CREATE TABLE german_climate_denormalized ( date timestamp, station_id string, station_name string, position geo_point, -- position of the weather station station_height int, -- height of the weather station temp float, -- temperature in °C humility double, -- relative humulity in percent cloudiness int, -- 0 (cloudless) -- 1 or less (nearly cloudless) -- 2 (less cloudy) -- 3 -- 4 (cloudy) -- 5 -- 6 (more cloudy) -- 7 or more (nearly overcast) -- 8 (overcast) -- -1 not availavle rainfall_fallen boolean, -- if some precipitation happened this hour rainfall_height double, -- precipitation height in mm rainfall_form int, -- 0 - no precipiation -- 1 - only "distinct" (german: "abgesetzte") precipitation -- 2 - only liquid "distinct" precipitation -- 3 - only solud "distinct" precipitation -- 6 - liquid -- 7 - solid -- 8 - solid and liquid -- 9 - no measurement air_pressure double, -- air pressure (Pa) air_pressure_station_height double, -- air pressure at station height (Pa) ground_temp array(float), -- soil temperature in °C at 2cm, 5cm, 10cm, 20cm and 50cm depth sunshine_duration double, -- sum of sunshine duration in that hour in minutes diffuse_sky_radiation double, -- sum of diffuse short-wave sky-radiation in J/cm² for that hour global_radiation double, -- sum of global short-wave radiation in J/cm² for that hour sun_zenith float, -- sun zenith in degree wind_speed double, -- wind speed in m/sec wind_direction int -- wind direction given in 36-part land-spout ) clustered by (station_id) into 12 shards with (number_of_replicas=0, refresh_interval=0);