#!/usr/bin/env python3 from sub_convert import convert from sub_update import update import re, json, os from io import BytesIO from urllib import request list_path = './list.json' merge_path = './merge' export_path = './merge/list' class merge(): def geoip_update(url): print('Downloading Country.mmdb...') try: request.urlretrieve(url, './utils/Country.mmdb') print('Success!\n') except Exception: print('Failed!\n') pass # 将转换后的所有 Url 链接内容合并转换 YAML or Base64, ,并输出文件,输入订阅列表。 def main(url_list): content_list = [] for index in range(len(url_list)): content = convert.convert_remote(url_list[index]['url'], 'url', '') ids = url_list[index]['id'] remark = url_list[index]['remark'] if content == 'Url 解析错误': content = convert.main(merge.read_as_list(list_path)[index]['url'],'url','url') if content != 'Url 解析错误': content_list.append(content) print(f'Writing content of {remark} to {ids:0>2d}.txt\n') else: print(f'Writing error of {remark} to {ids:0>2d}.txt because of Url 解析错误\n') elif content == 'Url 订阅内容无法解析': print(f'Writing error of {remark} to {ids:0>2d}.txt because of Url 订阅内容无法解析\n') elif content != None: content_list.append(content) print(f'Writing content of {remark} to {ids:0>2d}.txt\n') else: print(f'Writing error of {remark} to {ids:0>2d}.txt because of Url 订阅内容无法解析\n') print('Merging nodes...\n') content_raw = ''.join(content_list) # https://python3-cookbook.readthedocs.io/zh_CN/latest/c02/p14_combine_and_concatenate_strings.html content_clash = convert.main(content_raw,'content','YAML',{'dup_rm_enabled': False, 'format_name_enabled': True}) content_base64 = convert.base64_encode(content_raw) content = content_raw def content_write(file, output_type): file = open(file, 'w+', encoding = 'utf-8') file.write(output_type) file.close write_list = [f'{merge_path}/merge.txt', f'{merge_path}/merge_base64.txt', f'{merge_path}/merge_clash.yaml'] content_type = (content, content_base64, content_clash) for index in range(len(write_list)): content_write(write_list[index], content_type[index]) content_write(f'./v2ray', content_base64) # 根目录订阅文件写入 content_write(f'./clash.yaml', content_clash) print('Done!\n') # 将 list.json Url 内容读取为列表 def read_as_list(file_path, remote = False): with open(file_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: raw_list = json.load(f) input_list = [] for index in range(len(raw_list)): if raw_list[index]['enabled']: if remote == False: urls = re.split('\|', raw_list[index]['url']) else: urls = raw_list[index]['url'] raw_list[index]['url'] = urls input_list.append(raw_list[index]) return input_list if __name__ == '__main__': update.main() merge.geoip_update('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Loyalsoldier/geoip/release/Country.mmdb') list = merge.read_as_list(list_path) list_remote = merge.read_as_list(list_path, True) merge.main(list_remote)