/* Localizable.strings OpenGpxTracker Created by Kurt Höblinger on 19.08.19. */ // App "NO_LOCATION" = "Not getting location"; "START_TRACKING" = "Start Tracking"; "PAUSE" = "Pause"; "RESUME" = "Resume"; "SAVE" = "Save"; "RESET" = "Reset"; "DONE" = "Done"; "CANCEL" = "Cancel"; "WATCH_FILE_RECEIVED_TITLE" = "File Received from Apple Watch"; "WATCH_FILE_RECEIVED_MESSAGE" = "Received file: \"%@\""; "SAVE_AS" = "Save as"; "ENTER_SESSION_NAME" = "Enter GPX session name"; "LOCATION_SERVICES_DISABLED" = "Location services disabled"; "ENABLE_LOCATION_SERVICES" = "Go to settings and enable location."; "SETTINGS" = "Settings"; "ACCESS_TO_LOCATION_DENIED" = "Access to location denied"; "ALLOW_LOCATION" = "On Location settings, allow always access to location for GPX Tracker "; "COORDS_LABEL" = "(%@, %@) · altitude: %@"; "NO_FILES" = "No GPX files"; "YOUR_FILES" = "Your GPX files"; "LAST_SAVED" = "Last saved %@ (%@)"; "DELETE" = "Delete"; "SELECT_OPTION" = "Select option"; "LOAD_IN_MAP" = "Load in map"; "SHARE" = "Share"; "LOADING_FILE" = "Loading GPX File..."; "ABOUT" = "About"; "PREFERENCES" = "Preferences"; "UNITS" = "Units"; "CACHE" = "Cache"; "MAP_SOURCE" = "Map Source"; "ACTIVITY_TYPE" = "Activity Type"; "USE_IMPERIAL_UNITS" = "Use imperial units?"; "OFFLINE_CACHE" = "Offline cache"; "CLEAR_CACHE" = "Clear cache"; "CACHE_IS_EMPTY" = "Cache is now empty"; "EDIT_WAYPOINT_NAME_TITLE" = "Edit waypoint name"; "EDIT_WAYPOINT_NAME_MESSAGE" = "Hint: To change the waypoint location drag and drop the pin"; "GPX_FILES_FOLDER" = "GPX files folder"; "USING_DEFAULT_FOLDER" = "Using default folder"; "LAST_SESSION_LOADED" = "Last session loaded"; // Watch "SENDING" = "Sending:"; "X_FILES" = "%d files"; "SUCCESSFULLY_SENT" = "Successfully sent:"; "FAILED_TO_SEND" = "Failed to send:"; "SEND_TO_IOS" = "Send to iOS app"; "FILE_SELECTED_TITLE" = "GPX file selected"; "FILE_SELECTED_MESSAGE" = "What would you like to do?"; "ERROR_OCCURED_TITLE" = "Error occured"; "ERROR_OCCURED_MESSAGE" = "GPX file was unsuccessfully sent to iOS app, due to %s "; "GPX_TRACKER" = "GPX Tracker"; "FILE_SAVED_TITLE" = "GPX file saved"; "FILE_SAVED_MESSAGE" = "Current session saved as %s.gpx "; // Activities "AT_AUTOMATIC" = "Automatic"; "AT_AUTOMOTIVE" = "Automotive navigation"; "AT_FITNESS" = "Fitness"; "AT_OTHER" = "Other navigation"; "AT_FLIGHT" = "Flight"; "AT_AUTOMATIC_DESC" = "System default. Automatically selects the mode"; "AT_AUTOMOTIVE_DESC" = "Car, motorbike, trucks..."; "AT_FITNESS_DESC" = "Running, hiking, cycling..."; "AT_OTHER_DESC" = "Other than automotive navigation"; "AT_FLIGHT_DESC" = "Airborne activities"; // Dates "T_YEARS_AGO" = "%d years ago"; "T_YEAR_AGO" = "1 year ago"; "T_LAST_YEAR" = "last year"; "T_MONTHS_AGO" = "%d months ago"; "T_MONTH_AGO" = "1 month ago"; "T_LAST_MONTH" = "last month"; "T_WEEKS_AGO" = "%d weeks ago"; "T_WEEK_AGO" = "1 week ago"; "T_LAST_WEEK" = "last week"; "T_DAYS_AGO" = "%d days ago"; "T_DAY_AGO" = "1 day ago"; "T_YESTERDAY" = "yesterday"; "T_HOURS_AGO" = "%d hours ago"; "T_HOUR_AGO" = "1 hour ago"; "T_LAST_HOUR" = "yast hour"; "T_MINUTES_AGO" = "%d minutes ago"; "T_MINUTE_AGO" = "1 minute ago"; "T_MINUTE_HOUR" = "a minute ago"; "T_SECONDS_AGO" = "%d seconds ago"; "T_JUST_NOW" = "just now"; // CoreDataHelper "CONTINUE_SESSION_TITLE" = "Continue last session?"; "CONTINUE_SESSION_MESSAGE" = "What would you like to do with the recovered content from last session?"; "CONTINUE_SESSION" = "Continue session"; "SAVE_START_NEW" = "Save and start new"; // Default File Name // in preferences section "DEFAULT_NAME_SECTION" = "Default file name setup"; // in default name editor view "DEFAULT_NAME_DATE_FORMAT" = "File Name Format"; "DEFAULT_NAME_SETTINGS" = "Settings"; "DEFAULT_NAME_PRESET" = "Presets"; "DEFAULT_NAME_INPUT_FOOTER" = "Clicking done on the keyboard saves the date format for use, regardless if its a preset or custom. Date format should be encapsulated within { ... }. For full list of applicable date format syntax please refer to Unicode Technical Standard (UTS) #35."; "DEFAULT_NAME_SAMPLE_OUTPUT_TITLE" = "Sample: "; "DEFAULT_NAME_USE_UTC" = "Use UTC Time?"; "DEFAULT_NAME_ENGLISH_LOCALE" = "Force English locale date format?"; // DateFieldTypeView "YEAR" = "Year"; "MONTH" = "Month"; "DAY" = "Day"; "HOUR" = "Hour"; "MINUTE" = "Minute"; "SECOND" = "Second"; "DAY_OF_THE_WEEK" = "Day of the week"; "TIME_OF_DAY" = "Time of day"; "WEEK" = "Week"; "QUARTER" = "Quarter"; "ERA" = "Era"; "TIME_ZONE" = "Time Zone"; "SINGLE_DIGIT" = "Single"; "FULL_TEXT" = "Full"; "TEXT" = "Text"; "OF_MONTH" = "Of Month"; "OF_YEAR" = "Of Year"; "ABBR_GMT" = "Abbr. / GMT"; "UTC_OFFSET" = "UTC offset"; "GMT_SHORT" = "GMT short"; "GMT_FULL" = "GMT full"; "LOCATION" = "Location"; "LOCATION_TIME" = "Location's Time";