--- services: languagetool: image: meyay/languagetool:latest container_name: languagetool restart: always cap_drop: - ALL cap_add: - CAP_SETUID - CAP_SETGID - CAP_CHOWN security_opt: - no-new-privileges ports: # Using default port from the image - 8010:8010 environment: # OVERRIDE: comma seperated list of ngram language models to download (if not existing) # Valid languages are "en", "de", "es", "fr" and "nl". Image default: none # example: download_ngrams_for_langs: en,de,es # download_ngrams_for_langs: en,de # OPTIONAL: container path for the ngrams data. Image default: /ngrams # langtool_languageModel: /ngrams # OVERRIDE: container path to the fasttext binary. Image default: /usr/local/bin/fasttext # langtool_fasttextBinary: /usr/local/bin/fasttext # OPTIONAL: path to the fasttext model. Will be downloaded if not existing # langtool_fasttextModel: /fasttext/lid.176.bin # OVERRIDE: minimal Java heap size. Image default: 256m # JAVA_XMS: 512m # OVERRIDE: Maximum Java heap size. Image default: 1g # JAVA_XMX: 1g # OVERRIDE: Optional: Configure the garbage collector the JVM will use. # Valid options are: SerialGC, ParallelGC, ParNewGC, G1GC, ZGC # Note: ZGC might not work # JAVA_GC: SerialGC # OVERRIDE: Optional: Set you own custom Java options for the JVM. # Note: This will render the other JAVA_* options useless. # JAVA_OPTS: # OVERRIDE: Set UID for user languagetool. Image default: 783 # MAP_UID: 1026 # OVERRIDE: Set GID for group languagetool. Image default: 783 # MAP_GID: 100 volumes: # OPTIONAL: The location of ngrams data on the local machine - ./ngrams:/ngrams # OPTIONAL: The location of the fasttext model on the local machine - ./fasttext:/fasttext