# Oatpp C++ Template walkthrough This walkthrough will explain you how to correctly create a microservice from a Springboot Template using our DevOps Console. ## Current Version This example is currently based on Oatpp 1.2.5 ## Create a microservice In order to do so, access to [Mia-Platform DevOps Console](https://console.cloud.mia-platform.eu/login), create a new project and go to the **Design** area. From the Design area of your project select _Microservices_ and then create a new one, you have now reached [Mia-Platform Marketplace](https://docs.mia-platform.eu/development_suite/api-console/api-design/marketplace/)! In the marketplace you will see a set of Examples and Templates that can be used to set-up microservices with a predefined and tested function. For this walkthrough select the following example: **Cpp Oatpp Hello World**. Give your microservice the name you prefer, in this walkthrough we'll refer to it with the following name: **my-oat-cpp-service-name**. Then, fill the other required fields and confirm that you want to create a microservice. A more detailed description on how to create a Microservice can be found in [Microservice from template - Get started](https://docs.mia-platform.eu/development_suite/api-console/api-design/custom_microservice_get_started/#2-service-creation) section of Mia-Platform documentation. ## Expose an endpoint to your microservice In order to access to your new microservice it is necessary to create an endpoint that targets it. In particular, in this walkthrough you will create an endpoint to your microservice *my-oat-cpp-service-name*. To do so, from the Design area of your project select _Endpoints_ and then create a new endpoint. Now you need to choose a path for your endpoint and to connect this endpoint to your microservice. Give to your endpoint the following path: **/oat-cpp**. Then, specify that you want to connect your endpoint to a microservice and, finally, select *my-oat-cpp-service-name*. In the subsequent menu inside the field `Rewrite Base Path`, give the path: **/hello** Step 3 of [Microservice from template - Get started](https://docs.mia-platform.eu/development_suite/api-console/api-design/custom_microservice_get_started/#3-creating-the-endpoint) section of Mia-Platform documentation will explain in detail how to create an endpoint from the DevOps Console. ## Save your changes After having created an endpoint to your microservice you should save the changes that you have done to your project in the DevOps console. Remember to choose a meaningful title for your commit (e.g "created service my_springboot_service_name"). After some seconds you will be prompted with a popup message which confirms that you have successfully saved all your changes. Step 4 of [Microservice from template - Get started](https://docs.mia-platform.eu/development_suite/api-console/api-design/custom_microservice_get_started/#4-save-the-project) section of Mia-Platform documentation will explain how to correctly save the changes you have made on your project in the DevOps console. ## Deploy Once all the changes that you have made are saved, you should deploy your project through the DevOps Console. Go to the **Deploy** area of the DevOps Console. Once here select the environment and the branch you have worked on and confirm your choices clicking on the *deploy* button. When the deploy process is finished you will receveive a pop-up message that will inform you. Step 5 of [Microservice from template - Get started](https://docs.mia-platform.eu/development_suite/api-console/api-design/custom_microservice_get_started/#5-deploy-the-project-through-the-api-console) section of Mia-Platform documentation will explain in detail how to correctly deploy your project. ## Try it Now, if you copy/paste the following url in the search bar of your broser (remember to replace `` with the real host of your project): ```shell https:///oat-cpp/ ``` Wonderful! You are now ready to start customizing your service! Read next section to learn how. ## Look inside your repository Go back to _Microservices_, select *my-oat-cpp-service-name* and access its git repository from the DevOps Console. Inside this repository you will find a [directory](https://github.com/mia-platform-marketplace/cpp-oatpp-hello-world-microservice-example/) where you can find most of the source code of the template that you have created.