'use strict';

angular.module('mgcrea.ngStrap.tooltip', ['mgcrea.ngStrap.core', 'mgcrea.ngStrap.helpers.dimensions'])

  .provider('$tooltip', function () {

    var defaults = this.defaults = {
      animation: 'am-fade',
      customClass: '',
      prefixClass: 'tooltip',
      prefixEvent: 'tooltip',
      container: false,
      target: false,
      placement: 'top',
      templateUrl: 'tooltip/tooltip.tpl.html',
      template: '',
      titleTemplate: false,
      trigger: 'hover focus',
      keyboard: false,
      html: false,
      show: false,
      title: '',
      type: '',
      delay: 0,
      autoClose: false,
      bsEnabled: true,
      mouseDownPreventDefault: true,
      mouseDownStopPropagation: true,
      viewport: {
        selector: 'body',
        padding: 0

    this.$get = function ($window, $rootScope, $bsCompiler, $q, $templateCache, $http, $animate, $sce, dimensions, $$rAF, $timeout) {

      var isNative = /(ip[ao]d|iphone|android)/ig.test($window.navigator.userAgent);
      var isTouch = ('createTouch' in $window.document) && isNative;
      var $body = angular.element($window.document);

      function TooltipFactory (element, config) {

        var $tooltip = {};

        // Common vars
        var options = $tooltip.$options = angular.extend({}, defaults, config);
        var promise = $tooltip.$promise = $bsCompiler.compile(options);
        var scope = $tooltip.$scope = options.scope && options.scope.$new() || $rootScope.$new();

        var nodeName = element[0].nodeName.toLowerCase();
        if (options.delay && angular.isString(options.delay)) {
          var split = options.delay.split(',').map(parseFloat);
          options.delay = split.length > 1 ? {show: split[0], hide: split[1]} : split[0];

        // Store $id to identify the triggering element in events
        // give priority to options.id, otherwise, try to use
        // element id if defined
        $tooltip.$id = options.id || element.attr('id') || '';

        // Support scope as string options
        if (options.title) {
          scope.title = $sce.trustAsHtml(options.title);

        // Provide scope helpers
        scope.$setEnabled = function (isEnabled) {
          scope.$$postDigest(function () {
        scope.$hide = function () {
          scope.$$postDigest(function () {
        scope.$show = function () {
          scope.$$postDigest(function () {
        scope.$toggle = function () {
          scope.$$postDigest(function () {
        // Publish isShown as a protected var on scope
        $tooltip.$isShown = scope.$isShown = false;

        // Private vars
        var timeout;
        var hoverState;

        // Fetch, compile then initialize tooltip
        var compileData;
        var tipElement;
        var tipContainer;
        var tipScope;
        promise.then(function (data) {
          compileData = data;

        $tooltip.init = function () {

          // Options: delay
          if (options.delay && angular.isNumber(options.delay)) {
            options.delay = {
              show: options.delay,
              hide: options.delay

          // Replace trigger on touch devices ?
          // if(isTouch && options.trigger === defaults.trigger) {
          //   options.trigger.replace(/hover/g, 'click');
          // }

          // Options : container
          if (options.container === 'self') {
            tipContainer = element;
          } else if (angular.isElement(options.container)) {
            tipContainer = options.container;
          } else if (options.container) {
            tipContainer = findElement(options.container);

          // Options: trigger

          // Options: target
          if (options.target) {
            options.target = angular.isElement(options.target) ? options.target : findElement(options.target);

          // Options: show
          if (options.show) {
            scope.$$postDigest(function () {
              if (options.trigger === 'focus') {
              } else {


        $tooltip.destroy = function () {

          // Unbind events

          // Remove element

          // Destroy scope


        $tooltip.enter = function () {

          hoverState = 'in';
          if (!options.delay || !options.delay.show) {
            return $tooltip.show();

          timeout = setTimeout(function () {
            if (hoverState === 'in') $tooltip.show();
          }, options.delay.show);


        $tooltip.show = function () {
          if (!options.bsEnabled || $tooltip.$isShown) return;

          scope.$emit(options.prefixEvent + '.show.before', $tooltip);
          if (angular.isDefined(options.onBeforeShow) && angular.isFunction(options.onBeforeShow)) {
          var parent;
          var after;
          if (options.container) {
            parent = tipContainer;
            if (tipContainer[0].lastChild) {
              after = angular.element(tipContainer[0].lastChild);
            } else {
              after = null;
          } else {
            parent = null;
            after = element;

          // Hide any existing tipElement
          if (tipElement) destroyTipElement();
          // Fetch a cloned element linked from template
          tipScope = $tooltip.$scope.$new();
          tipElement = $tooltip.$element = compileData.link(tipScope, function (clonedElement, scope) {});

          // Set the initial positioning.  Make the tooltip invisible
          // so IE doesn't try to focus on it off screen.
          tipElement.css({top: '-9999px', left: '-9999px', right: 'auto', display: 'block', visibility: 'hidden'});

          // Options: animation
          if (options.animation) tipElement.addClass(options.animation);
          // Options: type
          if (options.type) tipElement.addClass(options.prefixClass + '-' + options.type);
          // Options: custom classes
          if (options.customClass) tipElement.addClass(options.customClass);

          // Append the element, without any animations.  If we append
          // using $animate.enter, some of the animations cause the placement
          // to be off due to the transforms.
          if (after) {
          } else {

          $tooltip.$isShown = scope.$isShown = true;

          // Now, apply placement

          // Once placed, animate it.
          // Support v1.2+ $animate
          // https://github.com/angular/angular.js/issues/11713
          if (angular.version.minor <= 2) {
            $animate.enter(tipElement, parent, after, enterAnimateCallback);
          } else {
            $animate.enter(tipElement, parent, after).then(enterAnimateCallback);

          $$rAF(function () {
            // Once the tooltip is placed and the animation starts, make the tooltip visible
            if (tipElement) tipElement.css({visibility: 'visible'});

            // Bind events
            if (options.keyboard) {
              if (options.trigger !== 'focus') {

          if (options.autoClose) {


        function enterAnimateCallback () {
          scope.$emit(options.prefixEvent + '.show', $tooltip);
          if (angular.isDefined(options.onShow) && angular.isFunction(options.onShow)) {

        $tooltip.leave = function () {

          hoverState = 'out';
          if (!options.delay || !options.delay.hide) {
            return $tooltip.hide();
          timeout = setTimeout(function () {
            if (hoverState === 'out') {
          }, options.delay.hide);


        var _blur;
        var _tipToHide;
        $tooltip.hide = function (blur) {

          if (!$tooltip.$isShown) return;
          scope.$emit(options.prefixEvent + '.hide.before', $tooltip);
          if (angular.isDefined(options.onBeforeHide) && angular.isFunction(options.onBeforeHide)) {

          // store blur value for leaveAnimateCallback to use
          _blur = blur;

          // store current tipElement reference to use
          // in leaveAnimateCallback
          _tipToHide = tipElement;

          if (tipElement !== null) {
            // Support v1.2+ $animate
            // https://github.com/angular/angular.js/issues/11713
            if (angular.version.minor <= 2) {
              $animate.leave(tipElement, leaveAnimateCallback);
            } else {

          $tooltip.$isShown = scope.$isShown = false;

          // Unbind events
          if (options.keyboard && tipElement !== null) {

          if (options.autoClose && tipElement !== null) {

        function leaveAnimateCallback () {
          scope.$emit(options.prefixEvent + '.hide', $tooltip);
          if (angular.isDefined(options.onHide) && angular.isFunction(options.onHide)) {

          // check if current tipElement still references
          // the same element when hide was called
          if (tipElement === _tipToHide) {
            // Allow to blur the input when hidden, like when pressing enter key
            if (_blur && options.trigger === 'focus') {
              return element[0].blur();

            // clean up child scopes

        $tooltip.toggle = function (evt) {
          if (evt) { evt.preventDefault(); }
          if ($tooltip.$isShown) {
          } else {

        $tooltip.focus = function () {

        $tooltip.setEnabled = function (isEnabled) {
          options.bsEnabled = isEnabled;

        $tooltip.setViewport = function (viewport) {
          options.viewport = viewport;

        // Protected methods

        $tooltip.$applyPlacement = function () {
          if (!tipElement) return;

          // Determine if we're doing an auto or normal placement
          var placement = options.placement;
          var autoToken = /\s?auto?\s?/i;
          var autoPlace = autoToken.test(placement);

          if (autoPlace) {
            placement = placement.replace(autoToken, '') || defaults.placement;

          // Need to add the position class before we get
          // the offsets

          // Get the position of the target element
          // and the height and width of the tooltip so we can center it.
          var elementPosition = getPosition();
          var tipWidth = tipElement.prop('offsetWidth');
          var tipHeight = tipElement.prop('offsetHeight');

          // Refresh viewport position
          $tooltip.$viewport = options.viewport && findElement(options.viewport.selector || options.viewport);

          // If we're auto placing, we need to check the positioning
          if (autoPlace) {
            var originalPlacement = placement;
            var viewportPosition = getPosition($tooltip.$viewport);

            if (/bottom/.test(originalPlacement) && elementPosition.bottom + tipHeight > viewportPosition.bottom) {
              placement = originalPlacement.replace('bottom', 'top');
            } else if (/top/.test(originalPlacement) && elementPosition.top - tipHeight < viewportPosition.top) {
              placement = originalPlacement.replace('top', 'bottom');

            if (/left/.test(originalPlacement) && elementPosition.left - tipWidth < viewportPosition.left) {
              placement = placement.replace('left', 'right');
            } else if (/right/.test(originalPlacement) && elementPosition.right + tipWidth > viewportPosition.width) {
              placement = placement.replace('right', 'left');


          // Get the tooltip's top and left coordinates to center it with this directive.
          var tipPosition = getCalculatedOffset(placement, elementPosition, tipWidth, tipHeight);
          applyPlacement(tipPosition, placement);

        $tooltip.$onKeyUp = function (evt) {
          if (evt.which === 27 && $tooltip.$isShown) {

        $tooltip.$onFocusKeyUp = function (evt) {
          if (evt.which === 27) {

        $tooltip.$onFocusElementMouseDown = function (evt) {
          if (options.mouseDownPreventDefault) { evt.preventDefault(); }
          if (options.mouseDownStopPropagation) { evt.stopPropagation(); }
          // Some browsers do not auto-focus buttons (eg. Safari)
          if ($tooltip.$isShown) {
          } else {

        // bind/unbind events
        function bindTriggerEvents () {
          var triggers = options.trigger.split(' ');
          angular.forEach(triggers, function (trigger) {
            if (trigger === 'click' || trigger === 'contextmenu') {
              element.on(trigger, $tooltip.toggle);
            } else if (trigger !== 'manual') {
              element.on(trigger === 'hover' ? 'mouseenter' : 'focus', $tooltip.enter);
              element.on(trigger === 'hover' ? 'mouseleave' : 'blur', $tooltip.leave);
              if (nodeName === 'button' && trigger !== 'hover') {
                element.on(isTouch ? 'touchstart' : 'mousedown', $tooltip.$onFocusElementMouseDown);

        function unbindTriggerEvents () {
          var triggers = options.trigger.split(' ');
          for (var i = triggers.length; i--;) {
            var trigger = triggers[i];
            if (trigger === 'click' || trigger === 'contextmenu') {
              element.off(trigger, $tooltip.toggle);
            } else if (trigger !== 'manual') {
              element.off(trigger === 'hover' ? 'mouseenter' : 'focus', $tooltip.enter);
              element.off(trigger === 'hover' ? 'mouseleave' : 'blur', $tooltip.leave);
              if (nodeName === 'button' && trigger !== 'hover') {
                element.off(isTouch ? 'touchstart' : 'mousedown', $tooltip.$onFocusElementMouseDown);

        function bindKeyboardEvents () {
          if (options.trigger !== 'focus') {
            tipElement.on('keyup', $tooltip.$onKeyUp);
          } else {
            element.on('keyup', $tooltip.$onFocusKeyUp);

        function unbindKeyboardEvents () {
          if (options.trigger !== 'focus') {
            tipElement.off('keyup', $tooltip.$onKeyUp);
          } else {
            element.off('keyup', $tooltip.$onFocusKeyUp);

        var _autoCloseEventsBinded = false;
        function bindAutoCloseEvents () {
          // use timeout to hookup the events to prevent
          // event bubbling from being processed imediately.
          $timeout(function () {
            // Stop propagation when clicking inside tooltip
            if (tipElement !== null) {
              tipElement.on('click', stopEventPropagation);

            // Hide when clicking outside tooltip
            $body.on('click', $tooltip.hide);

            _autoCloseEventsBinded = true;
          }, 0, false);

        function unbindAutoCloseEvents () {
          if (_autoCloseEventsBinded) {
            tipElement.off('click', stopEventPropagation);
            $body.off('click', $tooltip.hide);
            _autoCloseEventsBinded = false;

        function stopEventPropagation (event) {

        // Private methods

        function getPosition ($element) {
          $element = $element || (options.target || element);

          var el = $element[0];
          var isBody = el.tagName === 'BODY';

          var elRect = el.getBoundingClientRect();
          var rect = {};

          // IE8 has issues with angular.extend and using elRect directly.
          // By coping the values of elRect into a new object, we can continue to use extend
          /* eslint-disable guard-for-in */
          for (var p in elRect) { // eslint-disable-line
            // DO NOT use hasOwnProperty when inspecting the return of getBoundingClientRect.
            rect[p] = elRect[p];
          /* eslint-enable guard-for-in */

          if (rect.width === null) {
            // width and height are missing in IE8, so compute them manually; see https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/issues/14093
            rect = angular.extend({}, rect, {width: elRect.right - elRect.left, height: elRect.bottom - elRect.top});
          var elOffset = isBody ? {top: 0, left: 0} : dimensions.offset(el);
          var scroll = {scroll: isBody ? document.documentElement.scrollTop || document.body.scrollTop : $element.prop('scrollTop') || 0};
          var outerDims = isBody ? {width: document.documentElement.clientWidth, height: $window.innerHeight} : null;

          return angular.extend({}, rect, scroll, outerDims, elOffset);

        function getCalculatedOffset (placement, position, actualWidth, actualHeight) {
          var offset;
          var split = placement.split('-');

          switch (split[0]) {
            case 'right':
              offset = {
                top: position.top + position.height / 2 - actualHeight / 2,
                left: position.left + position.width
            case 'bottom':
              offset = {
                top: position.top + position.height,
                left: position.left + position.width / 2 - actualWidth / 2
            case 'left':
              offset = {
                top: position.top + position.height / 2 - actualHeight / 2,
                left: position.left - actualWidth
              offset = {
                top: position.top - actualHeight,
                left: position.left + position.width / 2 - actualWidth / 2

          if (!split[1]) {
            return offset;

          // Add support for corners @todo css
          if (split[0] === 'top' || split[0] === 'bottom') {
            switch (split[1]) {
              case 'left':
                offset.left = position.left;
              case 'right':
                offset.left = position.left + position.width - actualWidth;
          } else if (split[0] === 'left' || split[0] === 'right') {
            switch (split[1]) {
              case 'top':
                offset.top = position.top - actualHeight + position.height;
              case 'bottom':
                offset.top = position.top;

          return offset;

        function applyPlacement (offset, placement) {
          var tip = tipElement[0];
          var width = tip.offsetWidth;
          var height = tip.offsetHeight;

          // manually read margins because getBoundingClientRect includes difference
          var marginTop = parseInt(dimensions.css(tip, 'margin-top'), 10);
          var marginLeft = parseInt(dimensions.css(tip, 'margin-left'), 10);

          // we must check for NaN for ie 8/9
          if (isNaN(marginTop)) marginTop = 0;
          if (isNaN(marginLeft)) marginLeft = 0;

          offset.top = offset.top + marginTop;
          offset.left = offset.left + marginLeft;

          // dimensions setOffset doesn't round pixel values
          // so we use setOffset directly with our own function
          dimensions.setOffset(tip, angular.extend({
            using: function (props) {
                top: Math.round(props.top) + 'px',
                left: Math.round(props.left) + 'px',
                right: ''
          }, offset), 0);

          // check to see if placing tip in new offset caused the tip to resize itself
          var actualWidth = tip.offsetWidth;
          var actualHeight = tip.offsetHeight;

          if (placement === 'top' && actualHeight !== height) {
            offset.top = offset.top + height - actualHeight;

          // If it's an exotic placement, exit now instead of
          // applying a delta and changing the arrow
          if (/top-left|top-right|bottom-left|bottom-right/.test(placement)) return;

          var delta = getViewportAdjustedDelta(placement, offset, actualWidth, actualHeight);

          if (delta.left) {
            offset.left += delta.left;
          } else {
            offset.top += delta.top;

          dimensions.setOffset(tip, offset);

          if (/top|right|bottom|left/.test(placement)) {
            var isVertical = /top|bottom/.test(placement);
            var arrowDelta = isVertical ? delta.left * 2 - width + actualWidth : delta.top * 2 - height + actualHeight;
            var arrowOffsetPosition = isVertical ? 'offsetWidth' : 'offsetHeight';

            replaceArrow(arrowDelta, tip[arrowOffsetPosition], isVertical);

        // @source https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/blob/v3.3.5/js/tooltip.js#L380
        function getViewportAdjustedDelta (placement, position, actualWidth, actualHeight) {
          var delta = {top: 0, left: 0};
          if (!$tooltip.$viewport) return delta;

          var viewportPadding = options.viewport && options.viewport.padding || 0;
          var viewportDimensions = getPosition($tooltip.$viewport);

          if (/right|left/.test(placement)) {
            var topEdgeOffset = position.top - viewportPadding - viewportDimensions.scroll;
            var bottomEdgeOffset = position.top + viewportPadding - viewportDimensions.scroll + actualHeight;
            if (topEdgeOffset < viewportDimensions.top) { // top overflow
              delta.top = viewportDimensions.top - topEdgeOffset;
            } else if (bottomEdgeOffset > viewportDimensions.top + viewportDimensions.height) { // bottom overflow
              delta.top = viewportDimensions.top + viewportDimensions.height - bottomEdgeOffset;
          } else {
            var leftEdgeOffset = position.left - viewportPadding;
            var rightEdgeOffset = position.left + viewportPadding + actualWidth;
            if (leftEdgeOffset < viewportDimensions.left) { // left overflow
              delta.left = viewportDimensions.left - leftEdgeOffset;
            } else if (rightEdgeOffset > viewportDimensions.right) { // right overflow
              delta.left = viewportDimensions.left + viewportDimensions.width - rightEdgeOffset;

          return delta;

        function replaceArrow (delta, dimension, isHorizontal) {
          var $arrow = findElement('.tooltip-arrow, .arrow', tipElement[0]);

          $arrow.css(isHorizontal ? 'left' : 'top', 50 * (1 - delta / dimension) + '%')
                .css(isHorizontal ? 'top' : 'left', '');

        function destroyTipElement () {
          // Cancel pending callbacks

          if ($tooltip.$isShown && tipElement !== null) {
            if (options.autoClose) {

            if (options.keyboard) {

          if (tipScope) {
            tipScope = null;

          if (tipElement) {
            tipElement = $tooltip.$element = null;

        return $tooltip;


      // Helper functions

      function safeDigest (scope) {
        /* eslint-disable no-unused-expressions */
        scope.$$phase || (scope.$root && scope.$root.$$phase) || scope.$digest();
        /* eslint-enable no-unused-expressions */

      function findElement (query, element) {
        return angular.element((element || document).querySelectorAll(query));

      return TooltipFactory;



  .directive('bsTooltip', function ($window, $location, $sce, $parse, $tooltip, $$rAF) {

    return {
      restrict: 'EAC',
      scope: true,
      link: function postLink (scope, element, attr, transclusion) {

        var tooltip;
        // Directive options
        var options = {scope: scope};
        angular.forEach(['template', 'templateUrl', 'controller', 'controllerAs', 'titleTemplate', 'placement', 'container', 'delay', 'trigger', 'html', 'animation', 'backdropAnimation', 'type', 'customClass', 'id'], function (key) {
          if (angular.isDefined(attr[key])) options[key] = attr[key];

        // use string regex match boolean attr falsy values, leave truthy values be
        var falseValueRegExp = /^(false|0|)$/i;
        angular.forEach(['html', 'container'], function (key) {
          if (angular.isDefined(attr[key]) && falseValueRegExp.test(attr[key])) {
            options[key] = false;

        // bind functions from the attrs to the show and hide events
        angular.forEach(['onBeforeShow', 'onShow', 'onBeforeHide', 'onHide'], function (key) {
          var bsKey = 'bs' + key.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + key.slice(1);
          if (angular.isDefined(attr[bsKey])) {
            options[key] = scope.$eval(attr[bsKey]);

        // should not parse target attribute (anchor tag), only data-target #1454
        var dataTarget = element.attr('data-target');
        if (angular.isDefined(dataTarget)) {
          if (falseValueRegExp.test(dataTarget)) {
            options.target = false;
          } else {
            options.target = dataTarget;

        // overwrite inherited title value when no value specified
        // fix for angular 1.3.1 531a8de72c439d8ddd064874bf364c00cedabb11
        if (!scope.hasOwnProperty('title')) {
          scope.title = '';

        // Observe scope attributes for change
        attr.$observe('title', function (newValue) {
          if (angular.isDefined(newValue) || !scope.hasOwnProperty('title')) {
            var oldValue = scope.title;
            scope.title = $sce.trustAsHtml(newValue);
            if (angular.isDefined(oldValue)) {
              $$rAF(function () {
                if (tooltip) tooltip.$applyPlacement();

        attr.$observe('disabled', function (newValue) {
          if (newValue && tooltip.$isShown) {

        // Support scope as an object
        if (attr.bsTooltip) {
          scope.$watch(attr.bsTooltip, function (newValue, oldValue) {
            if (angular.isObject(newValue)) {
              angular.extend(scope, newValue);
            } else {
              scope.title = newValue;
            if (angular.isDefined(oldValue)) {
              $$rAF(function () {
                if (tooltip) tooltip.$applyPlacement();
          }, true);

        // Visibility binding support
        if (attr.bsShow) {
          scope.$watch(attr.bsShow, function (newValue, oldValue) {
            if (!tooltip || !angular.isDefined(newValue)) return;
            if (angular.isString(newValue)) newValue = !!newValue.match(/true|,?(tooltip),?/i);
            if (newValue === true) {
            } else {

        // Enabled binding support
        if (attr.bsEnabled) {
          scope.$watch(attr.bsEnabled, function (newValue, oldValue) {
            // console.warn('scope.$watch(%s)', attr.bsEnabled, newValue, oldValue);
            if (!tooltip || !angular.isDefined(newValue)) return;
            if (angular.isString(newValue)) newValue = !!newValue.match(/true|1|,?(tooltip),?/i);
            if (newValue === false) {
            } else {

        // Viewport support
        if (attr.viewport) {
          scope.$watch(attr.viewport, function (newValue) {
            if (!tooltip || !angular.isDefined(newValue)) return;

        // Initialize popover
        tooltip = $tooltip(element, options);

        // Garbage collection
        scope.$on('$destroy', function () {
          if (tooltip) tooltip.destroy();
          options = null;
          tooltip = null;

