apiVersion: v1 data: password: <your base64 encoded password> username: <your base64 encoded username> kind: Secret metadata: name: metricsui-admin-secret type: Opaque --- apiVersion: v1 data: password: <your base64 encoded password> username: <your base64 encoded username> kind: Secret metadata: name: logsui-admin-secret type: Opaque --- apiVersion: arcdata.microsoft.com/v5 kind: DataController metadata: name: arc-dc spec: credentials: dockerRegistry: arc-private-registry # Create a registry secret named 'arc-private-registry' if you are going to pull from a private registry instead of MCR. serviceAccount: sa-arc-controller docker: imagePullPolicy: Always imageTag: v1.35.0_2024-11-12 registry: mcr.microsoft.com repository: arcdata infrastructure: other # Must be a value in the array [alibaba, aws, azure, gcp, onpremises, other] security: allowDumps: true # Set this to false if deploying on OpenShift allowNodeMetricsCollection: true # Set this to false if deploying on OpenShift allowPodMetricsCollection: true # Set this to false if deploying on OpenShift services: - name: controller port: 30080 serviceType: LoadBalancer # Modify serviceType based on your Kubernetes environment settings: ElasticSearch: vm.max_map_count: "-1" azure: connectionMode: indirect # Only indirect is supported for Kubernetes-native deployment for now. location: eastus # Choose a different Azure location if you want resourceGroup: <your resource group> subscription: <your subscription GUID> controller: displayName: arc-dc enableBilling: true logs.rotation.days: "7" logs.rotation.size: "5000" storage: data: accessMode: ReadWriteOnce className: default # Use default configured storage class or modify storage class based on your Kubernetes environment size: 15Gi logs: accessMode: ReadWriteOnce className: default # Use default configured storage class or modify storage class based on your Kubernetes environment size: 10Gi