#CUSTOMIZATION ![alt tag](http://s30.postimg.org/hkt4zmcht/Screenshot_2015_12_12_01_43_35.png) Use SwipeableCard, and than you can customize card with `OptionViewAddional.Builder` ! ``` OptionView.setOptionView(new OptionView.Builder() .normalCard() //.image(R.drawable.image) .text("Text, a lot of Text, a lot of Text, a lot of Text, a lot of Text, a lot of Text, a lot of Text, a lot of Text, a lot of Text, a lot of Text, a lot of Text," + " a lot of Text, a lot of Text, a lot of Text, a lot of Text, a lot of Text, a lot of Text") .title("TITLE") .menuItem(R.menu.menu_main) .toolbarListener(toolbarListener) .setCardRadius(40) //Optional, default 4 .setAdditionalItem(new OptionViewAdditional.Builder() .setFabIcon(android.R.drawable.ic_dialog_info) .setFabColor(R.color.colorPrimary) .setOnClickListenerFab(clickFab) //And other method! .build()) .build()); ```