/** This is the parent driver for the composite GoGoGate 2 driver for Hubitat The most recent version is available at: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mgroeninger/Hubitat-gogogate2/master/GoGoGate_parent_driver.groovy For more documentation please see https://github.com/mgroeninger/Hubitat-gogogate2 **/ def version() {"v0.02"} def childType(type) { if (type == "temp") { return "GoGoGate 2 Temperature Child" } else { return "GoGoGate 2 Door Child" } } metadata { definition (name: "GoGoGate 2 Parent", namespace: "gogogate2-composite", author: "Matt Groeninger") { capability "Initialize" capability "Refresh" capability "Light" capability "Switch" attribute "lastSettingSave", "String" command "on" command "off" command "recreateChildDevices" } } preferences { input "deviceIP", "text", title: "GoGoGate 2 IP Address", description: "in form of", required: true, displayDuringSetup: true input "username", "text", title: "GoGoGate 2 Username", description: /Username to connect with - default is "admin"/, defaultValue: "admin", required: true, displayDuringSetup: true input "pass", "password", title: "GoGoGate 2 Password", description: "User's password", required: true, displayDuringSetup: true input "pollingInterval", "number", title: "Polling Interval", description: "in seconds", range: "2..30", defaultValue: 10, displayDuringSetup: true input "logging", "enum", title: "Log Level", required: false, defaultValue: "INFO", options: ["TRACE", "DEBUG", "INFO", "WARN", "ERROR"] input "recreateDevices", "bool", title: "Recreate child devices on settings update?", defaultValue: false } def uninstalled() { deleteChildren() } def installed() { log("Device installed.","debug") state.configured = false state.childrencreated = false state.version = version() state.cookie = null updateSaveTime() } def initialize() { log("Clearing settings.","info") state.version = version() state.cookie = null sendEvent(name: "switch", value: "unknown", isStateChange: true) unschedule() testConfig() updateSaveTime() if (!state.configured) return if (!state.childrencreated) { log("State 'childrencreated' is ${state.childrencreated} so we create new children.","trace") recreateChildDevices() } setupPolling() runEvery5Minutes(refreshCookie) } def refresh() { log("Refresh tick","debug") getControllerInfo() } def updated() { updateSaveTime() log("Updating settings...","info") testConfig() if (!state.configured) return unschedule() log("Polling unscheduled","debug") if (recreateDevices || (state.configured && !state.childrencreated)) { log("Recreating devices","debug") recreateChildDevices() } if (state.configured) { runEvery5Minutes(refreshCookie) log("Cookie refresh scheduled.","debug") log("Scheduling polling","debug") setupPolling() } } private updateSaveTime() { def nowDay = new Date().format("MMM dd", location.timeZone) def nowTime = new Date().format("h:mm a", location.timeZone) log("Settings updated ${nowDay}, ${nowTime}","debug") sendEvent(name: "lastSettingSave", value: "${nowDay}, ${nowTime}", displayed: false) } private determineLogLevel(data) { switch (data?.toUpperCase()) { case "TRACE": return 0 break case "DEBUG": return 1 break case "INFO": return 2 break case "WARN": return 3 break case "ERROR": return 4 break default: return 1 } } public log(data, type) { data = "GoGoGate2 -- ${data ?: ''}" if (determineLogLevel(type) >= determineLogLevel(logging ?: "INFO")) { switch (type?.toUpperCase()) { case "TRACE": log.trace "${data}" break case "DEBUG": log.debug "${data}" break case "INFO": log.info "${data}" break case "WARN": log.warn "${data}" break case "ERROR": log.error "${data}" break default: log.error "GoGoGate2 -- ${device.label} -- Invalid Log Setting" } } } def testOptions(){ if (!deviceIP || !username || !pass) { log("Please complete the required fields to connect to your GoGoGate 2 device.","error") false } true } def testConfig() { if (testOptions()) { refreshCookie() if (state.configured) { log("Everything appears to be configured and the HTTP request was successful.","info") } else { log("Everything appears to be configured but a request was not successful","error") } } false } def void setupPolling() { def Integer max = (60/pollingInterval) def Integer waitPeriod = pollingInterval*1000 log("Setting wait time to ${pollingInterval} seconds (${waitPeriod} ms) and will poll ${max} times per minute.","info") runEvery1Minute(pollDevice) runIn(5,pollDevice) } def pollDevice() { def Integer max = (60/pollingInterval) def Integer waitPeriod = pollingInterval*1000 for(int i = 0;i deleteChildDevice(child.deviceNetworkId) } } def on() { if (testCookie()) { params = [ uri: "http://${deviceIP}/isg/light.php?op=activate&light=0", headers: ["Cookie": """${state.cookie}""", "Referer": "http://${deviceIP}/index.php", "Host": """${deviceIP}""", "Connection": "keep-alive"], requestContentType: "application/json; charset=UTF-8"] log("Turning light on.","info") getInfo(params) sendEvent(name: "switch", value: "on", isStateChange: true) } } def off() { if (testCookie()) { params = [ uri: "http://${deviceIP}/isg/light.php?op=activate&light=1", headers: ["Cookie": """${state.cookie}""", "Referer": "http://${deviceIP}/index.php", "Host": """${deviceIP}""", "Connection": "keep-alive"], requestContentType: "application/json; charset=UTF-8"] log("Turning light off.","info") getInfo(params) sendEvent(name: "switch", value: "off", isStateChange: true) } } public toggleDoor(Integer id) { if (testCookie()) { params = [ uri: "http://${deviceIP}/isg/opendoor.php?numdoor=${id}&status=0&login=${username}", headers: ["Cookie": """${state.cookie}""", "Referer": "http://${deviceIP}/index.php", "Host": """${deviceIP}""", "Connection": "keep-alive"], requestContentType: "application/json; charset=UTF-8"] log("Telling door to start.","trace") getInfo(params) } } def getControllerInfo() { try { lightStatus = getLightStatus() } catch(e) { log("getLightStatus call failed: ${e}","error") return } if (device.currentValue("switch") != lightStatus) { log("Light has changed states from ${device.currentValue("switch")} to ${lightStatus}.","info") sendEvent(name: "switch", value: lightStatus, isStateChange: true) } doorStateArr = getDoorStatus() def children = getChildDevices() children.each { child-> currentDoor = child.deviceNetworkId[-1] as Integer if (child.deviceNetworkId.contains("door")) { currentDoorStateInt = doorStateArr.get(currentDoor-1) as Integer if (currentDoorStateInt) { currentDoorDesc = "open" } else { currentDoorDesc = "closed" } log("Door ${currentDoor} has returned ${currentDoorStateInt}, which indicates the door is ${currentDoorDesc}.","trace") try { child.setDoor(currentDoorDesc) } catch(e) { log("Child setDoor call failed: ${e}","error") return } } if (child.deviceNetworkId.contains("temp")) { try { def (temp, battery) = getSensorInfo(currentDoor) log("Sensor ${currentDoor} indicates the temperature is ${temp} and the battery level is ${battery}.","debug") if (!temp || !battery) { log("Sensor for ${currentDoor} indicates temp as ${temp} and the battery level as ${battery}. Gogogate2 has not contacted sensor yet.","error") } else { child.setTemperature(temp) child.setBattery(battery) } } catch(e) { log("Child getSensorInfo call failed: ${e}","error") return } } } if (lightStatus == "unknown" || doorStateArr == null) { log("Multiple connection failures. Possible misconfiguration of device connection information.", "error") } } def getLightStatus() { if (testCookie()) { def params = [ uri: "http://${deviceIP}/isg/light.php?op=refresh", headers: ["Cookie": """${state.cookie}""", "Referer": "http://${deviceIP}/index.php", "Host": """${deviceIP}""", "Connection": "keep-alive"], requestContentType: "application/json; charset=UTF-8"] resp = getInfo(params) if (resp) { log("Raw light status info is: ${resp}","trace") if (resp.text() as Integer) { log("Light status is on","debug") return "on" } else { log("Light status is off","debug") return "off" } } else { log("Unable to get light data. Possible misconfiguration of device connection information.","warn") return "unknown" } } } def getDoorStatus(){ if (testCookie()) { def params = [ uri: "http://${deviceIP}/isg/statusDoorAll.php?status1=10", headers: ["Cookie": """${state.cookie}""", "Referer": "http://${deviceIP}/index.php", "Host": """${deviceIP}""", "Connection": "keep-alive"], requestContentType: "application/json; charset=UTF-8"] resp = getInfo(params) if (resp && (resp.toString()) ) { log("Raw status info is: '${resp.toString()}'","debug") door1 = parse(resp.toString(),0) door2 = parse(resp.toString(),1) door3 = parse(resp.toString(),2) [ door1, door2, door3 ] } else { log("Unable to get door status data. Possible misconfiguration of device connection information.","warn") } } } def getSensorInfo(int sensor) { if (testCookie()) { params = [ uri: "http://${deviceIP}/isg/temperature.php?door=${sensor}", headers: ["Cookie": """${state.cookie}""", "Referer": "http://${deviceIP}/index.php", "Host": """${deviceIP}""", "Connection": "keep-alive"], requestContentType: "application/json; charset=UTF-8"] resp = getInfo(params) if (resp) { log("Raw sensor info is: ${resp}","debug") temp = ((parse(resp.toString(),0)) as Integer)/1000 battery = parse(resp.toString(),1) log("Converting temp to system scale ${getTemperatureScale()}","trace") reportTemp = convertTemperatureIfNeeded(temp, "C", 1) reportTemp = ("${reportTemp} \u00b0" + getTemperatureScale()) as String log("Temperature reported as ${reportTemp}","trace") if (!temp && !battery) { log("Unable to get sensor data. Possible battery problem?","warn") } if (temp > -40 && temp < 60) { return [ reportTemp, battery ] } else { log("Invalid sensor temperature of ${reportTemp} .","warn") return [ false, false] } } else { log("Unable to get sensor data. Possible misconfiguration of device connection information or sensor connection problem.","warn") return [ false, false] } } } def getInfo(params) { if (state.configured) { try{ httpGet(params){response -> if(response.status != 200 ) { log("Received HTTP error ${response.status}. Check your IP Address and GoGoGate 2 device!","error") return false } else if (response.data == "Restricted Access") { log("Received invalid data of ${response.data}. Check your IP Address and GoGoGate 2 device!","error") return false } else { log("Response from GoGoGate 2 was: ${response.data}","debug") return response.data } } } catch (Exception e) { log("GoGoGate 2 returned: ${e}","error") return false } } } def testCookie() { if (state.cookie == null) { log("state.cookie is ${state.cookie}","debug") return state.configured } true } def refreshCookie(){ def allcookie def cookie log("Refreshing the cookie","trace") if (testOptions()) { params = [ uri: "http://${deviceIP}", body: "login=${username}&pass=${pass}&send-login=Sign+In", headers: ["Host": """${deviceIP}""", "Connection": "keep-alive"] ] try{ httpPost(params) { response -> if(response.status != 200) { log("Received HTTP error ${response.status}. Check your IP Address and GoGoGate 2 device.","error") state.cookie = null state.configured = false } else if (response.data == "Restricted Access") { log("Received invalid data of ${response.data}. Check your IP Address and GoGoGate 2 device.","error") state.cookie = null state.configured = false } else if (response.data.toString().contains("Wrong login or password.")) { log("Received response but did not appear to be logged in. Check username and password.","error") state.cookie = null state.configured = false } else { resp = allcookie = response.headers['Set-Cookie'] cookie = allcookie.toString().replaceAll("; path=/","").replaceAll("Set-Cookie: ","") log("Basic request to set cookie returned: ${cookie}","debug") state.cookie = cookie state.configured = true } } } catch (Exception e) { if (e.toString().contains("No route to host")) { log("No route to host, please check your IP address.","error") state.cookie = null state.configured = false } else { log("GoGoGate 2 returned: ${e}","error") state.cookie = null state.configured = false } } } return state.configured } def parse(String jsonText, int i) { //the data being passed in is in json format, but lacks description labels, so we parse it positionally def json = null; try{ json = new groovy.json.JsonSlurper().parseText(jsonText) if(json == null){ log("Data not parsed","warn") return } } catch(e) { log("Failed to parse json e = ${e}","error") return } return json[i] }