install.packages("statnet") install.packages("foreign") library(statnet) library(foreign) faculty<-read.csv("", header=T, sep=",") #Right now we have an adjacency matrix #if you already have the network in a network data file format like UCINET or Pajek you can read it in like: #faculty<-read.paj("CSHPE Extracted Co-Authorship") #Get some basic information about the data summary(faculty) #Well....that wasn't useful #Let's make this an actual network faculty< summary(faculty), displaylabels=F) attributes(faculty) network.dyadcount(faculty) # How many dyads in nflo? #10506 dyads network.edgecount(faculty) # How many edges are present? #486 edges network.size(faculty) #102 authors gplot(faculty) nodeInfo<-read.csv("", header=T, sep=",") sum(nodeInfo$number_of_authored_works) nodeInfo$works<-nodeInfo$number_of_authored_works^2/255 pdf("Faculty Collaboration Network 5.18.16.pdf"), displaylabels=FALSE, displayisolates=TRUE, arrowhead.cex=.5, label.cex=.5, vertex.cex=nodeInfo$works, edge.col=8, label.col=(1), vertex.col=9, label.border=1, vertex.border=1, mode="fruchtermanreingold", sub="Faculty Collaboration Network") #Density gden(faculty) #2.3% denstiy nnet<-faculty #Degree Centrality degree(nnet) deg <- degree(nnet) ideg <- degree(nnet, cmode="indegree") # Indegree odeg <- degree(nnet, cmode="outdegree") # Outdegree summary(ideg) # This should be true, as the sum of all indegrees and outdegrees over the network equals the number of degree centralization(nnet, degree, cmode="indegree") #network level measure centralization(nnet, degree, cmode="outdegree") #network level measure plot(ideg,odeg, type="p", col="red") # Plot ideg by odeg par(mfrow=c(2,2)) # Set up a 2x2 display pdf("Faculty Degree Distribution") hist(ideg, xlab="Indegree", main="Indegree Distribution", prob=TRUE) hist(odeg, xlab="Outdegree", main="Outdegree Distribution", prob=TRUE) hist(ideg+odeg, xlab="Total Degree", main="Total Degree Distribution", prob=TRUE) #par(mfrow=c(2,1)) # Restore display #pdf("Total Faculty Degree Distribution") #hist(ideg+odeg, xlab="Total Degree", main="Total Degree Distribution", prob=FALSE) #hist(ideg, xlab="Total In Degree", main="Total Degree Distribution", prob=FALSE) pdf("CSHPE Reciprocal-Graph NO LABELS.pdf") gplot(nnet, vertex.cex=nodeInfo$number_of_authored_works^2/100, vertex.sides=50, edge.col = 8, label.cex=0.4,arrowhead.cex=.5, label=nodeInfo$X.1, displaylabels=T, displayisolates=TRUE, usecurv=TRUE, mode = "fruchtermanreingold") #Finding Cliques summary(nnet) clique.census(nnet) clique.census(nnet,, enumerate=FALSE) # Find maximal cliques of varying sizes is.connected(nnet) reachability(nnet) #everybody is connected gplot(nnet,vertex.col=2+cutpoints(nnet,mode="graph", return.indicator=T)) gplot(nnet,displaylabels=T,vertex.col=2+cutpoints(nnet,mode="graph", return.indicator=T)) FacMat<-as.matrix(faculty) FacMat<