uid: mherwege:wasteBelgium label: Waste Collection Belgium description: Get next waste collection dates for multiple waste fractions. configDescriptions: - name: time type: TEXT label: Time context: time required: true description: Time of day to trigger the rule defaultValue: 00:00:00 - name: street type: TEXT label: Street required: true description: Street for collection - name: number type: TEXT label: Street number required: true description: Street number for collection - name: zip type: TEXT label: Zip code required: true description: Zip code for collection - name: days type: INTEGER label: Days required: false description: Number of days to look ahead defaultValue: 60 - name: residualWaste type: TEXT label: Residual Waste Item context: item required: false defaultValue: "" description: Item to store next residual waste collection date filterCriteria: - name: type value: DateTime - name: pmd type: TEXT label: PMD Item context: item required: false defaultValue: "" description: Item to store next PMD collection date filterCriteria: - name: type value: DateTime - name: gft type: TEXT label: GFT Item context: item required: false defaultValue: "" description: Item to store next GFT collection date filterCriteria: - name: type value: DateTime - name: paperCardboard type: TEXT label: Paper and Cardboard Item context: item required: false defaultValue: "" description: Item to store next paper and cardboard collection date filterCriteria: - name: type value: DateTime - name: textile type: TEXT label: Textile Item context: item required: false defaultValue: "" description: Item to store next textile collection date filterCriteria: - name: type value: DateTime - name: pruningWood type: TEXT label: Pruning Wood Item context: item required: false defaultValue: "" description: Item to store next pruning wood collection date filterCriteria: - name: type value: DateTime - name: glass type: TEXT label: Glass Item context: item required: false defaultValue: "" description: Item to store next glass collection date filterCriteria: - name: type value: DateTime - name: bulkyWaste type: TEXT label: Bulky Waste Item context: item required: false defaultValue: "" description: Item to store next bulky waste collection date filterCriteria: - name: type value: DateTime triggers: - id: "1" configuration: time: "{{time}}" type: timer.TimeOfDayTrigger conditions: [] actions: - inputs: {} id: "1" configuration: type: application/javascript script: > 'use strict'; var logger = log("wastebelgium"); var dateFormat = time.DateTimeFormatter.ISO_LOCAL_DATE; // address for lookup var STREET = "{{street}}"; var NUMBER = "{{number}}"; var ZIP = "{{zip}}"; // number of days to look ahead var DAYS = "{{days}}"; // items to update, fraction is lowercase (sub)string(s) to match in API response var WASTE_ITEMS = { RESIDUAL_WASTE: { "item": "{{residualWaste}}", "fraction": [ "residu", "huisvuil", "omb", "restafval" ] }, PMD: { "item": "{{pmd}}", "fraction": [ "pmd" ] }, GFT: { "item": "{{gft}}", "fraction": [ "gft", "vegetable", "kitchen", "organiques" ] }, PAPER_CARDBOARD: { "item": "{{paperCardboard}}", "fraction": [ "paper" ] }, TEXTILE: { "item": "{{textile}}", "fraction": [ "textile" ] }, PRUNING_WOOD: { "item": "{{pruningWood}}", "fraction": [ "pruning", "verhakselen", "snoeihout", "kerstboom" ] }, GLASS: { "item": "{{glass}}", "fraction": [ "glass" ] }, BULKY_WASTE: { "item": "{{bulkyWaste}}", "fraction": [ "bulky", "grofvuil" ] } }; // secret to get token, needs to be updated when changed on the website var X_SECRET = "Op2tDi2pBmh1wzeC5TaN2U3knZan7ATcfOQgxh4vqC0mDKmnPP2qzoQusmInpglfIkxx8SZrasBqi5zgMSvyHggK9j6xCQNQ8xwPFY2o03GCcQfcXVOyKsvGWLze7iwcfcgk2Ujpl0dmrt3hSJMCDqzAlvTrsvAEiaSzC9hKRwhijQAFHuFIhJssnHtDSB76vnFQeTCCvwVB27DjSVpDmq8fWQKEmjEncdLqIsRnfxLcOjGIVwX5V0LBntVbeiBvcjyKF2nQ08rIxqHHGXNJ6SbnAmTgsPTg7k6Ejqa7dVfTmGtEPdftezDbuEc8DdK66KDecqnxwOOPSJIN0zaJ6k2Ye2tgMSxxf16gxAmaOUqHS0i7dtG5PgPSINti3qlDdw6DTKEPni7X0rxM"; var TIMEOUT_MS = 5000; var MAX_RETRIES = 10; var INTERVAL_S = 60; var INTERVAL_SCALE_FACTOR_1 = 2; var INTERVAL_SCALE_FACTOR_2 = 5; var X_CONSUMER = "recycleapp.be"; var CONTENT_TYPE = "application/json;charset=UTF-8"; var URL = "https://api.fostplus.be/recycle-public/app/v1/"; /** * Kick off func and retry until func returns true, calls itself until MAX_RETRIES is reached. Retry intervals are scaled up after a few retries. * Retries are governed by a number of constants: * MAX_RETRIES: max number of retries before giving up. * INTERVAL_S: base interval for retries. * INTERVAL_SCALE_FACTOR_1: multiplies the base interval between retries with this factor after 3 tries. * INTERVAL_SCALE_FACTOR_2: multiplies the base interval between retries with this factor after 5 tries. * @param {function} func to call, should return true if successful and no further retries should be attempted. * @param {function} failFunc to call if none of the attempts is succesful. * @param {int} delayInSeconds, default 0. This is used to delay retries. * @param {int} attempt in the retry loop, default 1 at initial call. This is used for retries only, to keep track of iterative attempts. */ function updateWithRetry(func, failFunc, delayInSeconds, attempt) { attempt = (attempt === undefined) ? 1 : attempt; delayInSeconds = (delayInSeconds === undefined) ? 0 : delayInSeconds; // Check if there is still a retry attempt scheduled from a previous call of the rule if(timer) { logger.debug("Cancelling scheduled attempt {}", attempt); clearTimeout(timer); } timer = setTimeout(() => { logger.trace("Attempt {} of {}", attempt, MAX_RETRIES); updateComplete = func(failFunc); if (!updateComplete) { logger.debug("Request failed, attempt {} of {}", attempt, MAX_RETRIES); if (attempt < MAX_RETRIES) { var interval = INTERVAL_S * ((attempt >= 5) ? INTERVAL_SCALE_FACTOR_2 : (attempt >= 3) ? INTERVAL_SCALE_FACTOR_1 : 1); logger.debug("Next attempt in {}s", interval); updateWithRetry(func, failFunc, interval, attempt + 1); } else { failFunc(); } } }, 1000 * delayInSeconds); } /** * Parse JSON string and return object if valid, return false if not. * @param {string} jsonString to be parsed. * @return {*} parsed object or false if not a valid JSON. */ var parseJSON = function(jsonString) { try { var object = JSON.parse(jsonString); if (object && typeof object === "object") { return object; } } catch (e) { } return false; }; /** * Get access token. * @return {*} access token, undefined if http request failed. */ var getToken = function() { // get token var header = { "X-secret": X_SECRET, "X-consumer": X_CONSUMER }; var url = URL + "access-token"; logger.trace("URL: {}", url); var response = actions.HTTP.sendHttpGetRequest(url, header, TIMEOUT_MS); logger.debug("JSON Token: {}", response); var json = parseJSON(response); return json ? json.accessToken : undefined; }; /** * Get zipId from ZIP constant. * @return {*} zipId or false if zip code could not be parsed to valid zip id, undefined if http request failed. */ var getZipId = function() { // check zip code var url = URL + "zipcodes?q=" + ZIP; logger.trace("URL: {}", url); var response = actions.HTTP.sendHttpGetRequest(encodeURI(url), header, TIMEOUT_MS); logger.debug("JSON Zip: {}", response); var json = response ? parseJSON(response) : undefined; city = json && json.items[0] && json.items[0].city ? json.items[0].city.name : ""; return json ? (json.items[0] ? json.items[0].id : false) : undefined; }; /** * Get streetId from STREET constant and zipId variable. * @return {*} streetId or false if street could not be found, undefined if http request failed. */ var getStreetId = function() { // check street address var url = URL + "streets?q=" + STREET + "&zipcodes=" + zipId; logger.trace("URL: {}", url); var response = actions.HTTP.sendHttpPostRequest(encodeURI(url), CONTENT_TYPE, "", header, TIMEOUT_MS); logger.debug("JSON Street: {}", response); var json = response ? parseJSON(response) : undefined; return json ? (json.items[0] ? json.items[0].id : false) : undefined; }; /** * Get collections for known zipId and streetId. * @return {*} collections, undefined if http request failed. */ var getCollections = function() { // get waste collection dates var fromDate = now.format(dateFormat); var untilDate = now.plusDays(DAYS).format(dateFormat); var url = URL + "collections?zipcodeId=" + zipId + "&streetId=" + streetId + "&houseNumber=" + NUMBER + "&fromDate=" + fromDate + "&untilDate=" + untilDate; logger.trace("URL: {}", url); var response = actions.HTTP.sendHttpGetRequest(encodeURI(url), header, TIMEOUT_MS); logger.trace("JSON Collections: {}", response); var json = response ? parseJSON(response) : undefined; var collections = json ? json.items.filter(function(collection) { return ((collection.type === "collection") && ((collection.exception === undefined) || (collection.exception.replacedBy === undefined))) }).map(function(collection) { return { "timestamp": collection.timestamp.split("T")[0], "fraction": collection.fraction.name.en.toLowerCase() } }).sort(function(collection1, collection2) { return (collection1.timestamp > collection2.timestamp) }) : undefined; logger.debug("Collections: {}", collections ? JSON.stringify(collections) : "{}"); if (collections && collections.length === 0) { logger.warn("No collections found for address: {} {}, {} {}", [STREET, NUMBER, ZIP, city]); } return collections; }; /** * Update waste calendar, calling the webservices, and return true when webservice communication fully succeeded. * @param {function} failFunc to call if zip code or street not valid (but communication successful). * @return {boolean} true if queries succeeded, false if communication error. */ var updateWasteCalendar = function(failFunc) { timer = null; token = !token ? getToken() : token; if (token) { header = { "Authorization": token, "X-consumer": X_CONSUMER }; zipId = !zipId ? getZipId() : zipId; if (zipId === false) { failFunc(); return true; } if (zipId) { streetId = !streetId ? getStreetId() : streetId; if (streetId === false) { failFunc(); return true; } if (streetId) { collections = getCollections(); if (collections) { // update items for (var wasteItem in WASTE_ITEMS) { var item = items.getItem(WASTE_ITEMS[wasteItem].item, true); if (item && item.type === "DateTimeItem") { var waste = collections ? collections.filter(function(collection) { return WASTE_ITEMS[wasteItem].fraction.reduce(function(result, fraction) { return result || (collection.fraction.indexOf(fraction) >= 0) }, false) })[0] : undefined; item.postUpdate(waste ? waste.timestamp : "UNDEF"); } } logger.info("Successfully updated waste calendar"); return true; } } } } return false; }; /** * To be called in unrecoverable error situation, when parameter constants contain errors or on communication error in final retry. */ var updateFailure = function() { if (!token) { logger.warn("Unable to retrieve authorization token"); } else if (!zipId) { logger.warn("Unable to validate zip code"); } else if (!streetId) { logger.warn("Unable to validate street name"); } else { logger.warn("Unable to retrieve collections") } // Failed, keep dates in items unless it is in the past for (var wasteItem in WASTE_ITEMS) { var item = items.getItem(WASTE_ITEMS[wasteItem].item, true); if (item && item.state !== "NULL" && item.state !== "UNDEF" && time.ZonedDateTime.now().isAfterDate(item.state)) { item.postUpdate("UNDEF"); } } }; logger.info("Retrieving waste calendar"); var now = time.ZonedDateTime.now().withHour(0).withMinute(0).withSecond(0).withNano(0); var header = null; var token = null; var zipId = null; var city = null; var streetId = null; var collections = null; var updateComplete = false; var timer; updateWithRetry(updateWasteCalendar, updateFailure); type: script.ScriptAction