workorderAgree|strlen > 0 %}


{% endif %} {% endmacro %} {% macro ship_to(Sale,options) %} {% if Sale.ShipTo %}


{{ _self.shipping_address(Sale.ShipTo,Sale.ShipTo.Contact,options) }} {% for Phone in Sale.ShipTo.Contact.Phones.ContactPhone %}{% if loop.first %}

Telefonnummer: {{Phone.number}} ({{Phone.useType}})

{% endif %}{% endfor %} {% if Sale.ShipTo.shipNote|strlen > 0 %}


{% endif %}
{% endif %} {% endmacro %} {% macro shipping_address(Customer,Contact,options) %}

{% if Customer.company|strlen > 0 %}{{Customer.company}}
{% endif %} {% if Customer.company|strlen > 0 %}z.Hd. {% endif %} {{Customer.firstName}} {{Customer.lastName}}
{{ _self.address(Contact,'
',options) }}

{% endmacro %} {% macro address(Contact,delimiter,options) %} {% autoescape false %} {% set Address = Contact.Addresses.ContactAddress %} {% if Address.address1|strlen > 0 %}{{Address.address1}}{{delimiter}}{% endif %} {% if Address.address2|strlen > 0 %}{{Address.address2}}{{delimiter}}{% endif %} {% if Address.zip|strlen > 0 %}{{Address.zip}}{% endif %} {% if Address.city|strlen > 0 %}{{Address.city}}{% endif %} {% if Address.state|strlen > 0 %}{{Address.state}}{% endif %}{% if Address.zip|strlen > 0 or Address.city|strlen > 0 or Address.state|strlen > 0 %}{{delimiter}}{% endif %} {% if Address.country|strlen > 0 %}{{Address.country}}{% endif %} {% endautoescape %} {% endmacro %} {% macro header(Sale,options) %}
{% set logo_printed = false %} {% if options.multi_shop_logos %} {% for shop in options.shop_logo_array if not logo_printed %} {% if shop.name == Sale.Shop.name %} {% if shop.logo_url|strlen > 0 %} {% set logo_printed = true %} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% endif %} {% if not logo_printed %} {% if Sale.Shop.ReceiptSetup.logo|strlen > 0 %} {% set logo_printed = true %} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% if Sale.Shop.name|strlen > 0 %} {% if not logo_printed or options.show_shop_name_with_logo == true %}

{{ Sale.Shop.name }}

{% endif %} {% endif %}

{% if Sale.Shop.ReceiptSetup.header|strlen > 0 %}


{% else %} {{ _self.address(Sale.Shop.Contact,'
',options) }} {% for ContactPhone in Sale.Shop.Contact.Phones.ContactPhone %}
{{ContactPhone.number}} {% endfor %} {% endif %}

{% endmacro %} {% macro layaways(Customer,isTaxInclusive,parameters,options) %} {% if Customer.Layaways and Customer.Layaways|length > 0 %}


{% for Line in Customer.Layaways.SaleLine %} {{ _self.line(isTaxInclusive,Line,parameters,options)}} {% endfor %}
{% if Customer.MetaData.layawaysAllDiscounts > 0 %} {% endif %}
Zwischensumme {{Customer.MetaData.layawaysSubtotalNoDiscount|money}}
Rabatte {{Customer.MetaData.layawaysAllDiscounts|getinverse|money}}
Steuern gesamt {{Customer.MetaData.layawaysTaxTotal|money}}
Gesamt {{Customer.MetaData.layawaysTotal|money}}
{% endif %} {% endmacro %} {% macro specialorders(Customer,isTaxInclusive,parameters,options) %} {% if Customer.SpecialOrders|length > 0 %}


{% for Line in Customer.SpecialOrders.SaleLine %} {{ _self.line(isTaxInclusive,Line,parameters,options) }} {% endfor %}
{% if Customer.MetaData.specialOrdersAllDiscounts > 0 %} {% endif %}
Zwischensumme {{Customer.MetaData.specialOrdersSubtotalNoDiscount|money}}
Rabatte {{Customer.MetaData.specialOrdersAllDiscounts|getinverse|money}}
Steuern gesamt {{Customer.MetaData.specialOrdersTaxTotal|money}}
Gesamt {{Customer.MetaData.specialOrdersTotal|money}}
{% endif %} {% endmacro %} {% macro workorders(Customer,parameters,options) %} {% if Customer.Workorders|length > 0 %}

Offene Arbeitsaufträge

{% for Line in Customer.Workorders.SaleLine %} {% if Line.MetaData.workorderTotal %} {% else %} {% endif %} {% endfor %}
{{ _self.lineDescription(Line,options) }} {% if options.show_workorders_barcode %}

{% endif %}
{{ _self.lineDescription(Line,options) }} {{Line.calcSubtotal|money}}
{% if Customer.MetaData.workordersTotal > 0 %} {% if Customer.MetaData.specialOrdersAllDiscounts > 0 %} {% endif %}
Zwischensumme {{Customer.MetaData.workordersSubtotalNoDiscount|money}}
Rabatte {{Customer.MetaData.workordersAllDiscounts|getinverse|money}}
Steuern gesamt {{Customer.MetaData.workordersTaxTotal|money}}
Gesamt {{Customer.MetaData.workordersTotal|money}}
{% endif %} {% endif %} {% endmacro %} {% macro sale_cash_payment(Sale) %} {% set total = Sale.change|floatval %} {% set pay_cash = 'false' %} {% for Payment in Sale.SalePayments.SalePayment %} {% if Payment.PaymentType.name == 'Cash' and Payment.archived == 'false' %} {% set total = total + Payment.amount|floatval %} {% set pay_cash = 'true' %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% if pay_cash == 'true' %} Bargeld{{total|money}} Wechselgeld{{Sale.change|money}} {% endif %} {% endmacro %} {% macro show_note(SaleNotes) %} {% for SaleNote in SaleNotes %} {% if SaleNote.PrintedNote and SaleNote.PrintedNote.note != '' %}


{% endif %} {% endfor %} {% endmacro %}