--- name: New data source request about: Request a new data source title: '' labels: 'data source' assignees: '' --- ## 1. What is the data source you want to add? ## 2. What constitutes an "item" from this data source? ## 3. How are items obtained from the data source? ### 3a. If authentication is required, how does a user create or obtain credentials for Timeliner to access the data? ### 3b. If an API is available, what are its rate limits? ### 3c. If a file is imported, how is the file obtained? ### 3d. If a file is imported, how do we read the file? ## 4. How can items from this data source be related? ## 5. What constitutes a "collection" from this data source? ## 6. What might not be trivial, obvious, or straightforward when implementing this data source? ## Bonus: How do you like Timeliner? How much data are you preserving with it? Which existing data sources do you use?