########################################################################### # TEST: tests/examples/1-11-OA_0000.emi # add 'm' without any quotation to do manual test with lots of output # # File with image inside # - run automatic functino to look for xml data, zero data and ascii data "x_z_a" # - list all and note that there is a huge chunk unidetifed at 814 ./marbleCLI.py tests/examples/1-11-OA_0000.emi 'm x_z_a; ot' if [[ -n "$1" ]] && [ $1 = m ]; then ./marbleCLI.py tests/examples/1-11-OA_0000.emi 'it; la' fi # Image starts at 1019 and 'streak finding' sees it (always works) # - set it to real length # - fill afterwards ./marbleCLI.py tests/examples/1-11-OA_0000.emi 'it; sH 1019; r 1019 16777216|H|image; x fill; ot' ./marbleCLI.py tests/examples/1-11-OA_0000.emi 'fi 4096' ./marbleCLI.py tests/examples/1-11-OA_0000.emi 'it; r 1011 1|i|k1=4096|||count; x fill; ot' ./marbleCLI.py tests/examples/1-11-OA_0000.emi 'it; r 1015 1|i|k2=4096|||count; x fill; ot' ./marbleCLI.py tests/examples/1-11-OA_0000.emi 'it; r 1019 16777216|H|image|||primary|1011,1015; ot' # Plot/Draw it in 2D if [[ -n "$1" ]] && [ $1 = m ]; then ./marbleCLI.py tests/examples/1-11-OA_0000.emi 'it; d2 1019' fi # Add some metadata, list all non-binary entries and output python file ./marbleCLI.py tests/examples/1-11-OA_0000.emi 'it; r 33555547 ||file_path; ot' if [[ -n "$1" ]] && [ $1 = m ]; then ./marbleCLI.py tests/examples/1-11-OA_0000.emi 'it; l' fi ./marbleCLI.py tests/examples/1-11-OA_0000.emi 'it; op' # Test python3 tests/examples/1-11-OA_0000.py tests/examples/1-11-OA_0000.emi echo echo "Test python import, and then compare the output, incl. diff" mv tests/examples/1-11-OA_0000.emi.tags tests/examples/1-11-OA_0000.tags ## Read python file ./marbleCLI.py tests/examples/1-11-OA_0000.emi "ip; ot" diff -q tests/examples/1-11-OA_0000.emi.tags tests/examples/1-11-OA_0000.tags