#!/usr/bin/perl # # pspage - adds page numbers to a postscript file # # # Author: Christoph Dalitz # License: freely distributable under GPL # Version: 1.4 # # History: # 15.04.2001 first creation # 01.02.2002 removed dependency on %%BeginPageSetup # bugfix in use of stringwidth and point/cm conversion # landscape option added # 12.02.2002 added special care for embedded EPSF images # new options -ltext, -rtext, -ctext # 13.03.2002 new option -font # 24.01.2008 new options -xe and -xo for distinguishing between # x-position for odd and even pages # # global variable intitializations #--------------------------------------------------- $IN = 72; $FONT = "Times-Roman"; $FONTSIZE = "12"; # default position parameters for portrait [0] and landscape [1] # nota bene: values are in inches and suited for letter format! @XDEF = (4.25, 5.5); @YDEF = (0.7, 7.7); # command line parameters $N = 0; $ORIENTATION = 0; $X = -1; $XO = -1; $XE = -1; $Y = -1; $INFILE = ""; $TEXT = "%p"; $ALIGN = "c"; $PGM = pspage; $VERSION = "1.4"; $USAGEMSG = "This is " . $PGM . " version " . $VERSION . "\n" . "USAGE:\n\t" . $PGM . " [options] [<infile>]\n" . "OPTIONS:\n" . "\t-? help message\n" . "\t-1 <nr> first page [" . ($N+1) . "]\n" . "\t-y <in> y position [" . $YDEF[$ORIENTATION] . "]\n" . "\t-x <in> x position [" . $XDEF[$ORIENTATION] . "]\n" . "\t-xo <in> x position on odd pages [" . $XDEF[$ORIENTATION] . "]\n" . "\t-xe <in> x position on even pages [" . $XDEF[$ORIENTATION] . "]\n" . "\t-l landscape orientation (rotates characters)\n" . "\t-ltext <text>\n" . "\t-rtext <text>\n" . "\t-ctext <text>\n" . "\t prints <text> instead of page number\n" . "\t <text> may contain '%p' for the page number\n" . "\t The three options differ in the text alignment:\n" . "\t left (-ltext), right (-rtext) or centerd (-ctext)\n" . "\t-font <font>[:<size>]\n" . "\t use <font> with size <size> [$FONT:$FONTSIZE]\n"; # main program #--------------------------------------------------- # # parse command line # while (@ARGV) { my $opt = shift @ARGV; if ($opt eq "-?") { # help message print $USAGEMSG; exit 0; } elsif ($opt eq "-1") { # first page $N = (shift(@ARGV) - 1); } elsif ($opt eq "-x") { # x position $X = shift(@ARGV); } elsif ($opt eq "-xo") { # x position odd pages $XO = shift(@ARGV); } elsif ($opt eq "-xe") { # x position even pages $XE = shift(@ARGV); } elsif ($opt eq "-y") { # x position $Y = shift(@ARGV); } elsif ($opt eq "-l") { # landscape orientation $ORIENTATION = 1; } elsif ($opt eq "-ltext") { # custom text left justified $TEXT = shift(@ARGV); $ALIGN = "l"; } elsif ($opt eq "-rtext") { # custom text right justified $TEXT = shift(@ARGV); $ALIGN = "r"; } elsif ($opt eq "-ctext") { # custom text centered $TEXT = shift(@ARGV); $ALIGN = "c"; } elsif ($opt eq "-font") { # font and (optional) size my @arr = split(/:/, shift(@ARGV)); if (($#arr >= 0) && $arr[0]) { $FONT = $arr[0]; } if ($#arr >= 1) { if ($arr[1] <= 0) { print STDERR "Bad fontsize $arr[1]\n"; exit 1; } $FONTSIZE = $arr[1]; } } else { # input file $INFILE = $opt; if (! -e $INFILE) { print STDERR "Cannot find $INFILE\n"; exit 1; } } } # set default position values if not explicitly given if ($X < 0) { $X = $XDEF[$ORIENTATION]; } if ($XO < 0) { $XO = $X; } if ($XE < 0) { $XE = $X; } if ($Y < 0) { $Y = $YDEF[$ORIENTATION]; } # counter for reckognizing embedded EPSF images $insideepsf = 0; # # process postscript input # if ($INFILE) { open(IFH, $INFILE) or die("Cannot open ", $INFILE, "\n"); } else { open(IFH, "-") or die("Cannot open STDIN\n"); } while (<IFH>) { # print original line in any case print; # take care of embedded EPS images if (/^\%\%BeginDocument:/) { $insideepsf++; } if (/^\%\%EndDocument/ && ($insideepsf>0)) { $insideepsf--; } # print page number or text if (/^\%\%Page:/ && ($insideepsf==0)) { # count pages $N++; # replace escape (%p) in text $tmptext = $TEXT; $tmptext =~ s/\%p/$N/g; # print text at (x,y) print "gsave\n"; if (1 == $N % 2) { printf("/$FONT $FONTSIZE selectfont %.1f %.1f moveto\n", $XO*$IN,$Y*$IN); } else { printf("/$FONT $FONTSIZE selectfont %.1f %.1f moveto\n", $XE*$IN,$Y*$IN); } if ($ORIENTATION == 1) { # landscape mode print "90 rotate "; } # shift start point according alignment if ($ALIGN eq "c") { # centered print "($tmptext) stringwidth pop -2 div 0 rmoveto "; } elsif ($ALIGN eq "r") { # right justified print "($tmptext) stringwidth pop neg 0 rmoveto "; } elsif ($ALIGN eq "l") { # left justified # no shift required } print "($tmptext) show\n"; print "grestore\n"; } } close(IFH);