apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: rook-ceph-1.10.8-d2iq-defaults
  namespace: ${releaseNamespace}
  values.yaml: |
      # CRDs are not installed with "crds" directory and If this flag is disabled post-install, the cluster may be DESTROYED.
      # If the CRDs are deleted in this case, see the disaster recovery guide to restore them.
      # https://rook.io/docs/rook/latest/Troubleshooting/disaster-recovery/#restoring-crds-after-deletion
      enabled: true

        cpu: 750m
        memory: 768Mi
        cpu: 100m
        memory: 128Mi

    # Whether rook watches its current namespace for CRDs or the entire cluster, defaults to false
    currentNamespaceOnly: true

    # PSP is Unsupported in 1.25+ k8s
    pspEnable: false

    logLevel: DEBUG

      enableRbdDriver: false
      enableCephfsDriver: false
      enableCSIHostNetwork: false
      enableCephfsSnapshotter: false
      enableNFSSnapshotter: false
      enableRBDSnapshotter: false
      enableCSIEncryption: false
      rbdFSGroupPolicy: ReadWriteOnceWithFSType

      enabled: false

    # This allows DKP installations with static local static provisioner with loopback block devices (E.g.: preprovisioned with LVMs) work out of the box.
    allowLoopDevices: true

    # The admission controller was disabled by default in https://github.com/rook/rook/releases/tag/v1.10.9 to fix https://github.com/rook/rook/issues/10719.
    # This also solves upgrade issues related to the admission webhook that can occur due to a race between the `rook-ceph` and `rook-ceph-cluster` app
    disableAdmissionController: true