## Description RAPID Syntax Highlighting for Sublime Text 3 This was made using the "Technical Reference Manual - RAPID Instructions, Functions, and Datatypes" from ABB. The syntax highlighting has been updated to RobotWare 6.07, Revision G. ## Installation Methods 1. Package Control i. See http://wbond.net/sublime_packages/package_control/installation ii. Once package control has been installed, bring up the command palette (cmd+shift+P or ctrl+shift+P) iii. Type Install and select "Package Control: Install Package" iv. Select RAPID Syntax Highlighting from the list. Package Control will keep it automatically updated for you. 2. Manual Download i. Unzip and copy RAPID.sublime-syntax into your sublime package directory 3. Clone i. Select your sublime package directory as your local repository or have separate ## Sublime Text 3 Package Directory 1. Open Sublime Text 2. On the menu bar: Packages > Browse Packages... 3. Open User Folder i. User folder is going to be where you'd want to install RAPID Syntax Highlighting ## Usage Sublime should auto-apply the syntax highlighting to all .mod or .sys files. You can use 'ctrl+r' or 'cmd+r' to view and quickly navigate to any FUNC or PROC you make. Hovering over a user defined functions will also allow you to navigate to the file they are defined in IF the folder is opened through Sublime. Brackets, parenthesis, braces, and quotes should auto-create their closing pair.