class Servo: """ A simple class for controlling hobby servos. Args: pin (pin0 .. pin3): The pin where servo is connected. freq (int): The frequency of the signal, in hertz. min_us (int): The minimum signal length supported by the servo. max_us (int): The maximum signal length supported by the servo. angle (int): The angle between minimum and maximum positions. Usage: SG90 @ 3.3v servo connected to pin0 = Servo(pin0).write_angle(90) """ def __init__(self, pin, freq=50, min_us=600, max_us=2400, angle=180): self.min_us = min_us self.max_us = max_us = 0 self.freq = freq self.angle = angle self.analog_period = 0 = pin analog_period = round((1/self.freq) * 1000) # hertz to miliseconds def write_us(self, us): us = min(self.max_us, max(self.min_us, us)) duty = round(us * 1024 * self.freq // 1000000) # turn the pin off def write_angle(self, degrees=None): degrees = degrees % 360 total_range = self.max_us - self.min_us us = self.min_us + total_range * degrees // self.angle self.write_us(us)