module Jekyll class PostComparer MATCHER = /^(.+\/)*(\d+-\d+-\d+)-(.*)$/ attr_accessor :date, :slug def initialize(name) who, cares, date, slug = *name.match(MATCHER) @slug = slug @date = Time.parse(date) end # Octopress creates dates with hours and crap in them which are not in the file name # so just compare based on the date parts def ==(post) cmp ='%Y-%m-%d') <=>'%Y-%m-%d') if 0 == cmp cmp = self.slug <=> post.slug end return 0 == cmp end end class PostUrl < Liquid::Tag def initialize(tag_name, post, tokens) super @orig_post = post.strip @post = end def render(context) site = context.registers[:site] site.posts.each do |p| if @post == p return p.url end end puts "ERROR: post_url: \"#{@orig_post}\" could not be found" return "#" end end end Liquid::Template.register_tag('post_url', Jekyll::PostUrl)