# Azure Data Studio 的中文 (繁體) 語言套件 中文 (繁體) 語言套件,讓 Azure Data Studio 提供本地化的使用者介面。 ## 使用方式 您可以使用「設定顯示語言」命令,以明確的方式設定 Azure Data Studio 顯示語言,以覆寫預設的 UI 語言。 按下「Ctrl+Shift+P」以顯示「命令選擇區」,然後開始鍵入「display」以篩選及顯示「設定顯示語言」命令。按下 [確定] 後會顯示已安裝的語言清單 (依據地區設定),目前的地區設定會有醒目提示。選取其他「地區設定」以切換 UI 語言。 詳細步驟請參考[文件](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=761051) 。 ## 參與貢獻 翻譯字串會在 Microsoft Localization Community 平台 (MLCP) 內的 "DevTools - Azure Data Studio" 專案中維護。 如果您想參與翻譯或者改善翻譯,更多資訊請參考[community localization page](https://aka.ms/vscodeloc) ## 授權 原始碼以及文字屬於[SOURCE EULA](https://github.com/Microsoft/azuredatastudio/blob/master/LICENSE.txt)授權。 ## 感謝 中文 (繁體) 的語言套件是 "從社群,到社群" 的本地化社群努力的結果。 特別感謝社群的貢獻者們讓本地化變得可能。 **傑出的貢獻者:** * Duran Hsieh * Winnie Lin * Alan Liu **貢獻者:** * Alan Tsai * Poy Chang * Will 保哥 * Ryan Tseng * JJJ * Wei-Ting Shih * johosek * Han Lin * balduran * Ke-Hsu Chen * Kirk Chen * Kuo-Chen Lien * Kevin Yang * Hans Chiu **請享用!** # Chinese (Traditional) Language Pack for Azure Data Studio Chinese (Traditional) Language Pack provides localized UI experience for Azure Data Studio. ## Usage You can override the default UI language by explicitly setting the Azure Data Studio display language using the **Configure Display Language** command. Press `Ctrl+Shift+P` to bring up the **Command Palette** then start typing `display` to filter and display the **Configure Display Language** command. Press `Enter` and a list of installed languages by locale is displayed, with the current locale highlighted. Select another `locale` to switch UI language. See [Docs](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=761051) for more information. ## Contributing The translation strings are maintained in "DevTools - Azure Data Studio" project in Microsoft Localization Community Platform (MLCP). If you'd like to participate in the effort either to contribue translation or improve translation, see [community localization page](https://aka.ms/vscodeloc) for more information. ## License The source code and strings are licensed under the [SOURCE EULA](https://github.com/Microsoft/azuredatastudio/blob/master/LICENSE.txt). ## Credits Chinese (Traditional) Language Pack had received contribution through "By the community, for the community" community localization effort. Special thanks to community contributors for making it available. **Top Contributors:** * Duran Hsieh * Winnie Lin * Alan Liu **Contributors:** * Alan Tsai * Poy Chang * Will 保哥 * Ryan Tseng * JJJ * Wei-Ting Shih * johosek * Han Lin * balduran * Ke-Hsu Chen * Kirk Chen * Kuo-Chen Lien * Kevin Yang * Hans Chiu **Enjoy!**