from functools import partial from urllib.parse import ( quote, urlencode, urlparse, ) from PyQt5 import QtWidgets from picard import ( config, log, ) from picard.config import TextOption from picard.metadata import register_track_metadata_processor from picard.ui.options import ( OptionsPage, register_options_page, ) from picard.webservice import ratecontrol PLUGIN_NAME = ' Lyrics' PLUGIN_AUTHOR = 'Andrea Avallone, Philipp Wolfer' PLUGIN_DESCRIPTION = 'Fetch lyrics from Lyrics, which provides millions of lyrics from artist all around the world. ' \ 'Lyrics provided are for educational purposes and personal use only. Commercial use is not allowed.

' \ 'In order to use you need to get a free API key at' PLUGIN_VERSION = '2.0' PLUGIN_API_VERSIONS = ['2.0', '2.1', '2.2', '2.3', '2.4', '2.5', '2.6'] PLUGIN_LICENSE = 'MIT' PLUGIN_LICENSE_URL = '' class HappidevLyricsMetadataProcessor: happidev_host = '' happidev_port = 443 happidev_delay = 60 * 1000 / 100 # 100 requests per minute def __init__(self): super().__init__() ratecontrol.set_minimum_delay( (self.happidev_host, self.happidev_port), self.happidev_delay) def process_metadata(self, album, metadata, track, release): artist = metadata['artist'] if not artist: log.debug( '{}: artist is missing, please provide a valid value'.format(PLUGIN_NAME)) return title = metadata['title'] if not title: log.debug( '{}: title is missing, please provide a valid value'.format(PLUGIN_NAME)) return path = '/v1/music' queryargs = { 'q': '"{}" "{}"'.format(artist, title), 'lyrics': 'true', 'type': 'track', } album._requests += 1 log.debug('{}: GET {}?{}'.format(PLUGIN_NAME, quote(path), urlencode(queryargs))) self._request(album.tagger.webservice, path, partial(self.process_search_response, album, metadata), queryargs) def _request(self, ws, path, callback, queryargs=None): if not queryargs: queryargs = {} apikey = config.setting['happidev_apikey'] if not apikey: error = 'API key is missing, please provide a valid value' log.debug('{}: {}'.format(PLUGIN_NAME, error)) callback(None, None, error) return queryargs['apikey'] = apikey ws.get(self.happidev_host, self.happidev_port, path, callback, parse_response_type='json', priority=True, queryargs=queryargs) def process_search_response(self, album, metadata, response, reply, error): if error or (response and (not response.get('success', False) or not response.get('length', 0))): log.debug('{}: lyrics NOT found for track {}'.format( PLUGIN_NAME, metadata['title'])) album._requests -= 1 album._finalize_loading(None) return try: lyrics_url = response['result'][0]['api_lyrics'] log.debug('{}: lyrics found for track {} at {}'.format( PLUGIN_NAME, metadata['title'], lyrics_url)) path = urlparse(lyrics_url).path album._requests += 1 self._request(album.tagger.webservice, path, partial(self.process_lyrics_response, album, metadata)) except (TypeError, KeyError, ValueError): log.warn('{}: failed parsing search response for {}'.format( PLUGIN_NAME, metadata['title']), exc_info=True) finally: album._requests -= 1 album._finalize_loading(None) @staticmethod def process_lyrics_response(album, metadata, response, reply, error): if error or (response and not response.get('success', False)): log.debug('{}: lyrics NOT loaded for track {}'.format( PLUGIN_NAME, metadata['title'])) album._requests -= 1 album._finalize_loading(None) return try: lyrics = response['result']['lyrics'] metadata['lyrics'] = lyrics log.debug('{}: lyrics loaded for track {}'.format( PLUGIN_NAME, metadata['title'])) except (TypeError, KeyError): log.warn('{}: failed parsing search response for {}'.format( PLUGIN_NAME, metadata['title']), exc_info=True) finally: album._requests -= 1 album._finalize_loading(None) class HappidevLyricsOptionsPage(OptionsPage): NAME = 'apiseeds_lyrics' TITLE = ' Lyrics' PARENT = 'plugins' options = [TextOption('setting', 'happidev_apikey', '')] def __init__(self, parent=None): super().__init__(parent) = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout(self) self.label = QtWidgets.QLabel(self) self.label.setText('Apiseeds API key') self.description = QtWidgets.QLabel(self) self.description.setText(' Music provides millions of lyrics from artist all around the world. ' 'Lyrics provided are for educational purposes and personal use only. Commercial use is not allowed. ' 'In order to use Music you need to get a free API key here.') self.description.setOpenExternalLinks(True) self.input = QtWidgets.QLineEdit(self) self.spacer = QtWidgets.QSpacerItem( 0, 0, QtWidgets.QSizePolicy.Minimum, QtWidgets.QSizePolicy.Expanding) def load(self): self.input.setText(config.setting['happidev_apikey']) def save(self): config.setting['happidev_apikey'] = self.input.text() register_track_metadata_processor(HappidevLyricsMetadataProcessor().process_metadata) register_options_page(HappidevLyricsOptionsPage)