#!/usr/bin/env perl
### NOTE: This script is deprecated. It has moved to
### https://github.com/plume-lib/html-tools
# This program takes as arguments a .png file for a "favicon" and a set of
# .html files. It makes each HTML file use the given favicon. A favicon
# is a favorites icon, which is intended to appear in the address bar of
# your browser when you browse to the given page.
# Usage:
# html-add-favicon atT.png `find . -iname '*.html'`
# Both the .png and the .html filenames should be relative (not absolute),
# as in the given example.
# Also see the add-favicon script in plume-lib, which has a similar effect.
use strict;
use English;
use File::Basename;
if (scalar(@ARGV) < 2) {
die "Not enough arguments";
my $ico_file = shift(@ARGV);
if ($ico_file !~ /\.png$/) {
die "Only handles .png icon files";
my $plbin = dirname(__FILE__);
for my $arg (@ARGV) {
my $linkdir = dirname($arg);
$linkdir =~ s/^\.(\/|$)//;
# Replace each directory component with "..".
$linkdir =~ s/[^\/]+/../g;
if ($linkdir ne "") {
$linkdir .= "/";
my $headtext = "";
# This is ugly, but it handles two capitalizations of "".
`$plbin/preplace '(]*>\n)?' '$headtext\n' $arg`;
`$plbin/preplace '(]*>\n)?' '$headtext\n' $arg`;