# FRRK8s Release Notes ## Release v0.0.11 ### New Features - Add a field to the FRRConfiguration CRD to disable MP BGP for the given peer (#128, @AlinaSecret) ### Bug fixes - Fix the case where merging an FRRConfiguration with no hold / keepalive / connect Time set with one where the time is set to default fails. (#120, @fedepaol) ## Release v0.0.10 ### New features - FRR: bump to 9.0.2, allow to peer with localhost ([PR 118](https://github.com/metallb/frr-k8s/pull/118)) - Add option to configure BGP connect time ([PR_119](https://github.com/metallb/frr-k8s/pull/119)) ## Release v0.0.9 ### Bug fixes - helm: namespace all namespaced resources ([PR 117](https://github.com/metallb/frr-k8s/pull/117)) ## Release v0.0.8 ### Features - Support a --always-block parameter. The parameter accepts a list of comma separated cidrs to always block. This is useful to protect well known cidrs such as pods or clusterIPs. ([PR 88](https://github.com/metallb/frr-k8s/pull/88)) - Support restarting the webhook pod when the rotator updates its cert secret.([PR 100](https://github.com/metallb/frr-k8s/pull/100)) - Add a demo environment creation script ([PR 107](https://github.com/metallb/frr-k8s/pull/107)) - Remove the DesiredConfig field from the status API ([PR 110](https://github.com/metallb/frr-k8s/pull/110)) ### Bug fixes - FRRConfigurations from namespaces different than the one the daemon is deployed on were not validated with other resoureces. ([PR 91](https://github.com/metallb/frr-k8s/pull/91)) - Empty always-block flag was not parsed correctly. ([PR 95](https://github.com/metallb/frr-k8s/pull/95)) - helm: webhooks probes pointed to the wrong endpoints. ([PR 97](https://github.com/metallb/frr-k8s/pull/97)) ### Chores - helm: add an option to disable the webhook's cert rotation. ([PR 93](https://github.com/metallb/frr-k8s/pull/93)) - add a new logo! - CI: add a MetalLB E2E lane. ([PR 99](https://github.com/metallb/frr-k8s/pull/99)) - CI: don't run auto-generated files checks on dependabot PRs ([PR 111](https://github.com/metallb/frr-k8s/pull/111)) - kubectl: don't download if cluster is not reacheable ([PR 112](https://github.com/metallb/frr-k8s/pull/112)) ## Release v0.0.4 ### Bug fixes - Merging neighbors always failed when holdtime and keepalivetime were set ([PR #86](https://github.com/metallb/frr-k8s/pull/86)). ### Chores - Enforce adding release notes in CI ([PR #79](https://github.com/metallb/frr-k8s/pull/79)) - helm: Fix metricRelabelings templating ([PR #83](https://github.com/metallb/frr-k8s/pull/83)) ## Release v0.0.3 Support establishing BGP sessions with cleartext passwords ([PR #80](https://github.com/metallb/frr-k8s/pull/80)). ## Release v0.0.2 Helm charts: flip the prometheus service monitor default to false. Service Monitor should be opt-in for those users that have the prometheus operator deployed. ## Release v0.0.1 First release!