import os import subprocess import time import json import pygame from pygame.locals import * from pmcontrols import * from pmutil import * from pmlabel import * from pmcontrols import * from pmwarning import * class PMControllerConfig(pygame.sprite.Sprite): DIRECTORY = "/home/pi/pimame/controller-setup/" OUTPUT_DIRECTORY = DIRECTORY + "output/" DEBOUNCE_TIME = 0.2 def __init__(self, screen, cfg, title = "ControllerMain", controller = None): pygame.sprite.Sprite.__init__(self) self.CONTROLS = PMControls() self.input_test = [pygame.KEYDOWN, pygame.JOYAXISMOTION, pygame.JOYBUTTONDOWN] self.cfg = cfg self.screen = screen self.title = title self.hover = 0 self.selected = False self.menu_open = True self.effect = None self.rect = None self.answer = None self.warning = None self.item_width = 0 self.item_height = 0 window_rect = self.screen.get_rect() self.center_x = window_rect.centerx self.center_y = window_rect.centery self.original_screen = self.screen.copy() self.cfg.blur_image.blit(self.screen,(0,0)) if self.cfg.use_scene_transitions: self.effect = PMUtil.blurSurf(self.cfg.blur_image, 20) else: self.effect = self.screen.copy() # Try to initialize the first joystick try: self.joystickID = [None, None] stick = pygame.joystick.Joystick(0) stick.init() self.joystickID[0] = stick.get_numaxes() + stick.get_numballs() + stick.get_numhats() + stick.get_numbuttons() stick2 = pygame.joystick.Joystick(1) stick2.init() self.joystickID[1] = stick2.get_numaxes() + stick2.get_numballs() + stick2.get_numhats() + stick2.get_numbuttons() except: pass # Formatters available formatters_available = filter(lambda x: x[-3:]==".py", os.listdir(self.DIRECTORY + 'formatters')) # What controller are we configuring? controllers_available = sorted(os.listdir(self.DIRECTORY +'controllers')) if controller: self.controllers = [controller] else: self.controllers = controllers_available self.buttons = (["All"] + self.controllers) if len(self.controllers) > 1 else self.controllers events_to_capture = [KEYUP, JOYBUTTONUP, JOYHATMOTION, JOYAXISMOTION] self.list = BuildList(cfg, self.buttons) self.update_menu() self.rect = self.draw_menu() #MENU FUNCTIONS def hover_next(self): self.hover += 1 if self.hover > (len(self.list.options)-1): self.hover = 0 self.update_menu() def hover_prev(self): self.hover -= 1 if self.hover < 0: self.hover = len(self.list.options)-1 self.update_menu() def set_selected(self): self.selected = not self.selected self.update_menu() def update_menu(self): #not efficient way, should clear and redraw updated secion = pygame.Surface([self.list.item_width, self.list.item_height], pygame.SRCALPHA, 32).convert_alpha() self.rect =, self.rect) y= 10 for index, item in enumerate(self.list.options): y += item['title'].rect.h if index == self.hover:['title_selected'].image, ((self.list.item_width - item['title_selected'].rect.w) / 2, y)) else:['title'].image, ((self.list.item_width - item['title'].rect.w) / 2, y)) def render(self, message = None): # Display controller image #self.screen.blit(self.effect,(0,0)) #self.screen.blit(self.fullscreen, (0,0)) # Display what button we're currently configuring if message: key_text = PMLabel(message, self.cfg.popup_font, self.cfg.popup_menu_font_color) else: key_text = PMLabel("Currently configuring button: "+ self.buttons_to_update[self.current_button].replace("*",""), self.cfg.popup_font, self.cfg.popup_menu_font_color) key_text.rect.centerx = self.center_x key_text.rect.centery = self.controllerImageRect[1] + self.controllerImageRect[3] + self.cfg.popup_menu_font_size clear_rect = key_text.rect.copy() clear_rect.w = self.background_rect.w clear_rect.centerx = self.center_x self.screen.blit(self.effect, clear_rect, clear_rect) self.screen.blit(self.fullscreen, clear_rect, clear_rect) self.screen.blit(key_text.image, key_text.rect) pygame.display.update() def handle_events(self, action): if action == 'LEFT': if not self.selected: self.hover_prev() self.draw_menu() elif action == 'RIGHT': if not self.selected: self.hover_next() self.draw_menu() elif action == 'UP': if not self.selected: self.hover_prev() self.draw_menu() elif action == 'DOWN': if not self.selected: self.hover_next() self.draw_menu() elif action == 'BACK': self.menu_open = False self.screen.blit(self.original_screen,(0,0)) pygame.display.update() if action == 'SELECT': self.answer = self.list.options[self.hover]['return'] self.take_action() return None def draw_menu(self): self.screen.blit(self.effect,(0,0)) self.screen.blit(, ((pygame.display.Info().current_w - self.rect.w)/2, (pygame.display.Info().current_h - self.rect.h)/2)) pygame.display.update() def take_action(self, dict = []): avail_controller = self.controllers if self.answer == "CANCEL": self.menu_open = False self.screen.blit(self.original_screen,(0,0)) pygame.display.update() #run the configurator! elif self.answer in self.buttons: if self.answer != 'All': avail_controller = [self.answer] for selected_controller in avail_controller: input_path = self.DIRECTORY + "controllers/" + selected_controller try: input_text = open(input_path + "/info.json").read() except: print "Invalid controller: %s. Skipping" % selected_controller continue self.controller = json.loads(input_text) if not 'max_players' in self.controller: self.controller['max_players'] = 1 # Load controller image self.controllerImage = pygame.image.load(input_path + '/' + self.controller['image']).convert_alpha() # Setup where controller image will be drawn self.controllerImageRect = self.controllerImage.get_rect() self.background_rect = self.controllerImageRect.copy() self.background_rect.h = self.center_y * 1.5 self.background_rect.w = self.center_x * 1.5 self.background_rect.centerx = self.center_x self.background_rect.centery = self.center_y self.controllerImageRect.centerx = self.center_x self.controllerImageRect.centery = self.center_y self.fullscreen = self.effect.copy().convert_alpha() self.fullscreen.fill(self.cfg.popup_menu_background_color, self.background_rect) self.fullscreen.blit(self.controllerImage, self.controllerImageRect) # Display quit text = PMLabel("*Press Ctrl + Q to exit", self.cfg.popup_font, self.cfg.popup_menu_font_color) text.rect.centerx = self.center_x text.rect.centery = self.controllerImageRect[1] - self.cfg.popup_menu_font_size self.fullscreen.blit(text.image, self.background_rect) # Display the controller label text = PMLabel("Controller: " + self.controller['name'], self.cfg.popup_font, self.cfg.popup_menu_font_color) text.rect.centerx = self.center_x text.rect.centery = self.controllerImageRect[1] - self.cfg.popup_menu_font_size self.fullscreen.blit(text.image, text.rect) self.screen.blit(self.effect, (0,0)) self.screen.blit(self.fullscreen, (0,0)) # Which button are we adjusting? self.current_button = 0 self.buttons_to_update = self.controller['controls'] ''' KEYUP = scancode, key, mod JOYBUTTONUP = joy, button JOYHATMOTION = joy, hat, value ''' mapping = {} self.total_map = [] running = True self.render() pygame.event.clear() events_to_capture = [KEYDOWN, JOYBUTTONDOWN, JOYHATMOTION, JOYAXISMOTION] action_list = [pygame.KEYDOWN, pygame.JOYAXISMOTION, pygame.JOYBUTTONDOWN] while running: events = pygame.event.get() for event in events: #ctrl+q to force quit if (pygame.key.get_mods() & pygame.KMOD_LCTRL) and event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN and event.key == pygame.K_q: effect = PMUtil.fade_out(self, self.cfg.use_scene_transitions) running = False self.draw_menu() pygame.display.update() return elif self.warning and self.warning.menu_open: action = self.CONTROLS.get_action(action_list, events) self.warning.handle_events(action) if self.warning.answer: if self.warning.title == 'next_player': if self.warning.answer == "NO": self.warning = None pygame.display.update() self.render("Building Config Files... Please Wait.") running = False break else: #calling render twice to make transition 'smoother' self.render() self.warning = None self.render() elif event.type in events_to_capture: if event.type == KEYDOWN: mapping[self.buttons_to_update[self.current_button]] = {"type":event.type, "key":event.key, "mod": event.mod, "keyname":} elif event.type == JOYBUTTONDOWN: mapping[self.buttons_to_update[self.current_button]] = {"type":event.type, "button":event.button, "joy":, "joystickID": self.joystickID[len(self.total_map)]} elif event.type == JOYHATMOTION: # Skip the event of the joystick reseting to 0, 0 if event.value == (0,0): continue mapping[self.buttons_to_update[self.current_button]] = {"type": event.type, "value": event.value, "joy":, "joystickID": self.joystickID[len(self.total_map)]} elif event.type == JOYAXISMOTION: # Skip if the press wasn't 'hard' enough if event.value < 1.0 and event.value > -1.0: continue mapping[self.buttons_to_update[self.current_button]] = {"type": event.type, "value": event.value, "axis": event.axis, "joy":, "joystickID": self.joystickID[len(self.total_map)]} # Advance to next button self.current_button += 1 while len(self.total_map) >= 1 and self.current_button < len(self.buttons_to_update) and self.buttons_to_update[self.current_button][0] == '*': self.current_button += 1 if self.current_button >= len(self.buttons_to_update): self.current_button = 0 self.total_map.append(mapping.copy()) if len(self.total_map) == self.controller['max_players']: self.render("Building Config Files... Please Wait.") running = False else: self.warning = PMWarning(self.screen, self.cfg, "Would you like to configure Player %d?" % (len(self.total_map) + 1), "yes/no", "next_player") #AVOID DEBOUNCE time.sleep(self.DEBOUNCE_TIME) break else: self.render() #AVOID DEBOUNCE time.sleep(self.DEBOUNCE_TIME) break # Output our mapping with open(self.OUTPUT_DIRECTORY + self.controller['name'] + ".json", "w") as output_file: output_file.write(json.dumps(self.total_map, indent=4, separators=(',', ': '))) output_directory = [] if "output_directory" in self.controller: for od in self.controller['output_directory']: output_directory.append(od) else: output_directory = self.OUTPUT_DIRECTORY + self.controller['name'] + "/" + formatter[:-3] #print output_directory count = 0 # Call Formatters if "formatters" in self.controller: for formatter in self.controller['formatters']: print formatter #print sys.executable, "formatters/"+formatter, controller['name'] + ".json ", output_directory[count] print output_directory[count] try: pid = os.system('python ' + self.DIRECTORY + "formatters/" + formatter + " " + self.OUTPUT_DIRECTORY + self.controller['name'] + ".json " + output_directory[count] ) #print pid except Exception as e: print e.message, e.args print formatter + " has failed." count += 1 effect = PMUtil.fade_out(self, self.cfg.use_scene_transitions) running = False self.draw_menu() pygame.display.update() return class BuildList(): def __init__(self, cfg, buttons, message = None): text_line = '' self.cfg = cfg self.lines = [] if message: for words in message.split(' '): if len(text_line) + len(words) > 45 or words == '\n': self.lines.append(text_line) text_line = '' if words != '\n': text_line += words + ' ' self.lines.append(text_line) self.options = [ { "title": PMLabel(controller, self.cfg.popup_font, self.cfg.popup_menu_font_color), "title_selected": PMLabel(controller, self.cfg.popup_font, self.cfg.popup_menu_font_selected_color), "return": controller } for controller in buttons] self.options.append({ "title": PMLabel("Cancel", self.cfg.popup_font, self.cfg.popup_menu_font_color), "title_selected": PMLabel("Cancel", self.cfg.popup_font, self.cfg.popup_menu_font_selected_color), "return": "CANCEL" }) self.item_width = max(self.options, key=lambda x: x['title'].rect.w)['title'].rect.w + 40 self.item_height = self.options[0]['title'].rect.h * (len(self.options) + 1) + 40