import argparse, socket, time, json, datetime, platform, psutil, requests, pprint, uuid # parse args parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Monitoring script to send system info to a tracking server') parser.add_argument('-d', '--dest', default='http://localhost:8080/', help='API Endpoint for Monitoring Data (Defaults to http://localhost:8080/)') parser.add_argument('-i', '--interval', default=5, type=int, help='Interval between checks (Seconds. Defaults to 5 seconds)') parser.add_argument('-a', '--attempts', default=30, type=int, help='Attempts to send data when sending failes (Defaults to 30)') parser.add_argument('-t', '--timeout', default=60, type=int, help='Timeout between resend attempts (Seconds. Defaults to 60. If attempts is reached script will die)') args = parser.parse_args() # Factor in sleep for bandwidth checking if args.interval >= 2: args.interval -= 2 def main(): # Hostname Info hostname = socket.gethostname() print("Hostname:", hostname) # CPU Info cpu_count = psutil.cpu_count() cpu_usage = psutil.cpu_percent(interval=1) print("CPU:\n\tCount:", cpu_count, "\n\tUsage:", cpu_usage) # Memory Info memory_stats = psutil.virtual_memory() memory_total = memory_used = memory_stats.used memory_used_percent = memory_stats.percent print("Memory:\n\tPercent:", memory_used_percent, "\n\tTotal:", memory_total / 1e+6, "MB", "\n\tUsed:", memory_used / 1e+6, "MB") # Disk Info disk_info = psutil.disk_partitions() print("Disks:") disks = [] for x in disk_info: # Try fixes issues with connected 'disk' such as CD-ROMS, Phones, etc. try: disk = { "name" : x.device, "mount_point" : x.mountpoint, "type" : x.fstype, "total_size" : psutil.disk_usage(x.mountpoint).total, "used_size" : psutil.disk_usage(x.mountpoint).used, "percent_used" : psutil.disk_usage(x.mountpoint).percent } disks.append(disk) print("\tDisk name",disk["name"], "\tMount Point:", disk["mount_point"], "\tType",disk["type"], "\tSize:", disk["total_size"] / 1e+9,"\tUsage:", disk["used_size"] / 1e+9, "\tPercent Used:", disk["percent_used"]) except: print("") # Bandwidth Info network_stats = get_bandwidth() print("Network:\n\tTraffic in:",network_stats["traffic_in"] / 1e+6,"\n\tTraffic out:",network_stats["traffic_out"] / 1e+6) # Network Info nics = [] print("NICs:") for name, snic_array in psutil.net_if_addrs().items(): # Create NIC object nic = { "name": name, "mac": "", "address": "", "address6": "", "netmask": "" } # Get NiC values for snic in snic_array: if == -1: nic["mac"] = snic.address elif == 2: nic["address"] = snic.address nic["netmask"] = snic.netmask elif == 23: nic["address6"] = snic.address nics.append(nic) print("\tNIC:",nic["name"], "\tMAC:", nic["mac"], "\tIPv4 Address:",nic["address"], "\tIPv4 Subnet:", nic["netmask"], "\tIPv6 Address:", nic["address6"]) # Platform Info system = { "name" : platform.system(), "version" : platform.release() } print("OS:\n\t",system["name"],system["version"]) # Time Info timestamp = datetime.datetime.utcnow().strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S+00:00") uptime = int(time.time() - psutil.boot_time()) print("System Uptime:\n\t",uptime) # System UUID sys_uuid = uuid.getnode() # Set Machine Info machine = { "hostname" : hostname, "uuid" : sys_uuid, "system" : system, "uptime" : uptime, "cpu_count" : cpu_count, "cpu_usage" : cpu_usage, "memory_total" : memory_total, "memory_used" : memory_used, "memory_used_percent" : memory_used_percent, "drives" : disks, "network_up" : network_stats["traffic_out"], "network_down" : network_stats["traffic_in"], "network_cards": nics, "timestamp" : timestamp } data = json.dumps(machine) print("\nData:") pprint.pprint(machine, indent=4) send_data(data) def get_bandwidth(): # Get net in/out net1_out = psutil.net_io_counters().bytes_sent net1_in = psutil.net_io_counters().bytes_recv time.sleep(1) # Get new net in/out net2_out = psutil.net_io_counters().bytes_sent net2_in = psutil.net_io_counters().bytes_recv # Compare and get current speed if net1_in > net2_in: current_in = 0 else: current_in = net2_in - net1_in if net1_out > net2_out: current_out = 0 else: current_out = net2_out - net1_out network = {"traffic_in" : current_in, "traffic_out" : current_out} return network def send_data(data): # Attempt to send data up to 30 times for attempt in range(args.attempts): try: # endpoint = monitoring server endpoint = args.dest response = = endpoint, data = data) print("\nPOST:") print("Response:", response.status_code) print("Headers:") pprint.pprint(response.headers) print("Content:", response.content) # Attempt printing response in JSON if possible try: print("JSON Content:") pprint.pprint(response.json()) except: print("No JSON content") break except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e: print("\nPOST Error:\n",e) # Sleep 1 minute before retrying time.sleep(args.timeout) else: # If no connection established for attempts*timeout, kill script exit(0) while True: main() print("-----------------------------------------------------------------") time.sleep(args.interval)