#!/usr/bin/perl -w ## (was /usr/sbin/perl -w) ## Make a gif "transparent" ## ## Jeffrey Friedl ## jfriedl@omrongw.wg.omron.co.jp ## 15 July 1994 ## 2 Aug 1994 - added ability to select transparent color by RGB values. ## 940825.3 -- modified to work with possible future versions of the ## GIF standard... just in case. ## #$version = "940825.3"; ## ## BLURB: ## Transforms a "normal" gif into a "transparent background" gif. ## ##> ## ## I wrote this because people ask for something like this all the time. ## I just learned the format of GIFs a week ago, so this will likely be ## lacking in many respects. ## ## ## Usage: ## transgif [options] regular.gif > transparent.gif ## or ## cat regular.gif | transgif [options] transparent.gif ## ## The default is that whatever color happens to fall into the first colormap ## slot (often black) will be made transparent. This can be changed via the ## the options. ## ## The options are from: ## -p print the colormap (to STDERR). ## The new gif still goes to STDOUT. ## ## -### make colormap index-### transparent (default is -0) ## ## -rgb ## ## ## Take the three numbers as R G B values (in the range ## of 0..255 (or 0x00..0xff). The first colormap entry ## with those RGB values is made transparent. ## ## -rgb name Use the R G B values of the color 'name' if known ## by this program (data from X11's rgb.txt) ## ## COLORNUM is the index of the color entry to make transparent, and ## defaults to zero. For those that like the looks of it, you can put ## a leading '-'. ## ##< sub usage { die "@_\nUsage: $0 [-p] [-## | -rgb name | -rgb ## ## ##] [file]\n"; } $trans_index = 0; $print_color_map = 0; $select_via_rgb = 0; while (@ARGV && $ARGV[0] =~ m/^-/) { $arg = shift; if ($arg eq '-p') { ## print color map $print_color_map = 1; } elsif ($arg =~ m/^-(\d+)$/) { ## set color map index number $trans_index = $1; } elsif ($arg eq '-rgb') { ## set what color to make transparent ## if next three args look numerical (## or 0x##), use as R B G. if (@ARGV >= 3 && $ARGV[0] =~ m/^(0x[\da-f]+|\d+)$/i && $ARGV[1] =~ m/^(0x[\da-f]+|\d+)$/i && $ARGV[2] =~ m/^(0x[\da-f]+|\d+)$/i) { ($R, $G, $B) = splice(@ARGV, 0, 3); $select_via_rgb = 1; $R = eval($R); ## eval these to process any hex or octal values. $G = eval($G); ## eval these to process any hex or octal values. $B = eval($B); ## eval these to process any hex or octal values. ## if next arg looks like a color name, use those R G B values. } elsif (@ARGV && (@RGB = &name2rgb($ARGV[0]), @RGB == 3)) { shift; ## eat name; ($R, $G, $B) = @RGB; $select_via_rgb = 1; } else { warn(qq/(don't understand "$ARGV[0]" as a color name)\n/) if @ARGV; die qq/$0: expected color name or a numerical triplet for $arg\n/; } } else { &usage(qq/unknown arg "$arg".\n/); } } &usage('too many args.') if @ARGV > 1; if (@ARGV == 0) { &giftrans(*STDIN, *STDOUT, $trans_index); } else { open(INPUT, $file =shift) || die "$0: couldn't open [$file] for input\n"; &giftrans(*INPUT, *STDOUT, $trans_index); close(INPUT); } exit(0); ## ## Given indirect references to two filehandles, pass the file from ## one to the other, changing nothing unless it's a GIF that we know ## how to deal with, and if so do so. ## ## This is written rather verbosely for the sake of clarity... speed not ## much of an issue for something like this, and the difference is minimal ## anyway. ## sub giftrans { local(*IN, *OUT, $trans_index) = @_; $trans_index = 0 if !defined $trans_index; local($header, $color_table, $nextblock, $buffer) = ('') x 4; ## The header looks like: ## byte 0 - 5: "GIF89a" or "GIF87a" ## byte 6, 7: width (low order first) ## byte 8, 9: height (low order first) ## byte 10: various flags ## byte 11: background color index ## byte 12: aspect ratio sysread(IN, $header, 13) || die "sysread header: $!"; substr($header, 0, 6) = 'GIF89a' if substr($header,0,6) eq 'GIF87a'; print OUT $header; if (substr($header, 0, 3) ne 'GIF') { print STDERR "don't know input filetype, passing unchanged\n"; } else { ## ## Look at flags (8 bits): hi[MCCCSPPP]low ## M = global colormap present? ## CCC = bits/color/colormapentry - 1 ## S = color map sorted by importance? ## PPP = bits/pixel - 1 ## therefore ## Bits/pixel = PPP+1 ## Number of possible colors (entries in colormap): 2 ** (PPP+1) ## : 1 << (PPP+1) ## Size (bytes) of colormap: 3 * Number of possible colors ## : 3 * (1 << (PPP+1)) ## local($flags) = ord(substr($header, 10, 1)); local($has_global_colormap) = $flags & 0x80; ## Copy over the colormap if need be. if (!$has_global_colormap) { die "$0: picture has no colormap, so -rgb arg invalid\n" if $select_via_rgb; die "$0: no colormap, so any index except 0 or 1 makes no sense\n" if $trans_index > 1; } else { local($bits_per_pixel) = 1 + ($flags & 0x07); local($colormap_entries) = 1 << $bits_per_pixel; local($color_tbl_size) = 3 * $colormap_entries; sysread(IN, $color_table, $color_tbl_size) || die "sysread color"; print OUT $color_table; if ($print_color_map || $select_via_rgb) { ## For each byte of each colormap's RGB triplit, we'll have ## to mask off bits that aren't used when looking at the ## color values. local($bits_color_byte) = 1 + (($flags >> 4) & 0x07); local($rgb_byte_mask) = (1 << $bits_color_byte) - 1; local($r,$g,$b); local($best_delta) = 1000; ## any big number ok local(@delta, @r, @b, @g); for ($i = 0; $i < $colormap_entries; $i++) { ($r, $g, $b) = unpack("CCC", substr($color_table, $i*3, 3)); $r &= $rgb_byte_mask; $g &= $rgb_byte_mask; $b &= $rgb_byte_mask; if ($select_via_rgb) { if ($r == $R && $g == $G && $b == $B) { $select_via_rgb = 0; $trans_index = $i; print(STDERR "Found exact match (index #$i).\n"); } else { $delta = ($r < $R ? $R - $r : $r - $R) + ($g < $G ? $G - $g : $g - $G) + ($b < $B ? $B - $b : $b - $B); if ($delta < $best_delta) { @delta = ($i); @r = $r; @g = $g; @b = $b; $best_delta = $delta; } elsif ($delta == $best_delta) { push(@delta, $i); push(@r, $r); push(@g, $g); push(@b, $b); } } } printf(STDERR "%03d: %3d %3d %3d (x%02x x%02x x%02x)\n", $i, $r, $g, $b, $r, $g, $b) if $print_color_map; } if ($select_via_rgb) { ## Mmm, didn't find it. Use one of the close ones. $trans_index = shift(@delta); $r = shift(@r); $g = shift(@g); $b = shift(@b); printf(STDERR "requested color not found, using index ". "#%d: %3d %3d %3d (x%02x x%02x x%02x)\n", $trans_index, $r, $g, $b, $r, $g, $b); if (@delta) { $count = @delta; print(STDERR "note: %d other entrie%s seem equally close:\n", $count, $count == 1 ? "" : "s"); while (@delta) { $index = shift(@delta); $r = shift(@r); $g = shift(@g); $b = shift(@b); printf(STDERR " index %03d: %3d %3d %3d ". "(x%02x x%02x x%02x)\n", $index, $r, $g, $b, $r, $g, $b); } } } } } ## ## The next 8 bytes will either be an already-there graphic-extension ## block, or something else that we'll not care about. In the latter ## case, we'll add a graphic-extension block saying "color such-and- ## such is transparent". If there's already one there, we'll just ## ensure that it says that. ## sysread(IN, $nextblock, 8) || die "sysread nextblock"; local($extension, $label) = unpack('CC', $nextblock); ## If extension is 0x21 and label is 0xf9, that's the magic tha means ## there's already a graphic extension there. if ($extension == 0x21 && $label == 0xf9) { substr($nextblock, 3, 1) = pack('C', 1|substr($nextblock, 3, 1)); substr($nextblock, 6, 1) = pack('C', $trans_index); } else { print OUT pack('CCC CCCC C', 0x21, ## magic: "Extension Introducer" 0xf9, ## magic: "Graphic Control Label" 4, ## bytes in block (between here and terminator) 0x01, ## indicates that 'transparet index' is given 0, 0, ## delay time. $trans_index, ## index number of colormap entry 0x00); ## terminator. } print OUT $nextblock; } ## Now just pass the rest of the file over unchanged. print OUT $buffer while sysread(IN, $buffer, 4096); close(IN); close(OUT); } ## ## Change a name to a triplet of RGB values. ## name and RGB data taken from the X11 lib/rgb.txt, with the ## name regexe-compressed by me. ## sub name2rgb { local($_) = @_; ## name; study; %rgb = ( ' 0, 0, 0', 'black|gr[ae]y0', ' 0, 0,128', 'navy([ \-]?blue)?', ' 0, 0,139', 'blue4', ' 0, 0,205', 'blue3|medium[ \-]?blue', ' 0, 0,238', 'blue2', ' 0, 0,255', 'blue1?', ' 0,100, 0', 'dark[ \-]?green', ' 0,104,139', 'deepskyblue4', ' 0,134,139', 'turquoise4', ' 0,139, 0', 'green4', ' 0,139, 69', 'springgreen4', ' 0,139,139', 'cyan4', ' 0,154,205', 'deepskyblue3', ' 0,178,238', 'deepskyblue2', ' 0,191,255', 'deep( sky blue|-sky-blue|skyblue1?)', ' 0,197,205', 'turquoise3', ' 0,205, 0', 'green3', ' 0,205,102', 'springgreen3', ' 0,205,205', 'cyan3', ' 0,206,209', 'dark[ \-]?turquoise', ' 0,229,238', 'turquoise2', ' 0,238, 0', 'green2', ' 0,238,118', 'springgreen2', ' 0,238,238', 'cyan2', ' 0,245,255', 'turquoise1', ' 0,250,154', 'medium[ \-]?spring[ \-]?green', ' 0,255, 0', 'green1?', ' 0,255,127', 'spring[ \-]?green1?', ' 0,255,255', 'cyan1?', ' 3, 3, 3', 'gr[ae]y1', ' 5, 5, 5', 'gr[ae]y2', ' 8, 8, 8', 'gr[ae]y3', ' 10, 10, 10', 'gr[ae]y4', ' 13, 13, 13', 'gr[ae]y5', ' 15, 15, 15', 'gr[ae]y6', ' 16, 78,139', 'dodgerblue4', ' 18, 18, 18', 'gr[ae]y7', ' 20, 20, 20', 'gr[ae]y8', ' 23, 23, 23', 'gr[ae]y9', ' 24,116,205', 'dodgerblue3', ' 25, 25,112', 'midnight[ \-]?blue', ' 26, 26, 26', 'gr[ae]y10', ' 28, 28, 28', 'gr[ae]y11', ' 28,134,238', 'dodgerblue2', ' 30,144,255', 'dodger[ \-]?blue1?', ' 31, 31, 31', 'gr[ae]y12', ' 32,178,170', 'light[ \-]?sea[ \-]?green', ' 33, 33, 33', 'gr[ae]y13', ' 34,139, 34', 'forest[ \-]?green', ' 36, 36, 36', 'gr[ae]y14', ' 38, 38, 38', 'gr[ae]y15', ' 39, 64,139', 'royalblue4', ' 41, 41, 41', 'gr[ae]y16', ' 43, 43, 43', 'gr[ae]y17', ' 46, 46, 46', 'gr[ae]y18', ' 46,139, 87', 'sea[ \-]?green4?', ' 47, 79, 79', 'dark( slate gr[ae]|-slate-gr[ae]|slategr[ae])y', ' 48, 48, 48', 'gr[ae]y19', ' 50,205, 50', 'lime[ \-]?green', ' 51, 51, 51', 'gr[ae]y20', ' 54, 54, 54', 'gr[ae]y21', ' 54,100,139', 'steelblue4', ' 56, 56, 56', 'gr[ae]y22', ' 58, 95,205', 'royalblue3', ' 59, 59, 59', 'gr[ae]y23', ' 60,179,113', 'medium[ \-]?sea[ \-]?green', ' 61, 61, 61', 'gr[ae]y24', ' 64, 64, 64', 'gr[ae]y25', ' 64,224,208', 'turquoise', ' 65,105,225', 'royal[ \-]?blue', ' 66, 66, 66', 'gr[ae]y26', ' 67,110,238', 'royalblue2', ' 67,205,128', 'seagreen3', ' 69, 69, 69', 'gr[ae]y27', ' 69,139, 0', 'chartreuse4', ' 69,139,116', 'aquamarine4', ' 70,130,180', 'steel[ \-]?blue', ' 71, 60,139', 'slateblue4', ' 71, 71, 71', 'gr[ae]y28', ' 72, 61,139', 'dark[ \-]?slate[ \-]?blue', ' 72,118,255', 'royalblue1', ' 72,209,204', 'medium[ \-]?turquoise', ' 74, 74, 74', 'gr[ae]y29', ' 74,112,139', 'skyblue4', ' 77, 77, 77', 'gr[ae]y30', ' 78,238,148', 'seagreen2', ' 79, 79, 79', 'gr[ae]y31', ' 79,148,205', 'steelblue3', ' 82, 82, 82', 'gr[ae]y32', ' 82,139,139', 'darkslategray4', ' 83,134,139', 'cadetblue4', ' 84, 84, 84', 'gr[ae]y33', ' 84,139, 84', 'palegreen4', ' 84,255,159', 'seagreen1', ' 85, 26,139', 'purple4', ' 85,107, 47', 'dark[ \-]?olive[ \-]?green', ' 87, 87, 87', 'gr[ae]y34', ' 89, 89, 89', 'gr[ae]y35', ' 92, 92, 92', 'gr[ae]y36', ' 92,172,238', 'steelblue2', ' 93, 71,139', 'mediumpurple4', ' 94, 94, 94', 'gr[ae]y37', ' 95,158,160', 'cadet[ \-]?blue', ' 96,123,139', 'lightskyblue4', ' 97, 97, 97', 'gr[ae]y38', ' 99, 99, 99', 'gr[ae]y39', ' 99,184,255', 'steelblue1', '100,149,237', 'cornflower[ \-]?blue', '102,102,102', 'gr[ae]y40', '102,139,139', 'paleturquoise4', '102,205, 0', 'chartreuse3', '102,205,170', 'aquamarine3|medium[ \-]?aquamarine', '104, 34,139', 'darkorchid4', '104,131,139', 'lightblue4', '105, 89,205', 'slateblue3', '105,105,105', 'dim( gr[ae]|-gr[ae]|gr[ae])y|gr[ae]y41', '105,139, 34', 'olivedrab4', '105,139,105', 'darkseagreen4', '106, 90,205', 'slate[ \-]?blue', '107,107,107', 'gr[ae]y42', '107,142, 35', 'olive[ \-]?drab', '108,123,139', 'slategray4', '108,166,205', 'skyblue3', '110,110,110', 'gr[ae]y43', '110,123,139', 'lightsteelblue4', '110,139, 61', 'darkolivegreen4', '112,112,112', 'gr[ae]y44', '112,128,144', 'slate( gr[ae]|-gr[ae]|gr[ae])y', '115,115,115', 'gr[ae]y45', '117,117,117', 'gr[ae]y46', '118,238, 0', 'chartreuse2', '118,238,198', 'aquamarine2', '119,136,153', 'light( slate gr[ae]|-slate-gr[ae]|slategr[ae])y', '120,120,120', 'gr[ae]y47', '121,205,205', 'darkslategray3', '122, 55,139', 'mediumorchid4', '122,103,238', 'slateblue2', '122,122,122', 'gr[ae]y48', '122,139,139', 'lightcyan4', '122,197,205', 'cadetblue3', '123,104,238', 'medium[ \-]?slate[ \-]?blue', '124,205,124', 'palegreen3', '124,252, 0', 'lawn[ \-]?green', '125, 38,205', 'purple3', '125,125,125', 'gr[ae]y49', '126,192,238', 'skyblue2', '127,127,127', 'gr[ae]y50', '127,255, 0', 'chartreuse1?', '127,255,212', 'aquamarine1?', '130,130,130', 'gr[ae]y51', '131,111,255', 'slateblue1', '131,139,131', 'honeydew4', '131,139,139', 'azure4', '132,112,255', 'light[ \-]?slate[ \-]?blue', '133,133,133', 'gr[ae]y52', '135,135,135', 'gr[ae]y53', '135,206,235', 'sky[ \-]?blue', '135,206,250', 'light[ \-]?sky[ \-]?blue', '135,206,255', 'skyblue1', '137,104,205', 'mediumpurple3', '138, 43,226', 'blue[ \-]?violet', '138,138,138', 'gr[ae]y54', '139, 0, 0', 'red4', '139, 0,139', 'magenta4', '139, 10, 80', 'deeppink4', '139, 26, 26', 'firebrick4', '139, 28, 98', 'maroon4', '139, 34, 82', 'violetred4', '139, 35, 35', 'brown4', '139, 37, 0', 'orangered4', '139, 54, 38', 'tomato4', '139, 58, 58', 'indianred4', '139, 58, 98', 'hotpink4', '139, 62, 47', 'coral4', '139, 69, 0', 'darkorange4', '139, 69, 19', 'chocolate4|saddle[ \-]?brown', '139, 71, 38', 'sienna4', '139, 71, 93', 'palevioletred4', '139, 71,137', 'orchid4', '139, 76, 57', 'salmon4', '139, 87, 66', 'lightsalmon4', '139, 90, 0', 'orange4', '139, 90, 43', 'tan4', '139, 95,101', 'lightpink4', '139, 99,108', 'pink4', '139,101, 8', 'darkgoldenrod4', '139,102,139', 'plum4', '139,105, 20', 'goldenrod4', '139,105,105', 'rosybrown4', '139,115, 85', 'burlywood4', '139,117, 0', 'gold4', '139,119,101', 'peachpuff4', '139,121, 94', 'navajowhite4', '139,123,139', 'thistle4', '139,125,107', 'bisque4', '139,125,123', 'mistyrose4', '139,126,102', 'wheat4', '139,129, 76', 'lightgoldenrod4', '139,131,120', 'antiquewhite4', '139,131,134', 'lavenderblush4', '139,134, 78', 'khaki4', '139,134,130', 'seashell4', '139,136,120', 'cornsilk4', '139,137,112', 'lemonchiffon4', '139,137,137', 'snow4', '139,139, 0', 'yellow4', '139,139,122', 'lightyellow4', '139,139,131', 'ivory4', '140,140,140', 'gr[ae]y55', '141,182,205', 'lightskyblue3', '141,238,238', 'darkslategray2', '142,229,238', 'cadetblue2', '143,143,143', 'gr[ae]y56', '143,188,143', 'dark[ \-]?sea[ \-]?green', '144,238,144', 'palegreen2', '145, 44,238', 'purple2', '145,145,145', 'gr[ae]y57', '147,112,219', 'medium[ \-]?purple', '148, 0,211', 'dark[ \-]?violet', '148,148,148', 'gr[ae]y58', '150,150,150', 'gr[ae]y59', '150,205,205', 'paleturquoise3', '151,255,255', 'darkslategray1', '152,245,255', 'cadetblue1', '152,251,152', 'pale[ \-]?green', '153, 50,204', 'dark[ \-]?orchid', '153,153,153', 'gr[ae]y60', '154, 50,205', 'darkorchid3', '154,192,205', 'lightblue3', '154,205, 50', 'olivedrab3|yellow[ \-]?green', '154,255,154', 'palegreen1', '155, 48,255', 'purple1', '155,205,155', 'darkseagreen3', '156,156,156', 'gr[ae]y61', '158,158,158', 'gr[ae]y62', '159,121,238', 'mediumpurple2', '159,182,205', 'slategray3', '160, 32,240', 'purple', '160, 82, 45', 'sienna', '161,161,161', 'gr[ae]y63', '162,181,205', 'lightsteelblue3', '162,205, 90', 'darkolivegreen3', '163,163,163', 'gr[ae]y64', '164,211,238', 'lightskyblue2', '165, 42, 42', 'brown', '166,166,166', 'gr[ae]y65', '168,168,168', 'gr[ae]y66', '171,130,255', 'mediumpurple1', '171,171,171', 'gr[ae]y67', '173,173,173', 'gr[ae]y68', '173,216,230', 'light[ \-]?blue', '173,255, 47', 'green[ \-]?yellow', '174,238,238', 'paleturquoise2', '175,238,238', 'pale[ \-]?turquoise', '176, 48, 96', 'maroon', '176,176,176', 'gr[ae]y69', '176,196,222', 'light[ \-]?steel[ \-]?blue', '176,224,230', 'powder[ \-]?blue', '176,226,255', 'lightskyblue1', '178, 34, 34', 'firebrick', '178, 58,238', 'darkorchid2', '178,223,238', 'lightblue2', '179,179,179', 'gr[ae]y70', '179,238, 58', 'olivedrab2', '180, 82,205', 'mediumorchid3', '180,205,205', 'lightcyan3', '180,238,180', 'darkseagreen2', '181,181,181', 'gr[ae]y71', '184,134, 11', 'dark[ \-]?goldenrod', '184,184,184', 'gr[ae]y72', '185,211,238', 'slategray2', '186, 85,211', 'medium[ \-]?orchid', '186,186,186', 'gr[ae]y73', '187,255,255', 'paleturquoise1', '188,143,143', 'rosy[ \-]?brown', '188,210,238', 'lightsteelblue2', '188,238,104', 'darkolivegreen2', '189,183,107', 'dark[ \-]?khaki', '189,189,189', 'gr[ae]y74', '190,190,190', 'gr[ae]y', '191, 62,255', 'darkorchid1', '191,191,191', 'gr[ae]y75', '191,239,255', 'lightblue1', '192,255, 62', 'olivedrab1', '193,205,193', 'honeydew3', '193,205,205', 'azure3', '193,255,193', 'darkseagreen1', '194,194,194', 'gr[ae]y76', '196,196,196', 'gr[ae]y77', '198,226,255', 'slategray1', '199, 21,133', 'medium[ \-]?violet[ \-]?red', '199,199,199', 'gr[ae]y78', '201,201,201', 'gr[ae]y79', '202,225,255', 'lightsteelblue1', '202,255,112', 'darkolivegreen1', '204,204,204', 'gr[ae]y80', '205, 0, 0', 'red3', '205, 0,205', 'magenta3', '205, 16,118', 'deeppink3', '205, 38, 38', 'firebrick3', '205, 41,144', 'maroon3', '205, 50,120', 'violetred3', '205, 51, 51', 'brown3', '205, 55, 0', 'orangered3', '205, 79, 57', 'tomato3', '205, 85, 85', 'indianred3', '205, 91, 69', 'coral3', '205, 92, 92', 'indian[ \-]?red', '205, 96,144', 'hotpink3', '205,102, 0', 'darkorange3', '205,102, 29', 'chocolate3', '205,104, 57', 'sienna3', '205,104,137', 'palevioletred3', '205,105,201', 'orchid3', '205,112, 84', 'salmon3', '205,129, 98', 'lightsalmon3', '205,133, 0', 'orange3', '205,133, 63', 'peru|tan3', '205,140,149', 'lightpink3', '205,145,158', 'pink3', '205,149, 12', 'darkgoldenrod3', '205,150,205', 'plum3', '205,155, 29', 'goldenrod3', '205,155,155', 'rosybrown3', '205,170,125', 'burlywood3', '205,173, 0', 'gold3', '205,175,149', 'peachpuff3', '205,179,139', 'navajowhite3', '205,181,205', 'thistle3', '205,183,158', 'bisque3', '205,183,181', 'mistyrose3', '205,186,150', 'wheat3', '205,190,112', 'lightgoldenrod3', '205,192,176', 'antiquewhite3', '205,193,197', 'lavenderblush3', '205,197,191', 'seashell3', '205,198,115', 'khaki3', '205,200,177', 'cornsilk3', '205,201,165', 'lemonchiffon3', '205,201,201', 'snow3', '205,205, 0', 'yellow3', '205,205,180', 'lightyellow3', '205,205,193', 'ivory3', '207,207,207', 'gr[ae]y81', '208, 32,144', 'violet[ \-]?red', '209, 95,238', 'mediumorchid2', '209,209,209', 'gr[ae]y82', '209,238,238', 'lightcyan2', '210,105, 30', 'chocolate', '210,180,140', 'tan', '211,211,211', 'light( gr[ae]|-gr[ae]|gr[ae])y', '212,212,212', 'gr[ae]y83', '214,214,214', 'gr[ae]y84', '216,191,216', 'thistle', '217,217,217', 'gr[ae]y85', '218,112,214', 'orchid', '218,165, 32', 'goldenrod', '219,112,147', 'pale[ \-]?violet[ \-]?red', '219,219,219', 'gr[ae]y86', '220,220,220', 'gainsboro', '221,160,221', 'plum', '222,184,135', 'burlywood', '222,222,222', 'gr[ae]y87', '224,102,255', 'mediumorchid1', '224,224,224', 'gr[ae]y88', '224,238,224', 'honeydew2', '224,238,238', 'azure2', '224,255,255', 'light[ \-]?cyan1?', '227,227,227', 'gr[ae]y89', '229,229,229', 'gr[ae]y90', '230,230,250', 'lavender', '232,232,232', 'gr[ae]y91', '233,150,122', 'dark[ \-]?salmon', '235,235,235', 'gr[ae]y92', '237,237,237', 'gr[ae]y93', '238, 0, 0', 'red2', '238, 0,238', 'magenta2', '238, 18,137', 'deeppink2', '238, 44, 44', 'firebrick2', '238, 48,167', 'maroon2', '238, 58,140', 'violetred2', '238, 59, 59', 'brown2', '238, 64, 0', 'orangered2', '238, 92, 66', 'tomato2', '238, 99, 99', 'indianred2', '238,106, 80', 'coral2', '238,106,167', 'hotpink2', '238,118, 0', 'darkorange2', '238,118, 33', 'chocolate2', '238,121, 66', 'sienna2', '238,121,159', 'palevioletred2', '238,122,233', 'orchid2', '238,130, 98', 'salmon2', '238,130,238', 'violet', '238,149,114', 'lightsalmon2', '238,154, 0', 'orange2', '238,154, 73', 'tan2', '238,162,173', 'lightpink2', '238,169,184', 'pink2', '238,173, 14', 'darkgoldenrod2', '238,174,238', 'plum2', '238,180, 34', 'goldenrod2', '238,180,180', 'rosybrown2', '238,197,145', 'burlywood2', '238,201, 0', 'gold2', '238,203,173', 'peachpuff2', '238,207,161', 'navajowhite2', '238,210,238', 'thistle2', '238,213,183', 'bisque2', '238,213,210', 'mistyrose2', '238,216,174', 'wheat2', '238,220,130', 'lightgoldenrod2', '238,221,130', 'light[ \-]?goldenrod', '238,223,204', 'antiquewhite2', '238,224,229', 'lavenderblush2', '238,229,222', 'seashell2', '238,230,133', 'khaki2', '238,232,170', 'pale[ \-]?goldenrod', '238,232,205', 'cornsilk2', '238,233,191', 'lemonchiffon2', '238,233,233', 'snow2', '238,238, 0', 'yellow2', '238,238,209', 'lightyellow2', '238,238,224', 'ivory2', '240,128,128', 'light[ \-]?coral', '240,230,140', 'khaki', '240,240,240', 'gr[ae]y94', '240,248,255', 'alice[ \-]?blue', '240,255,240', 'honeydew1?', '240,255,255', 'azure1?', '242,242,242', 'gr[ae]y95', '244,164, 96', 'sandy[ \-]?brown', '245,222,179', 'wheat', '245,245,220', 'beige', '245,245,245', 'gr[ae]y96|white[ \-]?smoke', '245,255,250', 'mint[ \-]?cream', '247,247,247', 'gr[ae]y97', '248,248,255', 'ghost[ \-]?white', '250,128,114', 'salmon', '250,235,215', 'antique[ \-]?white', '250,240,230', 'linen', '250,250,210', 'light[ \-]?goldenrod[ \-]?yellow', '250,250,250', 'gr[ae]y98', '252,252,252', 'gr[ae]y99', '253,245,230', 'old[ \-]?lace', '255, 0, 0', 'red1?', '255, 0,255', 'magenta1?', '255, 20,147', 'deep[ \-]?pink1?', '255, 48, 48', 'firebrick1', '255, 52,179', 'maroon1', '255, 62,150', 'violetred1', '255, 64, 64', 'brown1', '255, 69, 0', 'orange[ \-]?red1?', '255, 99, 71', 'tomato1?', '255,105,180', 'hot[ \-]?pink', '255,106,106', 'indianred1', '255,110,180', 'hotpink1', '255,114, 86', 'coral1', '255,127, 0', 'darkorange1', '255,127, 36', 'chocolate1', '255,127, 80', 'coral', '255,130, 71', 'sienna1', '255,130,171', 'palevioletred1', '255,131,250', 'orchid1', '255,140, 0', 'dark[ \-]?orange', '255,140,105', 'salmon1', '255,160,122', 'light[ \-]?salmon1?', '255,165, 0', 'orange1?', '255,165, 79', 'tan1', '255,174,185', 'lightpink1', '255,181,197', 'pink1', '255,182,193', 'light[ \-]?pink', '255,185, 15', 'darkgoldenrod1', '255,187,255', 'plum1', '255,192,203', 'pink', '255,193, 37', 'goldenrod1', '255,193,193', 'rosybrown1', '255,211,155', 'burlywood1', '255,215, 0', 'gold1?', '255,218,185', 'peach[ \-]?puff1?', '255,222,173', 'navajo[ \-]?white1?', '255,225,255', 'thistle1', '255,228,181', 'moccasin', '255,228,196', 'bisque1?', '255,228,225', 'misty[ \-]?rose1?', '255,231,186', 'wheat1', '255,235,205', 'blanched[ \-]?almond', '255,236,139', 'lightgoldenrod1', '255,239,213', 'papaya[ \-]?whip', '255,239,219', 'antiquewhite1', '255,240,245', 'lavender[ \-]?blush1?', '255,245,238', 'seashell1?', '255,246,143', 'khaki1', '255,248,220', 'cornsilk1?', '255,250,205', 'lemon[ \-]?chiffon1?', '255,250,240', 'floral[ \-]?white', '255,250,250', 'snow1?', '255,255, 0', 'yellow1?', '255,255,224', 'light[ \-]?yellow1?', '255,255,240', 'ivory1?', '255,255,255', 'gr[ae]y100|white', ); while (($val, $regex) = each %rgb) { return split(',', $val) if m/^$regex$/i; } } __END__